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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/15/2013 in all areas

  1. They should all die exactly the same way their victims did, be resuscitated and the process repeated.  Over and over until their CNS or cardiopulmonary system can no longer sustain life.  And then... life support, and repeat.   When there's nothing remotely resembling a human form left, Hell can have them.
    7 points
  2.   I don't blame the entire black community but the fact remains that there are certain societal problems... certain ideologies... within it that allow subhuman behavior like this to fester in people's minds until thoughts eventually become actions, and the entire black community at large allows it to persist.   You only have to take a listen to some of the more popular rap music from the past 20 years or so to get a glimpse into the things that are important within the vast majority of the black community.  Violence, money, intimidation, retaliation... just to name a few of the things glorified.   Why hasn't the black community ostracized those who glorify these things to the point that a clear message is sent that those things aren't guiding principles by which decent people live?  All I ever hear are occasional remarks against heinous activities by a few community leaders, celebrities and media darlings... and then it's back to the old system of "That's life on the streets.  You can't judge if you don't live in the hood."   Politically correct statement?  #### no it isn't.  But brutally raping and then massacring two people like these animals did isn't politically correct either, now is it?
    3 points
  3. In all seriousness, the thing that really ticks me off is that I am all the time hearing of the barbarism that was endured by black people by the KKK and the like before the civil rights period.  That stuff happened 50 years ago and longer, and it is still shoved in my face every year.  Granted, there was unimaginable brutality, and may those that participated in such action get their just desserts in the end.     In this case we have the same degree of brutality.  What did we hear from the media, so-called civil rights leaders, and self-anointed black leaders?  I remember hearing very little from the national news media, and pretty much nothing from the other two groups I listed.  The double standard makes me want to vomit.
    3 points
  4. Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    3 points
  5.   Funny, I was thinking the exact same thing today. I'm positive there will be people here trying to convince me to vote for whatever D bag wins the primary. 
    2 points
  6. I'm hell around my 1/3 acre estate with an electric Craftsman chainsaw.  :D
    2 points
  7.   Hell, when I was about their age I was attending UTK and lived with my grandmother at her house due to it being convenient to campus.  She lived on East Fifth Avenue (which runs parallel to Magnolia.)  Typical story of someone who had moved into a nice neighborhood only to see it go downhill over the years.  There was more than one drive-by shooting on a house that was across the street and one house down from my grandmother's during the time I lived there (the mother of a known gang member owned the house and lived there - the drive-bys were probably attempts to kill him when he was visiting her.)  That may be a place that young, white kids 'shouldn't go', too but I lived there for several years.  Having lived in that part of town and knowing (from first hand experience) the attitude that SOME of the black residents have regarding white people (I say SOME because we had black neighbors who were among the best people I have known and the best neighbors we could have asked for), I say that the Christian/Newsom murders were without a doubt hate crimes (as if anyone ever rapes, tortures and butchers someone because they just like them so darned much.)
    2 points
  8. I looked into it quite a bit, but ended up going with Chip Cain to do mine (as have many others on TGO).  With the money I was spending on these items and the reason I was doing it (having family be able to be in possession of my NFA Items), the extra cost and piece of mind was worth well more than the little I would have saved over the long run.  I just didn't want to "hope" it was right, I wanted to "know" it was right.   Not saying these wouldn't hold up legally, but I wasn't willing to be the test case.
    2 points
  9.   I think one of the real problems is that you have Sharpton, Jackson, the NAACP, etc. struggling to stay relevant, and the black community still viewing them as leaders. Then, you have King Barry and his crew playing it for political reasons. The "hate crime" laws need to be applied fairly or repealed. That won't happen until somebody takes up the cause and pushes it real hard.   As with all Obama politics, lots of useful idiots helping him make things worse.
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. Stories like this prove how racist the media is. The irony is that we're the ones labeled as racist, although we don't blame the entirety of the black community for the actions of the few, however, had the races been reversed it would have been used as proof at how racist the white community is.
    2 points
  12. Chris was a friend of mine, and once my bike mechanic..........A gentle, kind young man.
    2 points
  13. Race definitely played a role, as well as the deceased being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Reality is, there are places young white kids shouldn't go. But the media would lead you to believe only black people are targeted after dark.
    2 points
  14.   I've got lots of them.  The vast majority are profanity.  Some of them involve a wood chipper.
    2 points
  15. First, Thank You for your Service, mse9.   Secondly, I really agree with your assessment of this situation. It's a terrible shame that the values that motivated and created this country are being so thoroughly cast aside by our leadership, both civilian and military.   I really wish I didn't see the writing on the wall, but it's getting clearer by the minute.   We are on the verge of a great fall, and I really don't see very much likelihood of averting it. 
    2 points
  16. I'd like to see them turned over to Gary Christian.
    2 points
  17. I went to the local Walmart here in Greeneville to buy a shotgun the other day and they told me that it was going to be 24 hour wait because of some terrorist red flag policy that the government was under. I told him that was bull crap and that I would just buy it somewhere else. Now that didn't hurt his feelings, but its the principal of the matter. If you are going to delay my transaction don't give me some lame excuse, man up and tell me why you are doing it. Luckily for me I went right down the road and got a better deal on a upgraded shotgun and got it order in a timely manner. I would rather wait three days because someone had to order a gun than wait a day because your store is lazy and wants to give out crap excuses. 
    2 points
  18. Decided I wanted new rims and tires for my truck yesterday. (Well, wife told me to get them, so i was just listening to her.... Yeah, I have a pretty awesome wife!) Old rims and tires are for sale in the non-firearms section if anyone's interested. Chevy alloy rims and Bridgestone a/t tires.
    1 point
  19. Well they're using them to shwack the Muslim Brotherhood. For all the crap we've been bitching about in regard to giving them military aide, it appears that the Egyptian military are the only ones in the world right now dealing death to the Muslim Brotherhood and doing their best to protect Christian Egyptians. This is how they handle "occupy" protesters; bulldozers and fire.
    1 point
  20. I Am Spartacus Posted on August 15, 2013 | 212 Comments I am Spartacus* because for all too long I stayed quiet.  I stayed quiet because baby needed shoes (often literally) and I needed work in a biased field that would blacklist me as soon as they knew my true self. I allowed my loyalties and beliefs to be assumed from external appearances and origins – I allowed them to believe I must be extreme left because I’m female, of Latin origin, and have somewhat more than a Master’s degree in Modern Languages and Literature. (I would go back for the doctorate, I would, but I’m not willing to stay quiet anymore.)  Those years of festering silence weigh within me, and in the scales of eternal justice I’m afraid I’ll get counted with the enemies of Liberty, because I was quiet, I consented. I am no longer quiet. I am Spartacus writ small.  I am Spartacus praying that I never need to stand  physically facing the might of the largest power the world has ever known.  I can tell who would lose. Because of that I am battling in the mind, to avoid the evil hour as long as I can yet. Maybe, if a miracle occurs, to avoid it altogether. I’m fully aware that even in this battle of the mind the consequences can be death or worse.  I’m fully aware that once you identify as an enemy of the utopia to come – or even if you just fall in a category they don’t like – there are a million ways for death to come: in the dark of night, with a bullet to the back of the head, like the Polish officers in the Katyn forest; in public trials like the people who thought “if only Stalin knew”; in the despair of an engineered famine like the victims of the holomodor.  No, we haven’t got there yet, but there are ways for a living death too: anyone know where Nakoula B. Nakoula is?  And we won’t talk of the unjustified hounding of the lady who runs True the Vote.  There are ways to drive you to darkness and despair, even now.  And if they can get away with it, it will only get worse. Here's the link to the rest of the post. http://accordingtohoyt.com/2013/08/15/i-am-spartacus/
    1 point
  21. Some of them are so small it is funny. I am seriously thinking of potting them and bringing them in for the winter to give them a shot at next summer Mark
    1 point
  22. Hey guys I have a neverfired lcp .380 a friend offered me a smith model 30-1 .32 long 3 inch barrel in great shape......is this good trade?
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24.   I have no doubts that FL will go left again I'm not holding my nose and voting for another Romney.
    1 point
  25.   $100K would not even come close to buy enough land to have a 1,000 yard range.
    1 point
  26. Hey, I played on the Cas Walker show a few times when I was in elementary school. Not famous. :-(
    1 point
  27.   Too quick.  I'd just arrange a Jeffrey Dahmer style death on the inside.  That's about as close as you can get to what they put the victims through.  I hear that prison hits are cheap.
    1 point
  28. So I get a call from the wife who has just arrived at work.  She is a school teacher. She had two loads of items for her classroom to bring in from her car.  Took the first one in and placed them in their proper spots in the classroom.  5 minutes max.  Came back out to get the other half of the load to find her car keyed all down the side.  So fresh the paint dust was still on it.  The car was parked 10 yards from her classroom.   Her car is only one year old.  I'm just so pissed I could scream.  To make matters worse, there are no cameras in the parking area.  She doesn't make all that much $$ but she saved a long time for that car and now some little punk just Fd it up.   GRRRRRRRR!      
    1 point
  29.   They get even more fragile as the filament burns its way through its useful life. Bright LED's are the best thing that ever happened to flashlights.
    1 point
  30.         Talk about synchronicity!  I had never even heard of REI until Hershmeister responded to my post with his above quoted post.  Now, they just announced that they are opening a storefront in Knoxville (first heard about the planned Knoxville location yesterday evening, five days after Hershmeister alerted me to their existence.  OOOooooEEeeeeOOOooooo!):   http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2013/aug/14/rei-plans-knoxville-store/?partner=popular
    1 point
  31. Your not trying to hijack this hijacked thread are you?   :confused:   I've had mine since 1969  :rock:
    1 point
  32. I just finished "diversity training" at my work and the guy who was doing the training let it slip how enraged he was after the trayvon verdict. Well spanky, where you outraged regarding stuff like this!
    1 point
  33.       Well...  I just got my wood chipper two days ago, so I have one available. :)   Since the sick bastards like to use chemicals, I would probably take that approach when dealing with them.  I would probably start by soaking their genitalia in a warm 50% sodium hydroxide solution.  The pain would be unbelievable as the caustic slowly saponified their skin.  I could also start with an upside down compressed air can in the ears, or perhaps a few drops of sulfuric acid.  Regardless of how I started, I could assure you one thing, the medieval inquisitions would pale in comparison.
    1 point
  34. A horrible attack.  Yes, Gary Christian tried to post bail.    I'm on the fence with regard to national publicity.  It's been on the news non-stop here for 6 years.  Just when I thought I might not have to hear about it, the Baumgartner scandal came up and then all the re-trial mess...  I'm just tired of hearing about it.  I can't imagine what the parents have gone through over all these years.  I'm not sure I could deal with that.  I guess that's why I'm tired of hearing about it.  Horrible beyond comprehension.    As for wood chippers and such...  Seen the movie "Law Abiding Citizen"?  If so, you know which scene I've got in mind.
    1 point
  35. I'll play, but I had to go back a ways, nothing like a good throwing tomahawk. http://videosift.com/video/Johnny-Carson-and-Ed-Ames-The-Famous-Tomahawk-Toss   Good old days of live TV.
    1 point
  36. :hijack:  Very nicely done.     Youth and exuberance is no match for old age and treachery.
    1 point
  37.    Jeez Robert, sounds like he's got you there. :rolleyes: Seriously though I hope this thread goes on another 10 pages. I haven't laughed so hard since that 20 something page chick fillet thread on open carry. :rofl: On a more serious note I believe I'm finally (seriously) starting to get the itis's question. It's a rurally such a simple question our superior intellects must not have been able to process it. Luckily I've had a few beers so I think I'm ready. The answer is.... Throwing knives. F*+k guns anyway. Am I right? Guys? Guys?
    1 point
  38.   You have 30 posts.  You don't get to tell people to relax.
    1 point
  39. Four Star Army General Carl Stiner, LaFollette, former Commander in Chief US Special Operations Command and coauthored the book Shadow Warriors with Tom Clancy.
    1 point
  40.   Hang on there. They don't have enough bars to hold all the crooked politicians in Illinios. They're still running the state... promise :)
    1 point
  41. I think that's an argument we don't want to make. There are more than just the Ten Commandments. There's many, many more as I'm sure you know. If we go down that list, and acknowledge the punishment for some of those offenses, it makes the examples you have above look pretty mild. I'm on no way endorsing Islam, but you need to understand many of the same arguments we make about the Quran being full of stories about bloodthirsty savages can be made about the Old Testament. It's a losing argument. How about we just focus on equal freedoms of religious expression for everyone, regardless of what some sheep rapers on the other side of the planet are doing in the name of theirs?
    1 point
  42. First off, this noncitizen committed a serious felony.  There is no way around that.  I realize it wasn't a violent crime, however it was a felony just the same.  He doesn't respect the laws of our country and doesn't deserve to be a citizen.    Secondly, I think the author confuses deportation as an additional punishment on top of prison time; it isn't.  Being deported is not a punishment.  It is a foreigner losing their privilege to be here.  Is it a "punishment" if you get kicked out of a night club for acting like a fool?  No.  It is simply the night club saying that you have lost the privilege to be there.  These veterans who go on to commit crimes have lost that privilege, same as any other foreigner who comes to our country and does not respect our laws.  I don't see what the conflict here is.   The author, convict and these liberal politicians are making this out to be "not fair" because regular Americans aren't deported when they commit a crime.  I don't see how that is even an argument.  Of course Americans are deported; they're freaking citizens!  Why should we not deport a foreigner who has shown themselves to be criminal trash???  Because they wore a uniform?  Well so did I, so does that put me in a different category than the rest of America if I decide to commit a crime?  WTF?    On another note, as a veteran I've been getting pretty tired of this nonsense I've been seeing over the years of vets being used as pawns in the greater political arena, much in the same way other minority groups are used to generate emotions, manipulate votes and leverage support for whatever BS cause that has nothing to do with the actual people they claim to support.  I don't like it.  Whenever I see a politician trying to be a champion of veteran's rights I want to see what the left hand is doing.
    1 point
  43. Find a good local archery shop, figure ur draw length if you do not know it and go from there. If you are not comfortable with the tool in hand it is worthless. Some newer bows sacrifice comfort and forgivness for speed. Not a goodb trade off in my opinion. I shoot an oldet pse f1 maxxis limited. Practice makesnperdect, even if only at 300 fps. :)
    1 point
  44. While buying ammo at Wal-Mart tonight there was a sticker near the register that said "no guns allowed" over a gunbuster.    I took it down. Not sure who put it there but it's clearly not Wal-Mart policy.
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. Then Vote to Tax their weed.
    1 point
  47. Predator is top of the list kind of place!
    1 point
  48. Personally, I think if you just started handing out job applications, the situation would clear out in just a few minutes!
    1 point
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