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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/2013 in all areas

  1. 5 points
  2. why didn't Martin call his Dad instead of the girlfriend?  Seems I'd call my Dad if I was going to call anyone other than police.   Surely the Dad would have come out to see or at least told him to run right home.   Logic tell me Martin was not going to be disrespected by some cracker, that would hurt his street cred for sure.  He picked a fight and lost.   Could Zimmerman have stayed in his truck?  Sure he could have, but I do not see where he broke any laws in his actions.
    5 points
  3. Considering the tremendous power of the state to bring charges against someone if they really want to and their virtually unlimited resources of time and money, it's a wonder that anyone at all is ever acquitted of a charge...it's a sobering thought that our lives can be effectively ruined just because we exercise a basic human right, the right to protect our own lives.   Like everything else the government has control of, the justice system is completely out of control and has lost its way.
    3 points
  4. Dear Penthouse, I cannot believe that this happened to me, yesterday this beautiful naked ...
    3 points
  5. It was coming right at me.
    3 points
  6.   Don't be one of those goat ropers that passes out King Edwards. Those things are really just mosquito repellent. Get some real cigars.
    3 points
  7. This followed me home yesterday! Haven't shot it yet, but it feels SO nice! CZ 75 P-01
    2 points
  8. This reminds me of this pic if this app was used to report guns in TN.
    2 points
  9. Sport fighting is no longer an acceptable way to behave in today's society. Somebody will shoot you. Out of all the testimony I've seen, pushing someone to the point of having to defend themselves is not part of Z's personality. He's a soft spoken dough boy. Martin underestimated him, but only in terms of Z being armed. He figured he could whip his ass, and pretty much got it done. 
    2 points
  10. Snakes are venomous, not poisonous.  And it's illegal to kill them.  Just sayin'...
    2 points
  11. Last time I checked the rules, you have no right to "defend yourself" against feeling threatened especially when there are many other options such as "call 911 instead an idiot girlfriend" or "go home" instead of turning back and confronting the one who is making you feel threatened or maybe even don't smoke weed if it makes you feel paranoid.
    2 points
  12. Not mine, but I finally talked my dad in to buying a new AR15. Ruger SR 556 He is mainly a bolt action and revolver guy, so this one has taken me some time. I can't tell you how many times we've gone to the gun store and he's walked away from an AR like this.
    1 point
  13. I will celebrate every one of them too! My guess is if this happens will have another Trayvon/Zimmerman type case every week or so. Also, I bet the Rham-E types will land on the side of the thugs for this type of thing and prosecute CC people as aggressively as possible.
    1 point
  14.  Your vehicle must pass emissions standards if you live in a county that contains a metropolitan city or any county that shares a border with said county. At least this is how it started out. Again it is an attack on people that can least afford it. It doesn't really affect folks driving new vehicles (other than it being a pain in the arse and $10) but rather the folks driving the vehicles after the first man puts 100,000 miles on it at which time you play the "how much is it going to cost to get the damn check engine light off long enough to pass the test" I've known of folks that were faced with making a decision between necessities and getting their car to pass emissions which can sometimes cost $500-$1000 or even more when they don't know how to fix it them selves.. Just another unintended consequence of governmen/tEPA games. Just shows you who they are least worried about.  
    1 point
  15. How did you develop this obsession with plastic muzzle devices and have you seen a counselor? ;)   - OS
    1 point
  16. Sorry but there is no excuse for not returning a customer's call for days/weeks. It's not like they didn't return a call that day - but the OP tried calling and leaving messages for weeks. I don't care how few employees a shop has, that is just bad customer service.
    1 point
  17. Nose hair.. pfft..You need to see 6.8`s ears.. looks like a squirrel made a nest in there ..;lol
    1 point
  18. Think Wendy was happy with the likeness? Or was he dating/married to Bobcat Goldthwait? On a side note, it's pretty scary what you can find on Google in less than 30 seconds.
    1 point
  19. Somehow, I seem to remember that Zman shot and killed TM. We don't know if Zman "flashed" his gun at anytime during this altercation. He may or may not have. I'm so glad he ain't taking the stand. That way we'll never know the real truth, and I don't have to listen to the doughboy wimp whine. No matter how this skuffle came about, if TM would have shot Zman, ya'll would be forming a lynch mob! The kid with the hoodie would be guilty then too!! Just my two cents! Dave Like the prosecution, you do an awful lot of assuming and speculating.
    1 point
  20.   You just called us all racists now? You really gotta start reaching for some reality.
    1 point
  21. The young prosecutor has far too much testosterone. That testosterone prevents him from knowing when to stop while he's possibly ahead. He knew the witness was beating him, and he was too stupid to move on.
    1 point
  22. If you shoot one, don't tell us about it.  ;)
    1 point
  23. Yuup...he sure did shoot and kill Trayvon Martin and all the evidence I've seen/testimony I've heard (which is a majority of it) tells me it was a good shoot.   Even the prosecution's own witnesses have either done nothing to discredit Zimmerman's story or has supported Zimmerman's recounting of events.   Which is why I can't help but wonder why you keep throwing in "could haves" and "I remembers" and a bunch of completely unsupported assertions.  :shrug:    My only regret here is that Zimmerman was forced to go through the expense and emotion of a trial just to satisfy some race-baiters...it's a shame Zimmerman can't at least be compensated/reimbursed by Martin's family and/or the state of FL for forcing to trial what the original DA knew shouldn't have been...better yet, take the money out of Sharpton's and Jackson's pockets.
    1 point
  24. That's a slippery slope for sure. On one side, it would be legal since its the Guard but it also reminds of this quote from "The Siege" General William Devereaux: Twelve hours after the President (insert Gov. Quinn) gives the order we can be on the ground. One light infantry division of 10,700 men, elements of the Rapid Deployment Force, Special Forces, Delta, APCs, helicopters, tanks and of course the ubiquitous M-16 A2 assault rifle. A humble enough weapon until you see it in the hands of a man outside your local bowling alley or 7-11. It will be noisy, it will be scary and it will not be mistaken for a VFW parade. Great movie to get you thinking about the repercussions of having war fighters in American streets. Ground combat troops are in the "Use only in case of war" category for me.
    1 point
  25. Always be there. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, allow your grandchildren to play in or around your pond unsupervised! Snakes should not be as big of a problem as many would think! Let her play, you watch for snakes!   Dave
    1 point
  26. That's fine, Dave...if you think starting a violent confrontation because you "feel threatened" is legal in any state of the union, including TN, then you need to take a refresher course in basic law. You might also want to bone up on the law that is commonly (and not very appropriately) called "stand your ground" because I don't think it means what you think it means.   But go ahead if you want...to do what the thug-want-a-be did and start a violent attack on someone because you "feel threatened" (ore because he "disrespected me; there are still plenty of powerball awards to hand out to people that do that.
    1 point
  27. Zman's community has THREE streets. He lived there almost 4 years, and he didn't know the street names? Bull!!   Dave
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29.   If you're creeped out, do you move away from safety, and toward what's creeping you out? Trayvon was on safe ground, and then went toward the conflict.
    1 point
  30. do what you think is prudent.   That said, life should not be all about the gun.  Go and enjoy yourself.  Leave the rifle in the safe.  ymmv
    1 point
  31. There are a couple of iphone users on TGO that could shoot you in the face at 600 yards, using their iphones to do the math. iphones ain't just for hippies :).
    1 point
  32. Just tie a dead rabbit to the bumper of someone else's car and stay up wind of them...you'll be fine :)
    1 point
  33. Thanks vontar, now I've sat here and wasted half an hour looking up every restaurant I've ever eaten at on that site.
    1 point
  34. If you haven't read Atlas Shrugged, you need to.  At least watch the first two movies on Netflix and read book three.
    1 point
  35.   Kinda hard to beat someone's head against the grass, pavement or anything else if they are sitting inside a vehicle so, yeah, I think it is safe to say that if he had stayed in his vehicle then chances are that the altercation would not have happened.  Even if it had happened, there would certainly be no room to question Zimmerman's actions.  "Zimmerman shot Martin after Martin pulled Zimmerman from his vehicle and began beating him," is a whole lot more clear cut than, "Armed man shoots teen after getting out of his vehicle and following the teen on foot."   Now, if you want to talk ridiculous then we can talk ridiculous.  It is claimed that Martin went home and then came back.  I have also seen claims in this thread that Zimmerman was not following Martin but only got out of his vehicle to check the street signs.  Talk about ridiculous.  If that were true, it would mean that:   1. Zimmerman, as captain of a neighborhood watch in what sounds like a fairly small, gated community didn't know the names of the streets that he would have regularly patrolled?  Sounds fishy.   2. The house where Martin was staying was approximately 50 yards from where the attack happened.  So, in the time it took Zimmerman to exit his vehicle, look at a street sign and start back to his vehicle (which would take, what, five or ten seconds?) Martin had time to travel a total of 100 yards on foot, pausing to talk on his cell phone along the way?  Wow, someone should have gotten Trayvon onto a track team and on a path to the Olympics - or gave him a red costume with a yellow lightning bolt and a mask with wings.   But, yeah, we can at least agree that it would have been better if Zimmerman had stayed in his truck because then at least there wouldn't have been any doubt about his actions leading up to the shooting.  While I know that no one can know for sure, in that case I seriously doubt this would ever have gone to trial.  In fact, it probably wouldn't even have been on the national news for more than a day or two, if that.  Heck, there is a good chance it would have been a local news story for a week or so and then forgotten.
    1 point
  36. Folks, OS made a great point in post #384 above; and Robert made a great point in post #386.  Look at it this way:  Each individual state has marriage laws duly passed by that particular state's legislature, voted on by that particular state's individual citizenry who duly elect these "state representatives".  Each state passes marriage related legislation (...marriage licenses, fees, definitions of who can get married, on and on...).   Remember, this (...marriage definition, ect.  ..) is a STATE issue; keep that in mind.  The individual states pass differing state legislation concerning marriage (...example-- New York, Kalefornia, Hetro, homo.--- Tennessee, alabama, georgia -- hetro marriage only...).   Remember, in every case marriage here is defined by the individual state(s); not the federal government.    Now remember back in our little speech about what the supreme court did.  There was a FEDERAL LAW called DOMA that defined marriage as one man, one woman that wuz passed on the Clinton watch just after the "gay marriage" thing wuz passed in one of the states (...probably new york or kalefornia, dont know for sure...); i think, as a push back against the "gay agenda".   Things rock along and no one complains until the two rich dykes from New York do their "estate planning" (...see the post several pages back...).  They discover they have to pay a inheritance tax (...to the FED, i think, not the state...).  They discover that even though they are legally "married" according to new york state law, they have to pay this tax that evidently a straight couple would not have had to pay.   They sue and the suit moves all the way to the Supreme Court.  The supremes rule that all forms of marriage recognized by the several states have to be treated the same way by the Federal Gubmt.    Said another way; the DOMA law said, in effect, that Hetro couples got a tax break on inheritance, the dyke couple didnt.  The DOMA thing wuz struck down due to the "equal protection under law" thing.  It says that the several states regulate (...marriage, in this case...) the state (...and the federal government, in this case...) has to treat even handedly.  Said another way; dont punish legally married gays causing them to pay a tax that hetro couples are exempt from if they are "legally married" as defined by that particular state;  and reside in the state that recognizes that marriage.  That's what all this is about; nothin more.  That's why DOMA was struck down.  It gave preferential treatment to one class of marriage over another.   The moral of this little story (...i think is two fold...):    (1)....What the several states regulates; the state and the federal government has an obligation to even-handedly treat as to taxes, benefits, etc. etc.   (2)...Regulation of marriage has been reconed to be by the Federal Supreme Court to be a STATE ISSUE.  That's a good thing.  For the first time in a long time, the power of the federal government has been limited.  That means that there aint a "right to marriage (...regular of homo...) in the Constitution.  We can all be thankful for that one.   Finally, if ya dont want the state to make a law allowing gay marriages; see to it that you elect folks that see things your way and see to it that they stay that way.  That's why the gay jhadists are talkin about moving the "fight" to the individual states.  I think this is the story up to now.   leroy
    1 point
  37. Description: The carpet didn't match the drapes and her boobies were asymetrical.
    1 point
  38. LAQUER THINNER IS WHAT NEEDS TO BE USED RATHER THAN ACETONE. In case anyone missed it the first few times.
    1 point
  39. The short answer is, I personally wouldn't. That said, I'm thinking of buying a violin case. :D
    1 point
  40. Whatever the details, it was a snafu. I'm glad the charges were dropped. I'm sure there was a gun hater in the mix somewhere.
    1 point
  41.     You don't have to have a TN DL to qualify as a TN resident. However, a TN resident must get a TN DL within 30 days of establishing residency, assuming he indeed wants to legally drive in TN.   But most states have a law against having more than one DL, like TN apparently does (it's a question on application or renewal I think).   Anyway, actual "dual residency" in the US seems to be a myth. Although the states have no problems with you paying all kinds of state taxes in the separate ones.       - OS
    1 point
  42.     I think they drove to knox county and bought three cases of Woodbridge from me.    ah heck might have been two different old ladies.   Baptists tend to go to different counties to get their hootch.
    1 point
  43. Our neighbor came over today and walked up on us (my 14yr old daughter and myself) in the garage where we were cleaning a couple of rifles. He got a puzzled look on his face and asked if I was making her do that. She politely said no that she was cleaning her rifle while I cleaned mine. He looked more puzzled and asked why in the world was such a pretty girl worried about hunting. She explained that she could not be less interested in hunting, that she had other reasons for learning to shoot. When he asked what they were she very boldly quoted a picture she found on the internet that she, and her mom, both like....... [URL=http://s1356.photobucket.com/user/sbj9148/media/IMG950511_zpsd59e6994.jpg.html][/URL] I could not have been more proud. I am hoping that this will discourage the neighbors son from comming around so much to LOL
    1 point
  44. I have one that looks horrible to the point that I can't even make out what it originally was, it's about 8 years old.  Drunken mistake, thankfully it is hidden if I'm wearing a t shirt.  I have nothing against them, just not for me.  I've seen several references in this thread about people with tattoos and prioritizing their expenses.  My wife and I were talking about that just the other day.  We were swimming in Monroe County and noticed that most everyone in the river had lots of tattoos, and not many teeth, no offense to anyone from Monroe County.  I just can't figure being in your twenties and spending money on tattoos (okay most didn't look like they had spent very much) but not spending money to keep your teeth.
    1 point
  45. I don't have any tats.  I wanted to be different.
    1 point
  46. No...Government rules are...."Be a Good Boy and Obey"   Big boy rules are "Do whatever you like...but be prepared to deal with the consequences if the worst happens".
    1 point
  47. Considering that you are on the receiving end of policies back by Republicans and Democrats, perhaps the Libertarian Party would be worth a look. However, to your original question, yes, people carry without a permit, and many people with permits carry in places they know they are not legally allowed to do so.  When government passes a law, it's only as good as the willingness of people to follow it, the ability and willingness of police to enforce it, and the willingness and ability of the court to prosecute it.  When government passes laws that many see as unjust (as a friend of mine stated in a post on a political blog we have, justice and legality are not necessarily the same thing) people will be far more likely to choose to ignore it.  As a disclaimer, I'm not suggesting that is necessarily a wise or legitimate way to handle it, but that is reality.
    1 point
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