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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/2013 in all areas

  1. There are entirely too many people who think "justice" = "what I want".
    7 points
  2. Could you not find a place in the 38 other Zimmerman threads for this?
    6 points
  3. Proof that liberals are stoopid.  Unless he was carrying 6,000 rounds and fired that many on his shooting spree, why is it relevant how much ammo he had?  He fired only around 100 rounds, right?  that is 60 times less than the amount of ammo he had.  He could have walked into any Walmart (back then at least) and walked out with a couple hundred rounds of .223 just as easy.  Geez, why are liberals so dumb that they can't focus on relevant facts?   Ugh, it's like the stories where a guy has a dozen guns in his collection and they freak out, calling it an arsenal.  Well, you stupid pants wetting libtards, most of us only have two effing hands!  How the hell does it matter if I have one firearm or 1,000?  I can only shoot one at a time.
    6 points
  4. What I really want to know is what greedy SOB sold Holmes the gas to drive to the theater in the first place. 
    6 points
  5. George Zimmerman deserves nothing more than what he already got.  If he didn't want the backlash from all of this, he should have thought about that when he chose not to follow instructions from the 911 operators and to continue following the kid.   While George Zimmerman may have been found not guilty of the crimes he was charged with, he was guilty of being an idiot and PUTTING HIMSELF IN A BAD SITUATION. 
    4 points
  6. OS, I think some TGOers' call that amount "Tuesday".
    3 points
  7.   Of course. Lots of guns owners, me included, would consider 6K rounds merely a decent start.   - OS
    3 points
  8. I disagree. I hope he stays and gets involved in high profile defense attorney type cases. I think it would be great if he sues the fire out of them the uses the money to get a law degree and become a defense attorney himself. To run and hide would APPEAR to the uneducated masses as an admission of some sort of guilt. The sheeple will not accept him leaving only for his personal safety. People will cry that he's a guilty coward who runs and hides. He stood his ground and he needs to continue to do so.
    3 points
  9. We need to flood the NAACP and DOJ with requests every time there is a black on non-black crime.
    3 points
  10. Since Mid March ive rode 700+ miles on my bicycle and lost 26 pounds. When i started i went 3 miles and about died. Now i knock 16 miles out daily and get bored soon as im done. Im a riding junkie now. Lol
    2 points
  11. . I disagree. I rarely watch the local news because that's all they ever talk about. There are some good things happening in Memphis, but keeping the citizens afraid is a big and profitable business.
    2 points
  12.   Fear mongering, aka libtard 101
    2 points
  13. I don't think that is what he's saying at all. I think what he's trying to say; for example. The deer is turned at a 45 degree angle and you take a heart lung shot. It might not get both lungs. Or the heart at all. If using a 60g soft point in 223 and for example it hit a shoulder blade. It could deflect and not do the damage needed for a clean kill. A 168g from a 308 will not bat an eye at that same shot, it will penetrate that bone and turn vitals to pudding. I know Kharman is most likely using a 30/06 and if I had to hazard a guess, around 180g. This does NOT give him the ability to take a poor shot nor do I think he would. It DOES allow him to take a more difficult shot with an amount of confidence you don't get from smaller calibers. I may be wrong.
    2 points
  14. I am not saying take an intentionally poor shot.  As they say, sh*t happens.  The deer takes a step or you flinch or you deflect off a branch you didn't see...  There are lots of reasons, most beyond the hunters control, that can cause the bullet to impact somewhere other than where it was supposed to.  Having a larger caliber just gives you more margin of error.
    2 points
  15. I'm a hypocrite. I tell most people that its a bad idea but I have no qualms about using it. I'm also VERY picky and patient. I'm fine with not taking a shot and going home empty handed. I wait for the perfect shot or take a pass. I use a Barnes bullet and put it either right on the heart or, of the stars are in alignment, I will put it in the head. *gasp!*. I can also shoot a half inch or less at a hundred with my CZ527. Side of the head between the ear and eye and they fall right there. Tis is not to be taken lightly though, too low and you can destroy the jaw and they will run away only to starve to death. It's incumbent on EVERY shooter to be absolutely honest with themselves about their skill and ability. It's also of the utmost importance that if you are going to take an animals life, do it fast and as painless as possible.
    2 points
  16. Right now, my 'irrational' fear is that .22LR ammo availability and (bulk) pricing will never return to what it once was.  At least I hope that turns out to be an irrational fear.
    2 points
  17. I must say I'm exceedingly disappointed in the people of Seminole County.  I was gone most of the day sunday and was anxiously awaiting getting home and turning on the 6:00 news to see the piles of ash and rubble that once was the greater Orlando area.  How dare they deprive me of such excellent entertainment.!  All LAPD did was beat up a guy and the free sh!t army nearly trashed the whole town.  I wanted to see Cinderella jump from the tallest tower as her castle burned, I wanted to see an angry mob chasing Mickey Mouse down Main St, I wanted to see some guys trying to harpoon Shamu....    That would've been AWESOME!   :rock:   I'm very disappointed.  :down:         :)
    2 points
  18. Here's what we have in my hood. :) [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JMH42/media/YDHoodwatch_zps8510be48.jpg.html][/URL]
    2 points
  19.   You keep throwing out this race baiter term around but who is the one baiting who here?
    2 points
  20. $139?  for another $70 you can just get your SBR stamp and put a real stock on it. 
    2 points
  21. Considering the violent crime rate in Memphis (where you profile says you live) aren't you sort of in a "bad situation" every day? ;)   Don't ever leave you truck!  :rofl:
    2 points
  22. They are going to have a hell of a time proving the the Martin's "civil rights" were violated... when you violently attack someone with sufficient force to put them in legitimate fear for their lives (which is the foundation of Zimmerman's accepted, by the jury, claim of self defense) what "civil rights" do you have?  Once you cross that line you don't even have the right to life which is why the victim is allowed to use deadly force in the first place.   Couple that with Zimmerman's long history of not only not being a racist but of actively helping his community and all races, especially blacks and FBI published findings that THEY couldn't find any evidence of racial bias; trying to prove Zimmerman did anything that night except defend his life after being violently attacked is going to be an uphill battle indeed.   Further, if the DOJ does go after him then we should show up by the hundreds of thousands demanding that they investigate and prosecute those who have threatened Zimmerman's life.        
    2 points
  23. I don't think this case has changed people's minds about carry laws. Folks who believed in a right to self defense likely felt vindicated by the verdict and folks who don't believe Americans should have the right to use deadly force also probably feel vindicated (by the huge injustice done not convicting someone they wanted convicted). Hell, I still hold the opinion that Zman acted criminally but am glad the verdict was based on evidence and not an emotional verdict against someone just because they find guns in the hands of citizens scary. I would say that no one has had their mind swayed on guns. Bed wetters will still be the same bed wetters, and us gun toting lunatics will still be the same gun toting lunatics.
    2 points
  24.   I expect George Zimmerman's stated desire to become a lawyer and then a prosecutor to defend people in circumstances similar to his will be steps along the path to Justice for Zimmerman and all the Zimmermans out there.   I expect George Zimmerman's lawyers, starting with the NBC lawsuit, will begin to claw back some justice for George Zimmerman and help provide him the revenue he needs to gradually claw back some of his life. You can be sure this experience has toughened him up. The thing that does not kill you only makes you strong.   Under the circumstances, George Zimmerman and his lawyers could become wealthy. Some careers are triggered by tragedy. I think of Adam Walsh's kidnapping and murder and his father's "America's Most Wanted" television show.   Some good can and will still come of this.
    2 points
  25. GZ is as white as Micheal Jackson. If they had gotten the race/nationality of Zimmerman's heritage right this would never have went to trial. 
    2 points
  26. Son and I took both of my Pietta BP replicas out today: a '51 Rebel Navy (.44) and a '58 New Army (.44).  25 gr Pyrodex P in the Navy, 30 in the New Army, also with felt wads between powder and ball.  First time he'd ever shot them...looks like it definitely ain't gonna be the last.
    2 points
  27. I'd welcome George Zimmerman as my neighbor anytime. 
    2 points
  28. That is a stack of targets, not pizza boxes.
    2 points
  29. I agree with this, but I don't agree that GZ was "looking for trouble". Instead, he was being proactive at combatting crime in his own gated community, one which had been hit with several burglaries including one where a woman was assaulted.  He called the police and followed the person whom he thought was suspicious in order to maintain sight of him until police arrived.  How, exactly, is that "looking for trouble"?  Does that same idea apply to the armed citizen who goes through his home to confront an intruder?  Does that same concept apply to one who goes outside of his/her home to investigate a suspicious noise?  He was observing and reporting like we are all told to do by law enforcement.  His firearm did not come into the scenario until the very end when he used it to end a violent confrontation started by TM that left GZ with a serious broken nose and other injuries.    Again, there is about a minute gap from the time that GZ was told not to follow TM and the shooting occurred.  GZ told the dispatcher he would meet with officers next to his truck, thus suggesting he did disengage and began to walk back to his car.  That he didn't run back to his truck fast enough to satisfy you is not relevant.
    2 points
  30. I am a ford guy so of course I am going to say F150. That being said, and since you already said you are thinking about a pre-owned, I would shy away from the new eco boost. Not meaning to be harsh to anyone who has one, but... I have a friend who has one and he cannot get anywhere near the advertised mileage.Also, and I know I will get flamed for this but, a 6 cyl is just not enough for a full size truck (excluding the 4.9 inline 6 form Ford LOL) not even with 6 turbos let alone 2.
    1 point
  31. Yeah, there will be a lot of money to be made for book, first interviews, etc. I'm somewhat surprised we haven't already heard from at least one of them. And with the kind of details the media knows about them (as you can see from this article), it's just a matter of time before they are outed.
    1 point
  32. Not all of those countries have 100% gun bans. I know citizens of Brazil, Zambia and Democratic Republic of Congo that own firearms. There are restrictions and hoops to jump through, but they are legal. That being said, 4.2 isn't bad.
    1 point
  33. From a business stand point it is a DBA (dunndw DBA Donelson Computers) already so changing the name wouldn't be a big deal. It is more of a pia as far as changing all the little stuff (domain names, business cards etc). If I were you I would open a new business as a proper LLC entity and then sell Donelson Computers to the LLC (ie Dunndw, LLC dba Donelson Computers) to provide better liability protection. Let an attorney do the paperwork so that all the i's are dotted and t's crossed. It only takes one law suit to promote you to a cardboard high rise. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
    1 point
  34. I absolutely hate comcast. Worst company Ive ever used for cable and internet. Really don't wanna go satellite so comcast is the only option here. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    1 point
  35. First I would like to thank Luke for not going public with who he bought his from, until he contacted me and gave me a chance to work it out, these bcg's came from me and the cam pins need to be stoned, if you bought one or more from me I will get you directions on how to do this or you can send them to me and I will stone them for you, please if you bought a bcg from me please check them
    1 point
  36. The 223 if fine for perfectly placed shots.  The problem is you do not always have a perfect broadside shot.  In my opinion, the 223 is to small for the less than perfect shots. I want a little more power for shots that are not just punching through lungs.    Our jobs as hunters are to ethically take animals.  I would rather see a hunter use something more than the minimum required to give them a little leeway.  Of course this is my opinion and you know what they say about opinions...
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Cause that is TOTALLY how I would hold it.....
    1 point
  39.   Z was found "not guilty" in a court of law with 6 female jurors. They could find NO EVIDENCE that George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin. It wasn't that the prosecution was inept; rather, it was the fact that they had no case because the evidence pointed to Zimmerman's innocence.   What in the HELL makes Eric Holder think that the outcome of a federal trial would be different?   What a MORON.
    1 point
  40.   OS is right here.  I also see George and others involved in this case on the "rubber chicken" speaking circuit.  I dont like chicken; but im interested in hearing his thoughts.  I hope he is outgoing enough to do the speaking thing.  Inquiring minds want to know about the absolute impartiality and fairness of the florida criminal justice system.... .    Maybe ole George can save up enough garbanzos to go to Law School.     On a personal basis, i would like to see ole George go to the U of Fla on a full scholarship paid for by panderin Angela Corey and pimpin Ben Crump.  The Corey one might just happen--- here's hopin....   leroy
    1 point
  41.   Guess they'll be like .22LR for a while. :)   - OS
    1 point
  42.   "A Democrat is a Republican that hasn't been mugged yet."   I think we could safely consider GZ has been "mugged."   Any bets on where he turns up when he is finally "found" by the media?
    1 point
  43. We've wasted lots of bandwith here on the "what if's" all this.  Some of it pretty well reasoned and some of it childish and onesided; but that is the nature of things pretty much everywhere.   There are several things that are for sure here: 1.   Mind your business (...Z-Man, stay in your truck,  Dear sweet Trayvon, dont beat that "creepy a**ed cracker" followin me down, bro...). 2.   If you have an encounter be careful and courteous; your inquisitor could be armed and he may, in fact, know how to shoot.   Dont be in the business of teaching leasons to anyone.  The lesson might go wrong. 3.  Choices in life have consequences.  Some of them can be life-changing, some life-ending.  We all know how that one worked out. 4.   The "tribal ones" and "race baters" will never be placated nor will they they be appeased.   That's the one everyone needs to think about a bit.   No amount of law, verdict, nor facts will convince the "race-bating" community and their childish followers that justice has been served any time there is a black-white conflagration.   Everyone needs to think about that one a bit.    We have had six years of the post-civil war reconstruction redux here, a president that opined that "...if he had a son he would look like Trayvon...", an  US attorney general that mounted and facilitated a witch-hunt to take a "cracker"s scalp using your and my money to do so, a morally and ethically bankrupt bunch of carpet baggers and "crackers" in the florida state government that sought to make political hay from the death of a young man and a little old man who had to shoot him to keep from gettin killed, a bunch of dispicable parents that cravenly tradmarked "Trayvon" and "Justice for Trayvon", presuably to go into the business of profiting from their son's death, a high profile black lawyer callin in favors from the state, federal, and race baiting movers and shakers to get his way in a malicious prosecution in a self-defense case; the list goes on and on...   My take away from all this is that there are more places where we are more divided than ever and no amount of talk is gonna fix it.  The race baiters and their sickening political allies have done their jobs well.  This country has been balkanized, and more and more folks fully understand that.  They are retreating to their homes and arming themselves, and for good reason.   They cant trust their neighbors (...in some locations...), they cant trust government for obvious reasons, and the list goes on and on.  We are living in precarious times.   leroy
    1 point
  44. the epa, unions, and taxes has killed our business.  most sale out to overseas where their is no epa, unions, a high taxes.  it is only a matter of time before we do not have any major companies her
    1 point
  45. It will be a great day when the race-baiters like Sharpton, Jackson, Ben Crump (...ala Florida...) and others are gone from the scene.   They and their socialist handlers have done their jobs well.   They have tribalized and balkanized the good ole usa pretty well in the inner-cities.  Ya see; it is a lot easier to blame others for your failures than it is to face them and do somethin about them.  They have capitalized on that base thought for a long time; "...da man dun put me down..."; when nothin could be farther from the truth.  Booker T Washington wuz right.   leroy
    1 point
  46. Why do i keep getting the feeling that we have not seen the worse of what Obama is doing yet.? :stunned:
    1 point
  47. I don't drink very often, but I view this question the same as I do any situation when consuming alcohol is concerned.  One or two beers does not lead to any significant level of impairment for the overwhelming majority of people in society.  Two beers in an hour is unlikely to get your BAC over a .02, which is negligible. If I intend to have a firearm readily available, I will not drink more than one or two beers.  Same as if I know I will be driving.  If I can't safely handle a firearm after a couple of adult beverages, or I am so out of control after drinking several adult beverages that I need to keep my guns hidden away, then I probably 1) don't need to own guns, and/or 2) don't need to drink. To be frank, the logic of some people in regards to this issue is strikingly similar to the logic used by the anti-gun crowd.  For those anti-gunners, some people do bad things with guns, so good people can't be trusted with guns because they might do something bad too.   For the anti-alcohol crowd the logic is: Some people are irresponsible and do stupid stuff while drinking, so we can't trust responsible people with alcohol because they might do something stupid too. 
    1 point
  48. Stage 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CfmBTz-CCc
    1 point
  49.   I guess 'Jonathan' minds think alike.  In fact, I couldn't resist posting a comment to that effect.  My comment is awaiting 'moderation' - we will see if it actually gets posted.  The following is what I wrote:  
    1 point
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