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A few thoughts.... The "free ride to Camden" video is typical Yeager. At least he is consistent. I do agree with his opinion that it is way too easy to sit behind your computer and talk smack about someone. If you don't have the balls to put your REAL name in a thread, or say the same thing to the guy in person, you should STFU. The "issue" I would take from it is his description of "a little thing in Iraq..." I don't know man, I would say that to the families of the KIA, it's still a pretty big fucking deal! Regarding that fateful day; I haven't, nor will I ever try to MMQB his actions. I wasn't there. Like many have said, stuff goes sideways and things get wonky pretty fast in combat. Who knows if the outcome had been different if he hadn't brain-farted the transmission, or if he hadn't "gotten off the X" What I DO know is his AAR comments immediately following the ambush (you know, the one where everyone fucked up, and he was the only one that did the right thing" are arrogant and tasteless at best. (My opinion, and one that I am more than happy to share with him in person) I also feel that the way he has shown little compassion for the KIA is classless. (Again, my opinion that I am willing to share in person) Do I think Yeager dropped the ball that day? Who cares, it doesnt matter. What does matter is that men he called Brothers In Arms are dead. Is it possible that those KIA are dead by their own (in)actions? Sure, quite possible. Do you blast them in the AAR and then open source to anyone that will listen? Nah, sometimes you honor your dead with silence and respect. *Make sure that TTPs are reviewed and lessons learned. But honor those men, and don't use them as a way to self promote. Other thoughts on Yeager- - James, while abrasive and too "in your face" for my liking, does make valid points from time to time. Is he always right? no. Is he always wrong? nope. Like you should do with any person or trainer you come in contact with; take what you need from him, and dump the rest. - James is one hell of a fundraiser for many pro-gun, pro 2A, and pro youth shooting sports programs. His support of the Friends of NRA is amazing. I personally appreciate his hard work and financial support of these programs. - Finally, at least one person mentioned the word SOLDIER when referring to James in their post. For the record, James is not, nor has he ever been a Soldier, or any other form of US Servicemember. He is not a "Veteran" of the Armed Forces. *Edited to fix some spelling oversights.6 points
We have been very fortunate that the folks who engage in these types of rampages seem to be uniformly incompetent in the use of their weapons.3 points
I guess this video here just gets thrown right out the window: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEGtkHRyFWE. So the lesson is always seek to de-escalate potentially violent situations and deter crime, unless your manhood is being challenged on the internet, because then you need to become macho dude and fight anybody who calls you a coward. Check. Way to send a message of consistency and credibility. I'll remember that next time I'm deciding which instructor I want to spend my money on.2 points
He could be a nice, soft spoken, really awesome and humble guy in person. That matters not one whit when he specifically cultivates a particular image in public. For better or worse Yeager markets himself as the aggro-douche one sees in his videos. That will appeal to some and turn others off. Can't fault anyone for their opinions of Yeager's online persona.2 points
The SKS is a FINE rifle if you use it as it was meant to be used. Stripper clips are FAST if you train with them. I've seen people who can use them right and can put AIMED fire down range just as fast. The SKS might edge the AK out on accuracy. Both suffer not from design but piss poor ammo. If you do go with the SKS, stay away from pimping it out. Nothing looks or performs any sadder than someone who starts a Cheaper than Dirt wish list for their SKS. Tapco=Crapco. Detachable magazines on a Siminov is a joke. Even when they work, they don't work well so if you don't want to put forth the effort to train with 10 round stripper clips, save the pain and aggravation and just get an AK. They work right.2 points
This gun won't do anything that a DPMS, Bushmaster, etc won't do and it wants three times the money for it. You buy this gun because you like the hype that is BCM or Haley. As for building your own AR, its a friggin AR. Its not a precision bolt gun. Not too terribly much that a guy with average skill and minimal tool set can screw up. As for the training coupon, I have NO NEED to train with Haley. He knows what he is doing but 90 percent of the populace doesn't need that type of training. It would be worthless.2 points
[quote name='Clod Stomper' timestamp='1355202938' post='858275']Self-driving cars? Meh... That's fine for most "drivers". Would make it safer and less stressful for the rest of us. But, if we don't have flying cars by then, I'm building my own. Will[/quote] Self driving cars? F- that! Even in 2030, if it doesn't have a manual transmission, I don't want any part of it.2 points
I saw the title of this thread and wondered what jackhole called Chuck Yeager a coward. I was about to get a case of the ass.2 points
You and many people jump to assumptions about this situation. None of us where there except the OP and none of us know what the circumstances where in this interaction at all that is a fact. The Monday morning quarterback comment is for people who want to tell others how do their job after the fact. If you can do it better then get hired and do it. Just having a HCP doesn't make you a saint or even a good person believe me I've seen some people who should be in prison and gang members with a HCP. While at the same time I've known several good people and even family members that are HCP holders. I even have one myself. If you are disarmed and don't believe there was a justification then complain. But don't jump to conclusions about someone else's situation unless you where there. Now in my experience I have never disarmed a legally armed HCP holder. I give them credit due to my experience and interactions with the many I have encoutered. I don't want to disarm them just like I wouldn't want to be disarmed. But if in a situation I have articulable facts to explain I may have been in reasonable fear to disarm the person during our encounter it will be done. Hopefully that never has to happen but if it does I will do what I am legally allowed to do to ensure the safety of myself and the other person and conduct the business at hand. Now I don't assume automatically HCP holders are threats due to that fact alone they are treated like anyone else I encounter and will continue to do so unless they make the situation change.2 points
[quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1354826927' post='856009'] You missed what I was saying. As a trainer. I'm not going into combat with anybody.[/quote] Oh, ha, I thought you were talking about what he did in a previous life. I will say though, I would prefer a reserved, yet confident instructor as opposed to a loud mouth, self aggrandizing tool. The tool act works fine with folks that don't know any better, but is annoying as hell and a distraction to training for those that do.2 points
Colorado totals were quite low, too, for what even an average range enthusiast could accomplish. It's actually never been shown to my knowledge that Holmes had ever even fired a gun before. Contrast these to a "competent" shooter, like Breivik in Norway, who killed 69 and wounded at least 33 more, with a Mini14. And he was moving around an island where folks were not nearly as compacted in as in a movie theater (or crowded mall). So whatever this guy's plans were, max mayhem didn't seem to figure in, but who knows with the sparse info so far. - OS1 point
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I've read a few articles so few and saw a short piece on the news. They keep saying that the shooter is dead but have not said who neutralized the shooter. Typically if it is police or security that is published fairly quickly. This leads me to believe that it was either suicide or an armed citizen. My guess would be suicide. 2 confirmed victims dead and 1 confirmed seriously wounded. This is a very low number for a typical active shooter type scenario. Again this is just my speculation, but i think the shooter went there with very specific targets in mind and at the completion of their goal took their own lives.1 point
I work for a large company that has many positions, from white collar no sweat, to blue collar nothing but sweat. Anywhere in between. I have worked since I was old enough to understand the world revolved around money. I delivered newspapers, mowed lawns, got older, carried lumber and picked up nails. Got a little older and swung a hammer or run a saw. When I was old enough to work 'on paper,' I bagged groceries and flipped burgers. As soon as I was old enough I went to work in the sewing mills in the cut-room. I worked my way out of a dead end town and into college. I never cared about school, I didn't do poorly, but I was always interested in other things. I stayed in more than my fair share of trouble. A lot more. I have been with my company for almost a decade now. I hired in dead dick bottom of the totem pole and worked my way up to a nice corner office where I get to tell a whole lot of folks what to do. Part of that comes from the fact that if it needs done, and I can't find someone to do it, I get up off of my ass and do it myself. I haven't missed a day, and I have worked more than my fair share of twenty-four hour shifts. I used to supervise the night shift. It was the most menial labor position in the company. Anyone that has worked in the beverage industry knows how hard pulling orders and loading trucks can be. I used to ask my interviewees "Can you lift fifty pounds? Can you lift it over your head? Can you lift it over your head non stop for fourteen hours?" I wasn't kidding. I tried it all. I would hire kids with stamina. They quit after their first night. I hire adults with a family to feed, they quit after their first night. Even with the recession going on, we have bloomed. Americans are fat and lazy, and they will be damned if they give up their soft drinks. Thank God for it. We are nearly always hiring. Why? Because everyone is afraid to work. "What do you mean my hours aren't set, can you explain to me 'work until the job is done?" "You said a plenty of overtime, not a sixty hour work week!" "I'm tired!" "I worked my eight and I want out." "Hey, how come I am working hard than him?" I grew up poor. Welfare holes in shoes Appalachia poor. Momma never worked a lick in her life, I ain't seen my daddy since I was five poor. I am the oldest of six. Anyone that has followed my posts knows what has come of those lazy good for nothing handout hunting bastards. I have a family now. My wife drives a pretty truck she ain't ashamed of and my daughter wears the fancy shoes to school. That is why I work. I never had the fancy shoes. Every time I hire or interview a lazy, dimwitted, unable to enunciate, dirty freeloader I am reminded of my family. How much easier it is to draw a check from someone else than to work for it yourself. And every time they prove me right and leave halfway through a shift before they have even gotten their first check, I am glad that I moved out that little bitty dead end town in the middle of nowhere. However, I am opinionated and stubborn. I got to where I am by the sweat of my brow and my own broken bones. I am comfortable with who I am, and what I have done to get here. I ain't claiming I am right.1 point
According to Websters 1828 dictionary's definition of the word "BEAR" "To wear; to bear as a mark of authority or distinction; as, to bear a sword, a badge, a name; to bear arms in a coat" Bearing arms in a coat is CONCEALED CARRY. Congress uses the 1828 dictionary as a standard for interpretation as words change meaning over time. According to this word in the Bill of Rights we have a right to carry concealed or otherwise NOW. Any state or fedgov restriction on such is an infringement and is unconstitutional. Why do we have to beg for a "right" from a bureaucrat while we already have the protection in the Bill of Rights? Tell me that.1 point
I just love the guys who think just because they've been careless with their firearms that everyone else has been. Classic projection.1 point
Pretty neat from an ingenuity stand point. From a practicality standpoint, that is a lot of work invested into a contraption that will be chewed apart by one AP belt from a PKC. That remote weapon system set up would be better served from a static ambush position with the operator off site. Very low tech and can be sacrificed and replicated easily.1 point
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Yeah if you make a habit of putting your finger on the trigger of your firearm when not aiming at something you are willing to destroy that happens.1 point
Not when he's an open book. He has another recent vid where he boasts in his douchy rep. ;)1 point
I would still disagree with him. I have taken several SI courses using my Nighthawk Custom Talon 2011, and had absolutely zero problems. I also took one using a Glock 34. I don't know this guy from Adam, but what little I have seen from him on his Youtube videos, I can safely say he is an a$$hole and too full of himself. I have thought about training at TR, but now that I know who runs it, there is no way. I would not want to train with a person like that. I don't care how good he is or what his credentials are. A little humility would do this guy wonders.1 point
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Well, anyone who carries a .40 is a retard. JUST KIDDING He also doesn't like 1911s for carry purposes either and I disagreed with him vehemently until I took a two-day fighting pistol course at Tactical Response and my very pretty, and VERY expensive 1911 that was supposedly designed specifically for reliable carry, choked so badly that I had to switch to another gun before lunch on the first day. He IS opinionated...he IS abrasive...he certainly CAN come across as a bit of a self-appointed, tin-plated dictator with delusions of god-hood BUT, he's also a good guy IMHO which is why his school is one of the schools I spend money at to train.1 point
This is "earth shattering" because its coming from the 7th. The Illinois legislature is already considering carry laws; this could help it along. I don't have time to read all 47 pages right now, but it looks promising for Illinois and possibly a case to go to the SCOTUS.1 point
I seriously doubt it. The Heller opinion is pretty clear about the state's having the authority to regulate firearms and this opinion (p. 16) suggests that it is reasonable to assume that states can regulate the carrying of arms. I'll read this thing more closely when I'm not so busy but I find it interesting they use Massad Ayoob as a source.1 point
As long as e-operators continue to buy this junk, they will keep making it. Good on anyone with the ability to profit off them.1 point
I have given one or two DUI's when someone was under .08. It's what we call the "DUI per say" and truthfully one of the only reasons I do it is because 1. They did show some impairedness 2. They most likely had some other charges like domestic assault 3. And of course the minor child in vehicle, repeat offender, or other zero tolerance violations. The way I see it if I would charge someone with public intox I would charge them with carrying a weapon while intoxicated. I just can't imagine only because someone smells of alcoholic beverages charging them with being armed. The smell may very well have been from the night before.1 point
MSRP is $2200ish....that's not the street price. Comparable ARs are right around that range of $18-2kish. As someone stated, you can build it for close to $1900.....and thats without the cerakote, training coupon, people who actually know how to build an AR correctly rather than a guy tinkering at his work bench, and most importantly - the FET. While high, the price is not outrageous. Mall ninja? Please. That's reserved for all the DPMS, Bushmaster, etc guns with fake optics, Mako grips, UTG rails, chinese lights and lasers, and a Walmart bipod :rock: It's not for everybody, obviously. But you can't deny that it is a quality weapon, built with quality parts, by a quality company with a known standard of success.1 point
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The .08 level everybody refers to is just a limit TN has passed that says you presumed intoxicated by alcohol for a DUI. This level is never mentioned for any other intoxicated related offense such as poss. of handgun under the influence or public intoxication. That .08 is just a level of intoxication but any alcohol in your system is considered under the influence of alcohol, it doesn't mention drunk. It doesn't even have to be alcohol many prescriptions are controlled substances and will put you under the influence level. Everybody here is an adult so you make your own decisions but I don't see a gray area alcohol in system = under the influence.1 point
This is a genuine tragedy. There are simply no words for this one. Guns thought to be unloaded are the most dangerous thing there is to be handled. You simply cannot afford to "think" they are unloaded. You must know they are unloaded. I saw this on a personal basis in my younger days. A family close to us had a 5 year old handle a "thought to be unloaded shotgun". She was killed on Thanksgiving Day. It almost destroyed the family; and it was a big one. The uncle with the "thought to be unloaded shotgun" never got over it. My prayers go out to this family. leroy1 point
[quote name='~48_South~' timestamp='1354944471' post='856804']Im sorry but if some sh*t face took a pop shot at you from 800 meters with an AK47 while your cruising around in a armored Humvee you have no clue as to what Yeager or any of the men on that team were experiencing that day and should stfu and go back to lying to everyone about how you were Chuck Norris and how much ass you kicked over there rather than the truth which is how you sat on your ass playing Call of Duty on xbox most of the day[/quote] I rock the hell outa some COD on XBOX. That is one of the best parts about being deployed. Yeager is still a douche.1 point
I don't know this guy, or know his qualifications, but I thought this was a good video and the information is presented well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=sC3u9TZnSEc1 point
Phil Valentine said it elloquently yesterday. He asked if guns are bad, why do we give police officers guns? I just can't wrap my head around the theory that anyone with a gun can suddenly go crazy and start shooting people; anybody, that is, but an LEO.1 point
Shouldn't you pay extra? They did half the unpacking for you. Glad to hear they made it right for you.1 point
Had the OP told the LEO "No" when asked if he had a firearm, would the LEO have dragged him out of the car and frisked him, or would he likely have gone on about his business? Since the OP was honest about it, I wouldn't expect him to be much of a threat. You all can cheerlead for law enforcment all you want, but I see this as nothing but intimidation.1 point
[quote name='EB-SF' timestamp='1354842162' post='856147'] It's all about being able to define "reasonable fear" in court. I can sit on the stand and produce 100s of cases where LEOs were shot and killed. I can testify that I had a reasonable fear that that gun COULD kill me. No court in the land will disagree with how "I" perceived the situation. [/quote] Well it's not reasonable fear that the law requires... it requires a reasonable belief that disarming is necessary to protect the officer, or other individuals. I contend that an officer can not have a reasonable belief that disarming is necessary for all permit holders. That if they hold such a belief it is no longer reasonable and therefore the disarming is no longer lawful. Clearly if a department has a policy that all permit holders will be disarmed, that doesn't pass the smell test for a reasonable belief under 39-17-1351t. If there was a criminal penalty for violating 39-17-1351t, would one be able to charge and convict this park ranger, very unlikely... But it sure would be nice to have some balance to this bad law, in case an officer does go overboard and clearly violates this law. Or even better yet, remove the disarm part unless their is an arrest altogether. If an officer is fearful of a permit holder who hands them a permit without being asked during a traffic stop, maybe they shouldn't be on patrol anymore... Permit holders just don't pose a serious risk to officer safety.... TN Permit holders are convicted of felony's at about the lowest rate of any group out there... lower than police officers, lower than members of the military, lower than the population as a whole. I'm not saying there is never a need to disarm, that there can never be a reasonable belief... but clearly this law is abused today a lot, and if the choice is between continued abuse, or prohibiting officers from disarming altogether, then I'd side with doing away with the law altogether.1 point
Pat Rogers is another who marketed himself really well. He has been debunked on dozens of his claims. Dolomite1 point
[quote name='sventvkg' timestamp='1354844796' post='856177'] This INFURIATES ME. What part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED in the 2nd amendment don't these Govt. gun grabbers not understand. I'm suck of it. Beyond sick of it...that form you have to fill out when getting your handgun permit in this state is nothing short of an abomination of the very fundamentals of the 2nd amendment and what our founders outlined as our GOD GIVEN RIGHTS that can't be infringed by Govt. My definition of what we live under is Tyranny.[/quote] [quote name='sventvkg' timestamp='1354844851' post='856180'] He had NO SUCH RIGHT. He had rule of and unconstitutional law ruled constitutional by a fraud. PERIOD.[/quote] Go get 'em, Spartacus! Btw, I assume you put your money where your mouth is -- NRA and TFA member, for example? - OS1 point
[quote name='Dolomite_supafly' timestamp='1354807132' post='855852'] Please point me to the disarming law you are talking about. Also, every single person in the state who has a firearm on them, HCP or not, is breaking the law. Dolomite [/quote] TCA 39-17-1351t [quote][color=#333333][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3]Any law enforcement officer of this state or of any county or municipality may, within the realm of the officer's lawful jurisdiction and when the officer is acting in the lawful discharge of the officer's official duties, disarm a permit holder at any time when [b]the officer reasonably believes it is necessary for the protection of the permit holder, officer or other individual or individuals.[/b] The officer shall return the handgun to the permit holder before discharging the permit holder from the scene when the officer has determined that the permit holder is not a threat to the officer, to the permit holder, or other individual or individuals provided that the permit holder has not violated any provision of this section and provided the permit holder has not committed any other violation that results in the arrest of the permit holder.[/size][/font][/color][/quote] While it is true we're violating the law even with a permit [u](which is another topic that we should be pushing for a single word change in the TCA from defense to exception[/u]), this law drastically limits the ability for the officer to disarm a permit holder, compared to a non-permit holder found with a loaded firearm. So, explain to me how an officer reasonably believes it is necessary to disarm every permit holder they come across? Unless the officer has that reasonable belief every time they disarm a permit holder, they are acting unlawfully. I contend that departments who have a policy to always disarm permit holders are acting unlawfully, and most likely officers who disarm all permit holders are likely acting unlawfully as well. But, you'll notice there is no criminal penalty for violating 39-17-1351t, which is part of the problem. Just another question to the OP, was this a federal park ranger? Or a state ranger? I'd be curious if they are somehow cross certified as TN law enforcement officers, because if they aren't (federal park rangers), then they would appear not to be covered by 39-17-1351t.1 point
[quote name='Spots' timestamp='1354770238' post='855606'] Sounds like he was professinal. That said, he has no reason, nor right to disarm anyone who is in legal possession of a handgun with an HCP. If he conducted a search due to probable cause, and you didn't have an HCP then yes. He is a public servant, not an overlord or sheepdog. Sorry for the rant, it just gets on my nerves that any police officer thinks hes safer by disarming the man who openly discloses that he has a weapon and an hcp. The guy whos gonna shoot him at a trarfic stop isn't gonna tell him he has the gun beforehand. [/quote] From reading this post I can tell two things: 1) You've never been the police 2) You know far less about the laws and our legal system than you think you do1 point
[quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1354810426' post='855877'] Cocky isn't a bad trait in what he does for a living. [/quote] Absolutely it is a bad trait. Not that I think of him as anything more that a war tourist, if I found myself in a situation where he would be the person watching my back I would would rather sit and watch radios. His attitude is the epitome of douchey tough guy which is what gets people killed; either because he discovers he isn't as tough as he thinks he is when the metal starts flying, or he does stupid stuff to get his fight on. He is bad news. Trust me, I've dealt with his kind before. They are dangerous in a combat zone.1 point
It has been more than some"one." I agree with Pole a few posts up. I have seen the video and besides the neutral bit which really doesnt matter in the end as the other two vehicles were mobility kills from the start his actions at the time werent the problem. It was the after the fact #### talking dead guys.1 point
Here's a feeble picture. Turns out that Able didn't really have the gun in stock, so in a panic, I hit the Bass Pro. They have them on sale right now, even tho it doesn't show on their web site. The guy at the counter didn't even know they had them, and had to dig it out of the back room. Able was cool about the order cancellation. I paid a little more money, but didn't want to get caught up in the Obama frenzy and wind up with NO gun. The picture doesn't do it justice. Nice shootin' iron! [img]http://i899.photobucket.com/albums/ac195/mikegideon1/IMG_0829a.jpg[/img]1 point
[quote name='Erik88' timestamp='1354584319' post='854547'] pouring water into a bag is cooking? [/quote] "HOT" water! And yes, my wife definately considers that COOKING!1 point
[quote name='RichardR' timestamp='1353146006' post='847085'] Rusty, Maybe I am just being nieve but I doubt that there would be any reason for someone I was hosting to rob me, considering I am more than willing to provide as much assistance to them & their family as I possibly could. [/quote] You are being naive. In a true SHTF situation they are going to rob or kill you for your stuff. Heck, people rob and kill when it isn't a SHTF situation. And if you let a few people know you have food, shelter and supplies you are going to have 10x that actually show up. Kind of like that discreet highschool party. And when you have to turn away some people things are going to go south very quickly. Or those you tell could pass it on to bad guys to save their own skin and then the bad guys will rob or kill you for your stuff. I would not advertise or let anyone know what you have. You will have plenty of chances to help the needy that wonder by you place. Remember the key to survivng is to not become a target. Keep you and your supplies hidden. And as much as I hate to say it you need to suspend your compassion if you want to survive. Dolomite1 point
[quote name='cruisemissile' timestamp='1352786869' post='844709'] I also have a box of the original black talons and was told by a LEO that they are illegal to carry. He is a retired police chief from Knoxville TN. [/quote] And he is clueless. Dolomite1 point
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