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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/12/2013 in all areas

  1. Well, took the kiddo for her hunter safety course now that she's 10.  Was this past weekend at Bass Pro and taught by a couple of great instructors.  They were great with kids.    Was a bit worried that a 10 year old's attention span would be challenged by having to sit in class for 3 hours Friday nite and again all day Saturday, but she did just fine and passed with flying colors.  She did get a little upset and had to take a 5 minute break when they showed the dramatized video of the kid getting shot in a hunting accident.  Made her a little woozy.   Nevertheless, she got her head back in the game, scored well on the test, and really made her old man proud when it came time to shoot the .22 in the TWRA portable range.  2 shots at 50 feet(ish) and she puts 'em both through one ragged hole.  TWRA agents and instructors both commented that it was the best shooting of the day!
    5 points
  2. Great news out of New York. Judge rules that the NYPD's "Stop & Frisk" policy is unconstitutional. Nice to see this blatant violation of the 4th Amendment brought to an end. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/13/nyregion/stop-and-frisk-practice-violated-rights-judge-rules.html
    4 points
  3. Only as long as we can leave your friends behind. Because your friends don't dance, and if they don't dance, then they're no friends of mine.
    4 points
  4.     Reading comprehension is important.   There was one cop, and one cabbie.   The cabbie was quoted, not the cop.   I have purposely stayed out of this discussion. A very close friend of mine who was a cop was struck and killed by a car less than a month ago on an interstate when responding to a call.   I personally think there are a lot of folks in this thread that are talking out of their asses from the comfort of their chairs at home.   Pretty easy to do.   There was nothing wrong with what I read in the article, just a lot of folks here that want to get riled up over nothing.       Where were the parents?   Why weren't they there if their child had the mind of a three year old? When my daughter was three I knew where she was at all times. Even now that she isn't, I still do. I am a parent, that is my job.   The cop was to serve and protect, the cop showed up and protected the little girl from getting hit by a car.   Case closed.   Simple as that.
    4 points
  5. Both the president and both Houses have simply become our version of Royalty.   How many laws have they enacted for us lowly serfs that do not even apply to them?   They even quietly removed the stock market investing restrictions they so loudly enacted some time back, don't have to abide by the ACA, have that stellar retirement plan, even have a high dollar barber shop/shoe shine parlor we fund, I've read. Hitch free plane rides, .... I can't go on, coronary always a worry when I start thinking about it all...   - OS
    4 points
  6. The judge is a bleeping idiot, and should be tossed off the bench. A disgusting abuse of power she doesn't have. This will be reversed.
    4 points
  7. That isn't the judges call to make. I don't agree with the Satan name change either, also not the judge's call. Regardless of what any government official's opinion on the matter is, the child's parents have sole right to decide the name of the child.
    4 points
  8. Excellent question...as far as I can see, ,the purpose of this thread is trolling.  The OP's first post on his first day on the forum was post no. 1 of this thread and since time tame he's mostly complained because people are not giviing him the answers he wants.   :screwy:
    3 points
  9. Well I got some great news today, I rep from the collection agency gave me a call today to notify me that they had agreed to my pay for deletion contract. Upon receipt of payment, the collection would be removed from my report. Cheers!
    3 points
  10. Bloomtard is having a bad year.
    3 points
  11. Then I guess we should say thank you to the minorities for getting everyone this win.
    3 points
  12. Judge was wrong.  Anybody remember when Frank Zappa named his daughter "Moon Unit Zappa"? 
    3 points
  13. I just don't buy new boots. I have been wearing the same old pair of Ariats for many years now.   I reckon I will have to get them resoled eventually, but I can't see the bottoms of my feet, yet.
    2 points
  14. I don't mind sharing what I've learned & I have pretty thick skin so no worries, he (and anyone else) is welcome to come down & go hunting or fishing with me, so long as they have the proper license & don't act like a tard/jerkoff or drink/do drugs, we'd probably all have a good time, maybe learn something in the process. I learn new stuff all the time, the trick is to always keep an open mindset to new ideas/ways of doing stuff. Spot's is the man though, I'm just in awe of that dude & his dad, the stuff I could learn from those two would definately be invaluable.
    2 points
  15. Not burning bridges is damn good advice; most especially so when he hasn't tried to build any yet. ;)
    2 points
  16.   Never a waste of time to view pics of a classic Colt 1911.  :cool:     Its a Government Model 1911 Commercial with a 1922 build serial number.  Colt made about 5000 Commercial models that year.     JMHO, but since it was your Great Grandfather's - - -  I would find a way to NOT sell that pistol. 
    2 points
  17. Depends. Do you like to sharpen, or do you just want sharp knives? If you dont care how they get sharp, but a 1 x 30 belt grinder from harbor freight. 120, 220, 320, 400, 600, 800 grit belte and a leather strop belt. I can make a butter knife shave in less than 5 minutes. Just take it easy and keep the blade cool to the touch using water Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    2 points
  18. (10) Your annual breast exam is done at Hooters. (9) Directions to your doctor's office include "Take a left after you enter the trailer park." (8) The tongue depressors taste faintly of Popsicles. (7) The only proctologist in the plan is "Gus" from Roto-Rooter. (6) The only item listed under Preventative Care Coverage is "an apple a day." (5) Your primary care physician is wearing the pants you gave to Goodwill. (4) You pass your annual physical if you can walk without passing out. (3) The only expense covered 100% is "Embalming." (2) Your prescription comes in different colors with little M's on them. AND THE NUMBER ONE SIGN YOU'VE JOINED OBAMA'S HEALTH CARE PLAN: (1) You ask for Viagra, and they give you a dowel rod and duct tape.
    2 points
  19. They need to vote out the incumbents.
    2 points
  20. It seems to me folks are spending an inordinate amount of time blaming (cops, parents, etc., etc.) when the time would be better spent beign glad that no one was hurt when clearly, shomeone chould have been.   :shrug:
    2 points
  21. I have serious issue with parents who name their children names that will obviously cause the child emotional, and likely physical, harm. Messiah isn't one of those names but there are plenty of examples out there that a child should never be called. I can see the point of changing a child's name from "Satan" to something else for the welfare of the child but not "Messiah". If it wasn't Michael Jackson's kid "Blanket" would be a name I would change but because he will likely never spend a day in public school it will not be an issue.   Then again, who am I to tell someone else what to call their child. We already have the government trying to tell us how to live every other part of our lives.
    2 points
  22. You don't actually believe he's paying for this out of his money do you? Last I read a month or so go his campaign still owed money to MANY municipalities for security and etc. he was supposed to pay for out of the campaign, for the campaign. So the idea he's personally paying for his mutli-multi-million (double multi- intentional) dollar vacation is more than laughable to me.
    2 points
  23. Sounds to me like there is a common denominator in your equation. I've encountered bad cops before, but that was the exception, not the rule. You seem to be letting on that you have had many encounters with law enforcement and they were all poor. Based on your personality I can assume there is a reason for it. If you're a dick to a cop they have every right to be a dick back to you. I assume the reason they took a heavy hand is because you were being extremely cooperative and not being a belligerent ahole. I'd like to know what PD this was so I can send them a case of beer.
    2 points
  24. Try not breaking the law and you might not have a negative experience. Funny how people complain after they have broken the law. I am a critic of bad officers but a officer writing you a speeding ticket is not a bad officer nor is it the officer's fault. Trust me when I say the vast majority of officers would rather not stop anyone and put their lives at risk.   Tasers help prevent injuries everyday and not just those from gun shot wounds. It prevents injuries that occur when chasing bad guys. It prevents injuries that occur when officers have to fight people for control. I would support using a taser over fighting or chasing a bad guy any day of the week. And any injuries caused to the bad guy during the use of the taser is not the officer's fault but the bad guys fault. They should have not chose to run or fight.   As far as the child a taser can go 20+ feet and an 11 year old with a 20' lead can probably out run a cop for 2x times that if they are in half way decent shape. That is 40' and if the girl was within than 40' range of the highway the taser may have saved her life. If you take an overweight, out of shape officer and pit them against most 11 year olds the child will run circles around them.
    2 points
  25. If it's ten o'clock at night and I see a black-hoodie-wearing thug wandering my neighborhood, I'm calling the police, and I'm keeping my hand on the butt of my holstered pistol until the cops arrive. If asked about the race of the perp, I'm gonna say ". . . don't know for sure. . . ." 'Cause I don't care about the race of the perp, I care about the suspicious behavior.
    2 points
  26. 20/10 vision so I'm good but I'm also a heffer so God had to balance out that equation...
    2 points
  27. A perfect example of why I don't open carry.
    2 points
  28. I was a hard-core wet stone guy....until I got that same belt sander Spots has. sent barefoot from the hills of Tennessee
    1 point
  29. So far, only Christie polls as a legitimate contender to her, but I still think there's a chance he'll be her Veep.   - OS
    1 point
  30. WOW jest WOW so mutch hostility where are your manners , what happen to respect for your fellow man . Some of us don't read that mutch and some like me can't even hardly spell , that does not mean where all stupid , I'm sure if he is a good hunter he will prob out last most of us , you never know you may need your fellow mans help one day , I would not try and burn bridges here . And don't take things so personal ,
    1 point
  31. Don't ya just love the Monday night arm chair quarter backs?
    1 point
  32. I'm the one being ridiculous...okay Mr ltis...if being purposely obtuse is your thing then go for it; at lest you seem to have a nack for it.
    1 point
  33. The soundtrack in your head for the rest of the evening brought to you by yours truly.
    1 point
  34. Evidently this "Burg's" genealogical lineage didn't experience the death camps or know their history very well?
    1 point
  35.     The first quote you used was from "...cab driver Adam Bednar...  ..."I thought she was drugged. I thought she was on bath salts, too much meth, something,” said Bednar..."    When the cop showed up, that was the information he had to go on, as that was the only witness.
    1 point
  36. I know a guy that open carrys, once the neighborhood found out he wasnt a cop or anything, the kids started calling him a cop wannabe and a mall cop. It draws attention.
    1 point
  37. Always breathe as normally as you can when shooting, until you get to the level where breath control matters.  For most of us that is never.   #1) Grip the gun with the forearm in exact alignment with the barrel.  Can you easily engage the full face of the trigger to the first knuckle bend of your shooting finger?  P95s are sort of "big" and some/many shooters would find themselves having to cock their hand forward to fully engage the trigger face with the shooting finger.   This is seen in  a lot of women who get handguns purchased for "their own good" by their husbands. Why would I know that?  The problem then becomes an issue if you are shooting a lot in that the recoil will be into the basal thumb joint, which often ends up with some grip issues that impair consistent shooting. Sure, we can adapt to anything if we have to, but if we don't have to we can probably be a better shooter.         #2) 300 rds is nothing.  Trouble is ammo is in expensive and in short supply.  You have to shoot a lot. Contrary to popular belief American men are not born with a shooting gene. It takes practice and lots of repetition. When you can get as many mags as you can afford and have a friend reload.  And shoot 2-400 rds at one setting, developing a rhythm and pace where you start to get a feel for what the gun will do.  Don't worry about groups, but shoot at 5 yard targets.  Remember to breathe and have fun.   When I had my right hand index finger damaged and poorly repaired, I started to look at handgun shooting a little differently.  That is why my Glocks got carved up.  Before the accident I could shoot just about anything "well enough," afterwards I learned more about ergonomics, muzzle flip, recoil and how to shoot a bit better.  I also started shooting a good bit left handed, although right eyed dominant.  I CCW LH almost exclusively now.  I trust my left index finger under stress more than my right.  But when I am at the range I like to shoot right handed but the RH index finger tires out before I want to quit shooting (back about 8 months ago when you could get ammo at reasonable prices).   #3) Get a decent .22LR.  Someday there well be .22 ammo again at prices less than 10 cents a round.  You can learn a lot about hand gunning by shooting a lot of .22LR.  Get a .22 pistol that fits.  I would recommend the cheapest Ruger MKIII 22/45 you can find.   Listen to shooting advice wherever it is given regardless of what you think of the speaker/writer.  If the person talking is a good shot there is likely something to be learned, even if it is only one small thing.     Again, when shooting breathe... unless you are a great competitive shooter you will not Zen like lower your blood pressure, slow your heartbeat and shoot between beats.  When I am trying to shoot 200 yard 2" targets with .22LR rifles I see my heartbeat in the cross hairs all the time.  So in hand gunning, unless you are a bullseye competitor, tell yourself to breath all the time.  taking a breath is less debilitating than what occurs to your body when respiration is impaired, just like any other physical and likely any mental activity.
    1 point
  38. Just like I'm giving the benefit of the doubt to the officers, I'm giving the benefit of the doubt to the parents. I have two nephews who are on the extreme end of the autism spectrum. While their parents have yet to experience something as dramatic as this, I can imagine as the children get older new challenges will present themselves. Although this girl may have been low functioning, she is still in the body of an 11 year old. She is stronger, faster and likely has better motor skills than a three year old. I can't imagine how difficult that would be to prevent every possible danger to that child. These parents have to sleep at some point. Perhaps they have an alarm system to detect the child opening doors. For all we know the power went out, or a battery died. I don't know. What I do know is that bad things happen to even the most responsible people who do their best to plan for every possible scenario. I know there are members here who have children that are somewhere on the spectrum. This right here must be the worst nightmare for parents who have one or more children who are considered impaired to the point of requiring constant care and supervision. I think folks, like myself, who don't live that life should have a hard time judging those parents.
    1 point
  39. If its coming from his salary its none of our business. I'm not any happier than anyone else with our POS POTUS but personally I won't get bent out of shape over how he spends HIS money, and it is his regardless of weather or not we're satisfied with the way he "earns" it.
    1 point
  40. There's more fact in this photo than in the one tanker found. For the record, that's Bea Arhtur wrestling down a Velociraptor
    1 point
  41. The truth of the matter is that if you plan on bugging out to the woods, YOU WILL DIE. Bugging out is NOT just leaving civilization to go play in the woods and think you can actually survive for any length of time when youve never been anywhere wilder than the city park or zoo. Bugging out is leaving the city and TRAVELLING to your bug out location that is stocked with food, water, guns, ammo and all other supplies. You are only trying to get there. It should be no more than a 3 day hike or the range of your vehicle with a full tank and what full fuel cans you have on hand. If you dont have a bug out location, plan on staying put and bugging in. Bushcraft and living off the land isnt as easy as it sounds. You wont survive any real length of time no matter what kind of gear you have without an extensive skill set and lots of experience.
    1 point
  42. Exactly 3 shots until the barrel is toast and the muzzle blast is the only noise that can be heard in space. And Chuck Norris IS afrad to shoot this.
    1 point
  43. I dunno.....I do run across plenty of self righteous a--holes, self absorbed a--holes, arrogant a--holes, stupid a--holes, inconsiderate a--holes, and politicians, but I don't guess I've ever considered their ethical standards.
    1 point
  44. Those sheep have rights too including the right to vote and to put pressure on their elected officials...doing things we know will scare them and cause them to react negatively doesn't do the firearms community any favors at all and most certainly will not help us restore that rights WE have let be infringed.   It's wonderful to say we have the "right" to do this or that but there is also a reality we have to live in that we ignore to our own detriment.
    1 point
  45. Yeah shame on that guy. How dare we practice our second amendment rights? Until more people stop giving a shit what the sheep think, and care more about keeping their rights, then we will continue tonlose our rights at an astonishing rate. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    1 point
  46. :rofl: this thread is finally starting to deliver! :rofl:
    1 point
  47. Love it. Love them both. Thatd be worth sleeping in somebody elses basement, after my wife saw the cost lol. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    1 point
  48. I would love to do that sometime. Just to poor at the moment lol
    1 point
  49. 1. Ak with lots o' mags 2. Glock 23 with lots o' mags 3. my right boot [URL=http://s1295.photobucket.com/user/JakFiddler/media/image_zpsff34a424.jpg.html][/URL]
    1 point
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