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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/14/2013 in all areas

  1. This entire thread is in extremely poor taste.  If you fools want to debate each other, debate.  If your tactic relies entirely on you attacking a person rather than their position, you might need a better platform for your argument.  And if your tactic involves making fun of a handicapped child... you might need a bit of introspective soul searching.   I was the father of a handicapped child once.  She only lived to be two years old, but she had a hell of a lot more class than some of you in this thread at whatever miserable ages you've made it to.   Seriously, the worst thread I've seen yet in my days of running this forum.  
    8 points
  2. I went to look at a foreclosed property that was up for auction last month. A neighbor walked down to the road and inquired as to what I was doing there. I calmly informed him that I was there to look at a piece of property that was for sale. Once he saw that I was there for a legal purpose, he filled me in on all the details of the property and the neighborhood. I did not punch him in the nose or beat his head on the sidewalk. In return, he did not shoot me. We both parted on friendly terms. If Trayvon Martin had been my son, I would have taught him the proper way to interact with others.
    7 points
  3. We've wasted lots of bandwith here on the "what if's" all this.  Some of it pretty well reasoned and some of it childish and onesided; but that is the nature of things pretty much everywhere.   There are several things that are for sure here: 1.   Mind your business (...Z-Man, stay in your truck,  Dear sweet Trayvon, dont beat that "creepy a**ed cracker" followin me down, bro...). 2.   If you have an encounter be careful and courteous; your inquisitor could be armed and he may, in fact, know how to shoot.   Dont be in the business of teaching leasons to anyone.  The lesson might go wrong. 3.  Choices in life have consequences.  Some of them can be life-changing, some life-ending.  We all know how that one worked out. 4.   The "tribal ones" and "race baters" will never be placated nor will they they be appeased.   That's the one everyone needs to think about a bit.   No amount of law, verdict, nor facts will convince the "race-bating" community and their childish followers that justice has been served any time there is a black-white conflagration.   Everyone needs to think about that one a bit.    We have had six years of the post-civil war reconstruction redux here, a president that opined that "...if he had a son he would look like Trayvon...", an  US attorney general that mounted and facilitated a witch-hunt to take a "cracker"s scalp using your and my money to do so, a morally and ethically bankrupt bunch of carpet baggers and "crackers" in the florida state government that sought to make political hay from the death of a young man and a little old man who had to shoot him to keep from gettin killed, a bunch of dispicable parents that cravenly tradmarked "Trayvon" and "Justice for Trayvon", presuably to go into the business of profiting from their son's death, a high profile black lawyer callin in favors from the state, federal, and race baiting movers and shakers to get his way in a malicious prosecution in a self-defense case; the list goes on and on...   My take away from all this is that there are more places where we are more divided than ever and no amount of talk is gonna fix it.  The race baiters and their sickening political allies have done their jobs well.  This country has been balkanized, and more and more folks fully understand that.  They are retreating to their homes and arming themselves, and for good reason.   They cant trust their neighbors (...in some locations...), they cant trust government for obvious reasons, and the list goes on and on.  We are living in precarious times.   leroy
    7 points
  4. At the end of the day the gatekeepers for one's freedom or incarceration are a jury of your peers. They chose not to convict. If I was on the jury I'd most likely come to the same conclusion as those jurors due to lack of evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman broke the law when he killed Martin. I don't celebrate the verdict for the sake of Zimmerman, but for the sake of a fair trial being conducted.
    6 points
  5. I believe that the correct verdict was reached based upon the facts in evidence however, I won't revel in it and attempt to serve anyone a dish of fresh crow. There are folks I know and respect here and elsewhere on both sides of the issue. I pray that the fears of unrest are blown out of proportion and come to naught, but I still have taken precautions based upon the chatter on social media. Before you go to bed tonight hug your kids because regardless of your parenting, they could make a poor decision and end up like Martin. Also, ask God for guidance so you don't make a poor decision and end up in the same position as Zimmerman. This was a shitty situation for everyone involved. Let us now work to move past the rifts and divisions that the media and race pimps have sought to sow between us.
    6 points
  6. Well I think I have finally finished my Glock collection. As you can tell, I'm a Glock fan. [URL=http://s1354.photobucket.com/user/smithra89/media/GlockCollection_zps3fcc8a21.jpg.html][/URL] Models listed as seen in picture: G17 G19 G26 G34 G22 G23 G27 G35 G20 G29 G21 G36 G30 G31 G32 G33 All are gen3 except for the gen4 G32. I have no plans to add the .45 GAP models (never see ammo or the actual guns).
    5 points
  7. Anyone ever seen Donnie Darko? Just sayin'.
    5 points
  8. I agree with this, but I don't agree that GZ was "looking for trouble". Instead, he was being proactive at combatting crime in his own gated community, one which had been hit with several burglaries including one where a woman was assaulted.  He called the police and followed the person whom he thought was suspicious in order to maintain sight of him until police arrived.  How, exactly, is that "looking for trouble"?  Does that same idea apply to the armed citizen who goes through his home to confront an intruder?  Does that same concept apply to one who goes outside of his/her home to investigate a suspicious noise?  He was observing and reporting like we are all told to do by law enforcement.  His firearm did not come into the scenario until the very end when he used it to end a violent confrontation started by TM that left GZ with a serious broken nose and other injuries.    Again, there is about a minute gap from the time that GZ was told not to follow TM and the shooting occurred.  GZ told the dispatcher he would meet with officers next to his truck, thus suggesting he did disengage and began to walk back to his car.  That he didn't run back to his truck fast enough to satisfy you is not relevant.
    4 points
  9.   Good one, almost blew by me, was already about to put pronunciation guide in before second line sunk in.  :)   BHO continued the move for conferment of sainthood to Martin today, with his statement of the best way to "honor" him.   "We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this. As citizens, that's a job for all of us. That's the way to honor Trayvon Martin."   Why don't we equally "honor" a man set free in a completely transparent trial by the justice system that likely wouldn't have tried him in the first place without BHO's overt (and likely covert)  influence?   - OS
    4 points
  10. I find it interesting that people want to convict GZ for wrongdoing because he originally followed TM while talking to the 911 dispatcher even though he stopped following him after being told to do so and told the dispatcher that he would meet the police next to his truck, but these same people don't place any blame on TM who did not call the police even though he had a cell phone in his hand and didn't continue to run to the home where he was staying upon seeing a "creepy ass cracker" following him.  Instead, he approached GZ from behind as he walked back to his car, started a confrontation, and struck GZ in the face breaking his nose.  Even then, TM did not disengage, but stayed on the offensive while GZ was on the ground and started beating his head onto the concrete.  With all of that, people want to blame GZ for choosing not to stay in his truck and say that is the whole reason this happened.  TM had multiple opportunities to avoid this confrontation, but he chose to go on the offensive as a man walked away from him.  Whether GZ's original suspicion was reasonable or not, whether his effort to keep TM in view while the police responded was wise or not, neither of these are justification for being attacked from behind, or attacked at all.   If you would instantaneously go on the offensive with an aggressive physical attack just because someone is following you, then you are likely to find yourself dead or in the defendant's seat following the incident. For interested folks, here is the blog post I wrote about the verdict: The Zimmerman Verdict: Has Justice Been Served?
    4 points
  11. Mistakes were made by all parties...   GZ: Never lose situational awareness. Don't follow suspect into a dark walkway. Identify yourself assertively, ie: I'm neighborhood watch, what are you doing here?"   TM: Don't let getting dissed or wanting to do something to brag to your girlfriend to cause you to do something really stupid. Don't start a confrontation.   Parents: Teach kids that actions have consequences. Ground your kid when he gets suspended. TM was suspended THREE TIMES. Take away his phone. Get both of you into a counseling program.  TM had missed 53 school days and it was only February... what kind of parent lets their kid get away with this?   Teach your kids when followed by a stranger.... 1) Run away  2) get to a safe place 3) tell an adult 4) tell a police officer 5) call 911 6) run home and lock the door and call someone.   There seems to be a huge amount of discussion about TM and GZ, while disregarding the role (a lack of) parenting played in creating this tragedy.
    4 points
  12. Being targeted by the National media with false allegations where you are seen guilty by mass public opinion and never stand a chance to regain the life you once had even though you are innocent. Oh wait... you said irrational
    4 points
  13. It's a good thing we have people on juries willing to look at facts and not substitute their opinions for those facts
    4 points
  14.   ""I don't think he can work. I don't think anyone can hire him... George is a pariah," his lawyer said."   He just needs to put out a notice for job offers on his home page and make sure it gets posted on all the gun forums -- probably be flooded with offers.   Or maybe Kel-Tec would consider making him a sales rep or something -- that would show some real cojones on their part, eh?   - OS
    3 points
  15.   Very good. Specifically, trying to juggle pre-existing belief with compelling contrary information.   - OS
    3 points
  16. It’s a real shame that the United States Justice department didn’t act when a hate group publically made death threats and put a bounty on his head. They and the local Law Enforcement where it happened should be ashamed of themselves. The silence sent a signal.
    3 points
  17. Good advice for youngsters. For gun owners the take away should be that the dark alley is just as dangerous now as before you started carrying. There is no way in hell that George Zimmerman, a self described pussy, would have gotten out of his truck and pursued a suspicious man down a dark street if he didn't have a firearm on him. He meets the very definition of irresponsible carrier who is emboldened by his weapon.
    3 points
  18. Yes, teach your children that unless they are old enough to carry a gun to defend themselves from armed nut cases; they have a duty to retreat.
    3 points
  19. How about we teach our children the old line from Robert Heinlein: “An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.”   In those States that allow carry for self defense, teach your children to not assault individuals who may be legally armed, the results just may be death.
    3 points
  20. That would involve me jumping out of my vehicle and coming after you simply because I don’t know you. That’s not happening with me; it’s reckless.
    3 points
  21.   With or without fricken laser beams?
    3 points
  22. Being too old to run or fight, I'd have to use the only other option available.
    3 points
  23. If they let their kind of racism die.... well... I guess they'd have to go work like the rest of us huh.
    3 points
  24. Robby Zimmerman completely owned Morgan during their interview.  It was really enjoyable to watch.  Definitely worth looking up on you tube for those that may have missed it.
    3 points
  25.   None of the Hoodie Packers I've heard from paid any attention to the trial. Don't know where they got their info, but they're wrong, and proud of it.
    2 points
  26. You really didn't listen to any of the testimony or review any of the evidence did you? That issue is covered in detail - and you are simply wrong. Robert, I believe the term you're looking for is cognitive dissonance.
    2 points
  27.   Aren't criminals, and their activities what initiated the need, and spawned "neighborhood watch" programs? Big deal in our area is vehicle pulls up to your house middle of the afternoon, when most people are at work.  Some one gets out, knocks on front door. some one answers, BS question and off they go to the next place.  If no response they go around to the back, kick the door and make off with goodies. Just last Tuesday, car pull into my driveway, magnetic stickers proclaiming a national insurance chain on the door. Guy goes to the front door, and knocks, takes out a camera and takes a picture and heads around back.  Meets the wife and her 20 gauge and hops in the car and off he goes.  She had just finished an hour long IV infusion and was where she could see him walking around the house, and decided to arm herself and ease out the back door.  She called it in, 18 minutes for an officer to arrive.  Our officer from across the street was up the hill in 2.  2 minutes is a long time if something is going wrong. Think the guy had good intentions? I personally see a need for neighborhood watch.
    2 points
  28. I despise thieves and vandals with every fiber of my being but am convinced there is a special place in hell for the ones that screw with cemeteries and churches.
    2 points
  29. I hope he is preparing a civil case against every news corp that doctored/ran the doctored 911 call as well as all the other trumped-up garbage they threw at him.  The defense team has allegations pending against the DA/court for several different things plus the State of FL owe the defense some money as I understand it (not sure of the details). I truly believe the DOJ Civil Rights charges don't have enough traction to qualify as a read hearing based on what I've sand in other threads (I may be wrong but I doubt it).   I'm surprised his marriage has survived...hopefully it will continue to do so.   Beyond that, Zimmerman gets his million dollar bound back which will help...after that I expect he'll do his best to live a normal life - I do wonder if he'll continue to vote Democrat or if this has changed his politics at all?
    2 points
  30. Bass Pro and Elliots Boot Company.
    2 points
  31. The problem is that folks like yourself will read words but only interpret what you want to believe, not the intent of the author. No one can help you with that problem except for yourself. Did Zimmerman deserve to get his head smashed in for getting out of his truck? The statement you made suggests I think it was a punitive action by using the word "deserve". No, of course he doesn't "deserve" that at all. Just like someone who BASE jumps off a cliff doesn't deserve to smack into the side of the mountain and die in a terrible heap on impact, but that is a very likely outcome when you engage in such activities, and I'm not going to feel bad for them. Does someone "deserve" to get AIDS because they shared a needle while injecting themselves with heroin? No, but they don't deserve my sympathy. Does someone "deserve" to get breast cancer? No, but that person absolutely will get my sympathy. You see how that works? We all make choices in life and have to live with those choices. When you make bad choices you have to deal with the outcomes. Life is really that simple.
    2 points
  32. Yup...it he felt threatened why didn't he call 911?
    2 points
  33. Some of you blow my mind. Please let me get this straight, because Zimmerman exited his vehicle, he deserved (and should have taken without using his firearm) to get his head bashed against concrete until his brains spilled out? It sure sounds like some here don't have a very strong conviction to preserve life, only about taking life. By that standard, why do you carry a firearm? Do you think it's always going to be someone of legal age, stronger, and bigger that will put you in fear for your life and they will always have a weapon of some sort? Please, help me understand. I carry a firearm knowing full well I may have to take someone's life some day. They may be "unarmed", they may be underage. But, if they put me in imminent fear of my life, I will be forced to take theirs. No, getting out of my vehicle does not mean I went "looking for trouble"
    2 points
  34. Obviously we have some members who teach their children that it's acceptable to physically assault someone for doing something they don't like. And to think these people own guns.
    2 points
  35.   ??? A jury of his peers in accordance with the law found that he was innocent of all charges. If that doesn't mean he's innocent, I don't know what does. The prosecution failed in their attempt to prove otherwise, because they had no case.   You seem to be implying that Martin was the only one who deserved any sort of "justice". Why was Zimmerman not entitled to the same thing?   Thankfully, justice is not defined by whether or not someone likes the verdict.
    2 points
  36. I accept the verdict. Eat crow? I don’t think so. I’ve seen many cases where guilty people walked free and I’m sure I will see it again. On a national level the state cases with the Rodney King cops, and the OJ case. But the Feds made the King case right and karma took OJ down. We will see what happens with Zimmerman. (I’m not suggesting a federal case; there is none) I’ve stayed out of these threads recently because I was tired of the personal attacks and being called a racist when my opinions had zero to do with race. Zimmerman was found “not guilty”; that doesn’t mean he’s innocent. I hope the Florida law doesn’t keep the Martin family from filing a civil suit. He doesn’t have anything for them to get right now, but I hate to think this guy could make a dime off killing an innocent kid by selling book or movie rights. No justice today.
    2 points
  37. The revcom.us banners were for the communist party! Nothing like a protest to bring out all the attention seekers. Now why don't we have protests every weekend in Chicago? Lastly - 100 years ago, a white mob demanded "justice" when a Jewish man (Leo Frank) was acquitted of a rape of a young white Christian girl - they broke into the jail and lynche him. similar incidences involved Black men occurred many times. Now, nearly a century later, we have black mobs demanding justice when a jury hands down a verdict that They don't agree with, and then they riot, loot and has general mayhem. Can you taste the irony here Justice means Rule of law - not rule of the Mob. And I loved what Don West said last night when he laid into the media
    2 points
  38. That's part of the problem; stupid parents giving birth to stupid children. Sadly, too many children won't learn from Trayvon's mistakes.
    2 points
  39.   I think you have lost your mind. Either that, or you are going totally with the filtered media story. This was plain old self defense, no matter how they got to that point.
    2 points
  40. Gays are wonderful people and if they want to get married they should be allowed to do so...I mean, if they want to be a miserable as heterosexuals why should we deny them???  ;)
    2 points
  41. You must not have been reading many of the opinions stated on here about this case. I don't think anyone here said he was up to something simply because of his presence. It was not a crime to suspect TM. It was not a crime to confront TM, if that actually happened. It would have been a crime if he assaulted TM. None of the evidence showed that he did that. TM assaulting Zimmerman was a crime and slamming his head in to the concrete got him killed, bottom line.
    2 points
  42. I am certain Reverend AL is apoplectic right about now.  I will sleep well tonight knowing how ticked off he is.  Perhaps we will be blessed with more pearls of wisdom from Sharpton over the next couple of days.   "But resist, we much… we must… and we will much… about… that… be committed.”
    2 points
  43. "If the head was split, you must acquit". Sent from my SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
    2 points
  44. AND THE WINNERS ARE:   1ST BAREWOOF 2ND SIDIMAN 3RD NRA37922 and FIELD BOSS     The random number was 57 and 1st was off by one, 2nd off by two and a tie for third with thiers being off by 7.   Winners please contact me with your shipping information so I can get them out as soon as possible.
    2 points
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