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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/2013 in all areas

  1. Since I can't leave feedback for this... I want to say a public thank you to UncleJak. He is one of the good guys, to be sure. He came and helped me with the door today; he is a definite asset to our community!
    4 points
  2.   We would probably all be safer if we stayed in our trucks all the time. That said, I still get out of mine on occasion and I do not want anyone beating my head on the ground if I get out. I will shoot you.
    3 points
  3. The federal government doesn't need to "recognize" anything...there is no reason for the feds to give preferential treatment to any one group over another...no special or even non-special benefits for "married" or "non-married"...just treat everyone as an individual.   My tax rates...my health insurance...my "fill in the blank" doesn't need to be dependent or altered because I'm married or not married; gay or straight; black or white or brown; Christian, Jew, agnostic, atheist or nothing at all.
    3 points
  4. I honestly believe deep down in my heart, that 75 % of the people that will/can raise pure hell over the outcome of this trial could care less one bit about justice. All they are looking for is an excuse to show their azzes and tear something up to feel they have a purpose in life, and be seen on the 5 o'clock news!    Dave
    3 points
  5. The prosecution never really had a case...the original DA knew it and that's why Zimmerman wasn't charged in the first place. Now, DAs are political animals and that cannot help but influence their decisions on occasion but most DAs don't like to lose cases and won't usually file charges unless they see a real case there.  How much of the original DA's decision was based on evidence or on politics we can't know but following the DA shopping and eventual enlightenment some of the best political minds in the country tore the indictment to shreds. All that to say; if you don't have a real case you probably aren't going to find really good "experts" because in situations like that what you generally wind up with are expert witness prostitutes who will say whatever they are paid to say...I think that's what we saw in the prosecution's case.  The combined that with a bunch of "witnesses" who all had an ax to grind like TM's mother and that idiot girlfriend, etc.  The only witnesses that did a good job on the stand were the police, etc.and they did more to bolster Zimmerman than they did Martin. When the law is on your side, pound on the law.   When the facts are on your side, pound on the facts   When neither is on your side, pound on emotion or whatever will make the defense look bad.   I think we can see clearly what this prosecution did.
    3 points
  6. Well, self-appointed "leaders of the black community" have spent the last 40+ years telling blacks that it's all about race...that EVERYTHING is about race and that all black people are victims.   Given that, of course black people are going to want the "white-Hispanic" convicted...evidence doesn't matter when it's all about race.
    3 points
  7. I tie the left ones to the right ones so the mosquitos have a swing.
    3 points
  8. Martin probably smoked weed regularly.  I doubt he was high when he was shot.  Pot does not make people violent.  If anything being high would have caused him to run home.   Pot may cause paranoia but with that as well I never saw anyone who was high looking for confrontation.   The testimony from Zimmerman's friends was predictable.    Martins father is lying and was called out on it by two policeman.   I still absolutely see no evidence that Zimmerman murdered Martin.
    3 points
  9. Fontana Dam is the highest dam East of the Mississippi River. The dam uses two overflow tunnels that are each about 30 feet in diameter to run excess water off of the lake. At the bottom the water hits a concrete "ramp" and shoots 150 feet into the air and lands approximately 450 feet down stream. It makes for a spectacular sight. I took these pictures of it yesterday. To my knowledge the overflow system has only been used 3 or 4 times since the dam was built in the 1940's.
    2 points
  10. Now living in much calmer Smyrna, but prior to moving back here actively worked neighborhood watch in San Antonio. They also had a curfew for youth under 21. Youth in dark hoodies late at night, especially wandering around aimlessly or off the sidewalk in people's yards, IS suspicious behaviour. We called the nonemergency number for the police all the time. If they were cutting through backyards, YES we would try to keep them in sight, if they attempted to engage or confront us, it would become a 911 call in a heartbeat, and we would certainly take steps to defend ourselves.   A youth in a dark hoodie after dark, with face covered, with lower observability because of the dark clothes, is very nearly "possession of burglary tools." The police in San Antonio looked very unfavorably on such conduct and would always come and check after a call.
    2 points
  11. If you review the comments I think you can clearly see Android users are mainly made up of Republicans. I bet you'd see a different reaction if it was an iPhone app :)
    2 points
  12. Zimmerman did nothing illegal by following Martin.    All Martin had to do was go home.   Confronting Zimmerman was the problem, not Zimmerman following him.   I really wish I had been able to see the cross of the forensic pathologist.
    2 points
  13. So we should make up a ton of fake names/address' and report them all as having guns.  Just to paint the map red.   Seriously, making maps to people's homes that have commented no crime should be illegal.        We need a map that shows people that are not gun owners just to even the playing field.  (maybe joking).    
    2 points
  14.   What minister cannot express his opposition to gay marriage right now from the pulpit? From any denomination? AFAIK, a minister is only held to account by his congregation and any larger affiliate (Southern Baptist Convention, Catholic Church, etc). Certainly not by the government.   What church is forced to perform gay marriages?  And what church is forced to hire anyone they don't want to?   - OS
    2 points
  15. Sorry in advance for the verbosity. I consider myself an enthusiast rather than an afficionado although I’m sure that’s my damage rather than Webster’s.   A close friend of mine told me years ago that if a cigar is well constructed and burns well, everything else is personal taste. I believe he’s right. Nothing wrong with the offerings from the big companies like General (Macanudo, Punch, etc.) and Altadis (Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, etc.), but I tend to gravitate toward the smaller / boutique manufacturers (Oliva, Padron, Tatuaje).   At the risk of getting on a soap box, I try to support the brick and mortar cigar shops over the e-tailers. I don’t want to tell anyone how to spend their money but I think I could write a longer post than most would want to read about the parallels between the brick and mortar cigar shop and the local gun store. I suspect a lot of us at times pay a premium to do business with the local gun store because we appreciate the value they add beyond the goods purchased and we want to support businesses we’d miss if they went away. I feel the same way about the brick and mortar cigar shops.   The sales folks at a good cigar shop help the cigar enthusiasts (especially the newbies) navigate the plethora of product out there. Most cigar shops have a lounge where you can smoke indoors. Tennessee isn’t at least as of yet as restrictive as other states (e.g., California, most of the northeastern states) but smoking isn’t exactly politically correct and finding a public place to smoke indoors isn’t as easy as it was a few years ago.   As for the premium paid to do business with the local cigar shop, I’d suggest it’s not as large as some might think. Granted you can save some scratch on low end (and no I don’t mean to sound like a snob with that term) premiums made primarily, if not exclusively, for e-tail but when you move up a little in price point the difference shrinks considerably. When you factor in that most shops offer some type of loyalty program (e.g., discounts for locker members) and run at least occasional specials (e.g., deals at vendor events) the difference shrinks even more.   We’re lucky in middle Tennessee that we have a number of good shops. I realize this when I travel. Not meaning any slight by the exclusion of the other fine shops in the area but I personally frequent Big Star Cigar (Mt. Juliet), Uptown’s (Green Hills) and Smokey Cigar (Hendersonville). If you’re in Chattanooga, both Burn’s locations are great (downtown and east).
    2 points
  16. Since gay rights supporters are constantly telling us that discrimination is a bad thing, I believe it would only be right for the legislature to pass a law that would make it illegal to discriminate against individuals or groups who hold the belief that homosexuality is deviant behavior.   This means that churches and other faith-based organizations would remain free to express their opposition to gay marriage, remain free to refuse to perform gay marriage ceremonies, and free to refuse to hire anyone who did not hold the same views regarding scripture.   It also would mean that other employers would not be able to discriminate against prospective or existing employees if they refused to state that they embrace "diversity".   Anti-discrimination and fairness should work both ways, right?
    2 points
  17. Taking my young man on college visits. Visited Cornell last week. Doing Princeton and Johns Hopkins this week. My son told me that he would probably live in this area after he finishes college and I told him that I would miss him. I have no use for a place where I can't do what I want when I want with my toys.
    2 points
  18.   Did Zimmerman witness Martin doing anything illegal before exiting his vehicle?  Did Zimmerman witness Martin threatening anyone before exiting his vehicle?  If not then his 'responsibility' wass to call the cops, make a good report and let them handle things from there.
    2 points
  19.   Kinda hard to beat someone's head against the grass, pavement or anything else if they are sitting inside a vehicle so, yeah, I think it is safe to say that if he had stayed in his vehicle then chances are that the altercation would not have happened.  Even if it had happened, there would certainly be no room to question Zimmerman's actions.  "Zimmerman shot Martin after Martin pulled Zimmerman from his vehicle and began beating him," is a whole lot more clear cut than, "Armed man shoots teen after getting out of his vehicle and following the teen on foot."   Now, if you want to talk ridiculous then we can talk ridiculous.  It is claimed that Martin went home and then came back.  I have also seen claims in this thread that Zimmerman was not following Martin but only got out of his vehicle to check the street signs.  Talk about ridiculous.  If that were true, it would mean that:   1. Zimmerman, as captain of a neighborhood watch in what sounds like a fairly small, gated community didn't know the names of the streets that he would have regularly patrolled?  Sounds fishy.   2. The house where Martin was staying was approximately 50 yards from where the attack happened.  So, in the time it took Zimmerman to exit his vehicle, look at a street sign and start back to his vehicle (which would take, what, five or ten seconds?) Martin had time to travel a total of 100 yards on foot, pausing to talk on his cell phone along the way?  Wow, someone should have gotten Trayvon onto a track team and on a path to the Olympics - or gave him a red costume with a yellow lightning bolt and a mask with wings.   But, yeah, we can at least agree that it would have been better if Zimmerman had stayed in his truck because then at least there wouldn't have been any doubt about his actions leading up to the shooting.  While I know that no one can know for sure, in that case I seriously doubt this would ever have gone to trial.  In fact, it probably wouldn't even have been on the national news for more than a day or two, if that.  Heck, there is a good chance it would have been a local news story for a week or so and then forgotten.
    2 points
  20.   Just because you don't agree with it doesn't make it ridiculous.  In fact, I'll say it, again.  He should have stayed in his truck.   That said, he didn't and the subsequent events happened.  Such being the case, I agree that this trial will have long-standing repercussions.  I will go on record here to say that, while I do not think Zimmerman is 'blameless' in the situation, while I do believe that he made some bad and/or questionable decisions without which the whole fiasco could have been avoided and while I further do not believe it behooves us, as gun owners/carriers to try and hold him up as a bastion of reasonable behavior or a poster boy for handgun carry, I certainly do hope that he is found 'not guilty' of any criminal charges and that there is not even a door left open for a civil suit.  If he is found 'guilty', I fear that it will set a precedent for filing charges against anyone who uses a handgun in self defense even if that person's behavior leading up to the shooting event is in no way 'questionable'.
    2 points
  21. Not as many this year as past years by a long shot.   I've done a little research on those fascinating little creatures but could not find an answer to a couple of my questions about them, maybe you guys know?   I usually don't put my feeders out until about the first week of May, as it seems that's when the little critters come up here in NW Tennessee in earnest. The last few years I've noticed a number of humming birds coming and hovering where I put the feeders before I put them out for the season, as if they were here last year? Will / do humming birds come back to the same area year after year from South America / Mexico?   Also, I couldn't find any information on how long they live other than it's speculated two years?   If I were going for my P.H.D., I believe my Doctoral Theseus would be the study of Humming Birds... Fascinating little critters!        
    2 points
  22. Description: The carpet didn't match the drapes and her boobies were asymetrical.
    2 points
  23. If you do happen to see a bear (or any wildlife for that matter) while driving, please, PLEASE pull off the road.  Nothing is more annoying than some yahoo stopped in the middle of the road jamming up traffic while looking at some critter.
    2 points
  24. I'll care and anybody who carries a weapon in public should care as well.   This is one of many cases that shows what can happen when even a totally justified self defensive use of deadly force/your firearm can still carry heavy, heavy consequences.  We can all see what Zimmerman did right and wrong (and no, I'm not talking about the ridiculous "should have stayed in his truck" mantra) and learn from it.   ANY ONE OF US can have this happen to them...we can do everything 100% right and still be charged and have to go through a trial whether it's because of race baiters or an overzealous or gun-hating DA or any of dozens other circumstances that, if they coalesce in the right way can make our lives a living hell.   We need to be prepared for that, mentally and financially or we really need to examine whether we should carry at all.
    2 points
  25. This is going to sound like it's a racist statement, just want to forewarn you all that it's not, so now, not only will White people be considered racist, now us Latinos will be too.. Great!!   :rock:  As long as I'm not called Mexican or ask if I speak Mexican, I'm good.. Nice to know that someone hates me, other than my ex. 
    2 points
  26. Glad you go to the GC armed. Last time I was there it was like a scene from the Walking Dead. Slow walkers eating everything in sight.
    2 points
  27. Mike your mustache near as I can recall is totally made up of nose hair.   Looked like damn shrubs growing out of your nose.
    2 points
  28. I can't think about any buffet without thinking about this: http://thewvsr.com/ryans.htm Fair warning, it's only text, but it does contain some bad words.
    2 points
  29. Negative! It's horrible here. Worst place in the world. You'd have to be completely nuts to want to live here. Hope jersey is just a visit.
    2 points
  30. Since Mid March ive rode 700+ miles on my bicycle and lost 26 pounds. When i started i went 3 miles and about died. Now i knock 16 miles out daily and get bored soon as im done. Im a riding junkie now. Lol
    1 point
  31. I picked up this one tonight, Romanian M69 trainer. Pretty nice so far. Haven't gotten to shoot it yet though. [URL=http://s1246.photobucket.com/user/gjohnsoniv/media/romym69_zps1581b5d7.jpg.html][/URL]
    1 point
  32. best quote on God, Guns and Automobiles   His brother wanted to go repo some cars and he was told they might have guns.  His brother from Chicago said can I have a gun and they told him know and he said That's not fair. This was right after him saying over 500 people are killed in Chicago and he isn't afraid.
    1 point
  33. I noticed that too! Funny how it changes when they are the one in the position of being helpless.
    1 point
  34. Of course they can do all this.... for now.
    1 point
  35. What minister cannot express his opposition to gay marriage right now from the pulpit? From any denomination? AFAIK, a minister is only held to account by his congregation and any larger affiliate (Southern Baptist Convention, Catholic Church, etc). Certainly not by the government. What church is forced to perform gay marriages? And what church is forced to hire anyone they don't want to? - OS Used to be that churches or organizations they paid for did not have to supply contraceptives to employees that knew what the church believed. Not so much anymore. Slippery slopes...not unlike private businesses that can be sued for not wanting to provide services for homosexuals...I.e. The b&b in Hawaii and the baker out west that got sued. Give an inch take a mile... Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
    1 point
  36. Ugh... really, Obama...? That seven billion dollars could sure go towards much more useful things. When the chips are down in the U.S., I fail to see why we should give a mouse's behind about insignificant things like power outages in Africa. I mean, heck, why can't we let the world take care of themselves? Jesus christ.
    1 point
  37. This is another good one. I have some in the humidor.
    1 point
  38. I don't think that was their intent. More likely, the rangers want to work in a building that doesn't stink of stale urine and turds.
    1 point
  39. Why would you shut down 308, 223, and 9mm? Seems like that is what would sell the best. Fishy.
    1 point
  40. Bic lighter. Just don't do it when you're drinking. Your head will blow up.
    1 point
  41. Did you do something wrong?  Are you being punished?
    1 point
  42.   If you think that allowing grown adults decide for themselves what substances they want to put in their own bodies as "moon-bat" then clearly there is no discussion on this point.  As a former police officer who dealt with the problems of the illegal drug trade first-hand, I am quite proud to say that I support legalization of most substances and call for a shift in drug policy from one of law enforcement to one of harm reduction that includes a focus on drug treatment.  It's also clear that you don't know much about the Libertarian Party because their philosophy has been strongly grounded in the Constitution, and not some wishy-washy interpretation of the document that gives the government powers to enforce policies we like while crushing the opposition.  Simply put, we don't pretend to believe in small government and then call for legislation to regulate every aspect of social morality that can reasonably be controlled and deny equal rights to certain segments of the American population.  If that makes me a "moon-bat" I'll wear that label very proudly.   Ya know what's funny about your "Ron Paulbots" comment is that Ron Paul was one of the original Tea Party supporters, his followers have pumped a lot of money into the Tea Party, and some have referred to Ron Paul as the "intellectual godfather" of the Tea Party movement.  It's no wonder others have referred to the Tea Party as being "schizophrenic".   I do not agree that inaction is inherently dangerous.  In many cases it can be quite wise and prudent.  Just look at the Patriot Act.  We were told that inaction was dangerous and see what that got us?  I understand your point, and I suspect we don't necessarily disagree.  What I have seen through my interactions with the Tea Party is that they have a very skewed interpretation of the social world and their place in it.  It's the Tea Partiers who complain about government spending, but demand that their Social Security, Medicare, and military spending aren't cut (obviously I am generalizing a bit, but I've never heard Sarah Palin call for cuts in these budget areas).   Here is an interesting article that discusses the ideological split within the Tea Party.  The majority believe the government should promote "traditional conservative values" while the remainder support the libertarian philosophy of letting responsible adults live their lives as they choose without government intrusion: http://reason.com/poll/2011/09/26/is-half-the-tea-part-libertart I am advocating the very coalition building you mention, but suggest that the Tea Party would be better served joining with an established political party that shares their values instead of affiliating with the Republicans in an effort to change them.  As far as I am concerned, until the Tea Party does away with it's insistence on using the force of government to legislate morality, I have no interest.  That said, the Libertarian Party has made an effort to do some coalition building.  See below: http://www.lp.org/issues/tea-party
    1 point
  43. thats pretty much what i did but instead of print screen i used the select tool to copy them into paint,  the print screen was to much blank white space and would have made it even worse.        From the way i read the memo, it appears that their plan is to focus their production for the time being on the products that they sell the most of, and prevent having to go back and forth setting up machines on their production line.     Although it really sucks if you just must have an item on that list i think it will help speed the recovery of the ammunition and components market, as time that they previously spent changing out equipment and settings can now be spent manufacturing more.
    1 point
  44. I'm gonna pull one from way back, at least way back for me. TV show called renegade. The main actor, lorenzo lamas could ride his motorcycle and shoot his 12 gauge pistol grip one handed with no problem.
    1 point
  45. I just wrote and ran a few more queries that I hope will straighten this out.  A lot of the old invoices were set where they had no renewal option.  Once they expired, that was it.  You couldn't buy another, hence I was having to delete them.   The queries I just ran found all of the invoices that had no renewal option and set them to the appropriate values.  (ie. every 6 months or every 12 months, at the correct rates)   Let's see what happens.
    1 point
  46. My pet peeve is any movie where someone pulls a glock, m&p or any other striker fired gun and then you hear the distinct click of someone pulling the danged hammer back.
    1 point
  47. The Bible is also "pretty clear" on all sorts of behaviors that their parishioners partake in, yet you don't suggest that their denomination is not legitimate.  This is the point of my comparison that you took offense to.  I am an Episcopalian who attends church with gay and lesbian couples and know of one member of the church staff that is gay.  I was raised a Southern Baptist, spent quite a bit of time in a Christian Missionary Alliance church and a Lutheran church, attended a small rural non-denominational Christian church for a while, went to a Nazarene church a couple of times, and explored the Catholic church.   I find my current Episcopal church to be one of the most genuine and Christian-like out of all of the churches I have attended in my life.   Many Biblical scholars would point out that your interpretation of what the Bible does say about homosexuality is inaccurate.  Here is one such scholar who spoke at my church several months ago.  Dr. Rev. Rebecca Wright is a Methodist minister and a professor at Suwannee, so I give her argument some serious weight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uR6ZzhYHS6s   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uR6ZzhYHS6s
    1 point
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