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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/2013 in all areas

  1. It was discovered earlier today that the TM protestors are actually all members of the Occupy Wall Street movement from last year.  L.A. and Oakland PD started firing bean bags into the crowd this afternoon and it didn't phase the groups at all, so they switched to using non-lethal rubber bullets.  This also had almost no effect on the protestors.   The police then decided to load their guns a third time and started shooting job applications into the crowd, which resulted in an immediate dispersement of the entire group.  The streets of LA and Oakland have been quiet ever since.
    9 points
  2. This is going to be my last post anywhere (the blog, Facebook, or TGO) about this case.  Trayvon Martin is dead because Trayvon Martin decided to unlawfully attack George Zimmerman.  Whether GZ's assumptions were accurate, whether he is a racist, whether he followed TM after the police told him to stop, or whether GZ could have used other means to end the assault, the single fatal gunshot was in response to a proactive attack made by Trayvon Martin.  He could have run away or gotten off the phone with his girlfriend and called the police, but instead, he decided to attack GZ.   There are a lot of gun owners, including some on TGO, that need to think long and hard about this case because their words suggest they are quite willing to fire off a gunshot at the mere hint of aggressive behavior and/or take full advantage of the "stand your ground" provision of the law if given the chance.  As this case shows, one can easily find themselves sitting in the defendant's chair or dead because of they let their ego get in the way of prudent and wise decision-making.  
    7 points
  3. Not to worry. It might melt your Glock, but the ammo won't go off.   - OS
    7 points
  4. I served in the navy in 65-69 and I can tell you that seeing the panthers in uniforms and carrying spears standing in formation outside the port athority in new york was a real wake up for me. I may have started this thread in the wrong place but I did it accidently and with good intentions. It's not about Zimmerman it's about This country's survival.
    6 points
  5. Well if the stupid azz people would quit buying that inflated price ammo, then they would stop.
    5 points
  6. It's sad if that happens, especially after being found "not guilty". I don't know who will march for Zman. My feeling however, would be "groups" that are not PC in our society. I am afraid that the supporters of Zman will have several swastika tattoos and/or be dressed in bed sheets.I could be wrong, but I don't think too many good honest people are going to rally in support of Zman. It's actually sad that either side has to rally at all to bring attention to wrongdoings, or what people perceive as wrong doings. You can make up a banner or a sign and go out and rally in support of George Zimmerman. It's your right to do so. Maybe you can get a whole new gig going! DaveS I see what you did there. Nice underhanded way of attempting to color anyone who doesn't agree with you as a klan member. One small tidbit you forgot, Zimmerman ain't white, the klan don't like him either! You have spent a lot of time whining about the way the folks who disagree have supposedly treated you/ spoken to you. You don't get to play the victim anymore after that statement. You have essentially called the majority of this board neo nazis. You just classed yourself in with the race hustlers like Jackson and Sharpton in exhibiting a complete absence of credibility. You disgust me. ETA: For the first time in the years I have been on this board, I added a name to the ignore list. Congrats DaveS.
    5 points
  7. I'm getting real sick of this ####. Was the Zimmerman case just too complicated for these feeble minded douchebags to understand? Amazing 
    4 points
  8. Use half the money to buy a 1911 and spend the other half trying to get it to run right.
    4 points
  9. He knows it. But he probably should give Stevie Wonder a call and explain it to him.
    4 points
  10. Must be getting close to payback time for the Memphis folks.  ;)   :D
    3 points
  11. You know, he tried to tip toe around it by not getting overly specific but he's ABSOLUTELY right.  Ain't nobody seen nuthin' till white folk riot.  Study your history book.  There isn't a race color or creed on earth any better at wholesale slaughter and asswhoopin' than a pale faced man.     If there was a full scale unified white riot in this country, we'd be burying the dead for months.  You see the Rodney King riots and now the paltry Zimmerman riots, but what they gonna do when people start opening up all them zombie preps?  What happens when some of the guys from the Knob Creek shoots take to the street?  White AMERICAN men love small arms and ammunition and there is SOOO MUCH OF IT!       This may be a bit of a joke, but what if it wasn't?  It would be bad....very bad.
    3 points
  12. Oh god I just peed my pants! Funniest thing ive seen in a LONG time. I really needed this today. Thank you! I'd be happy to have him if the white riot ever goes down. He can eat at my table. LOL!!!
    3 points
  13. Another reason I think that approaching the issue from a broader perspective - as in recognizing that the confines of a person's vehicle constitutes that person's private property just like a person's home - is that it avoids being strictly a 'firearms issue'.  Sure, the main impetus behind my desire to see such laws passed might pertain to firearms but there really is a larger issue.  That issue is private property rights.   Every time this comes up, you have some folks (even on here) who want to start a hue and cry about employers' property rights.  What those folks seem to ignore is that the employee also has property rights where his or her vehicle is concerned.  However, whereas the employer 'property' in question is nothing more than a rectangle of blank concrete, asphalt, etc. (parking space) that is part of a larger area of blank concrete, asphalt, etc. (parking lot), the employee property is his or her vehicle and anything contained within it.  I would argue, then, that the more complex 'property' and the rights pertaining to such property far outweigh the rights pertaining to an area of bare concrete, asphalt, etc.  By that measure, yes, employers should have every right to tell employees (or anyone else) what they can or cannot possess within the confines of the employers' buildings (or company vehicles, etc.)  Employers should also have the right to tell the employee (or anyone else) that certain items are not permitted beyond the confines of personal vehicles even within the boundaries of the parking lot.  However, when it comes to privately owned vehicles, the employer should only have the right to tell an employee (or anyone else) that he or she can or can't park his or her car in the employer's parking lot and nothing more.  Beyond that, the employer should have no ability to restrict an employee from having ANY otherwise legal item within the confines of his or her vehicle, no matter where it is parked.
    3 points
  14. I think he understands the facts just fine but no hack like Holder is ever going to let facts get in the way of his far, far, far, left-wing socialist agenda.
    3 points
  15. Some kinda weird karma, both the berries and the body were ripe.
    3 points
  16. What a dipsh*t. :) He better not ruin iphone porn for the rest of us.
    3 points
  17. No! That's why everything is the way is now. He should CONTINUE to stand his ground and continue to fight. The ONLY reason the dirty tree huggin hippies have run this country into the left side of the ground is because WE let them! If it takes court battles or spilled blood so be it. People with values are being exterminated from this country. The Feds have the power they have today because previous generation cowered in fear or turned a blind apathetic eye. Yep, I said it and I meant it. Everyone on forums like this spout from their Interwebz soap box about revolution, standing firm and refusing to bend to the will of the left wing, baby murdering, Jesus hating, gun hating, FREEDOM hating hippie scum; Yet we continue to bow down, bow out and refuse to face them head on. We continue to work hard everyday so lazy useless ghetto trash can do NOTHING! We all know in a physical fight we could decimate them IF we could all find some form of unity. Why we continue to fear them I don't understand. .....or maybe I do. I don't wanna go to jail or die, but .....but nothing. The left will win. This is why.
    3 points
  18. The "Stand Your Ground" law in Florida had no role in the Zimmerman/Martin case. The arguments did not apply as soon as Martin attacked Zimmerman, as so many folks on this forum know and the TN Black Caucus apparently does not know. It was argued as a pure case of self-defense.   Zimmerman had no duty to retreat, but it doesn't apply in this case as Zimmerman could not retreat when he was lying on his back in the grass with his head on the sidewalk being  bashed by Martin.   I wish there was someone who could pull the Tennessee Black Caucus to one side and quietly explain this little fact to them. I'd like to think that they are smart enough to know this, and just are choosing to demagogue it for their constituents and for the newspapers & television cameras.
    2 points
  19.   I don't think she would get hired by the TSA. Employers tend to not hire folks that are grossly over-qualified.  :rofl:
    2 points
  20. This is pretty darn funny....   Basically, a teacher split class into pairs and had one start a story then the next adds a paragraph and they go back and forth.   http://themetapicture.com/a-prime-example-of-men-are-from-mars-women-are-from-venus/  
    2 points
  21. i will have to take off from work.  don't have much free time, got to work to pay for the other people that don't work.
    2 points
  22. It happened again. This is becoming too much of a habit. NA has once again been on the receiving end of my wallet today. I swear I didn't stop by with the intention of buying anything but low and behold they happened to have a piece I've been wanting for awhile now (me and half the country apparently). So anyway I may be forced into moving into a dumpster soon, but at least it will be well defended. Hey, maybe Nashville Armory has one out back I can live in?
    2 points
  23. I plan to do the latter before the former happens but in any case, in a complete economic collapse I think that (dying) will happen to a lot of folks before any government, socialist or otherwise will be able to emerge from the chaos
    2 points
  24.   Well, there is 'white' and then there is 'white'.  See, all the 'hispanic', 'white', 'arabic' nonsense is just that - nonsense.  Those terms actually refer to comparatively minor difference which really only denote subgroups, not 'races'.  From a skeletal biology/evolutionary standpoint there are actually only three races:   1. Caucasoid.  This includes 'whites', 'arabs', 'hispanics' and, believe it or not, even Australian aboriginals (despite their dark skin.)  Features of a skull that indicate probability of being a caucasoid are the presence of a nasal seal, slight 'overbite' of the incisors with a lack of sub-nasal prognathism.  Largely North African/European in origin.   2. Negroid.  This refers mostly to people who can trace their modern ancestry to South Africa - i.e. 'black' people, African-Americans, etc. (which is another misnomer as all modern humans can trace at least part of their origins to some part of Africa or another so, technically, if going by ancestry we are ALL, ultimately, African-Americans in one way or another.)  Skull features of this racial group generally include the lack of a nasal seal, a comparatively broad nasal aperture and the presence of sub-nasal prognathism.   3. Mongloid.  This group includes most Asians and peoples of Asian ancestry - including Native Americans (which is further proof that Native American ancestors were of Asian stock and crossed a 'land bridge' to North America.)  Features of the skull include flaring zygomatic (cheek) bones, an edge-to-edge bite pattern (meaning the occlusal surfaces of the incisors meet, i.e. the top incisors rest directly on the bottom ones) and 'shovel-shaped' incisors.   Three races.  That is it.  'Hispanic' is an ethnic group, not a race.  So, Zimmerman is a Caucasoid - just like any 'whitey'.    All that said, what the heck all of this has to do with whether or not Zimmerman acted in self defense I am not sure.  Maybe the fact that Martin was black contributed to Zimmerman's suspicion of him and maybe not.  I have said and will always believe that Zimmerman's decision to follow Martin was a bad idea but it really doesn't matter why he decided to do so.  Once Martin attacked him, he acted in self defense.  Ultimately - even though some people (myself included) believe that Zimmerman's decisions contributed to setting up a bad situation - the trial came down to whether or not he ultimately acted in self defense, just as it should have, and Zimmerman was found not guilty, just as he should have been.
    2 points
  25.   Yep. We were in the Klan together back in the good old days. :) Robert can put a mean point on a pillow case.
    2 points
  26.   SUCKER!!!   Just had to buy one, didn't you. Well now you pay the price for it. You will be buying Glock after Glock to keep the high going.    You'll be broke and in the dumpster in no time at all. You'll have to buy extra packs just to carry all the G crap around in. You'll worry about how to get around caryring all that stuff or where you can leave it whiie you attempt to reconcile with your wife.   You'll be worse off than you ever thought possible...So...let me help you avoid all that pain and grief. Just bring me the KT. Problem solved.   I'll keep it with all mine.
    2 points
  27.   Andrew and I exchanged PM's early on about promoting his book. I told him he would catch hell for promoting the book without vendor status. He even posted some promotional info in one post due to a cut and paste error, and then edited it after it was posted. I valued his input. For those that are on the liberal side of this issue, I'm sure his contribution was worthless. I appreciated it... a lot. He is an expert in the field, and did a helluva job with the analysis.
    2 points
  28. He popped in here on TGO (other gun sites also) with an agenda before the trial started, and popped out just as fast when it was over. Even if no one had said anything about his selling, he'd be gone anyways now that the trial is over. Honest question here...Has he posted in any other threads here? I can't find them.   He could have done the same updating without all the links and listing his books and transcripts for sale. But there was no money to be made doing that. No one here that I know had any problem with him being a member of TGO and posting here. It was the content of said posts.   Dave
    2 points
  29. Check these two articles out.  RE:  "...the race problem...." and "...stand your ground...."   http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323394504578608182550247030.html?mod=rss_opinion_main   http://dailycaller.com/2013/07/16/blacks-benefit-from-florida-stand-your-ground-law-at-disproportionate-rate/   Interestin read. leroy
    2 points
  30.    He's not going a damn place unless someone steps up to run against him. So far he has either intimidated everyone that has tried to step up or hired them to his team. That's sad but to be honest with you, if they are that easily swayed then they wouldn't be any better than him.
    2 points
  31. You know how we sometimes say " Pics, or it didn't happen" ? This time we'll just take your word for it.
    2 points
  32. Wow. And people applauded that?! I could probably rip a fart that makes a more logical statement than that. I'll tell ya I applaud Sam1 for being able to translate what she was saying.
    2 points
  33. Stan: Hey bring me that box son: *grumbles* Stan: Guess what's in it son: bullets? Stan: hah, right on. But who are they for? son: you? Stan: *points* nope, you. we're going to the range on Saturday
    2 points
  34. The racists in this whole thing are Obama and his asshole buddies. I hope everybody is paying attention.
    2 points
  35. The outlawing of, or at least making a pariah out of anyone who dares employ a bit of common sense is necessary in order to "fundamentally transform" America. into it's new & improved 2.0 version. No tin foil required, as only someone of Osterich-American ancestry would deny it at this point.
    2 points
  36. I suspect that at some point, they will come and get us one at a time, but likely even in broad daylight. While I don't have any suspicion that it will happen soon I do think we are on an interstate that has no exit ramps left as we head at full-speed toward a complete nanny state.
    2 points
  37. I am so sick of this crap.  So a black youth gets killed by a white neighborhood watchman and the world goes crazy.  We have a full year of media insanity over this case, and its all because a white man killed a black kid.  Where was the media outrage and frenzy when a bunch of black folks gangraped, tortured and executed two white folks (Christian / Newsom)?  God this is ridiculous.  
    1 point
  38. “No child should ever have to be afraid to walk peacefully down the sidewalk without being attacked because of the way they dress or the color of their skin,” state Rep. Larry Miller" Couldn't agree more. What does this have to do with SYG though? Before anyone answers, I ready know. Nothing. Not a hot damn thing, once again we are treated to another example of the "do something, anything at all" mentality that is so prevalent anymore. I have to say if I were black I would be furious with my "representation" from all these as$holes. Stop stirring the $hit and let us all get back to it, life's hard enough without living in a constant state of outrage.
    1 point
  39. Baahh, keep your chin up. It was only 6 months ago that everyone I know was getting ready to kickoff a shooting war over sweeping gun control. First time I looked at the subject as not a bunch of silly anarchists, but folks who meant it. I'd say we got at least another generation before we're completely subdued wards of the state.
    1 point
  40. An LLC will increase your costs and record keeping. You will have to file a TN Franchise and Excise tax return. You will have to pay yourself as a W2 employee to avoid paying F&E tax on your income. You will have an additional $300 annual fee the state collects as well. I run a web hosting company with clients in 35 countries, and went from an LLC back to a Sole Prop just because of the hassle. Our terms of service clearly spell out our responsibility vs. the clients responsibilities, and liability/errors & omissions insurance can protect you.
    1 point
  41. Good reads, thanks Leroy. Unfortunately it brings up the ole' "those facts are racist, the system is racist, he's a racist, she's a racist, they are racist, everything is racist, open your mouth and disagree and you're a racist too!" problem though and if we as a nation are not even allowed/able to discuss the problem, honestly, openly, without fear of being labeled as the worstest person ever & without blowing off people who disagree as "racists" with a wave of their oh-so-tolerant hand, we will never be able to agree on anything enough to actually formulate a viable solution to it. I won't pretend to know the answer to everything, but I think that a good start would be a mass-quelling all of the childish & counter-productive labeling & name-calling so that adults can have a conversation without those sorts of interuptions.
    1 point
  42. Yeah I heard part of his speech for the race baiting gathering at the NAACP event. He made it clear again that the administration is out to disarm we the people.
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. Freaking gross.. ..But cool beans ..lol,,Ewwwhhhh   I smelled a corpse before.. its something you just cant un-smell for a while..     My mom always warned me about picking fruit and such close by autobahns and stuff.. to much exhaust and fumes does something to the fruits... But when you consider what they spray on commercial fruit nowadays to keep  them from getting eaten up by  animals and make them bigger and stuff.. I don't know what would be worse..   But you found a dead person.. how cool is that?..:) Not good for the dead person but.. ya know..:)
    1 point
  45. I'm not sure anyone "bullied" Andrew to leave the thread. I personally felt he should be held to the same standards as the rest of the members here on TGO in regards to advertising and selling on the posts. Want to sell commercially, be a "vendor". Want to sell privately? Be a "Benifactor". Some folks here who are defending him selling his books or other services on these forums, are the very first ones to confront a new member of TGO about TGO's policy on selling, and not being permitted to list items for sale in their posts or have direct links to those items for sale. How's that old saying go? "What's good for the goose is good for the gander". He's a lawyer, part of a law firm, and could pay his way as well as the fine Lawyers who pay to be a "vendor" here. But I don't think "bully" is the correct term here.   DaveS
    1 point
  46.   I never want to find myself in a situation like that again. In light of what's been going on in the news, I guess now would be a good time to put together a good "after action" plan in place. We welcome your opinions here, no bother.   DaveS
    1 point
  47. Let us all know how that butt kicking you take turns out some day because you refused to defend yourself. Look...I'm not a tough guy and never look for a fight and avoid confrontation more than most. But I'm not going to stand there and take a beating from some asshole if I have the means to stop it. You may as well leave your weapon at home if you never plan to defend yourself or your family. Good lucky reading a BG's mind and telling a judge I though he was just going to punch me once and walk away but in reality he dealt out bodily harm or even death to your loved ones.
    1 point
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