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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/18/2013 in all areas

  1. I couldn't care less how Giffords or her husband feel about the legislation yesterday. She's a pawn being trotted out for the cameras to elicit emotion, just like the Newtown parents. Without manipulating emotion Obama has no platform AT ALL.
    8 points
  2. I'm done with unsafe drivers tailgating me. I used to brake check them, but now that I have kids I slow down to about 10mph below the posted speed limit. Near my home there are several winding roads where it is impossible to pass or pull over. If folks want to drive in an unsafe manner then I'm going to adjust my speed to reduce risk. The last guy I did this to about had an aneurism as I watched in the rear view. To me I just don't understand it. Riding my ass will not cause me to break the law and go faster. It will only piss me off and look for ways to undermine your ability to get to where you're going.
    6 points
  3. Yu know what? I've not done it yet, but have been meaning to sincerely thank you in particular for all the hard work you do for our cause. :usa: Thanks a lot, and keep up the fight.
    4 points
  4. Setting it on spacers to allow air flow under will help as well. My father put his on 3x3 posts before bolting to the floor in the basement. It doesn't look pretty but prevents condensation as well accidental floods from water heater or similar.
    4 points
  5. Obama isn’t that upset. Gun control is an issue he could use to get people to take their eye off the ball (the economy).    
    4 points
  6. 4 points
  7. Whadda ya say we send an email thanking Corker and Alexander for voting correctly today. Goodness knows we're on their hind ends about this and other things. A word of encouragement may or may not help, but it sure couldn't hurt.
    4 points
  8. Gun Show this weekend...I went with this.... [url=http://s587.photobucket.com/user/ren1795/media/rem4_zps63edb497.jpg.html][/URL] And came home with these.... Camp .45 [url=http://s587.photobucket.com/user/ren1795/media/m45_01_zps8bdadea8.jpg.html][/URL] Ruger .44. What's amazing is I traded a .44 for a 788 back in '74. What goes around.... [url=http://s587.photobucket.com/user/ren1795/media/rug01_zps3c784631.jpg.html][/URL] Uberti 1871, open top, .38 Special [url=http://s587.photobucket.com/user/ren1795/media/u1_zps40b22429.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s587.photobucket.com/user/ren1795/media/u2_zps7c4e4498.jpg.html][/URL] May they rest comfortably, forever more in my safe...Until I take them out for a walk. :D Lp
    3 points
  9.   Old timer BATF agents must giggle when they see intimidated opinions like that.   I repeat:   There is no federal or TN law that prohibits private selling, trading, or gifting long guns or handguns between same state adult residents (18 years old) who are not prohibited from owning firearms.     - OS
    3 points
  10. I'm happy happy happy Sent from my SCH-R530U using Tapatalk 2
    3 points
  11.   It's having a bigger impact with all those libtards on Facebook :)
    3 points
  12. Remind me to never park so close to a burning fertilizer plant with my kid(s) in the vehicle while filming a fire.
    3 points
  13. "Powder, patch, ball..Powder, patch, ball...Powder, patch, ball"  keep saying that every time you load.  "Powder, patch, ball."  under no circumstances are you to say,  "Patch, ball....oh shit."   the powder goes first...then a patch of some type of cotton cloth...I use pillow ticking.  A ball .005 to .010 smaller than the bore laid on top of the patch. (if you use a .005 smaller ball then your patch should be thinner  if you use a .010 smaller ball your patch should be thicker.  It's the patch that holds the rifling.)  A fairly decent thump on a ball starter should seat the projectile in the bore.  use the short pin to start and the long pin to drive the ball about six inches in the bore.  Trying to use the ramrod to start the ball can result in the rod snapping and the ramrod and your hand heading for the hospital.  Ball six inches deep?  Now use the ramrod to to seat the ball using a reasonably  smooth steady shove.  Seat the ball on the powder.  You can tell by the sound of the rod on the ball if it's seated.  Muzzle downrange...cap...aim...fire.  A BP rifle pushes rather than recoils.   Notice how much rod is still out of the muzzle when you have correctly loaded "Powder, patch, ball"...if you forget the powder sometime...and WE ALL have done it...the ram rod will have less rod left sticking out of the muzzle....if this is the case....blush....swear....hunt up the ball puller and thread the puller into the ball.  you don't have to pull the ball all the way out...just enough to give a little room for the powder you are going to put behind the ball when you pull the nipple.  Don't forget to retain the rod...they make a good spear....but you usually get to use the spear once...and they don't shoot straight.   Powder, patch, ball
    3 points
  14. If you read my post you'll see I specifically wrote that I don't hang out in the passing lane. I don't see how I could make myself more clear. When I am in the passing lane it is because I'm passing someone. I will do so at a safe speed. When some ahole in a 4x4 dodge wants that to happen at 90mph and therefore rides my ass, I will slow down and make the process that much longer. I don't speed up in the passing lane simply because the guy behind me wants to do 90mph. I also don't cut off people in the right lane to hasten my passing.
    3 points
  15.   I suspect having the right of way will not give you the power of resurrection.
    3 points
  16. So I've noticed that this particular subforum doesn't really have but a few lists of site resources so I scanned through some of the posts and sifted out a few links & contributed a 'few' of my own. I apologize if I left out your favorite supplier, blogger, or be-all-end-all site of knowledge. There are tons of pages of info out there. This list is by no means complete. Please understand that many individuals that provide online resources for survival, primitive living, homesteading, natural living, etc. are either self funded or maintain their sites from donations, sponsors & click programs etc. Do not be surprised to find occasional dead links, defunct 404s, etc.. Bear in mind some of these 'bloggers' aren't necessarily very indoorsy so updates may not be the most timely. I have no affiliations or personal connections with individuals operating any of these sites and they are listed solely for your entertainment purposes. Material you find may be contradictory with other survival/primitive/natural living sites so please use caution. Some few of these sites have 'pay content or product' and on the supply/gear sites prices may be wildly out-of-market so please perform your own research before purchasing. All that being said you really have no excuse to not learn yourself some facts... especially with the 150+ bloggers listed at the end providing daily updates of their individual experiences.   FEMA http://www.ready.gov CDC http://emergency.cdc.gov/ American Red Cross http://www.redcross.org/prepare LDS Another Voice Of Warning https://www.ldsavow.com/PrepManualGeneral.html Mother Earth http://www.motherearthnews.com/ Equipped To Survive http://www.equipped.org/ Steve's pages military field and training manuals http://www.stevespages.com/page7c.htm firearms manuals http://stevespages.com/page7.htm Survival Blog http://survivalblog.com/ Pole Shift - General Survival http://www.pssurvival.com/ Captain Dave's Survival Center http://www.survival-center.com/ TEOTWAWKI Blog http://teotwawkiblog.blogspot.com/ SHTF Blog http://www.shtfblog.com/ SHTF School http://shtfschool.com/ Survivalist Boards http://www.survivalistboards.com/ Offgrid Survival http://offgridsurvival.com/ Backwoods Home Mag http://www.backwoodshome.com/ Woods Monkey http://www.woodsmonkey.com/ American Preppers http://americanpreppersnetwork.com/ Wildwood Survival http://wildwoodsurvival.com/index.html Foraging Texas http://www.foragingtexas.com/ DirtTime http://dirttime.com/ Middle Tennessee Preppers http://middletennesseepreppers.com/ Primitive Ways http://www.primitiveways.com/ Woodland Survival http://ridgerunnersurvival.tripod.com/ National Center for Home Food Preservation http://nchfp.uga.edu/index.html Annies Remedy - Medicinal Herbs Listing http://www.anniesremedy.com/chart.php Survival IQ http://www.survivaliq.com/ Backpack Gear Test http://www.backpackgeartest.org/ Living Primatively http://livingprimitively.com/ Simple Survival http://www.simplesurvival.net/ Nature Skills http://www.natureskills.com/ Backdoor Survival http://www.backdoorsurvival.com/ Survival Mastery http://www.survivalmastery.com/ Wilderness Survival http://www.wilderness-survival.net/ Survival Cache http://survivalcache.com/ Boy Scout Guides http://www.inquiry.net/ Army Field Manuals http://www.enlisted.info/field-manuals/ Skills for Wild Lives http://www.skillsforwildlives.com/ Survival Ebooks http://www.survivalebooks.com/usmilitarymanuals.html Survival Topics http://www.survivaltopics.com/ Israeli Home Front Command http://www.oref.org.il/International/14-en/PAKAR.aspx Survival Resources http://www.survivalresources.com/ Wild Woman Outdoors http://www.wildwomanoutdoors.com/ SurvivalX http://www.survivalx.com/ Other resources & retail stores specializing in outdoors/camping/survival etc. gear: http://beprepared.com/ http://www.campingsurvival.com/ http://homestead.org/NewIndexes/Directory.htm http://dadsoutdooradventures.blogspot.com/ http://www.majorsurplus.com/ http://nativetech.org/ http://www.campmor.com/ http://www.selfrelianceillustrated.com/ http://www.survival.com/ http://www.twowolvesoutdoor.com/ http://americanbushman.blogspot.com/ http://www.ssurvival.com/ http://www.menoutdoors.com/ http://www.primitiveskillslinks.com/ http://www.mredepot.com/servlet/StoreFront http://www.mreinfo.com/ http://www.theakforum.net/phpBB3/viewforum.php?f=33 http://preppergearauctions.com/index.php http://www.thesurvivalexpert.co.uk/ http://www.backwoodsmanmag.com/ http://yellowstonetrading.com/ http://www.mrssurvival.com/ http://www.cd3wd.com/data/index.htm http://www.adventuremedicalkits.com/ http://www.adventuremedicalkits.com/documents/Comprehenive%20Guide%20Wilderness.pdf http://www.acsim.army.mil/readyarmy/ http://vikingpreparedness.blogspot.com/ http://www.tdot.state.tn.us/maps.htm http://keekles.org/~bryan/Downloads/TEOTWAWKI/Survival/ http://canteenshop.com/id76.html http://www.survivalcenter.com/index.html http://www.military.com/Content/MoreContent1/?file=cw_civildefense http://www.survivalring.org/ http://www.themodernsurvivalist.com/ http://hesperian.org/books-and-resources/ http://www.usgs.gov/pubprod/ http://www.outdoorpodcast.com/ http://www.jonsbushcraft.com/ http://www.dansdepot.com/   SurvivalTop50 bloggers http://www.survivaltop50.com/ Bloggers 51-166 http://www.survivaltop50.com/runners-up/ Update: edited to be navigable in Tapatalk
    2 points
  17. So I watched a couple of videos on the YouTube about polishing slides and receivers (specifically my latest 10/22 project). Turns out to be an afternoon well spent! I got some Mothers metal polish, superfine steel wool, some 1000 grit and some 2000 grit sand paper from my local auto parts store and went to town. This was a used receiver to begin with so I didn't mind experimenting with it. I switched to wet sanding for the 1000 and 2000 passes. Videos recommended switching directions when you switch grits to reduce swirl/streaks. Results are below. I could have spent some more time getting out a couple of the deeper scratches, but those will be pretty well hidden by the stock that I will be putting this into. The finish is pretty smooth!
    2 points
  18. Getting back into shooting and collecting now that my children all have left home. Best thing is my wife is joining my this time. She has her own 9 mm, and for our 30th anniversary we are planning on getting carry permits
    2 points
  19. While I can understand the sentiment, I'm not sure if I agree with the choice of silicone. :0)
    2 points
  20. I agree, believe me. My wife and my partner's wife would too. BUT price you pay for being a security and disaster "expert" (not my term) lol Funny thing is I have two weeks left before I transfer to a different job and I'm just like "Lord, please don't let me blow up."
    2 points
  21. As I have said on numerous occasions, don't do drugs, mind your own business and for the most part you will be fine in Memphis.
    2 points
  22. If you reach the level of 25,000 posts you are given the title of "gunpowder sycophant". If you reach 50,000 posts your title becomes "has no life offline". And if you reach the 100,000 post level, what the hell are you doing here? You should be writing healthcare legislation!
    2 points
  23. I'm jealous, jealous, jealous!!!
    2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. You know, I try to be skeptically minded about conspiratorial things, but at some point the evidence just mounts to a tipping point.  I know we common folk never know the full story, but I'm really surprised at how little we actually do know.
    2 points
  26. Considering a good chunk of her mind was blown away, of course she's not in her right mind.
    2 points
  27. I remember selling a company at one point and going to work for a much larger organization in which I was going to have a global role.  After orientation in the morning, my boss's boss gave me the card for their tailor with orders to report to their Madison Ave. office after lunch to have three suits made on the company.  His comment to me was, "We know you can play the part.  We need you to look the part and feel the part."   I was in my mid twenties at the time.  It took me several years to really recognize the truth hidden in there.
    2 points
  28. A suit?!? Ain't never been nowheres I couldn't get by on a nice pair of jeans and a clean t shirt.
    2 points
  29. I have a long history with Joseph A. Bank and Nordstrom's and like their things.  They carry a variety of styles and prices along with nice shirts and ties. JAB routinely has good sales if you are looking to buy more than one suit.
    2 points
  30. The person hitting the rear of another isn't always at fault. If it can be proven that the person in front intentionally caused the accident then they will be at fault. And acting on someone else's signal is not a defense either. If you cause an accident based on someone else's signal then you are at fault. If a person has a right turn signal on and you pull out in front of them thinking they are turning and you are hit it is your fault, not the fault of the person with the signal on.   My wife drives the speed limit all the time. On the interstate people probably get upset but as long as she is doing the speed limit she is not breaking the law no matter how much the traffic backs up behind her. We don't care if the flow is doing 75 mph, if the speed limit says 55 mph that is what we are going to do. We don't care how many people are behind us or how upset they are we are not going to break the law or drive in a manner we feel is unsafe for anyone. And for those who do get upset and decide to pull up next to us we generally ignore them.   On highways with a speed limit of 70 you can legally reduce your speed to 55 without breaking the law.
    2 points
  31. Well now, face it - Jasen wore some pretty skinny jeans! lol  But you are correct. I told him a few months ago I wasn't going to treat him special and he said "Good, I don't want to be treated special, I'm not". I said right, then load your azz up and lets go to the range! I told him that he could shoot right from seating in the truck, that he could put the window down. I sure wish he had been up to it.!!!
    2 points
  32.   I can understand that, but if you can only do one MPH faster than the guy in front of you, just forget it.  Tying up the left lane for ten minutes isn't worth the psychically projected hate coming at you.  :0)
    2 points
  33. So... I guess I'll just subtract one from the list of people wanting lowers. I don't even have a witty rejoinder. It's late. There are plenty of forums out there where this might be acceptable behavior. This isn't one of them.
    2 points
  34. If you ever havent you should try running your own small business. I own an independent mechanic shop where I reside. I cant tell you the number of times someone tells me it must be nice making all that money.
    2 points
  35. Yeah. County Corrections I believe. Unbelievable. I've been reading that guys posts, and though not completely reckless there was something I didn't like. Now it all comes together.
    2 points
  36. I just can't seem to get too excited.  It will come up again and again and again until it is passed.  May take a while, but it will happen.   Democrats will eventually have a majority, it is folly to think otherwise.  Then the game is up.
    2 points
  37.   I take a similar tact.  Residential areas, I'm pretty strict on the speed limit.  Around town and on the interstate, I push it a bit.  If someone is riding my butt, I find the speed limit and set my cruise, relax and enjoy the ride.  :0)  I don't even worry about how pissed the idiot behind me is getting.  It's satisfying, really.
    2 points
  38. He was tailgating me and I wouldn't let him pass. I was already doing over the speed limit, and truthfully, there wasn't much I could have done anyway. Yes, he toned down rather quickly... although I never acted as though I was going to unholster my gun or even pretend it was there. When I saw that, that's when I told him I was going to work and for him to stop following me. He drove off the other way, thank goodness.   I just don't understand why people get so bent out of shape about driving. It's a fact that Nashville traffic can be carzy at times, but that's when you need to relax and crank the radio up or something... geeze, no sense it letting it get your blood pressure up. You'll eventually get to where you're going, right?
    2 points
  39. And oddly enough the part that stood out in that article was this...     It's sad that they have to report scratches.  I'm sure the soldier would tell you he didn't get hurt by it at all.
    2 points
  40. Pardon me for not writing another four paragraph response covering the exact same #### that's already been said by me and others in the thread, thus saving you the time and bother of reading for yourself. Get the sand out of your crack before you post nonsense like that again. No one's here to hold your hand and tell you how awesome you are for asking shit that's already been answered.
    2 points
  41. I see myself supporting Ted Cruz or Rand Paul long before I'd support Rubio.  I don't believe in granting amnesty of any type to people that knowingly break our laws every day.  I've heard all of the arguments supporting Hispanics, and I agree with a lot of them.  Breaking the law is still breaking the law.  I find it strange to see so many Hispanics walking our streets, stores, and schools, and we know they're here illegally.
    2 points
  42. There is a big difference between selling/trading and giving/loaning. There's also a difference between a minor and someone who's not old enough to buy a handgun through an FFL. If the guy is 19 he is not a minor, this trade should be perfectly legal unless OP is an FFL holder.
    1 point
  43. Wow that is jacked up! I mean I understand the cost associated with deploying a bomb squad but still, you'd think they'd rather have the pros looking.
    1 point
  44.     Thats what I told Craig Buckland at FL State. I said if you have any questions on how to shoot the stage since we are both shooting CDP, just watch me......And do the opposite lol
    1 point
  45. We can engage in conjecture all you or I want but you don't know what Romney would have done nor do I.   What doesn't take much conjecture is where Obama wants to take this country.   More importantly, while I may not be alive to see the real fruit of the 2012 election, the legacy wrought by those who claim to stand for the Constitution and didn't think Romney was good enough for their vote will begin when the Supreme Court Justices Obama will get to put into place get a chance to start ruling on cases.
    1 point
  46. Celebrate the victory today by gearing up to continue the fight. I agree this isn't over. ... Harry put this on the back burner for a reason. Just waiting for the next big gun tragedy to happen. Now he doesn't have to get it thru committee. This thing will be on the fast track to vote the day after the next thing goes wrong. ... and I for one believe they would construct a tragedy just to pass this thing. (upgrading my tinfoil)
    1 point
  47. The writers for The Walking Dead need to change the intro  Erik Calderone ROCKS!!   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUTei9nywY0&list=UUtJVZjY6xsZUV-sYdcIFpZw&index=1
    1 point
  48. I have too many "other driver" pet peeves and y'all covered most of them, but maybe someone can tell me why holding a phone to one's ear makes idiots drive 10 miles slower than the flow of traffic?   One more...I was driving home from Franklin yesterday on a curvy, hilly, narrow road and found traffic putting along at 20 mph as far as the eye could see. As some turned off or passed, I found the problem. Some jackass in shiny underwear and a space helmet is riding a $1200 bicycle in commuter traffic on what could be the most dangerous road in all of Williamson county (Clovercroft Rd b/w Cool Springs Blvd and Wilson Pike). I found myself wishing this self-absorbed prick would hit a bump and disappear down the low shoulder.
    1 point
  49. You're making the assumption here that we're talking about multi lane roads. I don't go on the interstate and block traffic by hanging out in the passing lane. If someone gets on my ass I'm reducing speed until they pass of back off. If you're the type of person that is bothered by that, too effing bad. If you feel like that is escalating the situation too effing bad. I don't have to be subjected to unsafe driving tactics if I don't want. Being rear ended at 20 mph by a tailgater is better than being hit at higher speeds. I don't see how reducing speed somehow creates an unsafe situation unless the individual decides to so something violent, but I can't control the actions of others and whether or not they decide to break the law; that is for them to decide and me to react to.
    1 point
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