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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/06/2012 in all areas

  1. I hope he gets so much money they think twice about pulling that stunt again.
    6 points
  2. [quote name='Spots' timestamp='1354771453' post='855616']As I said before, the man who is gonna shoot you at a traffic stop isn't gonna show you his hcp, and let you take his weapon. [/quote] [quote name='Spots' timestamp='1354771453' post='855616'] To bad [u][b]most officers [/b][/u]will never have to answer for their reasons for doing most of what they do. I may seem jaded or upset, but I've seen one to many police officers [u][b]flip on lights to run the red[/b][/u], speed to nowhere in the cruiser that they drive home on the tax payers dime, and basically abuse the power given to them by the citzen. This is not meant as a blanket statement and I have the utmost respect for those honest LEO's who don't take an oppurtunity to step on your toes when they get the chance. But I have the utmost contempt for those that do things because they can, not because they should. And I will not support officers who do such things, including disarming an honest citzen who has done nothing wrong, [u][i][b]just so the officer can get a warm and fuzzy[/b][/i][/u]. [/quote] This is probably a waste of time, but here is my two cents anyway. How do you know what a person is going to do on a traffic stop? Because I’ve done thousands of them and I don’t know. Go work the streets with a cop and let us know if you think their discretion should be taken away. I had a couple come in and make a complaint on me because I turned on my overheads, blew a light, shut them off and continued on normally. They called me in and had me explain to them why I did it and played them back the communications tape. They were embarrassed at the results and apologized for making accusations. Unfortunately you don’t always know what’s causing what you see. You see it and assume the worst; others (like me) see it and give the cops the benefit of the doubt. I openly support my local Police Officers, Troopers, and Deputies and appreciate the job they do. [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/TourGlide/Web%20Stuff/patriot.gif[/img]
    5 points
  3. [quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1354826927' post='856009'] You missed what I was saying. As a trainer. I'm not going into combat with anybody.[/quote] Oh, ha, I thought you were talking about what he did in a previous life. I will say though, I would prefer a reserved, yet confident instructor as opposed to a loud mouth, self aggrandizing tool. The tool act works fine with folks that don't know any better, but is annoying as hell and a distraction to training for those that do.
    4 points
  4. Had the OP told the LEO "No" when asked if he had a firearm, would the LEO have dragged him out of the car and frisked him, or would he likely have gone on about his business? Since the OP was honest about it, I wouldn't expect him to be much of a threat. You all can cheerlead for law enforcment all you want, but I see this as nothing but intimidation.
    3 points
  5. [quote name='1morethan8' timestamp='1354835566' post='856083']Many of you may not know this, but believe me... some will. A soldier(or veteran) who runs his mouth telling everyone who will listen... just how smart they are, how bad ass they are, how many they've killed, how rough of a time they had,or how great they are... are total BS!! I know this for a fact. The ones who are the "real deal" don't say a word... because they don't have to. They want to forget... but can't.[/quote] "No sh**, there I was, in the Valley of Nodangtwat, surrounded by 3,000 Taliban fighters and all I had was an MRE spoon... Was I scared? You're damn right I was scared.... scared one of those little bastards would get away!" Seemed appropriate for this thread.
    3 points
  6. Many of you may not know this, but believe me... some will. A soldier(or veteran) who runs his mouth telling everyone who will listen... just how smart they are, how bad ass they are, how many they've killed, how rough of a time they had,or how great they are... are total BS!! I know this for a fact. The ones who are the "real deal" don't say a word... because they don't have to. They want to forget... but can't.
    3 points
  7. I don't think I would let him out of the bedroom. Breathing that is. In all honesty, I'd probably be so freaked out by a stranger standing in my bedroom that I'd pee my pants and go all screaming monkey on him and try to push his eyes out through his ear canals with my thumbs. (We're talking 28 weeks later style here) Then if I had the presence of mind to get my gun I would. And no I don't mean that in a rambo way. I mean it in a so friggin scared that I might not remember what I was doing way.
    3 points
  8. At some point in a guy's life... it comes down to this. Four guys have been going to the same fishing trip for many years. Two days before the group is to leave, Ron's wife puts her foot down and tells him he isn't going. Ron's mates are very upset that he can't go, but what can they do. Two days later the three get to the camping site only to find Ron sitting there with a tent set up,firewood gathered, and dinner cooking on the fire.   "Dang Ron, how long you been here, and how did you talk your missus into letting you go?"   "Well, I've been here since yesterday evening. I was sitting in my chair and my wife came up behind me and put her hands over my eyes and said, "Guess who?" I pulled her hands off, and she was wearing a brand new see through nightie. She took my hand and pulled me to our bedroom.   The room had candles and rose petals all over. On the bed she had handcuffs, and ropes! She told me to tie and cuff her to the bed, and I did. And then she said, "Do whatever you want." So, Here I am. Who wants a beer? __________________
    3 points
  9. Said it before and I'll say it again - LEOs disarming citizens who have given them no reason to think they are murderers just so they can "feel safe" is not about safety at all... it's about power and control.
    3 points
  10. Anyone who can manage the finances of a small business successfully has the ability to understand national economics. Where it gets complicated is that politicians are always seeking one thing; power. In order to get and keep that power they want to be able to buy votes without having any negative consequences. Since most of them are lawyers, they are used to playing games with words and concealing the facts. Economically, here are the facts: 1) We are broke. We spend more money than we take in. Raising taxes on the rich won't change that, even if you declare that $75,000 a year income makes you 'rich'. 2) The US dollar is backed only by faith. If folks quit believing that it is worth something, it won't be worth anything. Right now, the Fed is creating dollars from thin air. If they didn't, the US debt would be MUCH higher than the current more than $16 Trillion dollars. 3) The current US Gross Domestic Income is only $15 Trillion. In other words, if you add up ALL of the money made by EVERY person, corporation, and company in the country in a whole year, it adds up to less money than the government owes right now. 4) The only way out of this is to CUT spending. A LOT! You can talk about waste, military, etc, but they won't solve the problem. the problem is entitlements. They make up over 50% of Federal spending, and are growing at a horrendous pace. 5) Politicians do NOT want to cut spending. Especially entitlements. That's the case, plain and simple. Either we reduce entitlements (Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare, etc), or we all go down.
    3 points
  11. Tomorrow is the anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. I only bring this up as I would like to honor my uncle "Thomas Lowery" who served on the submarine USS Sunfish during WWII and passed away last summer. My uncle Tommy whom raised me, was aboard the Sunfish that fateful day. When the Japanese attacked, the Sunfish (whom was entering the harbor) submerged in the shallow water and turned seaward in search of the Japanese fleet. The Sunfish engaged the Jap fleet and when running out of torpedoes, surfaced and engaged the enemy with a 50 cal machine gun and what my uncle called a 3" inch deck gun. A funny story he told me was when a Soviet Destroyer put up the Japanese flag and cruised right on into Tokyo Bay. The Sunfish went to Tokyo to attack the Jap fleet. Well, they encountered the russian cruiser flying the jap flag and sent two "fish" into the russian ship. Needless to say Ivan got pissed and wanted us to pay for the ship they lost. Such is war my friend!!! I found that story pretty funny! I miss my uncle dearly, but would like to honor ALL the veterans buried in the choppy waters of the South Pacific! Bless you all! Dave S
    2 points
  12. hats off too the greatest generation in the history of the USA!
    2 points
  13. [quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1354810426' post='855877'] Cocky isn't a bad trait in what he does for a living. [/quote] Absolutely it is a bad trait. Not that I think of him as anything more that a war tourist, if I found myself in a situation where he would be the person watching my back I would would rather sit and watch radios. His attitude is the epitome of douchey tough guy which is what gets people killed; either because he discovers he isn't as tough as he thinks he is when the metal starts flying, or he does stupid stuff to get his fight on. He is bad news. Trust me, I've dealt with his kind before. They are dangerous in a combat zone.
    2 points
  14. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1354809066' post='855864'] It never ceases to amaze me how people who don't know James, hasn't trained with James or even met him know SO much about him. Funny how that works. [/quote] I [b][i]really[/i][/b] don't have a dog in this hunt, but I feel compelled to point out that the reason folks know SO much about him is because James has apparently made it his mission for this to be the case. If he wanted anonymity he wouldn't be posting any of this crap on the Internet. Like I said, he is keenly aware that there is no such thing as bad publicity. Any uproar involving him on any message board, YouTube, etc. just spikes his Google search relevancy which drives traffic to his web site which drives money into his bank account. The guy [i]truly [/i]gets it and is making bank off of the people who post bad things about him online. Every time Yeager's name is mentioned, a weekend warrior gets his wings.
    2 points
  15. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1354819886' post='855959'] Saying it over and over doesn't make it true. [/quote] Denying it doesn't make it false.
    2 points
  16. [img]http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/s480x480/74195_10200146042075782_1614365776_n.jpg[/img]
    2 points
  17. Some people are going to complain about LEO no matter how good of a job they did. Dolomite
    2 points
  18. So....the OP posts about a GOOD experience where the LEO acted within his discretion and within the law but people still find reason to complain??? I guess there just aren't enough examples where LEO's didn't act responsibly and appropriately for people to complain about.
    2 points
  19. [quote name='crimsonaudio' timestamp='1354802463' post='855811']What do you think is going to happen? Is the cop going to shoot you at random after he disarms you? Or at that exact moment will you be attacked by a roving band of baddies who decided to attack you with a cop standing there? I understand ideologies, but why get bent about this? I don't get it.[/quote] I don't get too bent up about this one, but I don't agree with this being a standard operating procedure; that is to say I don't believe that a person should be disarmed and have their serial run every time they have an LEO encounter. One reason is based in principle. Yes, it is the officers discretion, but the law says he must have reasonable fear for his or your safety. I believe this is intentionally left vague so that officers can exercise discretion. I think that's great, but I don't agree with that being abused. I would say that it was not the intention of the law to have officers ALWAYS disarm and HCP holder. The other issue I have with that is safety. I don't like handing a person a loaded weapon. I further don't want someone handling MY loaded weapon and unloading it if they have no idea how it works. This is how accidents happen. Not all officers are knowledgeable of ALL firearms and how to safely unload them. For example, I have several LEOs in my family. At the reunion this year we were all on the property shooting, and my cousin (who has been a city cop for 4 years) tried to handle a 1911. I'm convinced that if I handed him a loaded 1911 and told him to unload it he would shoot himself or, at a minimum, have a ND. Just my thoughts on it. If an officer told me to make it safe or simply moved it to another part of the car I would have no issue. I want the officer to feel safe as can be, but not at the expense of proper rights or gun safety.
    2 points
  20. [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]People loose their minds all the time. Just because someone has a HCP doesn't mean they won't flip out and do something rash. We have read about it dozens of times on here where a HCP holder does something stupid. And as an officer if they can do something to prevent injuries to anyone it is a good thing.[/font][/color][/quote] I agree that HCP holders are not immune to rash thinking and foolish actions. However, there have also been many instances of officers thinking rashly and acting foolishly. Not to mention that there are many stories of officers handling civilians' firearms dangerously while disarming. I am always very respectful to LEO's and fully understand that their top priority is their safety and getting home to their family. But just because they want to get home to their family does not mean that everything is justifiable for them to achieve this. Approaching all vehicles with their gun drawn and then handcuffing your hands to the steering wheel would greater insure that they get home safely, but I feel doing so would be greatly frowned upon. I'm not one that would or will make an issue or scene if this were to happen to me. I would comply, and do so very politely. It is just something that bothers me internally that it is even an issue. I suppose the root of what bothers me is that officers (arguably) have to be in the state of mind that they are. Perhaps it is mostly due to the world we live in, or perhaps it is mostly due to training, but the fact that an officer fears his life is in danger over a petty traffic stop bothers me. I understand that many times it is a traffic stop in which your hard criminals are caught. But I like the stories in which the officer is relieved to find out that the driver is a HCP holder much more than the stories in which the officer feels it necessary to disarm someone.
    2 points
  21. [quote name='bkelm18' timestamp='1354793274' post='855772'] So are there law abiding citizen bumper stickers that we can put on our cars that make it so officers know that we're cool beans? If they want to disarm you to get a warm fuzzy, they're going to do it. If you don't like it, stop complaining and write your Congress critters to get the law changed. [/quote] Don't worry I do. And my big thing is more the fact that the guy who qill do aomething bad is gonna have the gun in his lap at the traffic stop. When the officer steps up that'll be the end of it. All those warm and fuzzies that he gets from someone who has done everything right will do nothing but provide false security. I know the man just wants to make it home. But there are always safer jobs. Nobody makes you become a police officer, just like nobody made me sign up for the USMC. I support my local LEO's, and appreciate what they do. But at the end of the day, you are still a civil servant that works for the citizens, not above them.
    2 points
  22. [quote name='Oh Shoot' timestamp='1354770535' post='855608'] TN law gives him the right, and the reason is his call. - OS [/quote] To bad most officers will never have to answer for their reasons for doing most of what they do. I may seem jaded or upset, but I've seen one to many police officers flip on lights to run the red, speed to nowhere in the cruiser that they drive home on the tax payers dime, and basically abuse the power given to them by the citzen. This is not meant as a blanket statement and I have the utmost respect for those honest LEO's who don't take an oppurtunity to step on your toes when they get the chance. But I have the utmost contempt for those that do things because they can, not because they should. And I will not support officers who do such things, including disarming an honest citzen who has done nothing wrong, just so the officer can get a warm and fuzzy.
    2 points
  23. Yeah, I'd say that's pretty close to the truth. My wife got on to me so I just started peeing in the shower.
    2 points
  24. [quote name='HvyMtl' timestamp='1354830175' post='856044'] And all those state college and university court case defenses, and payment of the decisions, from the pockets of the taxpayer. Think this through, please. [/quote] Good point! And then, they'd be forced to take the path of least resistance, and the cheapest path. The People wouldn't stand for the "ethical-in-the-academics-mind" no-guns-on-campus stance if it's going to cost them MONEY. The People just wouldn't stand for it.
    1 point
  25. Shouldn't you pay extra? They did half the unpacking for you. Glad to hear they made it right for you.
    1 point
  26. I have no animus towards LEOs, but I think this incident and some of the reasons defending such action are a pant load. Does anyone have any statistics on murders of LEOs at a traffic stop where the perpetrator had shown the officer their HCP and told the officer they had a gun? I have never seen any, but I would imagine if they existed it would be incredibly low if not next to nothing. Using the argument that people flip out at anytime doesn't wash either. At the end of the encounter, the officer hands the weapon and mag back to the owner. Maybe the owner is pissed they just got a speeding ticket and flip out once they get their handgun back. How long does it take to pop in a mag, rack the slide, and go to work? Not very long. So even though they were entirely up front about being armed, they were a threat initially, but are no longer? That really does't jive with me. I wouldn't get really upset over this incident, but I also wouldn't kiss the officer's butt because he was polite and couteous. I have absolutely no law enforcement experience, but in my mind the officer responding to the driver like, "Thank you for having your permit ready and telling me you armed. For everyone's safety, I would like you to keep you hands visible on the steering wheel while we are talking." would have been much more professional.
    1 point
  27. [quote name='DaveTN' timestamp='1354840583' post='856131'] I think George Zimmerman may well be a racist and predatory villain, and I didn’t hear the edited version. Either this clown doesn’t listen to his attorneys, or he has the dumbest attorney’s in history. [/quote]Wow!
    1 point
  28. [quote name='JayC' timestamp='1354841449' post='856140'] TCA 39-17-1351t While it is true we're violating the law even with a permit [u](which is another topic that we should be pushing for a single word change in the TCA from defense to exception[/u]), this law drastically limits the ability for the officer to disarm a permit holder, compared to a non-permit holder found with a loaded firearm. So, explain to me how an officer reasonably believes it is necessary to disarm every permit holder they come across? Unless the officer has that reasonable belief every time they disarm a permit holder, they are acting unlawfully. I contend that departments who have a policy to always disarm permit holders are acting unlawfully, and most likely officers who disarm all permit holders are likely acting unlawfully as well. But, you'll notice there is no criminal penalty for violating 39-17-1351t, which is part of the problem. Just another question to the OP, was this a federal park ranger? Or a state ranger? I'd be curious if they are somehow cross certified as TN law enforcement officers, because if they aren't (federal park rangers), then they would appear not to be covered by 39-17-1351t. [/quote] It's all about being able to define "reasonable fear" in court. I can sit on the stand and produce 100s of cases where LEOs were shot and killed. I can testify that I had a reasonable fear that that gun COULD kill me. No court in the land will disagree with how "I" perceived the situation.
    1 point
  29. Cop stops a beautiful blond driving a Corvette for speeding. He approaches and asks for her license and registration. She tells him she doesn’t have a license and she doesn’t have the registration the car isn’t hers. When he asks who the car belongs she to, she tells him it belonged to the old couple that lived next door to her, but she killed them. Yep, didn’t like them; killed them both. The cop calls for backup and a Command Officer. The Command Officer arrives and talks to the woman. He asks why she killed the people that own the car. She said she had no idea what he was talking about and gave him the registration. He asks if she has a license and she gives that to him. He then asks her “Why do you think my Officer would say you didn’t have a license, and that you killed the owners of this car?” She replied, “I have no idea; the lying SOB probably said I was speeding too!”
    1 point
  30. Good! His attorney is plenty smart.
    1 point
  31. I don't know how or why things like this happen. If I woke up and some dumb a** is standing in my bedroom....he would become immediately deceased! The only one to call 911 would be me. That's what I find wrong with this story! Dave S
    1 point
  32. [quote name='gnmwilliams' timestamp='1354820810' post='855974'] I don't think I would let him out of the bedroom. Breathing that is. In all honesty, I'd probably be so freaked out by a stranger standing in my bedroom that I'd pee my pants and go all screaming monkey on him and try to push his eyes out through his ear canals with my thumbs. (We're talking 28 weeks later style here) Then if I had the presence of mind to get my gun I would. And no I don't mean that in a rambo way. I mean it in a so friggin scared that I might not remember what I was doing way. [/quote] This. However, I'd be so mad from peeing the bed, I'd shoot the guy just for making me that scared.
    1 point
  33. [quote name='RevScottie' timestamp='1354817650' post='855928'] This is the only one I found concerning threats: [/quote] [b]39-13-101. Assault, and 39-13-102 Aggravated assault are both crimes in this state. One is a misdemeanor the other a felony. Neither require anything more than threats.[/b]
    1 point
  34. I can understand that. I'm going to tx in feb. the land owner is charging us room and board for 3 days. Unguided, unlimited, and unrestricted fun. It'll soon turn into a large invasion and force the TWRA to change the rules? Thanks
    1 point
  35. [img]http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk296/GapTrash/MISS.jpg[/img]
    1 point
  36. You could also substitute a Kentucky Long Rifle for the men's part and a SBR for the women's part.
    1 point
  37. [quote name='Oh Shoot' timestamp='1354770535' post='855608'] TN law gives him the right, and the reason is his call. - OS [/quote] Lets assume he's quoted accurately in the OP... It would seem the 'reason' stated does not meet the definition of the law. Because it makes me 'uncomfortable' is not a lawful reason to disarm a HCP holder under state law. IMHO it appears to have been an illegal action under current TN law, unless the reason he gave isn't the real reason he disarmed this otherwise law abiding citizen. Just another incident where this bad law needs to be repealed... HCP holders are not shooting officers, it's just not happening, there is NO REASONABLE OFFICER SAFETY ARGUMENT to disarm a permit holder unless the officer in question is arresting the permit holder. It's great that his park ranger was courteous in his unlawful activity, but it doesn't change the fact that he didn't have a reasonable concern that justifies disarming the OP.
    1 point
  38. [quote name='gnmwilliams' timestamp='1354798332' post='855798'] It does help with athletes foot. Specially if your tub doesn't drain fast. Gives your feet a good soak. [/quote] That's what I tell her! Wife says: "But I don't have athletes foot." Me: "Exactly!"
    1 point
  39. Do you have a C&R? If not, get one and make life easier on both of you.
    1 point
  40. I can't stand the man. His abrasive, cocky attitude rubs me the wrong way, and is the exact opposite of what I expect from a professional. Coward or not, hes still a pot stirring ass with an attitude problem.
    1 point
  41. Someone on the internet called him a coward so he makes an internet video saying that he isn't a coward? Are too! Am not! Are too! Am not! I know you are but what am I! My dad is bigger than your dad! Is not! Is too! Sorry it felt like I had just gotten time warped back to elementary school for a moment there.
    1 point
  42. [quote name='Spots' timestamp='1354770238' post='855606'] Sounds like he was professinal. That said,[b] he has no reason, nor right[/b] to disarm anyone who is in legal possession of a handgun with an HCP. [/quote] TN law gives him the right, and the reason is his call. - OS
    1 point
  43. Guys, I talked to the manager at Nashville Armory tonight about reloads. Their policy remains that reloads are not allowed, due to insurance requirements. On another note, they will be sending in their application to be an official IDPA club shortly.
    1 point
  44. If the school parking lots are excluded from the law, make the schools responsible for the safety of those parking there and on their commute to and from the parking lot. Leave the schools open to unlimited liability for death, injury or rape, as well as pain and suffering. Then, tell them to pick: guns in the parking lots, or unlimited liability.
    1 point
  45. Here's a feeble picture. Turns out that Able didn't really have the gun in stock, so in a panic, I hit the Bass Pro. They have them on sale right now, even tho it doesn't show on their web site. The guy at the counter didn't even know they had them, and had to dig it out of the back room. Able was cool about the order cancellation. I paid a little more money, but didn't want to get caught up in the Obama frenzy and wind up with NO gun. The picture doesn't do it justice. Nice shootin' iron! [img]http://i899.photobucket.com/albums/ac195/mikegideon1/IMG_0829a.jpg[/img]
    1 point
  46. Not sure how this equates to the GOP "absorbing" the Tea Party. The "Tea Party" isn't one person or one group of elected Congressmen/Senators...it's a movement of tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of individual people who agree on certain basic and central principles such as small government, low taxes and not spending money you don't have. Removing four congressmen from committee leadership can't kill the Tea Party nor erase the ideals the brought people together. The GOP is in its death throws. The structure of a party is needed for any number of administrative needs but the more power that the Republican power structure tries to control the less relevant it becomes overall...most of the "Republicans" I know (and at nearly 60 years old I know quite a few) who hold to similar principles as I do no longer identify themselves as "Republicans" at all and I only see that continuing with moves like this. In other words, I think the ideals that brought people together under the "Tea Party" banner are alive and will continue to be so no matter what the GOP power brokers do - the 2010 crop of "Tea Party" Representatives are just as committed to those ideals as they ever have been.
    1 point
  47. [quote name='dlm37015' timestamp='1354576524' post='854452'] what about the cleveland browns worker that hung himself on sunday in the equiment room not a word about it [/quote] That lunatic fringe rope lobby is the reason these hanging tragedies continue to happen. - OS
    1 point
  48. [quote name='Chucktshoes' timestamp='1354568558' post='854387'] F-troop is the BATFE, so named for their habit of screwing up everything they touch. The Fibbies are the FBI, known for burning people alive and shooting women holding infants. [/quote] As Tom Givens calls them, the Federal Bureau of Incineration and Burn All Toddlers First. He said that in a class one time and I busted out laughing.
    1 point
  49. [quote name='DaddyO' timestamp='1354300206' post='852918'] Really? Who thinks that? I still don't understand what being a cop has to do with him helping a homeless man. How do we know he didn't do it because he's a compassionate human being? [/quote] For the same reason that when someone does something either incredibly stupid or incredibly amazing, the headline will say they are a military veteran; they are trying to make a point. Just like you are trying to make a point.
    1 point
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