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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/2013 in all areas

  1. NOT GUILTY.   George Zimmerman is a free man.   God help him in his life, he'll need it.
    5 points
  2. Gun hater= Z guilty Gun owner= Z innocent DaveS = WTF? :)
    5 points
  3.   Y'all quit bragging. We have some kickass ghettos in Nashville too.
    5 points
  4. I believe that the correct verdict was reached based upon the facts in evidence however, I won't revel in it and attempt to serve anyone a dish of fresh crow. There are folks I know and respect here and elsewhere on both sides of the issue. I pray that the fears of unrest are blown out of proportion and come to naught, but I still have taken precautions based upon the chatter on social media. Before you go to bed tonight hug your kids because regardless of your parenting, they could make a poor decision and end up like Martin. Also, ask God for guidance so you don't make a poor decision and end up in the same position as Zimmerman. This was a shitty situation for everyone involved. Let us now work to move past the rifts and divisions that the media and race pimps have sought to sow between us.
    4 points
  5. A child with downs is not retarded its a special gift for God give to those who can bear the extra work to give them a good life.
    4 points
  6.   If you hear a string of gunfire that just doesn't quit, you'll know that they made it to 6.8 AR's front porch :)
    4 points
  7. Somehow the results of this case (whether he'd been found guilty/not guilty) would have zero bearing how I defend myself or whether or not I would dismount my vehicle to follow someone I deem suspicious down a dark street. We all make decisions in life and we are beholden to those decisions.
    3 points
  8. "If the head was split, you must acquit". Sent from my SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
    3 points
  9. I'll get that started now with this statement: Glocks are the best functioning and best looking gun ever made. All 1911's are substandard junk and should be shipped to places like CA and NY. Also ... 9mm is a far better defensive round than .45
    3 points
  10. So....how long before he can have his gun back?   God knows he's gonna need it now more than ever.  He needs to rent a Uhaul and head to the midwest.  
    3 points
  11. I really think you guys are blowing this whole riot thing out of proportion. I do not think anything widespread will happen.
    3 points
  12. I pray there is no violence. My GF is at work on International Drive in Orlando right now. 
    3 points
  13. Either way, Zimmerman is screwed.  
    3 points
  14. That's why the media was on Trevon Martin's side. They get the black people all pumped up and then the verdict is Not Guilty and they get riots to cover. It's all about ratings. Without conflict, the media would go bankrupt, so they create their own conflict.  There is no justification for assaulting a person and George was attacked. It should never have come to trial but the media has been spinning this like a top. Twisting the facts and squeezing the emotions out of people. It makes me sick.
    3 points
  15. Name an irrational fear you may have.   For me   Being trapped in an elevator with both Nancy Grace and Jane Velez Mitchell.
    2 points
  16. Being targeted by the National media with false allegations where you are seen guilty by mass public opinion and never stand a chance to regain the life you once had even though you are innocent. Oh wait... you said irrational
    2 points
  17. The Lady that is blind folded and holding the scales did Her job.
    2 points
  18. It's a good thing we have people on juries willing to look at facts and not substitute their opinions for those facts
    2 points
  19. If I ran Kel-Tec, I'd be in the first possible location and hand GZ a new PF-9.
    2 points
  20. Looks like Justice has been done, like everyone wanted.   Now we watch while street justice happens so people can have an excuse to go loot some new $300 sneakers and LCD's
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. Yes!!! Stand your ground !!! F off nancy grace
    2 points
  23. No it isn’t. I have zero concerns about my ability to defend myself being impacted by this trial or verdict.
    2 points
  24. I just don't feel that guns are all that unpredictable. Don't pull the trigger and there won't be none. I can remember that with a half liter of tequila in my system. The problems with guns and alcohol come when somebody turns into an idiot, and thinks the rules have changed, like when, where, and what you can perforate.  
    2 points
  25.   It looks like they're doing something. That's all that matters to a politician. If they were required to get results, they would all be fired.
    2 points
  26. A child being hit in the head with a heavy grain bullet moving 300 fps is much different than an adult it think. Kinda like how a grown man can take a grown man punch, but a kid might easily be killed by such a blow.
    2 points
  27.   According to most media outlets, Zimmerman was guilty just because he had a gun. Wait, let me get it right... GUN!!!  :panic:  :panic:  :panic:
    2 points
  28. I sure do. Got detoured through there during the APSU homecoming parade. Didn't even know a place like that existed in good 'ol Clarksville and I had been here for a few years when I drove through there. Of course, I was probably safer there than any place else in Clarksville. The dealers ain't gonna let a cracker like me get popped in their distribution center.... bad for business if the Popo were to actually go down there.
    2 points
  29. After the verdict, I imagine the six jury-women will be OUTRAGED to discover that Saint Trayvon of Skittles' THUG history has been withheld from them.
    2 points
  30. Locked and loaded here. This is not a drill.   I've already clearly communicated to my beautiful and petite spouse that she will not be going to Walmart without a bodyguard (me) for the run-up to and aftermath of the Zimmerman verdict.   These circumstances have already extracted a renewed promise from her to acquire her Tennessee Handgun Carry Permit so she can carry her own weapon legally. (!!)   If you have an umbrella near at hand, it probably won't rain that day.
    2 points
  31. The risk isn't limited to Memphis...  There is a lot of zimmerman and zimmerman riot traffic on twitter coming from Jackson, and Nashville as well.  
    2 points
  32. I was thinking the same thing.
    2 points
  33. Once a person puts on the uniform of a public servant, be it police, soldier, or what have you, that person must represent society. I was often reminded of that overseas when I wanted to act a certain way but instead held back to represent the flag on my shoulder with honor.    It is even more important with folks that can easily violate your person and ruin your life through what to them is a simple arrest. Not only that but the officer in the video jumped immediately to being hurt because a citizen (not a prisoner, not a suspect other than going through a DUI checkpoint) questioned his non-life threatening directions. Now that is not honorable behavior, nor is it acceptable from a public servant. Furthermore in the longer dashcam you can hear more of the conversation that seems to me at least to prove the point that he was trying to intimidate a citizen.    I am sorry, I want to go back to the days of my early adult life when I was not concerned about approaching an officer and asking for directions. Now officers to often are being reported in the news as using things like that to get a arrest, or for having a bad attitude that results in the same - looking for an arrest.    Folks who think the kid got what he deserved should think well what if you were in that situation. The kid did not raise his voice, curse the officer, or anything of the kind. He simply questioned what he had to do. Officers do not know the law, they know how to get through the law to articulate things like reasonable suspicion and probable cause so that they can do their jobs. Lawyers do not know all of the law - they know a small piece of what they work in criminal law. Otherwise we would not need lawyers that specialize in self defense or in tax code cases.    This is why we are supposed to screen and monitor police to make sure we hire ethical folks who want to serve the public and not bullies. Law enforcement officers really do not have the luxury of having a bad day and taking that to work with them. Caesar's wife must be above reproach. Dignity and respect. 
    2 points
  34. ...but Myth Busters said....     LOL
    2 points
  35. We got involved in Egypt originally because of pressure to the WH by McCain and Graham ( and other NeoCons) to back the  then rebels. ( How soon we forget what really goes on!) We need to stay out of the Middle east completely. If anybody attacks Israel then we come to her aid, otherwise back off! This is an Islamic problem and we are Christians, and we have nothing to gain. Contrary to popular belief we are not dependent on Middle East Oil. The only ME oil we use in quantity is Saudi and they don't like any of the other ME nations! We could even cut off from Saudi Arabia and make up the difference overnight with more oil from Canada and Mexico.
    2 points
  36. I'm sure they'll replace her with a Field Marshall of similar character and moral flexibility.
    2 points
  37. She IS on her way to another job. Don't worry... Obama has an endless supply of worthless replacement candidates.
    2 points
  38. Not no, but HELL NO! I drink like a fish and pull off the pistol, set it on top of the safe and before I ever take a drink. I never drink in public. Ever. You're gonna get a great deal of argument here, hopefully a peaceful intelligent argument but you asked for an opinion and mine is NEVER and I personally judge anyone who does as lacking in judgment. I don't care what a person THINKS their tolerance for alcohol is. No. Period.
    2 points
  39. Keep the grass cut short around the pond and remove any brush or other hiding places for critters.  Snakes like to hide and hunt other critters that hide in areas where there's cover.  And you really want the snakes there as they do an excellent job of controlling the population of other less desirable critters.    Designate a "play area".  Play here, stay away from there.  Teach them to identify the various snakes they might see.    http://tennessee.gov/twra/pdfs/snakesposter.pdf   http://www.tnwatchablewildlife.org/display2.cfm?habitat=&sort=aounumber&typename=reptile&Taxonomicgroup=Reptile%20-%20Snakes   That said, do what you need to do to protect the kiddies. 
    2 points
  40. Eating alphabet soup in order only to find out they forgot to give me a Z!
    1 point
  41. I am certain Reverend AL is apoplectic right about now.  I will sleep well tonight knowing how ticked off he is.  Perhaps we will be blessed with more pearls of wisdom from Sharpton over the next couple of days.   "But resist, we much… we must… and we will much… about… that… be committed.”
    1 point
  42. Well from the stats it looks like Murfreesboro had 2 DUI arrests from 7/1-7/7. One at the checkpoint and one by a regular patrol officer in the course of his patrol. Seems like roadblock is a really expensive gig to get a single DUI. Also if only 2 DUIs were caught in the 'boro it doesn't seem as if the police there are looking very hard or perhaps they should change to a more efficient strategy. MNPD had 57 DUIs in the same timeframe not sure what those boys are doing but it looks sure looks pretty productive.
    1 point
  43. If I was looking at a 226 it would be the MK25, not because its what the seals use yada yada, but because it comes with 3 Mecgar mags, not the usual 2 unreliable Checkmate mags all others ship with... thats just me though, I don't like many of the products Exeter is turning out now a days
    1 point
  44. The IT fellow's firing by State Attorney Corey will hopefully be her demise. I just hope that there are enough residents of the State of Florida incensed enough to rise up and demand a full and unbiased investigation of the whole travesty. The intentional removal of records and their 11th hour availability to the Defensive Team should also be great fodder for appeal (I hope, but I'm a layman not an attorney). I hope concerned citizens from the entire country bombard "officials" of this state.
    1 point
  45. I'm not sure the problem rests with the political parties as much as it rests with the vacuum of morality that is now approaching the Status Quo of American society today...any flavor of democracy, including a representative one, can only truly survive so long as a significant majority of the people are willing to do the right thing...who would rather live with freedom and independence than depend on government...who will do the right thing even when no one is watching.   I'm not talking about "religion" although morals do need some sort of basis for their moral compass by whatever name you want to call it.   What I'm getting at here is that I don't really believe any more that "who" we elect or what party (or non-party) they identify with is going to make much difference....I think we may well be on a path that we can no longer stray from.
    1 point
  46. A house surrounded by treadmills attached to a generator. They can run fast all they want while giving me power.
    1 point
  47. But no citizen should be subjected to unprofessional behavior, especially since the kid wasn't being disrespectful. As I said in my blog post, this kid was guilty of nothing except contempt of cop. I get the impression that you think everyone should just shut up, allow ourselves to be subjected to random police intrusion, and smile while our rights are violated. Civil disobedience has been an effective tool for centuries and I applaud this kid for stepping up and trying to do the right thing. You are blaming the kid because the cop was a jerk, when that's the real problem here. There is a deputy driving the roads of Rutherford County who thinks it's perfectly acceptable to treat people like crap when he feels like his authority is in question, and a sheriff who seems to find that behavior acceptable as well. Never mind the fact that they also think it's acceptable to randomly stop American citizens, demand their papers, and subject them to a search without any suspicion of wrongdoing. I was a cop. I investigated countless DUI cases. This sort of activity is not necessary and has little, if anything, to do with getting drunk drivers off the road. It's PR and a chance to snoop for other crimes, especially illegal drugs.
    1 point
  48. I think he's Trayvon's real father. "If I had a son"..... I'd kick his tail if he acted like Dave
    1 point
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