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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/25/2012 in all areas

  1. So, what's the difference between a "controversial firearm" and a "good self defense type firearm?" No firearm will ever "be more freely accepted" by gun grabbers.
    3 points
  2. Though I don't think I can put words to the kinship that we all share here on TGO (thanks David), from my family to all of yours, we wish you the most peace-filled Christmas - full of kindness both given and received. Merry Christmas everybody!
    3 points
  3. With the Holidays upon us, I would like to share a personal experience with you about drinking and driving. As you may know, some of us have been known to have brushes with the authorities from time to time on the way home after a "social session" out with friends. Well this past weekend I was out for an evening with friends and had several cocktails followed by some rather nice red wine. Feeling jolly I still had the sense to know that I may be slightly over the limit. That's when I did something that I've never done before - I took a cab home. ... Sure enough on the way home there was a police road block, but since it was a cab they waved it past. I arrived home safely without incident. This was a real surprise as I had never driven a cab before, I don't know where I got it and now that it's in my garage I don't know what to do with it.
    3 points
  4. Looks to me like Gregory and NBC unwittingly proved that gun control does not work. After all, if you can obtain a firearm or firearm accessory that is banned, doesn't that kinda knock the props out from under your argument?
    2 points
  5. That is a real superman! he loaded 3 dead enemy soldiers on the helicopter because he was trying to recover classified info, while holding his intestines in with his own hand. This is the kind of the kind of guy they need to make cartoons about, not some pansy in a leotard shooting spiderwebs from his hand.
    2 points
  6. Obama believes he is royalty (like the Kennedys were thought of as "royalty"), therefore his life and the lives of his family are worth more than the peasantry.   Makes me SICK.
    2 points
  7. In my relationship, I am the gun nut and my husband has no interest in them whatsoever. I grew up in a shooting/hunting family, shooting since the age of 4, and was given my own bedside gun when I was 11. The arrangement my hubby and I have is that whenever I get to spend money on guns or gun stuff, he gets to spend equal money on his truck project. :)
    2 points
  8. I'm hoping to capitalize on some of the poor judgment these assclowns have shown by picking up a rifle or two for a fraction of the price come Februrary or March when they realize that Obama can't get jack shit pushed through Congress and folks start dumping them to pay off their credit card debt.
    2 points
  9. Had the magazine been in Wayne's hand, DC SWAT would have rappelled into the studio, forced him to the ground, and shot his dog.
    2 points
  10. Just made this on Paint program thinking about all the pompous remarks we hear about "needing" an assualt weapon, high cap mags etc.
    1 point
  11. "I dedicate my day/our xmas holiday to those who cant have it, and to those who keep working to make sure we can have it, any way we want.I'm sharing this story because its the best example Ive ever known that demonstrates the values most of us cherish,and should,rightfully so.The story of Roy Benavidez is incredible and inspirational as told by Chris Costa in this tube video.Its 10 minutes that should last for a lifetime.Happy Holidays to all,home,abroad ,here and gone!  :usa: Semper Fi.from the "training center" http://youtu.be/7lHkrqlT62o "
    1 point
  12. I just read where he thought it was funny when it first caught his attention. He doesn't think it's so funny now.
    1 point
  13. By illegally obtaining a 30-round magazine, which is a banned item in the District of Columbia, Gregory unwittingly proved that gun control does NOT work.   Oh noes!!!
    1 point
  14. Makes sense to me, his kids are more special than mine.
    1 point
  15. Are you trying to imply that he's..... that he's....... a.......... HYPOCRITE????  :stunned:
    1 point
  16. Just about any tech/trade school will have it.
    1 point
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=pItiypwjHx4
    1 point
  18. This is a quick rough chop, and out of scale, but I think this will be the only way to possibly hide the AR from the liberals. plus this.. = This... There will need to be variations to account for forward assists, and button extensions, safety selector adapters, etc. but you get the point.
    1 point
  19. I've been able to use it for all my pistol reloads.
    1 point
  20. I agree with the NRA that a bad guy with a gun is stopped only with a good guy with a gun.   I am in favor of removing the gun free signs and allowing teachers with permits to carry as long as they stay concealed and use frangible ammo to avoid possible ricochet.  If you trust a school to educate and help guide your child then trusting them to carry is not a big stretch.     I think that we could do this quietly, without a lot of undo attention and make it a little more risky for savages to attack schools in TN.
    1 point
  21. its not her bodyguard...someone from a security firm doing a run w her..her main guy is sal.she used to have off duty mnpd guys running w her locally,SERP ASS put a stop to it.
    1 point
  22. Hard to know...   By keeping my ARs, I'm betting the eventual outcome will be a relatively superficial public relations type legislation, where the House gives up one sop, like end of all private sales (which I have been expecting will happen,even before CT).   It makes sense because none of the mass killers got their guns that way, and DC legislates with anti-logic.   My take on "profitable" is to sell them now, if profit is what you want. Not sure when the exact height of sales value will be, but it's plenty right now, and at some point it will crash, either because of legislation or because of the lack of it.   - OS
    1 point
  23. Same here, daughter and I have the crud wife is taking care of us.  We stayed home instead of going to see my folks for Christmas.  Hated not seeing the family but we got everyone sick at Thanksgiving, I figured if we got everyone sick at Christmas too we wouldn't be welcomed back.
    1 point
  24. Depends on how dirty my shotgun is.  Generally I just use a 12ga boresnake and that gets the job done nicely.  If it is REALLY dirty I mop it out with lots of solvent and a rod, then use the boresnake.   .02
    1 point
  25. DC Police Investigating NBC's Gregory for Brandishing Illegal Magazine http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2012/12/25/D-C-Police-Investigating-NBC-s-Gregory-For-Violations-of-Gun-Banning-Laws#disqus_thread "Breitbart contacted the office of the police chief and asked if there were any plans to look into this apparent violation of the District's gun laws. In response, Chief Lanier replied, "Yes, we are investigating the incident to determine if the magazine was in fact real." "
    1 point
  26. Revolver S&W K38 Target Masterpiece http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smith_%26_Wesson_Model_14   9mm: Sig P210 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIG_P210   Previous poster's suggestion of a S&W 952 suggestion would be good too.
    1 point
  27. Thanks everyone for the warm welcomes.    Dave we may know one another? Your screen name sounds very familiar. Thanks for the compliments as well. I've been out of the long range competition now for around 5 years. I got invloved in running matches in Oak Ridge and I did that for 2 yrs and then the IBS wanted to impose more rules and waivers for shooters to sign at each match that it just got to be too much. So I decided to take a break. I made a believer out of a lot of the 1000 yard BR guys shooting a 22 caliber bullet. That Dasher was pushing an 80 grain bullet over 3500 fps with ES of only 5 fps with a case full of H 4350. In some sense I renewed the Dasher line cartridge in the 600 yard game, as there are now many variants of this cartridge being used mainly in the 6mm range for 600 yard competition.    Decotriumph: I travel to Tullahoma every day for work.   Klamb5: Bell Buckle has one of the best diners to eat at that I know of  within 200 miles of us.   Here's to wishing each of you and your families a Very Safe Holiday Season and Merry Christmas to you all.   James
    1 point
  28. I can see the news headlines now: "D.C. Invaded By Nutcase NRA TeaParty Militia Revolutionaries."
    1 point
  29. Depends on what you mean by "target". For a center fire target, without getting into high dollar competition guns, I would suggest the S&W 686 revolver. Proven performer, very good adjustable sights and you can make the action like glass. Second choice would be a quality 1911. I don't really think of my Tupperware guns as "target" guns unless you are talking IDPA or something like that. Rimfire opens up a whole bunch of possibilities.
    1 point
  30. The RCBS Rock Chucker kit comes with the Speer Manual. It's a pretty good one. Read all the front material, TWICE, and read the pages on the calibers you own.   Really, this time around, for reloading equipment especially, it really is best to RTFM - Read the "Fine" Manual.
    1 point
  31. There is a guy in that pic?  Nope.  Don't see him.
    1 point
  32. Here is to yall getting half of what ya "WANT" an all of what ya "NEED".
    1 point
  33. That's great! Hendersonville?   I met her in a green room I was manning (which as you know is a small refuge backstage for performers) -- and had a chance to talk with her and her mum for about 15 minutes before other artists came in and joined us. Smart. Sweet. Well-raised. Thinking all the time. Growing. Learning.   She played Alan Jackson's "Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning" that night. For Alan Jackson, who was being inducted into the Songwriters' Hall of Fame. Alan Jackson said it was the prettiest version of his song he ever heard. Taylor Swift was in elementary school on 9/11. Scared little girl watching planes hit buildings and people jumping to their deaths.   Well before and after 9/11, some of us go overseas to "defend the country." And you come back, and with all the stupidity and venality in the country, you wonder, "Why bother?"   Then, you become more aware of the quality of certain individuals. How much they grew and developed and succeeded and influenced over the time you were gone. For me, Taylor Swift is iconic in that manner. I appreciate her music and her songwriting talent and her curiosity about the world around her and her passion to please her millions of young fans and the great good service she provides them by showing them the way forward through the minefield our culture has become. I appreciate her known charity -- $4 MILLION to the Country Music Hall of Fame, Millions to flood and tornado relief -- and I appreciate her unknown charity, hours of one on one performing and appearances for desperately ill children.    Yeah, I'd like to think I'm a Taylor Swift "bodyguard" -- defender if you will -- of her and hardworking, smart, talented, compassionate youth JUST LIKE HER. Your daughter perhaps. My niece.  A real part of the country worth defending.
    1 point
  34. Yeah do a report and it should be entered into NCIC that tracks stolen property.
    1 point
  35. I hope you filed a report. You would be surprized how many guns get returned these days.   Dolomite
    1 point
  36. Nice! Stolen and posted to FB.
    1 point
  37. Well, if you love your Glocks, I would say the PPS. It's the single stack that Glock just won't make. I sure regret selling mine.   I've never warmed up to the M&P thing.
    1 point
  38. Brasilnuts, I hate that happened to your family, but it brought a huge laugh to mine, Thanks.   We always have my side of the family at our house, We eat, drink, laugh a lot and cry a little. We remember the ones we have lost, and celebrate the ones we have gained. I found myself overwhelmed tonight watching my son hold his new son (8 mos) and help him open his first gifts as his wife smiled and laughed with us. I am not ashamed to say I had to step  away to shed a tear. I have watched my mother become the face I remember my grandmother having and my sisters become my mothers face. Tonight I heard them laugh as they noticed me turning into our grandfather holding me as an infant. I am so blessed to have such a good family, a wonderful and loving wife and beautiful children. In the morning we will see what Santa brought, go to Mrs, gunwhatgun's family's house and so the samething again. I try to think God everyday for the blessings we have and remember why we have them, He always reminds me the most on These two days, how dear our children are to us.
    1 point
  39. SureFire worn loosely in the ears and then either MSA Sordins or Peltor Comtacs.  The perfect combination.  Jealously guard your hearing, its something that you never get back once lost.  It took me a couple firefights in houses and ambushes to figure it out.  Ultimately, paying that higher price for good ear pro is an excellent investment.  You can get Sordins for $150-185ish....worth every penny and then some.  And thats cheaper than they've ever been before.
    1 point
  40. Printing a bit. however What is in his Right hand?
    1 point
  41. ] I believe the Military would be called, then it would be more guns/tanks and other things. It would have the possibilities of going bad quickly.
    1 point
  42.     I know many, and the closest one resides with me.  She has been CERT trained so she is already expected to save lifes so why not let her defend them as well?  Make the rules simple again.  Come to a school or someone's home with intent to harm and get your butt shot.  You nor your family have any recourse beyond visiting in the hospital or the graveyard.  Even the mentally imbalanced seek the gun free zones to do their evil.  Make it known that those zones are few and far between.
    1 point
  43. Forum Admin uses Executive Order to change thread title to keep from scaring people to death....
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. My high capacity magazines capacity are about 4 to 5! Seriously. Finally the government recognizes it.   A few years back, we received a notice from an airline, that if we do not use our sky miles soon, we would lose them. Wife and I decided to take advantage of an insert and advertisement to use your miles for magazine subscriptions. So we subscribed to the most common ones, People, Sports Illustrated, Time, Wall Street Journal, some cat magazine, some dog magazine, a horse magazine, and many more. She even made a mistake in ordering the People magazine in Spanish by mistake, you would think its based upon the english version, but no, it was based upon Mexico and South America stars. Anyway, when these magazines started rolling in, we thought cool. Then they really started rolling in, rolling in, and rolling in. They started piling up, piling up, and piling up. Working people cannot read that many magazines. You can only poop so many times, and the length of time you spend in the bathroom has time limits or should. So after a year, we stopped the madness. Today, we only have 3-4 max, and 3 of the 4 are gun related. Oh, the mailman still will not wave to us, I think that made him mad that we had so much mail and magazines.   So the moral of the story, thank goodness the government agrees with my family, there should be a capacity on the number of magazines you have (the periodicals kind!). :rofl:
    1 point
  46.   I really wish everyone could be more upfront about high capacity magazines. It's nice to have high capacity magazines because the band guys could have high capacity magazines. If you consider high capacity magazines to be good only for slaughtering lots of people, are you concerned that cops have them? If not, then what is the difference between a cop having one and a law abiding citizen with good intentions having one? 
    1 point
  47. Good thing my guns don't use hi cap clips. I prefer magazines.
    1 point
  48. [quote name='graycrait' timestamp='1354842933' post='856156'] I picked up a pair of Sig 239s, a 10/22 with a 16.5" threaded barrel and two bottles of wine in a trade. ...[/quote] A box of cigars and you'd have won the ATF trifecta. - OS
    1 point
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