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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/2013 in all areas

  1. Would it be in bad taste if I said Zimmerman "should have stayed in his truck"?   I mean over the past 18 months of so I was beat over the head with that "should have stayed in his truck" statement! ;)
    5 points
  2. notice, even with all the people out to get him, he still stopped to do the right thing. 
    4 points
  3. But should he have gotten out of his car to help them?   :waiting:
    4 points
  4. Yeah haha! Rest in peace PePe Le Pew! I tell you what though, the older I get the more my respect for animals surpasses my respect for mankind. They do what they do and have always done. Man is just a bunch of hypocrites.
    4 points
  5. Too many "ifs" to answer really.   If they are not violent,  driving over them is only an option if I personally have a life threatening emergency and they will not move out of my way.  In which case, too bad for them.   If I am close to the wall of humans, I will cheerfully hold down my horn for hours on end.  I am easily amused and have a sour attitude.  I will probably also put "jesus built my hotrod" on full blast and repeat, so I won't even have to hear the horn...    If I am far enough back, get off at the next exit.    If they attack, shoot in amongst them and run over whatever is left.   If there is a shoulder etc I will try to go around it if possible.  Etc.   Generally I support the right to protest up to a point.  When the protest blocks a major road that is needed for emergency vehicles and is destructive (what if you were on the way to a game with $1000 in tickets??)  I support the right to remove the protesters, by force if necessary. 
    4 points
  6. All government workers are useless. City, state and federal. I live in suburbia. Neighbors everywhere. Well, this morning there's a skunk in the yard. Unusual for em to be out and about during daylight. I watch it and it ain't moving much. An hour passes by and it is still sitting there so I call animal control. "Oh we don't deal with them unless they are already in a trap" So I asked the lady, what do I have to do, go buy one and then lose it when y'all won't bring it back!? The wife calls local police and the TWRA. Nope, ain't their problem. There's a lot of kids around here. Getting sprayed, bit and rabies shots isn't something I'd wish on these little ones. WTF are you supposed to do and be a LAW ABIDING citizen? That's what's wrong with gov workers. Passing the buck, lazy, it ain't my problem. Ridiculous. I guess the police will probably show up soon to give me hell for discharging a firearm in city limits. If they do, I'm gonna tell them "If y'all would get off your lazy ass and protect and serve then I wouldn't have to do it!" I know several police officers and one or two right here on TGO that do their job. I owe y'all a beer and an apology for any insult you may take, but the ones who do their job know for a fact I'm telling the truth! To those who are doing their job, I appreciate you........you are a minority. The skunk by the way had been attacked by something and its back legs were mangled. If you'd got close to it, you'd have been sprayed and or bitten. It was suffering pretty bad. It now rests peacefully in an unmarked grave. It ain't the animal that pisses me off btw. I ain't having to get out in the rain and get my rifle wet either. It's just the total don't give a crap attitude by the people I THOUGHT was supposed to handle these things. I thought that's what our tax dollars paid their wages for. This is only a trivial pittance of an example.
    3 points
  7. i figured the syg debaters would fizzle out, but, maybe this can serve as one of thousands of good reasons to stand your ground: because sometimes you just have to.....semper fi
    3 points
  8. Aw come on. I don't like em either but they serve a bigger purpose in the cycle of life than that crying brat in your avatar. I wouldn't trade a skunk to save his hide. LOL!!!!!
    3 points
  9. No worries man, in the hands of the police, those are just defensive weapons and not an assault rifle.  You're analyzing the situation wrong!
    3 points
  10. Can you really blame them. Used to be all a criminal had to worry about was a cop happening by a crime and shooting him. Now they have to worry that every potential victim could shoot them. If I were a thug, I would be protesting against Stand You Ground As Well.
    3 points
  11. I had purchased this JP rifle from a board member back last winter and today I finally took it out and shot few rnds thru it to see how it would group. I have around 5000 rnds of 223 ammo loaded up for another custom AR I own but it has a 16" barrel so I thought at minimum I'd get it sighted in not thinking the loads I have would work well in this rifle. The load I shot today is 26 grns Varget and a Sierra 69 grn moly bullet. With rain on the way I set up an uncle Buds bull bag on the tailgate of my truck and shot this way not figuring this load would even be close to show off. One shot and a scope adjustment and here are the results. First group I thought ok I need trigger time as it was all horizontal so I figured I was pulling on the trigger This group measures .473 This second group I could see this rifle has some potential yet I still needed more time behind the trigger. I could also see my heart beat thru the scope which is not good for groups. This group measures .438 As the rain started to begin I decided one more five shot group so I repositioned the bull bag so the hand grip of the rifle was off the tailgate of the truck and I pushed the rifle up against the tailgate making for a more solid and stable hold. The results of this paid off and I may be settled in on this load for the rifle but I'm still gonna try and tweak it a bit more and see if I can squeeze a bit more accuracy from the rifle. Again these were shot at 200 yards. Thats always my starting point for any accuracy load. Finally this group measures .296 Here are pics of the rifle I was shooting today. Comments are welcomed.
    2 points
  12. I freely admit I am not. I just want to be left alone to live my life and go about my business unmolested by other folks and the government. I do my best to extend that same courtesy to everyone else. Other than that, I really don't like people and have no care or concern whether other folks live or die. At the point that you become a hindrance to my ability to go about my business, I stop caring whether you live and start wishing that you die.
    2 points
  13. Well, it's been almost ten minutes since we last talked about Zimmerman so I figured its time for another. LOL Seems he helped out some people in need. Nice! http://abcnews.go.com/m/story?id=19735432&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ar15.com%2Fforums%2Ft_1_5%2F1511307_Zimmerman_emerges_from_hiding_for_truck_crash_rescue_.html
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. If they were black, it was road rage and Z man caused it.
    2 points
  16. For his sake I hope they were black
    2 points
  17. I'm actually working on an article on this subject right now. They all have pluses and minuses. They are all also relatively obsolete from a "modern" firearm perspective. That does NOT mean they are no good...it means they are 50 + year old designs and there are more modern tools available.   Also keep in mind that a REAL M14, FAL and G3 is NOT going to be what you buy now. Most all of them are different than the real ones. And the foreign made ones have to have enough US made parts to import them.   Springfield armory has been out of Mil Spec M14 parts since about 2002 . The M1A is mostly newly made MIM parts now.   The FALs can't be imported and FN stopped making them long ago. A pre ban FN is $3000 a pre ban Springfield SAR48 is $2000+.  The newly built ones that are available from DSA are US made receivers and most of the Mil Spec parts they got from Styer are drying up hence the steady climb in pricing. Or your other option is to buy a kit and a receiver (DSA or Coonan) and have someone assemble it....   And HK does not even build or import to the US the HK94 anymore and a pre ban HK made G3 clone will be $2500 and up. The paddle mag release is normally not found on the imported guns due to import restrictions and how ATF views HK machine guns (long story). So the push button mag release on the right side is how you get the mags out. Unfortunately this is the least ergonomic feature of the 3 rifles but there are places that can retrofit the paddle release to the gun if that is important to you .   So your options on a G3  is pretty much an HK preban import, a Springfield SAR3 (or 8) for about $ 1500 or a new gun from PTR. Their GI model is built with parts from Portugal on equipment acquired from Portugal with enough US parts to make it legal (Portugal made their own G3 licensed by HK ). I have a pre ban Portugal made FMP G3 and it is pretty much all you can realistically ask for in a battle rifle. (for full disclosure I also have 2 M1As and 2 FALs)   The M14 was already obsolete when it was adopted. It is essentially an updated Garand.  It is a fine target rifle and a decent fighting rifle but it is old school technology with a hunting rifle stock. The FAL was a better choice but we already had all the tooling to make Garands and M14. The FAL was a more modern rifle with pistol grip and more like what we expect now from a fighting rifle.  We actually "agreed" to take the FAL and adopt it (which was originally designed around a different cartridge) and we made the NATO countries take 7.62x51 as the cartridge for it and then backed out of the "deal" and started production of the M14. The G3 was produced by the Germans when the Belgians refused to allow them to produce FALs. The G3 was essentially a modified CETME from Spain designed by German designers who left Germany at the end of WWII . It used a pretty radically different operating system than the FAL or the M14. The G3 is as tough as a telephone pole but slightly less ergonomic than the FAL.    In 2013 the choices for a factory new rifle are pretty much either an M1A that is essentially a target rifle now with less than the most robust internal parts and magazines that run around $40 a piece, a DSA FAL that is getting really expensive (about $1800) or a kit gun, and Mags that run around $25-30, or a G3 from PTR (the GI model) that is built on the original Portuguese machinery, still reasonably priced (can be found just shy of $1000) and mags are $5 to $10.    If you want a modern .308 rifle that will easily mount optics (mounting optics was an afterthought on ALL 3 of the rifles) then the SIG 716 is a piston AR in 308 with flat top receiver and can be had for less than the new DSA. But if optics are not critical then any of the 3 will work....they are just not the SAME as the REAL ones.
    2 points
  18. To be fair there are about to be twice as many new jobs as are currently in the market.             When Obama care kicks in full time jobs will be split in to two part time jobs. Instant job creation! :shake:
    2 points
  19. You may or may not be aware, but you can buy the $75 OE .357sig barrel and swap it in. You can also buy the $65 OE 9mm barrel and OE 9mm magazines and use those. My M&P is one of my favorites and most versatile guns I have. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
    2 points
  20. Not really looking to argue about what to do, I'm just saying that the probability of getting into an accident on the interstate when traveling the wrong direction is high. Like incredibly high. In fact, few people do it and come out unscathed. Also, in my experience when gun fire starts crowds disperse faster than I can expend my ammunition.
    2 points
  21. A horror movie that would scare the crap outa me if it came out?   "Eat, Pray, Love...Part 2"
    2 points
  22. Poaching was the excuse if I remember correctly.
    2 points
  23.   Years ago as UT worker I was coming back from Memphis after doing an AV presentation, in UT van. I was in hurry to get home as we were going down to the Keys the next morning. Had been following a guy flying low all the way, just barely keeping him in sight all the way, slowed down through Nashville, cranked it back up on other side, still hanging way back letting him run the interference.   Sure enough somewhere past Nashville , I see the blue lights ahead of me, thinking aha, It worked, got him not me. Figgured the LE had been sitting in median or behind overpass or something.  But as I drew night, I see THP trooper stepping out and giving me the high sign too. Dunno where/how we both got clocked,   So when he gets around to me, I appeal to him as "one underpaid state employee to another", and he said he'd have let me slide "if I hadn't been going 92!". Gave me a ticket for eight miles over or some such, which was a break, though.   So I popped a check in the mail next day on way out of town, went south with $75  less in the ole bank account. And yeah, he was wearing his hat. :)   - OS
    2 points
  24. I'll bet if you forwarded your field trial videos to Kel Tec, they would tee totally refurbished yours and send you a hat and some bumper stickers for your aggravation.   Seriously, . I have heard wondrous things about their customer service and the PMR is one of their "high visibility" products. I'd like to hear of your service experiences getting it fixed and another round of testing.
    2 points
  25. Let me just point out that this coming week in my home state of WV that a 1000 dollar a plate fundraiser is being held for Senator Manchin by none other than Mayor Bloomberg. Tell me that they are not coming to other states. Colorado can happen here, and it could start very simply. Sure you can build a coal plant, but it will bankrupt you. Sure you can have a gun, but we will bankrupt you.       Be cautious and aware of things like this is what I am saying I suppose. 
    2 points
  26. My fellow TGO family, a decade ago, I felt like I lived a life. Woke up, went to the gym, went to work, and came home to hang out with friends and family. My only worry was how many reps of 225 I could do. I drove lifted trucks and gave two cents worth of thought to how much gas cost. I really miss those days, because every day now, this sh$! is hammering down on people who OBEY the law, not gangs or just plain worthless people. I fear that we all may be fighting side by side to protect our families on our own damn soil against people who want to be slaves. God bless the USA and all of you! Proud to be here with every one of you.
    2 points
  27. I grew up in Jackson, and I have lived in both Nashville and Knoxville. We now live in the West Meade area of Nashville, and we love it here. We do miss being so close to the mountains and the river in Knoxville, but Nashville is a better fit for us. Tennessee is a great state with great resources, and hasn't even begun to reach it's potential. To do that, we will all need to have our political eye (and voting hand) on the long-term quality of life and strength of our business sector. Good luck, you are absolutely welcome here.
    1 point
  28. Good question, we only want the "right" Californians to move out here;-) Here's my thread on Nashville, lots of good info there. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/63049-where-to-live-in-nashville-area/
    1 point
  29. Chris Matthews and Piers Morgan are probably closet queens......in the SAME CLOSET.... :biglol:
    1 point
  30. Living near Johnson City (Jonesborough) now and it's a really nice area but we have to move for my job. Sounds like you are retiring so this would be a great area if that is the case. The airport here is very good for a small area, easy flight to ATL then wherever you want. We have a nice house on 17 acres in the country but are about 15-20 mins from shopping, etc and about 25 mins to the airport. We came from Southern California a few years ago and it's much better out here, glad you're able to escape. I am not working much these days so if you need a point of contact out here, let me know.
    1 point
  31. Nothing wrong with any of the 3.  Full auto fire from any of them is a waste of ammo.  Cost no object, I'd pick the M14 simply because it's probably the most accurate of the 3.  I'd pick the FAL 2nd because they're uber reliable and I think they're cool. 
    1 point
  32. if your aunt had a pecker she would look like your uncle
    1 point
  33. Guessing you bought it at TN Gun Country? Have seen Hickok in there from time to time.   Mine has been more reliable than my Glock 19. If you're the gun tinkering type, check out apex tactical. I put their forward set sear and trigger kit in my M&P 9. It turned what I considered a very sub par trigger into one of my favorites. 
    1 point
  34. Update -- Brant with FF contacted me and advised he had a household accident and missed about a week of work. Orders dropped into crack while he was out. In the end, because of lack of communication, I cancelled order and purchased from another dealer. Communication. Communication. Communication. Most people would give a dealer a few more days if they were told what was going on.
    1 point
  35. There is a lot of things in this country that needs fixed way more than "Stand your Ground". All these people need to leave me and my rights alone! I'm about sick of the politics!   Dave S
    1 point
  36. Kinda reminds me of back when OJ got acquitted in a court of law after killing Nicole and Ronald...remember how we all took to the streets in protest, committing racial hate violence against innocent black folk to show how unjust the "system" was, that let go a person who killed people of another race?  Remember?  No, wait, NOW I remember, that didn't happen!
    1 point
  37. WE THE PEOPLE of Arizona need to wake up and RETIRE his arse.....
    1 point
  38. Did he have on his hat? I heard it's not official if he doesn't wear his hat.    I only got pulled over once and it was for speeding. Not sure what he did about the other 6 cars in the park I was going with the flow with LOL.
    1 point
  39. If you know me, you already know what I am about to say but I am gonna say it anyways. John McCain? Fuck that guy.
    1 point
  40. It couldn't have happened to a better guy.   Next, Nancy Grace and Jane Velez Mitchell.   no whammy no whammy
    1 point
  41. The ACR is a great idea poorly executed. And ridiculously priced in it's current incarnation. Why in God's name did Bushmaster end up with it, Magpul? Rhetorical question,
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. Translation: "Y'all forgot about that NSA stuff, right?"
    1 point
  44. With all the rain and nice temperatures this year our blackberries are doing well. The white thing behind the blackberry bush is a full size Chevy Silverado extended cab 4x4 with dark tinted windows. Got blackberries? :yum: They are a good size as well. That's a quarter. :drool:
    1 point
  45. I'm getting real sick of this ####. Was the Zimmerman case just too complicated for these feeble minded douchebags to understand? Amazing 
    1 point
  46. The "Stand Your Ground" law in Florida had no role in the Zimmerman/Martin case. The arguments did not apply as soon as Martin attacked Zimmerman, as so many folks on this forum know and the TN Black Caucus apparently does not know. It was argued as a pure case of self-defense.   Zimmerman had no duty to retreat, but it doesn't apply in this case as Zimmerman could not retreat when he was lying on his back in the grass with his head on the sidewalk being  bashed by Martin.   I wish there was someone who could pull the Tennessee Black Caucus to one side and quietly explain this little fact to them. I'd like to think that they are smart enough to know this, and just are choosing to demagogue it for their constituents and for the newspapers & television cameras.
    1 point
  47.   So, your trigger discipline goes out the window when you drink? I don't shoot, clean guns, or anything else that requires a lot of focus when I'm drinking. That doesn't mean I'm going to disarm myself as soon as I open a beer. I'm real good at not accidentally pulling a trigger. 30+ years of practice, I guess :)
    1 point
  48. There is a difference between drinking and getting wasted. I have at least a beer or glass of wine each night at dinner, then one or two more with the wife after the kids go to bed. I don't normally carry around the house anyway, but if I did I would not feel as if I'm doing something "ethically" wrong. Yeah, there are some folks that can't hold their booze or can't have a couple drinks without getting drunk, but those folks should know their limit. I know mine and I don't freak out if I have had a drink or two.
    1 point
  49. I had possums under my house. I used a live trap with cat food just outside the entrance point. Caught them all, one at a time. Then they suddenly died.
    1 point
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