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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/2013 in all areas

  1. I have only 1 box of federal 22lr target match 325 rounds . So I will give this to some one that has kids but has no 22lr so thay can shoot , the first person that says thay want it . It's there's please do not ruin this for a child . You can pick up in spring hill tn. Or I can ship it to you. But you have to post a picture of your kids using the box of ammo, jest wanting to make sure none of the kids are not left out of any of the shooting fun when 22lr is so hard to get . Thanks shipped out to NoBanStan . Any one else that would like to put up some free 22lr ammo for a child to be able to shoot and have some fun when 22lr ammo is hard to find feel free to post it here if you like. 1madss has put up some 22lr ammo for some kids to go shoot 2nd page
    8 points
  2. Possible closing line: Trayvon Martin might not have been shot If he had just gone home to smoke some more pot
    7 points
  3. If you're inclined to do something stupid with a gun, then you shouldn't have a gun. If you're inclined to do something stupid while you're drinking, then you shouldn't drink. I'm not going to lock my guns away from myself when I open a beer. Never have, and never will. I don't "carry" at home. There's just always something within reach.   That's just me. Some folks turn into idiots when they drink. If you need to be restrained, do it.
    5 points
  4. I don't drink very often, but I view this question the same as I do any situation when consuming alcohol is concerned.  One or two beers does not lead to any significant level of impairment for the overwhelming majority of people in society.  Two beers in an hour is unlikely to get your BAC over a .02, which is negligible. If I intend to have a firearm readily available, I will not drink more than one or two beers.  Same as if I know I will be driving.  If I can't safely handle a firearm after a couple of adult beverages, or I am so out of control after drinking several adult beverages that I need to keep my guns hidden away, then I probably 1) don't need to own guns, and/or 2) don't need to drink. To be frank, the logic of some people in regards to this issue is strikingly similar to the logic used by the anti-gun crowd.  For those anti-gunners, some people do bad things with guns, so good people can't be trusted with guns because they might do something bad too.   For the anti-alcohol crowd the logic is: Some people are irresponsible and do stupid stuff while drinking, so we can't trust responsible people with alcohol because they might do something stupid too. 
    3 points
  5. There is a difference between drinking and getting wasted. I have at least a beer or glass of wine each night at dinner, then one or two more with the wife after the kids go to bed. I don't normally carry around the house anyway, but if I did I would not feel as if I'm doing something "ethically" wrong. Yeah, there are some folks that can't hold their booze or can't have a couple drinks without getting drunk, but those folks should know their limit. I know mine and I don't freak out if I have had a drink or two.
    3 points
  6.     Sure, but the issue is that Prosecution dropped the ball yesterday, today gets to hear what defense has outlined, and rectify his mistakes. Why is it an issue now? The trial should have never existed in the first place and prosecution has not provided enough evidence to prove they even have a case. 
    3 points
  7. What a difference, a professional lawyer (O'Mara) vs a hired lawyer(DLR) that the state went fishing for hoping he would get some airtime to make him famous. Calm, composed demeanor, not the screaming and yelling antics of the Prosecution.    And the parts that sucks is that Prosecution gets the last say..
    3 points
  8. 2 points
  9. That is NOT what I was expecting to read about. How would you like to be the officer who had to disassemble the firearm? Good thing they snatched this up before she could hurt somebody.:rofl:
    2 points
  10. Cool. Another gay thread. I'm starting to believe Letereat was on to something  :rofl:
    2 points
  11. For Gods sake..do not show this to Gordon..
    2 points
  12. Didn't you "ignore" me on another thread? Apparently, crapatalk doesn't recognize my ignore list, so I still have to see your delirious babble when I'm on my phone.
    2 points
  13. I wasn't there so I will never know exactly what happened.  But, it appears at least one out of two people engaged someone that didn't need to be engaged.  The consequences: one lost his life and the other may lose his freedom (among many other things like money, security, friends, etc.).    I accept that no matter what the verdict is, my takeaway is to keep doing what I'm doing: Being very careful as I carry my firearm to avoid anything that can reasonably be avoided.   I'm no good to anyone dead or imprisoned because somebody's following me or because someone is acting like they're on drugs.
    2 points
  14.   He's serious. I'm pretty sure Z ain't the only one that had his head bounced off some concrete :)
    2 points
  15.   Classic!  This has kind of been what I was getting at all along.  I do NOT believe that Zimmerman is guilty of murder, manslaughter, etc.  I do believe that the actual act of shooting Martin was done in legal self defense.  I simply believe that Zimmerman exhibited poor judgement and made some pretty unintelligent decisions which ultimately contributed to putting him in that position.       I agree with 99.9% of what you said.  The only part with which I disagree is the statement that, "In the end it doesn't matter what they could or should have done."    The reason I disagree with that, particular statement is that it is the difference of whether others learn a lesson from this case or not.  Further, it is important because it points out the reason why Zimmerman should NOT be treated like the poster boy for responsible handgun carry.  As a person who carries a firearm for self defense, I both hope that Zimmerman is found not guilty (if only to avoid setting a possible precedent that could impact even those whose use of a firearm in SD wasn't preceeded by dumbass decisions) and want to dissuade any comparison of Zimmerman to the majority of legal handgun carriers as much as possible.   Likewise, I am not a Martin 'supporter'.  I believe this case ultimately involved two people who made dumbass decisions.  Maybe Zimmerman thought he was following Martin for the 'right' reasons but that doesn't make doing so any less of a bad decision.  Maybe Martin, as a 17 year old boy, thought that it was somehow his 'duty' to 'man up' and confront Zimmerman.  I and others have said that we might not take too kindly or feel too comfortable about having someone following us when we are just walking along, doing nothing illegal and minding our own business and I stand by that statement.  Going directly to violence and attacking Zimmerman with no apparent verbal interchange, however, was both wrong and stupid on Martin's part.  Mostly, I think this case involved a couple of would-be swingin' dicks who both made stupid decisions which put them in the other's path.  Being a dumbass earned Martin a dirt nap.  Being a dumbass has also probably ruined Zimmerman's life as it was those questionable decisions which likely opened the door for this farce of a trial to begin with.   I don't think Zimmerman is 'innocent' in this whole thing - he wasn't just out for a stroll when he got unexpectedly jumped and his bad decisions are partly to blame for him being in a position to have to use his firearm in self defense.   That said, I certainly believe that he is 'not guilty' in a criminal manner since, as Lester stated, "being a dumb-ass ain't against the law."
    2 points
  16.   So, your trigger discipline goes out the window when you drink? I don't shoot, clean guns, or anything else that requires a lot of focus when I'm drinking. That doesn't mean I'm going to disarm myself as soon as I open a beer. I'm real good at not accidentally pulling a trigger. 30+ years of practice, I guess :)
    2 points
  17. Using TMF's standards of evidence and testimony, I'm thinking we should also convict Zimmerman for Hoffa and JFK.
    2 points
  18. There is rarely 100% perfect knowledge of anything; that's why we use a system where we, hopefully, don't need to resort to guessing.  If we always had to have perfect knowledge we would either never be able to find anyone guilty of anything (or just assume guilt simply because someone has been charged). That's why I don't need to guess; not any more.  We have Zimmerman's recounting of events with no credible evidence or facts to show it's wrong combined with a ####load of evidence and facts and testimony (a good bit of which provided by the prosecution's own witnesses) that support Zimmerman's recounting of events.   At this point, there is no reason to not believe Zimmerman unless a person just doesn't want to believe him.
    2 points
  19. And Treyvon had no duty to run away. He could have followed Zimmerman too, or even waited in the shadows to approach him and ask him what his problem was, right? For all we know that is what happened and Zimmerman threw the first punch. I'm not arguing whether he should be convicted, as I do not believe there is enough evidence to convict him of any crime here, but for many who keep saying that it has been proven as fact how it all went down are full of BS. There is only one person in the world who knows for sure. One thing I know for sure, if HCP holders model their behavior after Zimmerman they have a much higher chance of finding themselves in a courtroom than the rest of us.
    2 points
  20. http://www.wsmv.com/story/22820604/thp-releases-full-video-of-controversial-rutherford-co-checkpoint   Dash cam video. It shows the whole thing, instead if the edited version. The deputy was cleared of any wrongdoing. 
    2 points
  21.   I think this  sums up the situation better than anyone else has explained it. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that this is exactly what happened.
    2 points
  22. M O O N. That spells moon.
    2 points
  23. I'm celebrating with a bacon sammich.
    2 points
  24. I was at a tat studio and this guy had all these Japanese writing ãƒ€ãƒ 尻白少年  across his back. He was looking for a cover up. Come to find out when he was in the navy 8 years prior he had the tat done in Japan. It was supposed to say something about peace and tranquility. Well he ran across someone that speaks Japanese and they told him it translates to "Dumb ass white boy".
    2 points
  25. There are a couple of iphone users on TGO that could shoot you in the face at 600 yards, using their iphones to do the math. iphones ain't just for hippies :).
    2 points
  26. Tgo circle and the 2nd amendment sticker on the back window of my Dakota. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    1 point
  27. Trayvon is exactly where God thinks he should be. Zimmerman was only the messenger.
    1 point
  28.   Yeah, at my current posting rate...I'll catch you in....55 years or so.   I'm charging on like a herd of turtles, so look out!
    1 point
  29. I have all but stopped drinking when I am out 'in public'.  For one thing, I'd rather legally carry my handgun in public than legally drink a beer in public so since I am usually carrying, the decision of whether or not to drink in a public place is rendered moot.  Honestly, though, part of the reason is monetary.  I can buy a sixpack of decent beer for just about the same price that a couple of glasses of watered-down, mass-market swill would cost at a restaurant.  Likewise, for what a couple of mixed drinks would cost at a restaurant, I can buy a pint of pretty good stuff and pour them as strong as I want at home.   I also wouldn't drink even at home while shooting targets in the back yard, etc.  I simply don't see a 'need' for it nor do I think it would enhance my enjoyment of target shooting.   As others have said, though, if I am at home and have a firearm in my pocket or within arm's reach, the idea of drinking one beer isn't going to make me freak out and start locking everything up.  If I were going to have more than one, I'd be more likely to put the firearms out of reach but it is so rare that I have more than one, anymore, that I don't even devote much thought to that.   Certainly everyone needs to make decisions that will contribute to firearm safety.  I do believe, however, that our collective 'ideas' about alcohol consumption are influenced by the long-reaching shadow of Prohibition as well as living in the Bible Belt.   Case in point:  Way back in the mid 1990s, some friends and I spent a week at an all-inclusive resort in Mexico (Puerto Vallarta - before that location apparently became a big 'gay' vacation destination.)  We went into town on a couple of days to souvenir hunt and just to try and get some idea of what daily life there would be like.  I went into one store and bought a beer.  Now, this wasn't a Budwater, etc.  This was a La Boheme (Bohemia) that had not been watered down for importation into the U.S. (I have had Bohemia here and the alcohol content was around 4% - the one in Mexico clearly stated on the label that the alcohol content was 7%.)  I paid for it, the clerk popped the lid off for me and bid me a good day.  I asked, "So, I can just drink this while walking down the street?" and she assured me that, yes, it was no problem.  Well, as I exited the store I noticed that there was a road construction crew working on fixing the street outside that store.  They were apparently taking a break - and most if not all of them were drinking a beer and smoking a cigarette.  No one was freaking out that they were drinking 'on the job' or while operating construction equipment.  Obviously, having a beer on break was considered commonplace so I am guessing that it didn't regularly result in death and mayhem.   My point is that, despite how even the non-religious among us might have our opinions and attitudes regarding alcohol influenced by the specters of Prohibition and Protestantism, I don't believe that 'demon alcohol' is going to invade my body, mind and spirit and cause me to start shooting up the place after only one beer any more than that evil gun in my pocket or holster is going to jump out and start shooting up the place all on its own.  Notice that, so far, no one who has answered the poll has indicated that carrying and having even one would be okay anywhere and everywhere - pretty much just at home.  Further, no one has indicated that they think it would be okay to be 'snockered' and carrying a gun.   Oh, and just something I found interesting, as an aside:   When I was in Mexico, the conversion rate was roughly 100 pesos per American dollar.  A Coca-Cola purchased at one of the little stores in town was about 90 pesos.  That La Boheme beer I bought was seventy-something pesos and the bottles were the same size.  So Coca-Cola was more expensive than beer.
    1 point
  30.   even if you did, how big around does a .25 caliber rifle bullet get when it expands?  Or a 30-30, or 357?   A 44 is already about as big around as many other rounds are after expansion, and unlikely to get any smaller.   Most expansion I have seen is at most 50% larger.   A 30 cal increased 50% is .... wait for it ...  45.   And rolling in at 200-300 grains and a pretty good velocity out of a long barrel hunting pistol, it should be fine even if you used (illegal, but if you did for argument's sake) a FMJ round.   That said I had a bunch of 300 grain JSP  (flat nosed soft point semi-jacketed whatever that is called) that expanded pretty well on nonliving targets.  Never made a kill to say what it would do on a deer.
    1 point
  31. Well, I hope the six jurors are able to do their job and render a decision based on the evidence...I don't care whether people "feel" Zimmerman is guilty or not, he at least deserves an honest jury and possibly sending a man to prison for a significant part of his life (assuming he even lives through prison) is not something that should ever be done based on feelings or emotions or sympathy for the "child" Trayvon.
    1 point
  32. Yes it was; that's why the original DA decided not to charge and why FL had to go shopping for a DA/prosecutors that would do the will of the race-baiters and the media.   At least now I know that Zimmerman is a "white-Hispanic" and Obama is a "white-African American".
    1 point
  33. Majoring in digital media. He has the editing down pat. Spins a story like a pro. The dash cam video reveals a couple of things...   As soon as our civil rights activist friend participated in the conversation, things got civil The dope dog really did hit on the door handle They found a couple of pot seeds in the car Crusty as he was, the deputy explained in detail why he pulled the twerp over to the side. It was right at the end of the video.
    1 point
  34.     I venture that if Martin had killed Zimmerman there would be no issue with the prosecution getting the last word.
    1 point
  35. i wonder if Martin's parents arrived in court after OMara started his closing argument on purpose to make sure the jury noticed them?
    1 point
  36. I'd like to get a couple of guys together & go through a check point doing a 3-Stooges routine. I have dib's on being Shemp!
    1 point
  37. For those who think muslims, any muslim, is your friend think about this. If a muslim is forced to choose between you or their religion. Which do you think they will choose?   I guarantee every single muslim in the world would try to kill every single non muslim if they thought Allah told them to. And I am honestly surprized some mullah hasn't come out publically and said that. That was always our fear every time we heard the call to prayer. That they were secretly saying kill the infidels.   They all believe in, and would die for, the Koran and Allah. And the Koran is filled with hate against non muslims. It isn't just a few radicalized individuals, it is every single muslim on the planet that belive the same. They are intolerant of non muslims look for reasons to get upset every chance they get. They demand that we become tolerant of them while at the same time they are intolerant of everyone else. And if one muslim is upset then every other muslim within ear shot is upset. Turmoil draws them in like moths to a light.   I will give you an example, we had an American worker pick up what he thought was a piece of paper. He seen it had the local writing on it so he asked a local what it was. The local flipped out and the American came to us because it was one of our locals that was flipping out. Well within 15 minutes we had a full blown riot inside our compound demanding we behead the American or the mob would kill us all. It was touchy for the next 24 hours but eventually the group settled down as we tried to explain it was an honest mistake. The problem? The piece of paper was a page from the Koran and a non muslim had unknowingly touched it. They wanted to have the guys head and if he wasn't with us they would have killed him. Now imagine the same thing here except someone finds a page out of a Bible. Most would just throw that page in the trash without giving it a second thought. We had to keep the guy in hiding for a day or so then fly him out under armed guard because we still had locals that wanted him dead.   For the video linked above, make no mistake he IS a die hard muslim and would kill every single person who criticized his religion if he could. He is a charismatic person so people think he is not a die hard muslim but he probably is more so than the last suicide bomber. Every person who claps in support is a fool for being fooled by him and his charisma. He even admits the muslim religion is not a pacifistic faith.   The muslims want their religious beliefs to be the predominent belief all over the world. It is a slow process, or at least used to be, but now it is gaining steam. Look at Europe, they have groups that are causing grief to non muslims. They have taken over and are using threats of mass violence to get their demands met. They demand that they use their own laws and values even when dealing with non muslims. This is how they will take over, slow and methodical.      Here is a video that explains a lot more than most people know. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmQOWJ5_kKU
    1 point
  38. Of course the deputy was cleared of any wrongdoing. There have been multiple cases of police SWAT teams kicking in the wrong door and killing unarmed innocent people inside and they are cleared of any wrongdoing. The officer was a jerk and had no justification for it.
    1 point
  39.   I'm just guessing but there's probably a million+ residents in those counties in North Colorado, they could start the process by refusing to pay Colorado state income taxes.
    1 point
  40. Welcome, first round on you, make mine a 12ga 2.75"
    1 point
  41. Yeah okay. They spit on Jesus and that's fine. Tell a muzzle to kiss your ass and you're a hater. I guess I'm a hater. They're free to practice their religion without persecution and I'm free trash talk it on a conservative Internet gun forum.
    1 point
  42. Every venomous snake I've ever killed attacked me and I truly feared for my life. It WAS SELF DEFENSE..!!!
    1 point
  43. Let them do it. Everybody needs to see the commie dream evolve to its full potential. Maybe will it educate the idiots that elected those people to begin with. It would be hard to make Chicago any worse.
    1 point
  44. I can see Crockett County from my porch, really.   But, I travel all over the State, on business and for my avocation as well, drive a lot of miles each year.  I have run across a few badge heavy guys, most of those local officers who were simply poorly trained.  Have never had a beef about treatment by State Troopers, they have a wing of the Haywood County Courthouse that should have my name on it as a major contributor over a job I had in Covington one year, they got me three times in a week, took me a minute to realize they mean 55 down there. I have a huge respect for LE, I am so glad there are people with the nads to take on that job, but as such, I hate for an officer to abuse their power.  I expect them to know the law and abide by its tenants.  Two years ago, I had a Dyer County Deputy inform me that I could not carry my Officer's Model loaded, locked and cocked (safe driving award stop where I informed that I was armed and he asked to see it). I politely asked him to radio a supervisor and ascertain the facts of that assertion, which he did semi under protest.  I had a City Officer try to keep my ammo after he unloaded my weapon in Gibson County (on a stop looking for someone else in a vehicle like mine), after talking with the Chief, (who I went to high school with) I got it back.  I did not argue or try to be a bad ass in either case, (I have 8 more rounds in the trunk) it does in fact pay to salute the man with the switchblade. The Deputy in this case is going to learn a lesson in procedure, and possibly some others will benefit as well.  The kid is still going to be a jerk.  Some day he will need a LE Officer to help him out, and the odds they will.  I think that I will continue to treat Officers at stops like I would like them to treat me, I am even polite to the the TSA, and that takes a LOT of steeling myself up for, cause I really think their organization is a steaming pile.
    1 point
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