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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/05/2012 in all areas

  1. "Something just went.. wrong"... LOL How funny. They need to do that with the Westborough Baptist Church people..
    3 points
  2. [quote name='LINKS2K' timestamp='1354752888' post='855458'] I love you signature OS. [/quote] Thnx, succinctly describes the tyranny our two party system has become quite well, methinks. - OS
    2 points
  3. I don't ask much... just regulations that are clear and simple. Simplify the seasons, licenses, WMA permits, etc.
    2 points
  4. Fvck Haslem! Who is he to decide that adults cannot have the most current tool to defend themselves. All that will happen if a bill is passed regarding guns in cars is HCP holders will get screwed.
    2 points
  5. [quote name='peejman' timestamp='1354732877' post='855309'] That makes the outrage a little more sensible. Physically unable is one thing, mentally unable is something very different. The article specifically states "declared mentally incompetent". I interpret that as similar to my great aunt who had Parkinson's and mild dementia and couldn't care for herself anymore. [/quote] I'm sure that the majority of these cases are folks who are elderly and suffering from dementia, but "mentally incompetent" to the point of requiring a fiduciary could be someone in a coma, severely disabled from injury or someone hospitalized from severe depression. The VA has to authorize someone to take the benefits, so "mentally incompetent" could mean a range of things. Either way, the decision to bar someone from purchasing a firearm should not be made by a third rate clerk in the VA. That's what courtrooms are for. If a judge wants to make that call based on the recommendations of doctors, then fine. But to have your rights decided by a third party is criminal and un-Constitutional.
    2 points
  6. Not sure how this equates to the GOP "absorbing" the Tea Party. The "Tea Party" isn't one person or one group of elected Congressmen/Senators...it's a movement of tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of individual people who agree on certain basic and central principles such as small government, low taxes and not spending money you don't have. Removing four congressmen from committee leadership can't kill the Tea Party nor erase the ideals the brought people together. The GOP is in its death throws. The structure of a party is needed for any number of administrative needs but the more power that the Republican power structure tries to control the less relevant it becomes overall...most of the "Republicans" I know (and at nearly 60 years old I know quite a few) who hold to similar principles as I do no longer identify themselves as "Republicans" at all and I only see that continuing with moves like this. In other words, I think the ideals that brought people together under the "Tea Party" banner are alive and will continue to be so no matter what the GOP power brokers do - the 2010 crop of "Tea Party" Representatives are just as committed to those ideals as they ever have been.
    2 points
  7. Good grief, are cops the only ones with discretion? [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/TourGlide/Web%20Stuff/biggrin.gif[/img] As a cop it was up to me if you got arrested or not (except for felonies, DV, or DUI). If I agreed with why you broke the law; I could let you go. I would think store managers have some discretion when it comes to Company Policy. The conversation should have gone something like this… Store Manager: You violated Company policy, so you can’t be employee of the month this month. You were free and clear and could have left the night Manager for dead meat; but you didn’t. I think your actions may well have saved both his live and yours. You proved that you can do the right thing under extreme pressure. So I’m giving you a raise. Employee: Okay, thank you. Store Manager: We’ll talk next month about the employee of the month thing. Oh and BTW, next time you engage an Armed Robber; kill him, don’t let him run off.
    2 points
  8. I am excited, so I gotta share. I decided that my 9mms were just fine for the urban jungle, but that I would like to have something larger for the woods as my wife and I have gotten into bushcraft pretty heavy. I was carrying my Storm Subcompact with +P+ ammo, but I really wanted something more classic. I wanted a magnum. Did I need a magnum? No, but what does that matter? [img]http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy144/Booberspics/WIL_7296.jpg[/img] This is my new to me Ruger GP100 4". I love this thing. It's a bit of a hoss, but perfect for the woods. I traded for it even up, giving up my Beretta 92FS. All in all I feel I traded well. Now to just find a holster for this cannon. LOL
    1 point
  9. I can't stand the man. His abrasive, cocky attitude rubs me the wrong way, and is the exact opposite of what I expect from a professional. Coward or not, hes still a pot stirring ass with an attitude problem.
    1 point
  10. Someone on the internet called him a coward so he makes an internet video saying that he isn't a coward? Are too! Am not! Are too! Am not! I know you are but what am I! My dad is bigger than your dad! Is not! Is too! Sorry it felt like I had just gotten time warped back to elementary school for a moment there.
    1 point
  11. I tend to judge people on two things... 1. What they've done (not rumors about what they've done but what is actually known as fact), and 2. Who they hang around with (and by default who is willing to hang around them) I've read the official published report on the "incident" James mentioned, and the only people who seem to have a problem with James weren't there, don't know him and haven't trained with him. Further, when people like Tom Givens chooses to train with James and James has been invited to teach at Range Masters and at Thunder Ranch (with Clint Smith) (at least if I remember correctly) I'd say he is in pretty good company. Folks like Tom Givens and Clint Smith don't invite cowards to train at their facilities.
    1 point
  12. Yeah, I'd say that's pretty close to the truth. My wife got on to me so I just started peeing in the shower.
    1 point
  13. Well, my RSO is pretty tough on inaccurate shooting, so my aim has improved substantially. :0)
    1 point
  14. I say he should sell tickets to rich fat men who can barely walk to hunt him inside one of his fenced killing reserves. - OS
    1 point
  15. [quote name='LINKS2K' timestamp='1354754369' post='855474'] Can't wait to see if he is a man of his word. [/quote] Well, in fairness, he didn't say he'd kill himself or commit an act to put himself in prison. Was more of a prediction about what the Obama admin would do to him. - OS
    1 point
  16. Any motorbikeists in the audience? . . . . [url="http://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2012/12/peta-crashes-biker-gathering-not-to-be-missed-2534390.html?utm_medium=facebook-share&utm_source=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fl%2F0AQGdF4h8AQHuY7MIr1HC98anhUvGF79M8zBJ-G3GxK_1ow%2Fawe.sm%2FbBAxx&utm_content=awesm-publisher&utm_term=http%3A%2F%2Fawe.sm%2FbBAxx&utm_campaign"]http://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2012/12/peta-crashes-biker-gathering-not-to-be-missed-2534390.html?utm_medium=facebook-share&utm_source=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fl%2F0AQGdF4h8AQHuY7MIr1HC98anhUvGF79M8zBJ-G3GxK_1ow%2Fawe.sm%2FbBAxx&utm_content=awesm-publisher&utm_term=http%3A%2F%2Fawe.sm%2FbBAxx&utm_campaign[/url]
    1 point
  17. I am wondering if Maggert losing her primary has anything to do with this. You all may be right. Ramsey plays good guy for a run at Haslam's job when his two terms are up and Harwell plays to block the bill so Ramsey can keep his hands clean. This is where we as a whole need to keep to the grindstone and let our Reps know that we want this bill and end Harwells career if we can. Let the RINOs know how we feel. JTM Sent from my iPhone
    1 point
  18. [quote name='MississippiBoy' timestamp='1354736983' post='855331'] They already state that non-student adults can have a firearm in their car on campus, why exclude schools from this issue. [/quote] Why should those schools be able to terminate employees for being in compliance with that law? Especially those who take state assistance. You know, [i]your[/i] money. Why should adult students not be able to do the same? Why should a student or non-student HCP holder not be able to have loaded firearm kept in vehicle? - OS
    1 point
  19. I'm following this like stink does roadkill. Thanks for posting this, Spots, you went and infected me. LOL
    1 point
  20. gjohnsoniv; This heavy shed should fit your "boning" needs just right. If you want them, they're yours! Should go with that nice deer hide I gave you! [img]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f397/dsayre/antler003.jpg[/img] Dave S
    1 point
  21. Caster; these three antlers I think will fit your needs. They have some minor squirrel knawings on them (damn tree rats) but are about 75% usable. If these will fit your needs, they're yours! They are fairly stout and came off nice 8 pointers. [img]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f397/dsayre/antler002.jpg[/img] If not, I'll dig up some more. Dave S
    1 point
  22. Tells you something about the importance of shot placement. Two .40 S&W rounds into a puppy and it survived.
    1 point
  23. Defensive Divas hits it dead on. I'll talk to Amy there. Thanks Cherokee Slim
    1 point
  24. Here's a feeble picture. Turns out that Able didn't really have the gun in stock, so in a panic, I hit the Bass Pro. They have them on sale right now, even tho it doesn't show on their web site. The guy at the counter didn't even know they had them, and had to dig it out of the back room. Able was cool about the order cancellation. I paid a little more money, but didn't want to get caught up in the Obama frenzy and wind up with NO gun. The picture doesn't do it justice. Nice shootin' iron! [img]http://i899.photobucket.com/albums/ac195/mikegideon1/IMG_0829a.jpg[/img]
    1 point
  25. I'm sorry, I just see matching mullets!
    1 point
  26. Jason Whitlock is a childish hack with no notion of what principles this country wuz founded on or anything else for that matter. I think it is hilarious that a son of perdition like Whitlock would presume to lecture anyone about anything; much less call them names and attempt to draw comparisons on any subject . The real "kkk" characters in this story are the socialist political elites who have enslaved the black and poor commuities by tellin them they dont need men, sellin 'em dope, and keepin them on the dole. The "worshipers" and users of the sports world who have elevated these thugs to godlike status and provided cover for their irresponsible actions; and the appologisers who say "its too hard to be a star". I say:"...let 'em reap the harvest". No one with a sintilla of intellect is goin to believe his jiberish anyway. leroy
    1 point
  27. Got home yesterday to find an unexpected Christmas card from a LGS. I haven't gotten one in the past so I'm not sure if this is a new thing for them to send out or if I'm now on the frequent flyer list. Anyway, it make me smile either way.
    1 point
  28. Poose Morgan needs to take his liberal, pansy, anti-gun ass back to England. I HATE that guy.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. [quote name='gjohnsoniv' timestamp='1354679196' post='855105'] Or Glock. *cough* *cough* *start fight* [/quote] Bwahahaha! The pot has been stirred!
    1 point
  31. [quote name='TrickyNicky' timestamp='1354677887' post='855088'] One is none. Unless its a Ruger revolver. [/quote][quote name='TrickyNicky' timestamp='1354677887' post='855088'] One is none. Unless its a Ruger revolver. [/quote]Or Glock. *cough* *cough* *start fight*
    1 point
  32. I am not sure what you are looking for, but here are a few of my thoughts in random order: there is nothing new under the sun 3 of my 4 grandparents were alcoholics my dad, as a teenager, was very racist there are just as many examples of how to act in the past as how not to act
    1 point
  33. [quote name='Garufa' timestamp='1354668598' post='854998'] BTW, I learned today you can not use duct tape for the temporary repair of a busted fuel line, even if you only wanted it to last for 3 miles. [/quote] Did you try melting it around the line with a BIC lighter, that's what I always do.
    1 point
  34. Some companies have an official and unofficial policy. " Don't get caught on property with a gun, but don't let us find you dead without one"
    1 point
  35. I hear they're coming out with a Saiga-9... http://www.gunsholstersandgear.com/2012/10/04/saiga-9-carbine/
    1 point
  36. For me it's more about the fact that they fired the guy than the policy they have for their employees. It's clear that he was respecting their rules since the gun was in his truck. I mean he more than likely saved a guys life AND the store a few bucks. And sadly you are probably right.
    1 point
  37. Finally have it finished [img]http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/532503_4638477014270_2018713606_n.jpg[/img] Boyd's Tacticool stock Burris XTR rings Mueller APT optic Blackhawk 6-9" swivel bipod
    1 point
  38. There we were. Just a couple of kids. Chasing cats and pooping wherever we wanted. Things sure aren't like they used to be.
    1 point
  39. The people that are standing behind this decision need to be outed publicly by name. This man was not violating a policy; he was saving another mans life. No more AutoZone for me.... of course they won't care. The good news is though, because of this story he will probably get a better job. Not many people could do what he did under that kind of stress.
    1 point
  40. I bet the people that decided to fire him would have been in a corner crying in a puddle of their on piss. I hate that criminals are realizing that companies are forcing their employees to not fight back.
    1 point
  41. As a fellow fat guy, my solution is to right-front-pocket carry a J-Frame revolver. One advantage to being fat - nobody questions a little extra lumpiness in your pants.
    1 point
  42. [quote name='buck1032' timestamp='1354504226' post='854057'] Wow, good show! I am glad Michonne put some hurt on the Gov! And took out his walker kid. And having him throw Merle under the bus at the end. Wow. LOL [/quote] i kinda thought that was a little stupid because the gov beat the crap out of Michonne slamming her head into the wall and all kinds of stuff and he is a lot bigger than her to boot, and she miraculously turns into a ninja and "WACHA's" his but. i just dont see that as possible but who knows maybe the chick was a navy seal in her past life. (mocking facial expression) by the way still dont like michonne, tyreese looks cool though
    1 point
  43. Maggie put a tibia through a man's neck. Hotness.
    1 point
  44. It's unlikely the Rep. Establishment will allow a challenger in the primary. God knows we need one.
    1 point
  45. Carl is a little bad ass now, isn't he?
    1 point
  46. Or just get one of these in .45ACP from Davidson's. [IMG]http://i862.photobucket.com/albums/ab181/graycrait/DSCN1336.jpg[/IMG]
    1 point
  47. Seriously, we got to get rid of that bag 'o crap.
    1 point
  48. [IMG]http://i612.photobucket.com/albums/tt209/gregintenn/IMG_0735.jpg[/IMG] Nothing wrong with single actions!!!
    1 point
  49. Nice job. A Timney will make it feel like a new rifle. I did a very similar thing a few years ago. If you go with a Timney, here is what I had to go through to make it fit. Might not be as bad w/ a plastic stock. [url="https://home.comcast.net/~ericdouthitt/mosin_project.htm"]https://home.comcast.net/~ericdouthitt/mosin_project.htm[/url]
    1 point
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