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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2013 in all areas

  1. Yesterday evening i was out in the storage shed behind my house. While i was looking out a car pulls up to the stop sign by my yard as i live on a corner lot. They throw a bag of mcdonalds garbage out the window right into my yard. Now i ride my bike a lot and i knew exactly when this person stays or lives. Which is 3 streets over. Anyways i wait for night and ride my bike right over to his house and throw his bag of trash right in his driveway by his car. Was that wrong of me? Cause i felt justice when I did it.
    8 points
  2. Yesterday I went to Knoxville for work.  Things went faster than normal so I had a few minutes to kill.  Went to Gander Mountain to take a look at some guns, ammo, and reloading supplies with the ideal of I might buy something.  Got the "got to have something new" thing going on for about a week now.  Not knowing what I want, just want to look to see what catches my eye.  Now, it has been several years since I have been in one of their stores and it did not take me long to remember the reason why.   Prices!!!  They are proud of their guns and ammo.  I don’t see how they stay in business.  Yes they got a good selection, but who is going to pay the price.  Need to say that "got to have something new" feeling went away fast and a bad taste came in my mouth.  So on the way back home I made a stop at Fugate Firearms to see the gang and to get the bad taste out of my mouth.  Looks like it will be several more years before I go back into a Gander Mountain store to kill sometime.  I am going to put them in the same box as Benton's Shooters Supply, a store to stay out of. 
    5 points
  3. Moving here and complaining about how our state runs is paramount to someone picking on your sister. It's okay if you do, but nobody else is allowed. But seriously, we get a lot of transplants here and all they do is bitch and moan about how much better things were where they came from. It just gets old and we tend to get defensive after hearing it for so long. They are usually from much farther north, though. "Take your whining ass back home" is just a natural knee-jerk reaction. There must be something they/you like about TN or you wouldn't have moved here. It's usually jobs, no income tax, or some other economic reason, but everything can't be perfect for everyone or we'd be WAY too crowded by now.
    5 points
  4. Can't wait to go troll the hipster bars while wearing it. :lol:
    4 points
  5. Can't believe that no one else has brought this thread back yet. Did anyone watch? "If you don't know who I am, your best course is to tread lightly." Freaking epic setup, can't wait till Sunday so we can see the follow up.
    4 points
  6. I hate litterbugs just as much as thieves.  They are no better than the trash they throw out the window.
    3 points
  7. Last time I bought a gun at Walmart, they escorted me out. I ask the lady " why are you carrying a unloaded 22 for me when I have a 45 on my hip and a 9mm in my pocket". I thought she was gonna croak. Lol
    3 points
  8. The only thing that makes me feel old is getting out of bed every morning.
    2 points
  9. You should post that in the survival part of the forum, and name it "Emergency protein source".
    2 points
  10. From the mouth of Peter, Acts 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: I don't believe these things plagued men of clear conscience years ago like they do now. At least, not with such great frequency. Something bad is coming. AND HEY!! If it ain't, you'll have lost NOTHING by being prepared for it. Quite the contrary, you will rest easier. That in and of itself is worth much. Be prepared for as much as you can. The darkest days of this country have only just begun.
    2 points
  11. Gander Mountain is for "gandering" only.  "spending" is done elsewhere :D
    2 points
  12. I always keep an AK in the truck. Is that not normal?
    2 points
  13. Please, please, please let one of them boys run for and win ANY public office! Well ok, maybe just Willie and Phil. As entertaining as it would be to watch Si adress the state of the union and go visit foriegn officials, maybe for the good of the civilized world we should draw the line.
    2 points
  14. I went to the local Walmart here in Greeneville to buy a shotgun the other day and they told me that it was going to be 24 hour wait because of some terrorist red flag policy that the government was under. I told him that was bull crap and that I would just buy it somewhere else. Now that didn't hurt his feelings, but its the principal of the matter. If you are going to delay my transaction don't give me some lame excuse, man up and tell me why you are doing it. Luckily for me I went right down the road and got a better deal on a upgraded shotgun and got it order in a timely manner. I would rather wait three days because someone had to order a gun than wait a day because your store is lazy and wants to give out crap excuses. 
    2 points
  15.   "Old fashioned way" is a paper 4473 and a phone call. Only waiting period is the time on hold.   - OS
    2 points
  16. Yeah, ANOTHER Zimmerman post.  For those of you who are members of the Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network, you probably received the August newletter in your email box this morning.  In it, Marty Hayes has an excellent article on Lessons Learned in the Zimmerman Case.  Very well written and informative.  I will share some bulletpoints and my own comments:   1.  Cost of the Case -  Evidently, Zimmerman's cost to date on his defense is over $400,000.  Part of that was $95,000 to his bail bond.  Even the best of self-defense insurance policies won't cover that full cost.  Be prepared to expend HUGE amounts of money if you are ever prosecuted.  The bail bond will be due very early in the case and will likely be significant.  Do you have the ability to make those payments, particularly in a short amount of time?  If not, how would you deal with it?  Are you going to be stuck in jail (i.e., no bail money) or stuck with a public defender (i.e., no retainer fee)?   2.  Ammo Selection - this has been discussed many times, but ammo selection is almost always a key part of a self-defense case.  Not necessarily whether or not your ammo was appropriate, but because of the physical evidence ammo leaves at the scene.  Being able to reproduce (as close as possible) the gunshot residue could be vital.  As a result, handloads have a distinct downside.  Even if you could reproduce the exact load, you would HAVE to testify to show that (and you might not want to testify, as Zimmerman chose not to).  Commercial ammo, particularly from a reputable company that still makes the exact load you used, gives you the ability to recreate the gunshot residue pattern and use an expert witness to bolster your case.  As you may recall, the gunshot residue was significant in the Zimmerman case to show that Martin was on top of Zimmerman at the time of the shooting.   3.  Changes to a Stock Gun -  while not specifically brought out in the Zimmerman case, Marty talks about 4 other cases where he has been a witness recently.  The state produced a firearms expert witness in each case to discuss the gun used, its safety features, etc.  Zimmerman's gun was, apparently, a stock gun, so not much came out about it.  However, changes to a stock gun (such as reducing trigger pull weight, personalized engravings, etc) would have been a big issue in Zimmerman, as it has been in other cases, if he had not used a stock gun.  If you make changes to a stock gun for your self-defense weapon, think about what those changes show to a jury.    4.  Your History - Zimmerman's history of calls to police, his desire to be an LEO, etc. were major issues for the prosecution.  If Zimmerman had made online postings that were negative, rest assured the prosecution would have used them.  Before you tell people how you would defend yourself, or before you post something on TGO, think about what that statement or post would look like in front of a jury.  There is a current post about whether someone needs to take a butt-kicking before defending himself.  I would suggest just looking at those posts and asking yourself whether or not you would want to have a jury viewing those posts if you were on trial.  Some of the posts would be fine, but I think there are a few that I would not want to have to defend in court.   If you are a member of the Armed Citizens' Legal Defense Network, please read that article.  Marty has the experience and knowledge that really helps to understand and learn from the Zimmerman case. 
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Seems very reasonable to me. Also nice that they took the time to send a response that doesn't reek too badly of a form letter. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure 100 of those same responses went out at the same time but at least they took the time to make it a good one. Plus you got thanked for your business, how often does that happen anymore?
    1 point
  19. You could also sell them to reptile stores to feed their snakes!
    1 point
  20. You should have attached a brick to it. 
    1 point
  21. Jeff made the ultimate mouse killing machine. It was a cut up muzzleloader and a smallish wooden frame ramp the led into the barrel. Mice enter and trip the action, setting off the 209 primer In their face!
    1 point
  22.   Geeze, you sure are a party pooper.  :)   That may have been the end result, which I am sure they knew (or at least some of them).  However, conforming oneself to a particular figure in no way signifies that they will share the same fate.  One claiming they Spartacus is really nothing more than saying, "F... you, I will not be a slave!" to the government.  I believe it is a good analogy considering there are many similarities between the Roman Republic, which transitioned into an empire, and America.
    1 point
  23. Nope.....I'd love to do that myself to the people that like to throw things in my yard.  I just don't ever see who it is.  Cudos in my book!!
    1 point
  24. What a bunch of BS.  So I guess that, from now on, if someone calls 911 because there is an armed intruder in their home they need to take a minute to caution the perspective responding officers that armed intruders can be dangerous or run the risk of getting sued by officers, part of whose job it is to respond to situations involving dangerous individuals?   For the record, it is also BS that the family would try and sue the officers.
    1 point
  25. It's nice that they got back with you!   As long as they are charging their actual cost and not just jacking up the price, it seems fair to me.  :)
    1 point
  26. I can't remember why I feel old.
    1 point
  27. well with all the 3 gun talk I thought I would give some styling tips. this is from the 08 Ft Benning 3 gun championship. this was a large stage. you started inside the Bradley fighting vehicle, thru about a 20 yard or so shotgun course, ground the shotgun and get your rifle 5 or 6 very close targets then 6 or 7 at distance ground rifle, then clear the trench network with pistol. run out of the trench about 25 yards then do a plate rack. all this in front of the camera's. now for the style tip. be sure you are in front of some camera's then, making look like a accident fall on your face. important do not drop your gun or have a A.D. Now as you get up with style start blasting. and look at that great gun control!!! also I do have a video from Shooting USA from the 09 match on how not to get air time from the sniper training area.
    1 point
  28. I haven't ever crossed the TN/KY line, but I'd guess there's not a one way gate on the border. :rofl:
    1 point
  29. I generally keep a long gun in my vehicle. Not so much to protect myself when out and about but to protect myself if I come home and someone is in my home. If I come home with only a pistol and someone is in my house I am already substantially out gunned. At least if I have a long gun in the vehicle I can meet them on a level playing field.
    1 point
  30. I've always said that the most facist people I have ever met are from the Northeast. This is just another example. 
    1 point
  31. According to the story this guy was a father of three children, so the fact he was so high and violent that she evacauted the house of the kids and called 911 is irrelevant.  Clearly the cops were just in one of those moods where they just wanna shoot an innocent person and coincidently came upon a man who had injested hallucinogenic drugs which make you prone to violence.   This cop is awesome.  I hope he takes the family to the cleaners, as it appears the family was accusing him of murder and no doubt were going to sue him or the department.
    1 point
  32.   You mean like in Florida? :whistle:
    1 point
  33. Gander, Bass Pro and Dicks are all the same. Absolutely terrible prices and usually piss poor service.   One thing will never change though, uninformed buyers will always shop there. That is how they sell guns.
    1 point
  34. Doesn't get much better than Jase to me, I love his attitude about it. Any other celebrity would have been on the news 10 minutes later because of the fit they pitched
    1 point
  35. Well, color me paranoid. I keep a M&P 45 on my hip (with 6 extra mags in the truck), a M&P shield (just upgraded) 40 S&W in my pocket and a keltec sub 2000 in 40 S&W in my truck. I only have one thing to say: If it makes you feel safer then DO IT. :D   Also "I WILL NOT go quitely".
    1 point
  36. For the benefit of the OP (and everyone else I guess).... A prosecutor, if they decide to charge will use EVERYTHING against you, what kind of ammunition you used, what type of firearm, whether you altered your firearm (little skull end plate on your Glock, etc), what you were wearing, your training, your lack of training, how often you practice and how often you don't, and EVERYTHING you've ever posted to an internet forum/social media site. The prosecution will use all those things and more as weapons against your claim that your used of deadly force was justified. If you take training courses multiple times a year they'll say you were just a murderer honing your skill so you could go out and kill someone; if you don't train they'll say you were an accident looking for a place to happen because you didn't train sufficiently to use your weapon or how/when/why to use your weapon.   It will be YOU and YOUR ATTORNEY's responsibility, along with very expensive expert witnesses, to educate the jury and to counter everything the prosecution will throw against you and if you or your attorney or your experts screw up you'll go to jail even if the shoot was completely justified.   Hopefully, if you ever have to use deadly force you won't be charged but you might be even if you were totally justified in your actions and did everything exactly correct.  So, don't just be prepared to defend yourself, be prepared for the potential aftermath as well.
    1 point
  37. I had to really sell my principals and hold my nose when I pushed the button for Romney last election but I absolutly, no way in hell will I vote for Christie if he gets the nomination. I'll pick some 3rd party or write someone in and i'm not going to listen to that argument about, if you don't vote for a pub then you are voting for the dem BS. I'm not selling my principals any more. I'm sure the liberal media and liberal politicians hope that Christie gets the nomination because they know he could loose several states to a 3rd party candidate. In many ways he would be more dangerous and damaging to the country if he won as a pub rather than a known liberal dem, there's too many bootlicking pub congressmen and senators that would vote for his legislation. I would dare to say that there's a better chance of restrictive New Jersey style gun control legislation being passed by the house and senate if he were pushing and threatening the GOP congress than some liberal POTUS that they are expected to oppose. And we all know that would happen the first time some lunitic shoot up a crowded place, just the excuse he would need. He's no different than Billary and more dangerous in many ways.
    1 point
  38.   Well...  I learned something new.  Glad I moved when I did.   :lol:     Those roads still lead both ways though right?   :D   I go back to Kentucky every now and again.  Less often now that my dad's gone.  I always look forward to seeing that Welcome to Tennessee sign the most when I start driving back this way.  The only thing Kentucky lets a handgun owner do differently up there is carry one openly without any sort of a permit.  The permit is required for concealed carry only.
    1 point
  39.   You have 30 posts.  You don't get to tell people to relax.
    1 point
  40. I will not vote for Christie.  Nor will I vote for Billary.  If he gets the R nomination, we are damned if we do and damned if we don't.  I will vote for whoever the Libertarians run, and pray that there are another 20% that are finally disgusted enough to vote with me.  Then I am going to pray that Texas sees the writing on the wall and withdraws from the Union, so I can move to a country with sensible laws.   I know, it's a pipe dream, but if either of those two get elected in 2016, we are screwed blue and tattooed. :(
    1 point
  41.   Good thing about TGO. Sooner or later, somebody will come along and give you the answer you wanna hear.
    1 point
  42. No!  This is no better than 1 judge telling somebody what to do...  Show me in the state or federal constitution what power gives them the authority to dictate how I name my child?  I'll give you a hint it isn't there.   If a child doesn't like their name, when they turn 18 they can go to the court and get it changed easily.   I don't have any right whatsoever to force you to name your child anything...    
    1 point
  43. I remember when Saturday morning cartoons were funny.
    1 point
  44. Then I guess we should say thank you to the minorities for getting everyone this win.
    1 point
  45. I have the same thing. Unfortunately, my wife does NOT share this interest. :stick:
    1 point
  46. If you think this is bad go north. I never walked out of a DMV in Ohio for less than $100. I was thrilled when I moved here and tags on my 1ton were only $35 Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
    1 point
  47. It depends. I run Magpul BUIS simply because they're a backup. If I ran irons only I'd run some metal from someone like Troy or another reputable company. As far as optics, again I say it depends on how you use your gun. If it's going to be a range gun (like most of mine) I personally think it's crazy to run a $500 red dot. On my AR pistol I run a Primary Arms M3 clone, and it's been great for me. On my rifle, I run a Vortex Crossfire II 3-9x40 on a Burris PEPR mount. If you have money to blow, by all means buy whatever optic you want, but to me unless you're going to combat/using in the field it's overkill. Most will disagree
    1 point
  48. Going through a difficult time lately, and I have 1 rifle in the house.  This may sound like someone wedded to the past, but that one rifle is my Garand.   Recoil is quite manageable.  It is a few pounds heavier than I'd really like these days, true - but I'm not up to playing action hero anymore, so very unlikely I'd have to tote it very far.   The caliber will stop anything I'm likely to shoot at with a rifle - I can't recall ever hearing that 30-06 is an underperformer.  I've even clipped up some black tip on the off chance I'm attacked by Christine.   Clip fed, but I've plenty of clipped ammo on hand.  3 seconds to shove a new clip in and get back on sights, and that isn't trying for speed.   Accuracy?  Maybe mine is specially blessed or something, but I'm accustomed to 1 MOA.  Iron sights, of course, but the best iron sights ever mounted on a bangstick.
    1 point
  49. By far the 7.62 and yes the 5.45 needs velocity just like the 5.56 it was designed to mimic. You don't really loose anything in the 7.62 in a shorter barrel. You still have the same sub 300m range and the power across all practical ranges is nearly identical. The same can not be said for the 5.45
    1 point
  50.   I've carried one since I was a kid, too.  However, I will also point out that I carried mine at school, the teachers knew it and no one ever objected.  In fact, as we didn't have pencil sharpeners in every room in my high school, some of the female teachers would sometimes either ask to borrow a pocket knife from one of us male students or would simply ask us to sharpen a pencil for them.  The male teachers didn't need to borrow ours - they all carried their own.   That was in the mid/late 1980s, though.  I imagine a student carrying a pocket knife to school these days would likely have a very different experience.  I'm simply throwing that out there to say that just because some of us who grew up in a more reasonable, common sense society (a society that still existed even as little as twenty or thirty years ago) carried knives at young ages it doesn't mean that it might not spell trouble for a youngster/minor in the Bizarro world we now live in.
    1 point
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