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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2013 in all areas

  1. I was raised in the South by two God fearing people and a God fearing community. My mother was a US Army nurse in WWII and my father was a rifleman with the infantry. They both saw action. They raised me to respect a person for who they were, not the color of their skin. That's how I roll...............I understand racism like only a southerner can. I respect anyone unless they deserve less, regardless of their color. 
    5 points
  2. Translation: "Y'all forgot about that NSA stuff, right?"
    5 points
  3. “The main thing I feel bad for is it gives every white person and black person who’s racist a platform to vent their ignorance,” he said. “That’s the thing that bothered me the most. I watched this trail closely and I watched these people on television talking about it. A lot of these people have a hidden agenda. They want to have their racist views, whether they are white or black … Their biases definitely come out. It was a bad situation. We all lost.”  --Charles Barkley ^^^ This!!!
    5 points
  4. 10 bucks says they don't give it a shot with me, though I'm not sure I wouldn't enjoy it. I'm working in a nice lil ghetto right now laying a retaining wall, and my truck is not more than 10 ft away with my "softball bat" in the front seat. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    4 points
  5. Young thug wearing a hoodie.  Old thug wearing a suit.  Both a threat to our Country.
    4 points
  6.   Yeah, whole different ballgame regarding women.   Once I had to take the bus to Pittsburgh to pick up a truck, lady at the counter was a knockout, with eye-popping hooters, so the filter failed when I said, "A picket to Titsburg, please".   But the worst was when I was having breakfast with my wife, and I meant to say "Please pass the sugar, hon", but what came out was "YOU G****N BITCH YOU'VE RUINED MY F*****G LIFE!"   - OS
    4 points
  7. He cant apologize for me bro; i didnt do nothin... The hell with Chris Matthews.   leroy
    3 points
  8. He spoke with his ex-wife’s boyfriend. From reading that story he doesn’t sound smart enough to be handling explosives.
    3 points
  9. The Feds under Obozo and Holder have set race relations back 50 years. I'm not implying any politician in either party is wonderful but until this asshole took office and appointed his merry bunch of losers race really wasn't in the forefront of every discussion. I hate these bastards....every one of them. Someday they will have so splainin' to do.
    3 points
  10. I don't want a war. I don't want a race war for SURE. ......but I will burn everything I have before I let them take it. How many people who have worked for what little they have will join me?
    3 points
  11. Love this rifle. Poly mags are a definite plus. The bolt is a little stiff, but I wouldn't call it sticky. My brother used one in Africa on our plains game safari. He killed so many springbok hunting meat for the camp that he named the rifle summer. Get it? Summer, the end of spring. Ok, it's funnier over a few gin and tonics.
    2 points
  12. If someone hacked and permanently shutdown gunbot I wouldn't be too upset.
    2 points
  13. And I remember thinking "it just can't get any worse than Bill Clinton". Boy was I wrong.
    2 points
  14. It wuz propaganda for the "core of the democrat faithful", beings of "lower estate, and the "low information children" man..... .  This is his way of softening the blow to the faithful that even the "In-Justice" department aint gonna touch this one.  It's political pandering, nothin more... . The last thing barak obama is is "presidential"; hell, he aint even pro american; and he sure aint for "justice for all".... .   They know they cant win.   leroy
    2 points
  15. Since he spent so much time in Chicago and more importantly, in Chicago politics; could he actually be anything but a thief, bully, and thug?
    2 points
  16.   I agree with this.  I say all of the time "I am not racist, but I can be prejudice".  I don't care if you are black, white, Hispanic, Asian, or any other race.  If you are stupid, you are stupid, if you are lazy, you are lazy, if you are a waste on society, you are a waste on society.  Dress like a fool, act like a fool, or talk like a fool, I am going to treat you like a fool, regardless of your race.   Some say it shouldn't matter how you dress, or what you look like.  I agree in theory, but as we know, perception is reality.  If you don't want to be perceived as a thug or ignorant, it's pretty easy to fix it.  It isn't about what you wear so much as how you wear it.  It's not what you say, but how you say it.  Wear pants that fit, walk like a normal human being, and talk like you would to your grandma and I don't think we would have these issues.  I guess saying this probably makes me a racist by Big Al and JJ.  
    2 points
  17. I read this piece earlier this morning. I don't believe that despising the behavior of a given group of idiots is racism at all, even if they're all one race. Seems to me, if you're gonna be a good racist, you gotta hate them all. 
    2 points
  18. Matthews can kiss my ass. I'm not the one making threats and trying to race bait everyone. Contrary to popular belief everything that whitey says or does isn't about race but rather taking responsibility for ones actions and acting like a human being.
    2 points
  19. 1. (if memory serves) cops beat a man with batons and continued to do so after he was down. The incident, captured on tape, was pretty horrific to watch.  I also recall that the officers even boasted about it a bit immediately afterwords. Every cop I knew said those cops should go to jail and there was plenty of evidence but the jury had one or two holdouts.   2.  Thug jumps and starts beating a victim and the victim defends himself with deadly force.  Original investigation decided not to charge. That didn't satisfy the thug's parents or the race baiters so they threatened the State of FL until they decided to go shopping for a DA who would prosecute even though they knew they didn't have the evidence to justify the charge much less win. And then the big surprise; the jury saw that the emperor had no close and they found the victim not guilty.   The cops should have gone to jail form the first trial...they didn't. Zimmerman should have been acquitted....he was.   Bottom line; no one should be charged twice for the same crime...NO ONE...the justice system should get one shot at convicting a person and if they can't get a jury convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that's where it should stop.
    2 points
  20. It's all designed  to blow our mind but our minds won't really be blown. Like the blow that'll getcha when you see the pitcha Of a bomber on the Rollin' Stone. 
    2 points
  21. Holding the evidence while there is still an open investigation (even if the investigation is a staged one) is not a big deal.   I predict that after a period of time and most of the racists and "social engineers" have quieted down and bit and most others are simply tired of hearing about "justice for Trayvon"; Holder will issue a press release that the law sets such a "high bar" for conviction and some lame excuses he'll say that the DOJ is not going to bring charges in the case.   Ultimately, I think Holder would prefer to not file charges on some excuses than to file charges it knows it can't win and look much worse.   In the meantime, if Zimmerman needs a firearm I'll loan him one of mine.
    2 points
  22. My fellow TGO family, a decade ago, I felt like I lived a life. Woke up, went to the gym, went to work, and came home to hang out with friends and family. My only worry was how many reps of 225 I could do. I drove lifted trucks and gave two cents worth of thought to how much gas cost. I really miss those days, because every day now, this sh$! is hammering down on people who OBEY the law, not gangs or just plain worthless people. I fear that we all may be fighting side by side to protect our families on our own damn soil against people who want to be slaves. God bless the USA and all of you! Proud to be here with every one of you.
    2 points
  23. Can you really blame them. Used to be all a criminal had to worry about was a cop happening by a crime and shooting him. Now they have to worry that every potential victim could shoot them. If I were a thug, I would be protesting against Stand You Ground As Well.
    2 points
  24. “No child should ever have to be afraid to walk peacefully down the sidewalk without being attacked because of the way they dress or the color of their skin,” state Rep. Larry Miller" Couldn't agree more. What does this have to do with SYG though? Before anyone answers, I ready know. Nothing. Not a hot damn thing, once again we are treated to another example of the "do something, anything at all" mentality that is so prevalent anymore. I have to say if I were black I would be furious with my "representation" from all these as$holes. Stop stirring the $hit and let us all get back to it, life's hard enough without living in a constant state of outrage.
    2 points
  25. http://www.midwayusa.com/product/193520/federal-automatch-target-ammunition-22-long-rifle-40-grain-lead-round-nose-box-of-325 325 rounds for $15. Shipping is a beast but I ordered a couple other things with no additional shipping cost.
    1 point
  26.   It signifies life to the Jews it rescued from certain annihilation.  To them, that makes it worth more than rubies or gold.
    1 point
  27. http://www.tn.gov/attorneygeneral/op/2013/op13-41.pdf
    1 point
  28. It’s in poor taste, but they are just trying to bump subscriptions up. Most of their subscribers have switched to AARP magazine.
    1 point
  29. That's pretty much it. They have been irrelevant for years, bet shock tactics are the only way to have a decent month anymore. I will say on that end I bet they would put just about anyone on their cover if it shocked enough people into buying tha rag to see "WTF up with that?!" I'm a take a page out of your book TMF and go ahead and say that I wish they would be gang raped by a pissed off group of rhinos.
    1 point
  30. 3 million!?!?!?!     Hey, I got a autographed copy of the bible I'd sell for half that!   Awthinticity gauranteed!!
    1 point
  31.   Your ass is busted now. I knew we would get it out of you :)
    1 point
  32. I was thinking about this yesterday, about GZ getting some kind of protection (Not that I would trust the govt to really protect me if I was him). But, the verdict was Not Guilty and the sad fact that pisses me off is that our govt will spend more time, effort, and money to protect that murdering b%#@ that is gracing the cover of Rolling Stone, than they will to protect a man who has had his day in court by a jury of his peers.
    1 point
  33. Simple liberal logic. All black people are Trayvon Martin. This makes all white people his killer. Hispanics aren't on the hook for this one.
    1 point
  34. If he's apologizing for me that makes him a liar cause I ain't sorry for nuthin! Chris Matthews can kiss my lily white butt.
    1 point
  35. Some Florida gun shop needs to gift him a brand new Glock 19, and throw in a couple of fun sticks.
    1 point
  36. I think folks are getting tired of how out of control the fleas & ticks have become, everyone is starting to realize just how badly America is in need of a bath.
    1 point
  37.   I would indeed assume the cacophony coefficient is likely higher than in most assemblages.    - OS
    1 point
  38. The public school system, as a whole, is a complete and abject failure as are just about all government programs/institutions.   Most kids coming out of the public system in the past 40 years know almost nothing worthwhile and more importantly, have no idea how to even think rationally. Only those who have chosen to educate themselves after being in the public system have any real intelligence or ability to process data in a logical, rational way.   Of course there are always exceptions...individual schools/school systems...individual excellent teachers; but they are the exception.
    1 point
  39. That's modern survivalism. That's the reason you put that food away. It'll be rough, but you'll make it. Where this delusion of complete collapse comes from I don't know but surviving the near future will be just like what Rightdefender is going through right now. The rug got yanked out from under him and his foresight to put away a meal or two will keep him from starving and allow him to keep his pride. ....and by pride I mean not begging the system to get time at the government teet at tax payers expense. You gotta know, things will get bad, really bad before they collapse altogether. The chances of an overnight cataclysm is close to zero. Sans a foreign invasion it will take a bit of time for everything to look like a scene from "the road". We have to survive that too you know. It's much more likely that you will have to endure unemployment, natural disaster, your house burning to the ground etc than Red Dawn. I can't stress this enough. DO NOT PREPARE TO SURVIVE THE FUTURE, it's a waste of time. Prepare to survive NOW! Keep your mind on the here and now where it belongs. You have to train your mind to see that we are ALREADY in a survival situation. Greed is a destroyer but kept in check by helping others (that deserve help!); there's a healthy amount of greed that will keep you and yours alive to face tomorrow. It boils down to priorities. If you wanna smoke weed and play video games, go for it. I'd rather have a full belly before I sleep and to know my wife can sleep without fear. Survivalist have good intentions but many if not most need to restructure their way of thinking.
    1 point
  40.   It's too early for that fight :)
    1 point
  41. No that'd be racist... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  42. Two words, "Black Caucus"....self segregation and racism at its finest...there is the true racism in this country
    1 point
  43. I wonder if they understand that when it gets that far, there are many people who will burn everything to the ground before they let them have it. I hope not, but it may very well be that a civil war with the left will be a scorched earth policy deal.
    1 point
  44. Look....I'm 63 years old and given the chance I'm not going to allow some young buck to kick my ass. If I feel as if I'm in danger......well enough said.
    1 point
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