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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/2012 in all areas

  1. I agree. How about a PROPER primitive weapon season to run from the first to last Sunday in January. Longbows, recurves and un-scoped, roundball shooting, sidelock muzzleloaders only.
    2 points
  2. In my opinion & please bear in mind that it's only MY opinion, i think it ought to go the other way. I personally think that it should be a primitive weapon season. Primitive meaning sidelocks only.
    2 points
  3. [quote name='Just_Another_Walker' timestamp='1355089776' post='857376'] grrrrwoooowweoorrrrrllllll (zombie translation...i like this show A LOT!!) [/quote] You know, you'll fit in a lot easier if you just be yourself. I'm with Spots on this one.
    2 points
  4. Poose is still running his mouth. He needs the prison bitch treatment in the worst way.
    2 points
  5. The best "budget" AR is the S&W M&P Sport. They can be found for under $700. Dolomite
    2 points
  6. What type of event do you have in mind? A class, or just general forging? One day, or multiple?
    1 point
  7. A couple years ago a guy in his 20s was accompanied by his mother when he came to a job interview with the company I work for. And this was for a physical, outdoor type job. He didn't get the job. It made me wonder, at what age does one become an adult in today's world. I think some don't make it.
    1 point
  8. Fascinating and thought provoking. My wife was wondering if by 2030 they addressed these: On "Days of Our Lives" ..... Does Nick doctor the lab test results? Will Gabi and Nick's wedding be rocked by a series of tragic events? Will Dan's hand tremors be cured?
    1 point
  9. Man, paranoia. If you feel this unsure about the deal just walk away.
    1 point
  10. The problem with this is it open up calibers like the .35 Whelen. That is not a "primitive" weapon and I know lots of people that use them in the early season in Mississippi. I used a 45-70 Govt that had open sights. That lowered the effective range to around 75 yards for an ethical shot. I just never got into the muzzleloading fever, but would live to get a chance to shoot a true muzzle loader.
    1 point
  11. Your survey was lacking a question. "Change Muzzleloader season to Primative M/L only and move inlines into regular rifle season". I would vote for that! Sidelock Flint or percussion. You are already allowed to use "blackpowder" rifles, pistols and shotguns during big game gun season! Dave S
    1 point
  12. you must not have a wife? Mine would sh*t a brick
    1 point
  13. Everytime I have head something about price they have always talked about tax, etc being included hence my nope.
    1 point
  14. [quote name='Il Duce' timestamp='1355159691' post='857862'] Nope.[/quote] [quote name='Dolomite_supafly' timestamp='1355159862' post='857863'] The best "budget" AR is the S&W M&P Sport. [/quote] And a few folks have gotten them for $599. Mine were $619. Assume OP did not include tax/TICS or shipping/transfer in his $600 criterion. - OS
    1 point
  15. Whenever someone throws out that BS argument that the 2A was intended to protect muskets, I respond, "Yeah, and freedom of the press protects only things produced on a hand-set printing press. It doesn't protect anything on television, the radio, the internet or otherwise electronically produced nor does it protect newspaper articles that are typed up on computers and printed via automated printing. All this must be true because obviously the Founding Fathers weren't intelligent enough to have the foresight to know that technology would change."
    1 point
  16. Easy. It's a cardboard tube with a UPS label on it and capped with duct tape. They're used for shipping long objects.
    1 point
  17. jtmaze has it right. I would give one more warning with LE present. Then when the dogs come back call LE and notify them you are shooting some dogs that are harrassing your livestock. They will tell you to do what you need to to protect your livestock. Then hang up the phone, step outside and shoot every single dog on your property. Then go back in and call LE. Tell them you have shot the dogs harassing your livestock and that you need an officer to come out. Then both of you go to the neighbors and have them remove their dead dog from your property. People who let their dogs roam free and harrass or kill others animals should be held accountable. I have shot at dogs that harrassed and killed our animals. I will do it again to protect what is mine. Dolomite
    1 point
  18. If that cut was any bigger you could have used it for a holster !
    1 point
  19. Taking it like a man...that's what I'm talking about!!! Gnarly... Take care of that cut and don't let it get infected! I'm glad that wasn't your trigger finger! Dave S
    1 point
  20. [quote name='Sour Kraut' timestamp='1355109559' post='857600']ugh...stop that...lol[/quote] Well, I'm with you fellers
    1 point
  21. Take a .410 shotgun shell and replace the shot with rock salt. Fire it through a shotgun not a judge. It burns and they dont forget it and it wont kill them from a reasonable range.
    1 point
  22. That looks worse than mine, both of mine. Hope it heals well. Joints tend to take a while to heal up. Dolomite
    1 point
  23. Looks painfull, wish you a speedy recovery.
    1 point
  24. Poor guy, that's not even enough to get you out of house chores! Jk. Hope it heals quickly for you.
    1 point
  25. At least it was a nice clean cut. Heal swiftly.
    1 point
  26. Wow. That's deep. Hope it heals up soon.
    1 point
  27. Cool boo boo Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
    1 point
  28. [quote name='DaddyO' timestamp='1355090977' post='857397'] Thanks man ... It's a bloody mess right now... Don't think anyone would want to see it. [/quote] Sure we would, kids are fascinated by gore. - OS
    1 point
  29. [quote name='DaddyO' timestamp='1355090977' post='857397'] Thanks man ... It's a bloody mess right now... Don't think anyone would want to see it. [/quote] You'd be wrong. We're sadistic bastards. [quote name='Sour Kraut' timestamp='1355095180' post='857428'] Ugh.. ... Hope you feel better soon.. And no we do not need to see pics.. I get enough gnarly stuff to look at at home. [/quote] Better bow out of this thread while you still can. ;-)
    1 point
  30. Post yours or I [u]WILL[/u] post mine, both sets. Dolomite
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Pics or it didn't happen. lol I'm just kidding man, I hope its not serious, and that it heals fast
    1 point
  33. I gotta be honest, my childhood was just like that, but it scares the bejesus outa me the thought of letting my kids run around the way we did.
    1 point
  34. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1355074399' post='857278'] No telling what Rangel really got away with. Princess Nancy got away with quite a lot, also. And I'm not counting the facelifts, either. A few Republicans could be thrown in that bunch, also. [/quote] Sure you can blame the politicians, and they rightfully deserve it. However, I think the crux of the article is that we are to blame because we vote them in office and vote to keep them there. I sometimes wonder if you can judge society by what kind of politicians they have elected to represent them.
    1 point
  35. [img]http://cdn.conservativebyte.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Fiscal-Cliff-Proposal.jpg[/img]
    1 point
  36. Two things had to happen for this boy to be shot. First, the gun had to be pointed at him. Second, the trigger had to be pulled. If someone can't grasp the simple concepts that you should never point a firearm at anyone nor should you pull the trigger unless you are going to shoot something I don't see how any passive safety features would prevent this. It's like when I see stories of toddlers drowning in the family pool. All the baby gates and safety latches in the world won't help you if you aren't doing the basic steps of keeping an eye on your children.
    1 point
  37. [quote name='Lumber_Jack' timestamp='1354997782' post='856943'] ....In all reality. You can carry AFTER having a beer, just not WHILE having a beer in a restaurant. but that's a personal choice. [/quote] [quote name='Pain103' timestamp='1354999387' post='856953'] That's incorrect. TCA 39-17-1321 (a) covers possession of handgun under the influence. 39-17-1321b subsection applies to drinking while in an establishment while armed. You can't be in possession of the handgun while under the influence. There is no per se influence level for this statute like DUI has a per se level of .08 BAC. I don't even risk it. If I'm going to have a drink the gun stays at home. [/quote] Of course, you're both correct. According to TCA, the only time you are immediately irrefutably guilty re mixing booze and carry is in a public establishment and you have even one sip of one alcoholic drink. But yes, possession under the influence is certainly just another gray area in TCA -- if push came to shove, you might get off with a BAC under .08 argued as a reasonable standard, or you might not. Certainly there's nothing in the carry laws to support either guess. There's also no requirement for a BAC to even be taken. To further complicate things, IF you violate the drinking in a public establishment, AND are determined to be under the influence, then besides other sentencing you lose your HCP for three years (even though you'd lose it for the duration of the sentence of the Class A misdemeanor anyway -- another unspecified part of the statute is whether the 3 years suspension is in addition to the Class A 'meanor suspension). So all in all, I'd feel rather nervous myself if my breath even smelled of drinking near beer, and won't even do that and carry (or drive). Who needs the possible hassle even if not convicted, eh? - OS
    1 point
  38. Keep it basic. Carry? Don't drink. Drink? Don't carry.
    1 point
  39. I'm not even going to read the story. I just can't take reading any more about bad things happening to kids. I'm just gonna go hug my two little ones and thank God they're safe and healthy.
    1 point
  40. I can tell you what the leadership wants to do...either ignore us or screw us over by passing worthless bills that just make the firearms law more confusing all the while saying to us, "what? we pass gun laws for you this session." Nothing will actually change until we have leadership that actually lets our reps vote on stuff and not keep bills in committee. That said, I think those three things would be great. Parking lot needs to happen for EVERYONE in TN that's not on federal property. Shouldn't matter where it is. Should take away the ability for local parks to post...which ironically they are unconstitutionally allowing locals to make the law when THEY are supposed to decide and only them. And removal of the sign law as it's also unconstitutional.
    1 point
  41. [quote name='DaveTN' timestamp='1354906039' post='856561'] If that's directed at me; we all are. That is what we do, that is all we can do. When this goes to trial there may be evidence presented that changes my mind. But right now, based on what I read I think this guy is guilty of murder. I don't live in Florida, I'm not on the jury and have absolutely zero chance of being called. Just like everyone else; its just my opinion. Sorry we don't agree. [/quote] Some of us weigh the known f-a-c-t-s, testimony and indications based on the information made public thus far, others gobble up the version that the [i]media[/i] serves.
    1 point
  42. All mine have already been said, but here we go; 1. Coyotes day or night w/ Night vision devices allowed 2. Hogs back on the list 3. Turkey removed from big game, and higher bag limits. 4. Extend all deer seasons. They are way overpopulated, and are becoming more of a pest every year.
    1 point
  43. F-troop is the BATFE, so named for their habit of screwing up everything they touch. The Fibbies are the FBI, known for burning people alive and shooting women holding infants.
    1 point
  44. [quote name='drv2fst' timestamp='1354568016' post='854380'] ,,, I'm just generally in favor of eliminating anything we can in government. Nothing in government works well. They are the only organization I know of that is bad at everything they do. [/quote] Newest bubble is the student loan thang and of course the fed has pretty much nationalized that part of the industry. Talking amnesty and bailouts now. Your money, of course. And China's. - OS
    1 point
  45. [quote name='monkeylizard' timestamp='1354559884' post='854312'] I'm wondering why Andrea hasn't said anything about what she learned at the CDC. [/quote] Andrea doesn't know they are all infected. Rick was the only one the Dr. Told and he didn't tell the group until after the battle at the farm. Andrea was seperated from the group by then, so she was never privy to that info.
    1 point
  46. [quote name='TMF' timestamp='1354027152' post='851279'] I would not be surprised if this show picked up some nominations this year. It has come leaps and bounds over the first and second season. Glad I stayed with it. [/quote] They sure deserve it. BIggest ratings for any cable show, ever. I'm just happy for Daryl. Carol is okay. If you think Rick was bad, imagine what daryl would do if he fell off the deep end. I personally beleive Daryl will kill Merle and it will be over Carol AND because of his love for Carol, he won't lament his filthy bigot brothers passing. Daryl Dixon for president!!!
    1 point
  47. I think Walmart is a excellent example of capitalism. I personally wish they would held true to their beliefs when Sam was running the company (buy American), but I admit I too have endulged in Walmart goodies made on foreign shores. I will always buy the lowest price items that I need regardless if its Walmart or the local mom and pop. I have no loyality to a retailer, but I do have loyality to providing the most value to my family, shopping smart, not feeding the local mom/pops. This reminds me, if my local gun store only knew how much money I spend at Walmart for ammo and on occasional a gun, he would be extremely offended. However, he thinks I am just a cheap stubborn old gizzard that comes in once a week, I kick a few tires, I do try to negotiate on a few goodies, we talk a little, but I never buy anything. If he is relying on me to feed his family, well....... they be starving.
    1 point
  48. [quote name='Dolomite_supafly' timestamp='1352644435' post='843687'] I bet everyone in the US said the same thing in 1994 right before the AWB then. And that AWB took away gun rights. Or what about California where the laws are strict and they are likely going to be the example they use because it is Feinstein who is pushing for the nationwide ban. Not long after the DC shooting there was a bill introduced that sought to outlaw "sniper rifles". That law stated that any make of gun capable of shooting a group under 3" at 100 yards would be outlawed as it was considered a sniper rifle. Also, there have been quite a few bills introduced seeking to tax ammunition to a point that no one could afford it. In parts of Illinois, where Obama hails from, there is a .05 per bullet tax. All it takes is one time for a bill to pass and it is done. How often do we hear of a bill or law being repealed? Never. All they need to do is fight for a bill or law to be passed once yet we have to fight every single time. Eventually they will sneak one by and that will be the end just like th 1986 ban on the sale of new MG's to civillians. By all accounts it did not pass the voice vote but Charlie Rangel, yes the same one investigated for ethics violations, declared it passed because he was the speaker of the house at the time. I am not wearing tinfoil to think the Democrats are going to use any tool or excuse they can to outlaw our guns. Be it through UN resolution, passing laws, regulations or executive order I can see him trying something big before he leaves office that will affect gun ownership. To think anything different is a bit naive. Gun owners are under attack, or at a minimum not being supported, by all those who voted for Obama. And that is very close to being the majority of the nation now. I do not believe we will loose our guns because of a UN resolution we, as a nation, sign but signing it will be the impetus for our governemnt to pass laws to fall in line with what is in the UN resolution. The "blue helmets" are not going to come here to take our guns. Dolomite[/quote] I'm not doubting the very real possibility that we see another AWB and/or ban of high-capacity magazines, but all this talk as if someone is going to come and take all of our guns away is ludacris. Even if we do see an AWB, I doubt it will have anything to do with the UN. Clinton didn't need the assistance of the UN, and neither will Obama. The last AWB didn't force American citizens to hand over their guns, and I highly doubt a possible future AWB will be any different.
    1 point
  49. The UN will never try to take guns from americans. Never.
    1 point
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