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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/14/2013 in all areas
The little missive I sent to magpul@magpul.com: To whom it may concern, I hope your efforts regarding stopping the recent anti-freedom bills introduced in the CO legislature bear fruit. Should they not, we'd love to have you here in Nashville, TN. No state income tax, a built-in workforce of skilled tradesmen and women, right to work laws, and a populace and legislature that would support your endeavors. Also, easy access to Fort Campbell, wherein you'll find many Magpul fans and therein eager testers of new products for the military and civilian markets. I'd further mention the high number of carry permits issued in the state to demonstrate TN's commitment to 2nd amendment rights for all citizens, as it is a shall-issue state. You'll note I did not mention the mountains, white-water rivers, hunting, fishing, camping, music, et. al. Come to Nashville and they're all within reach. Sure, your mountains are bigger, and you can ski and board for months on end out there, but here you'd be welcomed while you do your day job. Look into Williamson County, TN and you'll like what you find. Nissan did, as have hundreds of other businesses, ranging from startup bio / pharma operations to larger interests such as Mars, Ford Credit, and multiple major healthcare providers. Speaking as a resident, we are open for business and would love to have yours. For employees concerned about transferring, within a 35-mile radius of Nashville you'll find any kind of place a person might enjoy, from the truly rural all the way to urban, with plenty of options in between. If schools are a concern, the various county school districts are easily searched for student success data. Williamson is the best in that respect, but the surrounding counties have made great strides the last many years to catch up. Sumner County is well on its way to equaling Williamson Co. Schools. Excellent private schooling is available in every county. We get new and interesting restaurants on a regular basis, and several local brewers have only recently opened up shop here. We don't have a Flying Dog or an Avery here yet, but good craft brew is being made at Yazoo, Jackalope, and we have a brand new brewery in East Nasty that is getting good reviews. Bottom Line: We can give you much of what you have in Boulder, minus a few things: You have better mountains, especially when it comes to boarding or skiing. Regarding that, Southwest flies direct to DEN cheaply. I'm actually taking one of their flights tomorrow to go get some POW! at Vail. You also have tons of wannabe-hippies all over the place, who lately have been questioning why you should be allowed to exist at all. Sadly, some of them have been elected to high office. What you maintain: an NHL team that will make the playoffs, being surrounded by decent people. What you gain: Music, 24/7, all over the city, anytime between 3:00 and the next 3:00. It's not all country, and even the country you'd hear down Broadway isn't any top-40 BS. It's by mostly-serious pros doing old songs their own way. You'll like it. In addition, there's a good rock scene here, and plenty of venues for various indie bands as well. Name 'em, they've played Nashville. Hell, the Black Keys moved here (though from Canton, not Boulder, so it was probably easier in that respect). Here in Nashville, the hippie population is low and very focused. Last I checked, their deal was more organic veg at the Farmer's Market. Since they're unorganized and starving, I doubt they'll be any kind of an issue for an organization such as MagPul. Many TN hippie-types own guns, after all. They're into the spiritual side of hunting - good on 'em. Anyways, as a fan and customer, I figured I'd write in and make an unofficial Nashville sales pitch. One ast thing, ladies and gentlemen: PLEASE don't go to Austin. The denizens say it's not Texas, and they're right. After Fort Hood, they'd hate you 2nd. Regards from a TN MagPul fan and customer, I hope you find your way southeast soon, should CO not come to its senses, Patrick14 points
I liked it, but you need to change one thing. They need to move to the Knoxville area. They'd like it better out here.5 points
4 points
Sad thing is he's now afraid to draw his super hero pictures because he thinks he'll get suspended. One of his other friends got sent to the office for pretending he had a light saber. He said, "Dad, its just silly. Don't they know that boys like to pretend they have swords and guns. Girls don't like them but we do." Trying to fundamentally change our boys to girls and our rights to wrongs.4 points
Yes but it goes to show that the "Anti" crowd is lying by saying "Nobody wants to take away your guns" :down: :down:4 points
Nothing anymore. They managed to gut this legislation of any value. It is useless and those voting for it should get no credit. This bill is the pro-gun equivalent of gun control legislation. A feel good measure that doesn't actually accomplish anything.4 points
+1 I was homeschooled 1st-12th. Even tho I didn't learn all the liberal, socialist, and godless things they teach in public schools for the most part today, I received a well-rounded education and have since completed a bachelors degree as well as a masters degree. To me not having to learn all the government imposed philosophy, has actually helped me in these days to discern what is right and what is bogus. When you know the truth and it is all you know, you quickly recognize a lie.3 points
Amazing to see so many advocates of the 1st & 2nd amendments perfectly ok with the idea of throwing the 6th out of the window. Don't get me wrong; I don't care if the guy died by his own hand, or died from returned fire, but PD doesn't have the right execute him by any means if that's what happened.3 points
Well... i hesitate to say logic. My wife was rewatching the first half of season three and i had to say.... woah pause it. Something aint right here....2 points
We had to go through something similar, seems a classmate of my daughter said "I don't like you." So now, the child has been labeled a bully, and all the parents were pulled together to find a solution. They staff looked at me like I was insane when I said "Let them be kids and grow up." Things are a little too touchy feeling anymore.2 points
2 points
Well I have a feeling with some of the crazy bills purposed again it may get crazy again. Points at Missouri Democrats.2 points
No? ....if you move your feet first you CAN beat the Tueller drill at 3 yards. Come to our Zero To Five Feet Gunfighting class....you'll see. The key is not standing still like a statue, but getting off the X and NOT being there when the knife gets there.2 points
99% of what is does is allow certain Republicans (especially Harwell, Haslam and Ramsey) to claim they are pro-2A and did something to help the TN firearm community without actually causing any heartburn to the big businesses whose campaign contributions they so love and cherish. Other than that, it doesn't do much. I'm not sure at this point if it's worth passing or not...I wasn't expecting to get everything on a first pass but this is almost nothing. I just emailed the entire legislature asking them to make this a good bill or don't bother...I also asked for a response and noted that their response or lack of one would be made know to places like TGO, Facebook...I guess I'll see who even bothers to respond. ;)2 points
He was given lots of chances. In each one he decided to shoot officers or shoot at officers. The day he died he had two separate run ins with police, both times shooting at them, resulting in the wounding of one officer and the death of another. I don't know why anyone would assume that he would give up peacefully after that display, but apparently the police did when they tried to gas him. The fact that it caused a fire (no one knows if that is true) is inconsequential. They did everything within reason to allow him an opportunity to end this peacefully. He chose not to. I don't care if the cops threw a Molotov cocktail into the house. They were justified to use deadly force.2 points
2 points
Good old incendiary tear gas. That trick never gets old. I said they had the HRT manual. ;)2 points
RIP Chris! :usa: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSYQ7pkwFAw&sns=fb2 points
The issue with removing Cooper is that he has Davidson County and that is why he won't be beat. There are too many here that are living off of the government and have been convinced that the only way to keep the FREE money flowing their way is to keep voting Dem. Even with the odds stacked against anyone else taking his seat I'll work very hard for anyone running against him every time he comes up for re-election.2 points
Once, again, just because I may go to the range and shoot at targets depicting assailants wearing ski masks doesn't mean I automatically associate wearing a ski mask with being 'evil' nor does it mean I am going to shoot someone simply for wearing a ski mask. Likewise, just because I might shoot at a target depicting an assailant wearing an unbuttoned, flannel shirt over a t-shirt doesn't mean I am going to automatically equate being so dressed with being a criminal nor does it mean I will shoot flannel shirts on sight. Heck, just because I might shoot at targets depicting ground hogs doesn't mean I am out to stage a whistle pig massacre. So, once again, there are a few possibilities here: 1. The Muslims who are whining actually do equate themselves with terrorists and that is why they are offended 2. The Muslims who are whining honestly believe that we are too stupid to tell the difference between a paper target depicting a dead terrorists and a real life, non-terrorist Muslim (in which case maybe WE should be offended) 3. The Muslims who are whining are simply a bunch of overly sensitive a-holes who are looking for a reason to be offended and who think they should have a right to dictate behavior to the rest of us 4. The Muslims who are whining are just plain, old stupid or 5. A combination of two or more of the above2 points
Guess I need to take down all those "get it before they're banned" ads I have on gunbroker for my Tapco magazines I'm selling for $300 a pop. Really, there are going to be three types of people here in a few months... Those that will should be ashamed for ripping folks off; those who should be ashamed for getting ripped off; and those of us who have been sitting back watching this lunacy that had the decency not to rip anyone off and the sense not to get ripped off.2 points
Okay, that's great, but the people on the targets aren't supposed to represent the good guys, it's meant to represent the bad guys. Your comparison of putting US servicemen on targets doesn't make sense. Are we the bad guys? Are we currently fighting against US troops? Yes, I would find that offensive. We aren't fighting US troops in US gear, but we have been killing a crap load of people from the Middle East over the past decade, a fact you repeatedly refuse to acknowledge. But there are plenty of targets which depict white, black and Hispanic persons and no one gets so butthurt over that.... at least most people who aren't closet racists. If one of those targets was wearing a cross on their neck would that be offensive? It is a religious symbol more than the headgear you falsely believe is an Islam mandate. The answer is "no" I would not get offended, because there are plenty of folks who wear crosses who are bad guys, and I have enough sense to differentiate between the wearing of the cross and the man who wears it. You don't seem to be able to do that.2 points
I enjoy H2 ok enough, but History is unwatchable. Really like alot of Science Channel's programming, too. Dark Matters is good show, as well as Fringe.1 point
I need to add this to my last statement: I unfriended an old classmate on Facebook last month (we graduated together in MO) because he kept posting things like "I'm tired of seeing all of these posts from all of you azzhats about Obama wanting to take your guns". Well one, he supported Obama, and two, he grew up hunting and shooting guns, and was too stupid to see what's going on now. I wonder what he thinks now that the law is in his state and not New York. But logically, he probably doesn't even know it's been introduced, since he was so uninformed before.1 point
It's extreme liberal thinking, "Progressive" thinking as they attempt to disguise it. In reality it's all about controlling society. Orwell had it nailed, just put the wrong year on the title of his book.1 point
1 point
I feel optimistic and I base it entirely on one premise: Greed will force manufacturers to ramp up production. They won't do it out of any kind of altruistic ideals. They won't do it because they love us. They won't do it because we've been loyal customers. They will do it to make money, period. Furthermore, they will only raise prices enough to recover their ramp-up costs, which will make them look kind. But in reality, they know this won't last forever and they don't wanna sit on all those extra machines or face the public scorn for laying off workers when "crazy" has past. ...and I don't blame them a bit.1 point
I think a good business model should take in to account the reality that the majority of your customers have a limited income and that it is better for your business if that income is spread around to multiple items that you carry especially if you are distributing for a multitude of manufacturers. I know ethical business is not necessarily always good business, but good business does not need to be unethical either.1 point
+1 on that. I like my Chicom AK battlefield pickup There is nothing wronge with a CZ either.1 point
Yet the UN has recognized "Palestine" as an Observer State. State of mind, I guess they mean. But they do have a flag and all. - OS1 point
CZ452 or 455. I own four of them. There are a lot of good rimfire scopes in your price range. I got a good deal on a BSA Sweet .22 and like it, it was around $40.00.1 point
1 point
so why are guns without sights unbelievable but zombies walking the earth believable? If zombies are real, Glocks can have a safety and AR's don't need sights.1 point
An EMP would definitely separate the workers/producers from the slackers/takers really fast. Hope we don't ever see one, but people like us are a LOT more prepared than Joe Obama-phone.1 point
We will have to get a new governor first...I have been trying to get our Lt. Gov. to start wooing these people for the lat 4 years to no avail.1 point
Children, this is why we don't let actors and liberals have guns, they'll shoot their eyes out.1 point
Nothing gets my attention faster as an employer / interviewer than plagiarism.1 point
:panic: :panic: :panic: Tin foil, tin foil, tin foil... :panic: :panic: :panic: Just keep repeating and everything will be alright1 point
Be sure to call RCBS and tell them it broke. They should send you a replacement.1 point
Still no word from Obama. He is probably mad because I said Michelle is no Jackie Kennedy. I will have to trust Bob and Lamar to pass along my messages to him.1 point
Per request: took an hour to just to upload, something that should have taken 5 minutes! :surrender:1 point
I agree. I've been called a "ammo hoarder" and talked nasty to for doing it. Mostly it's from people that know I keep quite a bit on hand and they don't and are trying to buy some in these times. Guess what, I'm not buying any of that high priced ammo because I have pelnty on hand. I'm not the one driving the prices up because I'm not buying. I'll just wait until it comes back down and buy another few 1,000 rounds.1 point
1 point
I don't suppose you had a map handy to have him point out where Palestine was on it. Can't find it on my globe.1 point
I personally think they should've called a caterer to bring hotdogs and marshmallows.1 point
Most states all specifically protect the employee from termination. The only "carrot" for business owners to change their policy is that this bill does give them liability protection but I wouldn't hold my breath. One thing I have not included because my main concern focusses on employer/employee issues, the way I read this bill is that we do get protecton to drive onto other parking lots at restaurants, shopping centers and malls where they may prohibit carrying INTO the business. But if you work there, your are toast.1 point
1 point
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