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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/2013 in all areas

  1. One of the few perks of getting older than dirt:   got my $11 Lifetime Geezer Basic Hunting and Fishing license (includes Trout).   That is all, whippersnappers.   - OS
    4 points
  2. He can’t be charged with carrying at a posted business, he owns the business. What the Mall owners can do depends on what the contract says. He could be charged for shooting at the fleeing suspects, but it doesn't sound like that is happening. What he did was reckless.
    4 points
  3. Carrying a gun doesn't infringe on another person's rights. Denying them the ability to use their own property does. As annoying as cell phone users are in a movie, the theater makes that policy and enforces it, not you. I rarely get to go to movies, but when we get a babysitter and go out, I have my phone on vibrate in case of an emergency at home. What a dick move for someone to be so self important to think they should block any ability for me to receive communications.
    4 points
  4. That's a boatload of fail getting ready to set sail. Anytime I see the words "warning shot" in print I cringe cause I know that this wont end well.
    4 points
  5. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=6a7_1376041402   Ram owns a guy on a dirt bike, make sure to have the audio on, the music makes it better lol
    3 points
  6. That is a wonderful story.  Over the years my faith has led me to believe that God is not a micromanager.  However, I do believe there are times when we do receive divine intervention.  We might not realize it at the time, but afterwards when we sit back and ponder the incident, it is a humbling and awesome experience.
    3 points
  7. You are welcome to your opinion.   My opinion is that your opinion is pretty sad.   Miracles happen every day; very few people ever realize or notice them.
    3 points
  8.   There is a muti-billion dollar opportunity for anybody that can defeat ANY of the laws of physics :). 
    3 points
  9. The ram must've seen what that biker did to his sister
    3 points
  10. I really like these, and they're OhShoot approved. Full flat ground blades in VG-10 steel. Real light and solid lockbacks.
    2 points
  11. Agreed, I also believe this to be nothing more than mere "gerrymandering".
    2 points
  12. Was it just one shot or did you have consistent groups to the left? Was it directly left or low/high left. More often than not it is the shooter rather than the gun. Have someone experienced put a mag through it before monkeying with anything. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
    2 points
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZ2-x3lCyyY
    2 points
  14. Another business without enough balls to stand by their own word.
    2 points
  15. I can't wait to eat me some squirrels.
    2 points
  16. For my carry, yes everyday, gun I carry a full size 1911 that is all steel. It came with an extended thumb safety that I removed immediately and replaced with a standard small one. The reason is I have seen those extended ones get bumped off too easily without someone noticing. It has an extended slide release because my hands are smaller and I need to be able to reach it. I run a commander style hammer and a beavertail. I also have a fully adjustable trigger that has less than a 1/16th inch travel. The trigger pull is ~3.5 pounds and very crisp. I replaced the factory firing pin stop and the extractor with Ed Brown versions. The firing pin stop is square and not radiused. I do this on every single 1911 I buy, new or used even if they run fine. I run a 16 pound recoil spring and a 20 pound mainspring as well as a shockbuff. I replace the springs every 1,000-1,500 rounds ad the shockbuff if it looks worn. I also run a 4 finger sear spring rather than the traditional 3 finger, this helps tune individual parts within the gun without affecting others. And finally I added a Kart barrel bushing.   For sights they were 3 dot but I darkened the two rear dots and redrilled a center dot in the rear. I drilled out the white dot on the front. I then added a mixture of epoxy and glow in the dark powder to both the front and rear sights. The glow in the dark powder is brighter than any tritium sight. A 1 second blast from a flashlight will charge it and they remain brighter than any tritium for about 6 hours. And if it needs a recharge it just takes another 1 second blast of light. I used high quality glow in the dark powder, not the stuff you find in local stores. And when mixed in with two part epoxy it is impervious to any solvent you might use on your gun for cleaning. I have also used the same epoxy with titanium dioxide for white dots. Titanium dioxide is the whitest substance known to man. The cost of the glow in the dark powder and the epoxy is under $30 and you could probably do 100 guns with the amount you receive.   I have over 3,500 rounds through my 1911 so far and can't recall every having a single issue. I carry it every day and it looks like hell but it is reliable and accurate.
    2 points
  17. Very old, black and white movie related to WW1.   The African Queen.  it may have been colorized or remade but I remember the black and white version. 
    2 points
  18. If he gets charged for carrying at a posted business it will not have any bearing on someone who carries past a posting. In this case there are aggravating circumstances, just like other folks who have been charged so far. I've yet to see a story where someone simply carried past a posting and was charged. There's always more to the story and other laws broken.
    2 points
  19. Warning shots should equal a punch in the face.   He should have drilled them where they stood.   Talk about a bunch of fail on the Mall Owners....[quote]Since the 2010 shooting death of a security guard, the mall has worked hard to repair its image a “family friendly” shopping destination. Not even the security guards carry guns.[\quote]  Awesome.  You hear that criminals and thugs?!?!  We're defenseless!!  Southland Mall should focus its efforts on actually improving security if it wants to make it's patrons actually safer.  No, they'd rather subscribe to the liberal ideal of burying their heads in the sand by banning OMG! GUNZ!!, rather than criminals. 
    2 points
  20. If he shot at a fleeing perp (and where the threat is over), then then any gun permit involved should be revoked..
    2 points
  21. Thugs don't like rules. I feel just terrible about this for them  :down:  LOL
    2 points
  22. Mr. Cooper had his version of the perfect 1911, just as most everyone else who's tinkered with them does. After several years of buying, selling, shooting, adding, subtracting, and modifying parts, I've found my perfect 1911 is one of the least expensive I've owned. It is a Rock Island Armory with an officer sized grip frame, and a 4" barrel. I added an Colt ambi safety, three dot sights, and a pair of Grashorn Elk Stag grips. I can't find anything else to do to it. It shoots and feels great, good trigger, and is dead reliable. Sometimes you get more than what you pay for. [url=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/IMG_1887.jpg.html [url=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/IMG_1887.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/IMG_1885.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/IMG_1886.jpg.html][/URL]
    2 points
  23. There's just no honesty left in the world.....Jeez.... :drama:
    2 points
  24. Regardless of the high school economics, those who practice their version of "capitalism" by greasing WM employees for intel, buying everything up and then reselling it at 100-300% profit are assholes. 
    2 points
  25. Picked this up last night, shot it today. If it weren't for ammo cost this would be my new favorite rifle. Upgraded fiberglass stock with a nice Leupold to top it off.
    1 point
  26. Introducing the .22 Dolomite. :)
    1 point
  27. Yes folks, its that time again. Are you in? http://www.sigsauer.com/Promotions/Sweepstakes.aspx http://
    1 point
  28. LOL....those are priceless.  I liked the super quick double take at the key the old guy was holding in the elevator when dude recognized it...
    1 point
  29. http://youtu.be/esEdC0c3YI4     I'm only Happy When it Rains!   I'm a Whitewater Kayaker, and let me tell you this has been an unusual summer. Usually we go kayaking in the winter when it rains a lot and the ground is hard, and the trees don't drink it all up. But, it's usually 35 degrees out too. Being able to kayak on these same rivers during the summer, wearing nothing but a lifejacket is AWESOME!
    1 point
  30. Also, maintain a relaxed grip on the pistol.  Holding it with a death-grip like it's gonna come flying out of your hands also contributes to the problem.
    1 point
  31. All in all looking around America right now, be grateful if you haven't had to flee your home due to rain, or due to fires from the lack of it.   - OS
    1 point
  32. Interesting, keep us posted! A buddy of mine made one for his Cobra(mac) 9mm pistol out of Delrin and it works like a boss.
    1 point
  33.   Yep. Helps if it's a team effort. The FCC doesn't usually travel in packs. They've been understaffed for decades. Cell frequencies are harder. They bounce off everything, and don't travel near as far if they originate close the the ground. If you know what you're doing, the signal only has to stay up long enough to drop every call within range. Most likely, the victims wouldn't even identify it as interference. Dropped calls are common as mud anyway.
    1 point
  34.   When Saving Private Ryan was in the theaters I saw it 4 times, I took my dad to see it once, he was in the 101st in ww2. He didn't jump in on d-day but entered France later, was wounded in Bastogn New Years day in 45. He said "parts of the movie" were the most realistic scenes he had ever seen in a movie and many scenes were a little un-realistic.The scene where Hanks was standing in the door of the church at night looking out at the massive artillary barrage was the most realistic scene in the movie. He was wounded in the back by artillary scraptnal but it didn't get to any organs so he re-joined his company a few weeks later and pushed through Germany, the movie didn't upset him any. As far as an athority on the subject he was well qualified. 
    1 point
  35.   I'd much rather focus on catching the robbers and charging them...   This guy just needs some very...motivated...instruction and counseling.
    1 point
  36.   Overly defensive much? You ASSume too much, I was just making a point - there are tons of folks posting in this thread castigating those who are part of the free market simply because it doesn't benefit them.   I have more ammo that I will ever use under any possible circumstance and I'm not selling. I just find the moaning from the (generally) 'free market' crowd amusing.    Don't let me get in the way, y'all continue to bash the free market enterprisers whilst you promote pure-free-market capitalism in other threads.   Carry on...
    1 point
  37. If the owner of a bar can ban guns, he can ban thug clothing. If thugs don't like it, too bad.
    1 point
  38. I think they should have stuck to their guns, so to speak. "Following the Yelp posting, the sign at the restaurant that provided the dress code has reportedly been taken down."  Keep the dress code.  You may gain a lot more patrons, desirable ones at that, than you lose.
    1 point
  39. "The news told today(CNN) that this was a rumor and that the Smithsonian confirmed it was just a rumor."   Don't surprise me at all.  Won't be the last time ABC News has spread a rumor......or an outright lie as far as that goes....That's for Freak'n sure....
    1 point
  40.   A lurker friend of mine on this board lost a few weeks of his life watching Russion Dash Cam videos (I think he has moved into maritime disasters now).  He did some research on the very same question as your own.  It turns out there is a lot of corruption among law enforcement there, but also a lot of fraudulent traffic/personal injury lawsuits among the population.  A low-life will speed backwards into the car behind him, then claim he was rearended, whiplash, etc, etc.    I didn't watch this video (trying to stay clean myself), but there is a lot of crazy #### over there--MiGs flying down the highway under 100 ft, Helicopters buzzing drivers, etc.
    1 point
  41. This is their culture. They are brought up to be shameless liars.
    1 point
  42.   Thanks, glad to hear it was just "internet misinterpretation"...happens to me as well. I'm not advocating .223 as the ultimate deer killer, just saying that it can be used effectively with the right placement / load selection / mature hunting. Also, for perspective, we should remember that many deer are taken with handguns across the country. After his motorcycle accident, my dad hunted deer with handguns exclusively and probably ended up taking more deer with those than anything else. Even as a child, I was very selective with the shots I would take. Hunter? Yes. Animal lover? Also, yes. I'd rather go home with nothing than to not recover a wounded and hurting deer. It would irritate me to see/hear hunters taking unrealistic and silly shots, find a blood trail, and just blow off not being able to find the animal.
    1 point
  43. Then that makes half the people in the country who work hard for a living a criminal. I don't know very many people that I would consider a hard worker that DOESN'T flip an item or two for profit. What else can a man do to make ends meet? I said it before and I know y'all don't like it but I think most people are mad about this because they want something today,for yesterday's price. The market dictates price. Not what we all think is fair. If there were no market for this ( meaning people buying it) then they wouldn't be do this. Another thing that'll really ruffle some feathers; people have done this to themselves by becoming dependent on real time inventory. For 99% percent of us, there's NO reason we should be desperately looking for rim fire ammo. It's been cheap all my life up till recently and so I bought plenty based on my theoretical consumption. If you typically shoot a box a week and you only buy a box a week, then you shouldn't be surprised that you're out when supply stops. This really is a silly argument on both sides. My point of view is silly, as is everyone else's. Why would I say that? Because its foolish to complain and worry over the things you have NO power to change. Who by worrying can ad one cubit to his stature? We can't force them to produce more no matter how much we scream. We can't force people to stop jacking up prices. The only tool we have is to vote with our wallet and refuse to do business with those we disagree with. ....and yes I know I'm a hypocrite because I'm constantly bitching about things. LOL!
    1 point
  44. It might make everyone angry but buying for a given price and marking up for a profit is capitalism. If you got a deal on a car and flipped it for a profit, what's the difference? Sure, somebody would be pissed but that's just life. It all boils down to the haves and the have nots. The have nots are always upset with the haves for having something they want. Fair pricing and price control for anything is communism. That's why there are anti-monopoly laws. To keep absolute control out of people's hands. And, as has been stated over and over, there is no law that says you have to buy anything you fell is unreasonably priced.
    1 point
  45. This is capitalism. It's the way it works. It's not an unethical practice despite how much it pisses people off.
    1 point
  46. This isn't call of duty White Wolf haha
    1 point
  47. PPS all day for a single stack 9 or 40. Absolutely love mine. P938 will probably be my next purchase for something different and to match my 238. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
    1 point
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