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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/2013 in all areas

  1. Regardless of the high school economics, those who practice their version of "capitalism" by greasing WM employees for intel, buying everything up and then reselling it at 100-300% profit are assholes. 
    7 points
  2. Best motorcycle route from Memphis to Nashville?  Any way that keeps you from having to go back to Memphis.
    4 points
  3. There are no shortages of a##holes for sure!!!
    4 points
  4. This is capitalism. It's the way it works. It's not an unethical practice despite how much it pisses people off.
    3 points
  5. It seems like they could have just walked into the shelter and asked as opposed to all the production. I mean, they used a helicopter to recon whether or not there was indeed a fawn there. Why not just go to the shelter, tell them what the deal is and take the animal?
    3 points
  6. I celebration of school starting back, Northridge defense is having a back to school HCP class for teachers. Now through the end of August, all teachers can take the class for the low price of $25. It doesnt get cheaper than that.   http://www.northridgedefense.com/
    2 points
  7. Most of the threads here talk about what gun, what caliber, what ammo and what knowledge of the law you will need before engaging in a gunfight. But not enough is said about the psychological mechanics and probable circumstances involved in shooting it out against a determined opponent. This article, while written for cops, makes some very interesting points to remember should you ever get into an actual showdown, using Clint Eastwood's 1992 movie, Unforgiven, as the classroom.   http://www.spartancops.com/gunfighting-lessons-unforgiven/   And here's the video clip of the climactic shootout covering the lesson material you'll need for your "final exam."   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTSGUfFh8og
    2 points
  8.   Move to New York, Illinois, Kalifornia, even Colorado and then preach it. Get you a FOID card, and then tell me how bad these Republicans are. What I'm sayin'... you only THINK you're all pissed off.
    2 points
  9. They create demand by standing in line and buying the ammo. If you want the price to drop and these people to stop gouging, everyone needs to stop buying ammo for a while and let production outpace demand. It will starve these guys out. But everyone needs to stop.
    2 points
  10. People standing in line are doing it b/c that is what they have to do to be able to get ammo these days. How are they the problem for doing it and shooting as opposed to someone that catches a box as they're getting groceries in Walmart?
    2 points
  11. Statistics.   Deer Head=Small Deer Vitals=Bigger
    2 points
  12. I'm a hypocrite. I tell most people that its a bad idea but I have no qualms about using it. I'm also VERY picky and patient. I'm fine with not taking a shot and going home empty handed. I wait for the perfect shot or take a pass. I use a Barnes bullet and put it either right on the heart or, of the stars are in alignment, I will put it in the head. *gasp!*. I can also shoot a half inch or less at a hundred with my CZ527. Side of the head between the ear and eye and they fall right there. Tis is not to be taken lightly though, too low and you can destroy the jaw and they will run away only to starve to death. It's incumbent on EVERY shooter to be absolutely honest with themselves about their skill and ability. It's also of the utmost importance that if you are going to take an animals life, do it fast and as painless as possible.
    2 points
  13. But well worth it. http://i784.photobucket.com/albums/yy125/ryanlee1949/image_zps71357efc.jpg
    1 point
  14. I'm sure crime will drop immediately  :down:
    1 point
  15.     hopefully it gets reposted another dozen times or so. :)
    1 point
  16. FrozenHead state park. They have back country group camping. The have rustic group camping which is vehicle accessible with sites side by side and a creek runs next to each site. http://www.tn.gov/environment/parks/FrozenHead/ Here is a pic of camp site #1. The other seven look the same.
    1 point
  17. Step 1, Get out of Memphis . Step 2. Try to get out with you bike. 
    1 point
  18.   Yep. You can debate the overall impact of each party over the various aspects of The American Experiment, but one bottom line for the focus of this forum is simple:   Democrats = Anti-Gun Laws   - OS
    1 point
  19.   It's unethical when there's collusion between the employees and customers.  It's called insider trading in the stock world, and is illegal.   - OS
    1 point
  20.   And you saying that my vote for candidate x is a vote for candidate y doesn't make such an illogical argument 'so', either.  Funny thing is, I have had Demuplicans tell me that my vote for a third party is a 'defacto' vote for the Republicrats and Republicrats tell me that my vote for a third party is a 'defacto' vote for the Dempublicans.  Cool - I guess that means by voting third party I am actually voting twice!  Or maybe it just means that worn out, old meme is nonsense.   What many refuse to grasp is that some of us haven't wanted the recent Republican candidates to win any more than we have wanted the recent Democrats to win.  If we accepted the argument that the liberal progressive from Arizona named McCain or the liberal progressive from Massachusetts name Romney would really do a better job than the liberal progressive from Kenya named Obama then the argument might hold water.  However, once you get past the platitudes and campaign lies, some of us truly don't see them as being, functionally, all that different.  So, telling us that we have to vote for Romney/McCain/a mentally deficient aardvark because, 'at least he isn't the Democrat' is akin to telling us we should choose to be eaten alive by sharks because that would be vastly preferable to being eaten alive by piranha.  It is a false choice and, as I see the one as no better than the other, I'll choose to at least try to grab for the life raft, even if there is pretty much no chance of getting aboard.
    1 point
  21. I don't dispute that at all. The point that I was alluding to is that the only viable 3rd party right now would be a centrist party, but it seems that most centrists are too disengaged in the process to form up something like that. That leaves reforming the left/right from the inside as others have suggested.
    1 point
  22. If I considered myself part of the right that might bother me, but I'm not and it doesn't. I posted an image here before that sums up my view that the left/right paradigm most of the population buys into is a suckers game no matter which side you end up on. Both sides are full of authoritarian statists who think it's perfectly acceptable to use the government's guns to steal money from the people and force them to live their lives in a manner of which they approve. You will find me standing outside that cage calling both parties out for being the agents of collectivism that they are.
    1 point
  23. There's the rub. As long as folks believe the garbage about "wasting your vote" and "it's a defacto vote for x" they won't quit voting for the total and complete bags of shit that the R and D parties put up. No matter how likely or unlikely the candidate who receives your vote is to win, the only time you waste a vote is when you vote for someone you don't really support or believe in because "as bad as he is, at least he isn't the other guy." The last time I held my nose and voted for the lesser of two evils it was for John McCain because he wasn't Obama. I was left with a bad taste in my mouth and still got Obama. Never again will I vote against someone. Even if I can't avoid having a shitty president hell bent on destroying this country (either intentionally like Obama or unintentionally like I believe McCain and Romney would have done because they just wouldn't have been able to help themselves) I can at least have a clear conscience as the Democrats AND Republicans finish the job knowing that I didn't help either party in their work.
    1 point
  24.   And IMHO that argument is a bunch of hogwash.  I voted and it was not for Obama.  All that 'defacto' mumbo-jumbo is just a line of bull that the BIg Two use to try to keep people 'in line' and voting for one or the other side of the plug nickel.
    1 point
  25. 64 to the Trace would likely be a great ride. I take the trace from my near me to Waynesboro a couple times a year to visit friends down that way and it's always a great drive.
    1 point
  26. If the humidity in your house is higher than normal I would look for water migration (roof, foundation, supply lines and waste). 
    1 point
  27. Do you have a crawl space?  If so, put a vapor barrier down over the dirt (6 mil plastic sheet).  While you're down there, check the duct work for holes/leaks.    If you're on a slab, the vapor barrier that should be in the floor could be missing or damaged.   If you've got an unfinished basement, are the walls damp to the touch?  They may need sealing.   Do you have drainage issues around the house?  When it rains, do you get standing water or really soggy spots anywhere near the house?   By "running the fan", do you mean ceiling fan or HVAC air handler?  Running the air handler when the A/C isn't running in the summer will increase the humidity in the house.  If humidity is a problem, leave the switch on the thermostat set to "auto" rather than "on".    It's possible your house wasn't constructed with the tyvex house wrap vapor barrier stuff on the outside walls.  That could allow moisture into the house.    It's possible you have very old, or low quality, or simply leaky windows that are allowing a lot of moisture in.    If you have a chimney and the damper doesn't seal very well, that could be allowing moisture in.    It's possible you have some other large air leak in the house, there's ways to check for that. 
    1 point
  28.   Dude, get rolling and get the old man to the range!!!
    1 point
  29. I only report it on here to what ammo we get in.   Tonight was just 12 ga and 20 ga shotgun ammo. Just the dove shot.     The sporting goods area was sure busy tonight. Just sorry to say no ammo other than shotgun ammo to be had.   Those in whatever stores working to make a side profit on this ought to be fired and banned from working retail ever again. Makes the rest of us hard working retail workers look bad.
    1 point
  30. Can I give a simple shout out that I love this forum and the people I've met here , I hope to be a contributing member for at least another 50 years!
    1 point
  31.   Exactly. one unarmed guy could have sauntered in and checked it out, without the Gestapo tactics. Did they think the folks at the shelter were gonna put up armed resistance? Gimme a break.   I would have fired somebody for it, if for no other reason than spending all the time, manpower and money on it, not to mention unnecessarily endangering life with all the guns around, and the terrible PR.   - OS
    1 point
  32. Congrats Earl , I hope at a very unexpected price !
    1 point
  33. I got my dad one of those about 20 years ago for his birthday , he is 87 now and has not shot it. I should have my ass kicked for not taking him . He shot one in the army and wanted one , I think his is a Singer or IBM , I need to take him to shoot it. BAD SON. My dad taught me how to shoot with his army Colt .45 , took me dove and duck hunting as I have done my son. Damn I love dove hunting just like my son , nothing beats it. Depressed 380 , Out.
    1 point
  34. Get cell phone pictures of them. . . . and post them. . . .
    1 point
  35. Actually, and its funny you brought that up.. But I was considering a raffle, to benefit the "Let the Illegal's stay" rally..
    1 point
  36. I have no way to judge the truth or falsehood of this piece. However, I am interested in spreading it far and wide so that the administration is forced to deny it. I find it plausible.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. I lost two of my Aunts is a single wreck. Hit head on by a DUI, he lived. I believe it was his 2nd. He got probation as it was long ago. This past April I lost a brother in law by a 3x DUI'er also in a wreck, yup he lived too. He plead to agg manslaughter no sentence yet. Killem all.
    1 point
  39. I certainly do! I don't feel it's unjust to punish someone financially for being irresponsible. If you drink in public and don't have a ride or the presence of mind to set that up before hand, then that person should be made to suffer for endangering others lives. Remember the founding principle of this country. You are free to do ANYTHING you want as long as what you're doing does not infringe on the right of someone else to do what they want. Joe Blow getting hammered does not infringe on my life at all. Joe Blow operating a vehicle inebriated DOES effect my right to drive home safely. His lack of personal responsibility is putting me at risk. This is a multi lane highway too folks. You SHOULD be free to carry a gun without restriction. ONE screw up proving your lapse of judgment should resultin the thing being forcefully inserted in your rectum. People REFUSE to take responsibility for their actions and its disgusting. It proves what a country full p-----s we have become. Do what you like should be the first law of the land. Violating another's right to do the same and suffer dire (violent if need be) consequences. Personally I think it boils downto the fact that idiots are allowed to survive. Never before in history were so many morons, lazy, inept what have you; people spoon fed life support to the detriment of the productive.
    1 point
  40.   I've been screaming this for years.  Belligerence tends to trump common sense in threads like this.   :shake:
    1 point
  41. Those sheep have rights too including the right to vote and to put pressure on their elected officials...doing things we know will scare them and cause them to react negatively doesn't do the firearms community any favors at all and most certainly will not help us restore that rights WE have let be infringed.   It's wonderful to say we have the "right" to do this or that but there is also a reality we have to live in that we ignore to our own detriment.
    1 point
  42. Thoughts? This is a crap load of crap from crap town. I'm pretty tired of all the conspiracy crap already. It's crap like this that distracts people from the real issues this country is facing. Sorry Mike, not trying to be an a$$ and I know that your merely asking opinions. My opinion is this is crap.
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. I know these guys who make soap, they make the best soap....;-)   Tyler: The salt balance has to be just right, so the best fat for making soap comes from humans. Narrator: Wait. What is this place? Tyler: A liposuction clinic. 
    1 point
  45. Just thought I'd pass along this tidbit.  Many years ago I read or watched something from Ted Nugent, love him or hate him I believe this.  Uncle Ted made it a point to wear camo to represent himself as a hunter as he went about his daily business.  He also made it a point to hold doors for people, greet people, smile at them, ask them how they are doing, etc.  Just general nice guy stuff.  The same principles apply for open carry. 
    1 point
  46. I would call it a Tennessee Chicken Snake   Chickenus Snakus:  Any snake residing in the state of Tennessee that is not poisonous, and you are not sure what it is.
    1 point
  47.   I saw that but I now live in central AR...too far away.
    1 point
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