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  1. Yep. Driving people away from gun ownership and making them think that supporting their Constitutional rights is tied to being with one specific party or opposed to another is exactly how we want to portray ourselves. Great job guys.
    4 points
  2. Just got it yesterday. 4.5 week old chocolate lab female. The mother starting rejecting the litter so the people tried to find homes asap. Vet checked it out and she is good to go. [IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y45/civicex2k1/IMG_20121116_102708.jpg[/img]
    3 points
  3. [size=3]I am locking this one.[/size] [size=3]I did waht I did and will do it again. I have mo remorse about me removing the link. [/size] Domestic Violence is a crime. Anyone who has plead guilty or been convicted of it is a criminal. Even if they have paid whatever debt the court decides they are still a criminal by definition and will be for life. [url="http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/criminal"]http://www.merriam-w...ionary/criminal[/url] [size=3][quote][/size] [size=3][sup]2[/sup]criminal [/size][size=3][i]noun[/i][/size] [b][size=3]Definition of [i]CRIMINAL[/i][/size][/b] [size=3]1[/size][size=3][b]:[/b] one who has committed a [url="http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/crime"]crime[/url] [/size] [size=3]2[/size][size=3][b]:[/b] a person who has been convicted of a crime [/size] [size=3][/quote][/size] [size=3]Dolomite[/size]
    3 points
  4. [quote name='RichardR' timestamp='1353146006' post='847085'] Rusty, Maybe I am just being nieve but I doubt that there would be any reason for someone I was hosting to rob me, considering I am more than willing to provide as much assistance to them & their family as I possibly could. [/quote] You are being naive. In a true SHTF situation they are going to rob or kill you for your stuff. Heck, people rob and kill when it isn't a SHTF situation. And if you let a few people know you have food, shelter and supplies you are going to have 10x that actually show up. Kind of like that discreet highschool party. And when you have to turn away some people things are going to go south very quickly. Or those you tell could pass it on to bad guys to save their own skin and then the bad guys will rob or kill you for your stuff. I would not advertise or let anyone know what you have. You will have plenty of chances to help the needy that wonder by you place. Remember the key to survivng is to not become a target. Keep you and your supplies hidden. And as much as I hate to say it you need to suspend your compassion if you want to survive. Dolomite
    3 points
  5. [quote name='AmericanWorkMule' timestamp='1353204053' post='847388']In Tennessee, could she get into legal trouble for this? [url="http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/11/16/15216903-woman-pulls-gun-on-flasher-im-going-to-blow-your-brains-out?lite"]http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/11/16/15216903-woman-pulls-gun-on-flasher-im-going-to-blow-your-brains-out?lite[/url][/quote] No. Generally sex offenders are known to rape people. If some dude exposes himself to my wife and makes any motion towards her, she will shoot him. Good luck finding a DA and 12 people that would disagree with that course of action.
    2 points
  6. [quote name='zort' timestamp='1353188345' post='847307'] what i have in my car is my business. im not saying i can walk around with a gun if the owner doesnt want me to. i should be allowed to defend myself to and from work. [/quote] Has always been the crux of the debate. "Parking lot" bills only address keeping a firearm in [i]your own property[/i], while it temporarily occupies space on [i]another's property[/i]. And deals almost exclusively with public and/or business property. Private property rights are not absolute, and certainly public/business property owners already cede many of the options available to the residential property owner, so the precedent there is well established. Which is why none of the statutes passed by other states in this matter have been overturned. - OS
    2 points
  7. The fact that they think I don't need one tells me I definitely do.
    2 points
  8. You mean to tell me the crime was prevented by someone acting responsibly and not by tighter gun laws?!?, Whaaaaaa?! (Head explodes)
    2 points
  9. maybe not this time, but I suspect one morning I will wake up and turn on the news and it will be WW3.
    2 points
  10. I'm calm. I just find it frustrating that public servants can't count to 6. When these folks are in charge of your healthcare.....YOU GONNA DIE!!!!!!!
    2 points
  11. I refuse to support this until the state of Tennessee recognizes the right to bear arms. To say that the state won’t recognize your right but a business must is just a thug government. The government thinks they have the right to outlaw carrying loaded guns in your car for the safety of the public, but a business can’t come to the same conclusion for the safety of their employees? What a load of crap; this bill stinks and doesn’t deserve the support of gun owners, and won’t get the support of citizens.
    2 points
  12. Just wondering if Im the only one that detests the holidays more ever year. I just can't get in any kind of holiday spirit anymore. It's just that everything is just too commercial now days. When stores start with Christmas decorations before halloween and valentine's day on Christmas night, they all just seem to loose meaning
    1 point
  13. [img]http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/61983_420982761300680_254569568_n.png[/img]
    1 point
  14. Roll Tide! Let's win out and play ND for it all.
    1 point
  15. [quote name='JC57' timestamp='1353210918' post='847438']How does he know who you voted for unless you volunteer the information? We have a secret ballot in this country last time I checked.[/quote] Ha, I think it was supposed to be the honor system. I voted for Romney, but if I saw that sign I woulda turned around and gone somewhere else.
    1 point
  16. I've never understood buying a car. I don't understand why I have to sign 50 documents for a damn car. I've paid cash for a few and just don't get it. If I pay you, why can't you give me the title, a bill of sale and handshake on the way out the door. Should take no more than 15 minutes TOPS.
    1 point
  17. He showed her his, she showed him hers. Sounds like neither liked what they saw.
    1 point
  18. [quote name='leroy' timestamp='1353178456' post='847259'] Thanks S&W; ill take a look and probably send them some dollars too. leroy[/quote] I don't recall the end date of the promo, but just after the election they had a 25% off promo code "stock up."
    1 point
  19. [quote name='K191145' timestamp='1353162406' post='847138']Don't forget about his recent "stuck in Iraq" comment. AKA,(soldiers are idiots) comment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRjUubkhmv4[/quote] Funny. I was in the military at the time of that comment and serving in Iraq. Turns out I was smart enough to fill out my absentee ballot in one of those swing states he lost.
    1 point
  20. [quote name='Paladin132' timestamp='1353183752' post='847289'] I have been following this for a bit and have decided to add my quarter (penny thought plus inflation). My right to have my tools is a personal right guaranteed in the constitution. A business owners right to deny my rights does not trump my rights. A business owner cannot block a person from entry based on their race or other qualifiers, do why should they be able to block me entry based in my right to bear arms. What's worse is the fight to tell me what is in my car, and why? It is in my car, not yours. Unless it comes out and into play in the commission of a felony what business is it of yours? None in my opinion. Either you support the constitution in its entirety or you don't. Business owners that do not support the second amendment in its entirety receive no sympathy from me when their rights are violated or when they find themselves disarmed and then confronted by those with nefarious intent. The basic concept of the 2A is the ability to have weapons available to citizens to defend themselves. I see now I was rather long winded. I am just tired of folks trying to infringe on my rights, the ones written into the constitution, based on flawed logic that then place me at a disadvantage when my life is at risk. My rights do not trump yours and vice versa. Leave me alone about what is in my pants and I will leave you alone about what is in yours. [/quote] You have no [i][b]right[/b][/i] to be in a private business at all. A private business owner can ask you to leave and if you refuse he can call the Police and have you removed. He doesn’t have to give the cops a reason either. Being black (race) isn’t against the law; carrying a loaded gun is a crime in this state. Not only is it a crime, but civil law allows for the business owner to be sued if someone is shot by you while you are carrying your gun on his property. That is a very heavy burden you want a business owner to accept on your behalf. “Other qualifiers”, you mean like saying that you must wear a shirt and shoes, and you can’t enter with a cigarette hanging out of your mouth? What if you are carrying a five gallon can of gasoline? All those things are legal, but a business owner doesn’t have to allow those or anything else he doesn’t like including guns. We all believe that we should have a right to bear arms. But to believe that we actually have that right is preposterous. The state on Tennessee openly acknowledges that you have a right to own a gun, but you do not have a right to carry one; that is a crime. The Supreme Court of the United States is the legal interpreter of the Constitution and they agree with that. The fact that you or I have bought the privilege of an HCP doesn’t make it a right and doesn’t allow us to drive it down the throat of a business owner and call it a right. If my interpreting this (along with things like the smoking ban) as a thug government is flawed logic…. Then I’m guilty.
    1 point
  21. On a more important note; I just confirmed that my local Kroger is completely out of all Hostess products.
    1 point
  22. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1353177230' post='847252'] Either you didn't read the thread or didn't understand what was being said as no one was advocating "giving criminals guns". [/quote] Huh.... The OP was advocating giving gun rights to criminals. And as far as I was aware once convicted of a crime, even domestic violence, you ARE a criminal. Now maybe we live on two worlds but in my world someone who has been convicted or pleads guilty to a crime is a criminal. Dolomite
    1 point
  23. [quote name='JayC' timestamp='1353122031' post='847006'] Robert, I'm about as ProGun as it comes... And the parking lot bill is a BAD bill, and I can't support it. The argument you make is that of a progressive who believe they know what is best for me and my property...[/quote] I understand you don't agree with me but why start slinging terms like "progressive"? I believe your argument is flawed , in part, because you refuse to recognize the very clear distinction between private property and business property; a distinction the law and society has recognized for many, many decades and for very good reason...I'd hate to live in any society where a "property owner" could do anything he wanted with no regard to society or anyone else. No single right is absolute be it the right to carry arms or to practice (or not practice) religion or engage in speech or the right to own real property and use in any way desired. However, whether you agree with me and for that matter, whether I agree with you is immaterial because your argument has been tested in courts in states where similar "parking lot" legislation has been been put into place and the courts have rejected your arguments. Sure, there are plenty of laws relating to firearms that stand improvement and I'm doubtful any real movement will be made on a parking lot bill for the next two years but if we can get a good parking lot bill passed into law in Tennessee I'm certainly for it.
    1 point
  24. Watch this... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEVZbaE4aS0&feature=player_embedded"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEVZbaE4aS0&feature=player_embedded[/url]#!
    1 point
  25. Ahh how wonderful, Mid East countries overthrowing their brutal dictators taking their countries back in an Arab Spring. Great news for the world huh, everybody's so exiced and happy. The REALITY of it all is that now these brutal dictators are replaced by groups of radical Isreal and western hating radicals. While I don't mourn Kadifi being dragged out of a ditch and killed I somehow think Libya was at least a little more stable, or more controlable with him and his regime in power than what they have now, same in Egypt, soon to be in Syria and Iraq and don't forget the nuclear power of Pakistan. At least these brutal dictators were not suicidal and wanted more than anything to stay in power which included NOT going to war with Isreal, now that they are gone these Bin Ladin worshipers who's ultimate goal is to kill Jews and Westerners and die and recieve 72 virgins in some kind of Islamic heaven are in control. Instead of 1 Iran we now have 4 going on 5 and 6 soon. Hate to say it but these 13th century people with 21st century technology are better off, and the world is better off with brutal dictators in power.
    1 point
  26. 840 isn't necessarily shorter, but its nice to be able to set the cruise and enjoy the ride. The lack of any real traffic to slow you down makes the few extra miles well with it, in my opinion.
    1 point
  27. [quote name='FIST' timestamp='1353165133' post='847153'] The author is suffering from some mental illness. [/quote] Being a dumba$$ is a mental illness now?
    1 point
  28. I think there may be some confusion here over what constitutes a SHTF event. Richard, you seem to be thinking it's short term and will pass, like say from a regional natural disaster. Hold out for a few days/weeks and things get back to normal. If that's your definition, then sure, you can shelter some refugees/displaced if you have supplies to last everyone that long and don't mind having to pay out of pocket to replenish afterwards. a local tornado for instance, or regional flooding. But that's not what's usually meant by SHTF around here. Around here it means it's all gone and it's not coming back for the foreseeable future. In that case, +1,000 to Dolomite and xRustyx.
    1 point
  29. What a doofus. Too bad he missed his 5th grade civics class to understand the concept of the bill of rights and negative liberties. "What I am interested in is telling you that you don’t need handguns. The Constitution is a little vague. It doesn’t say what types of arms you get to bear, which allowed us to enforce the now expired assault weapons ban. But more importantly, if the Constitution told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it? I didn’t think so. We could bend the rule without breaking it. We could pick a type of weapon to ban. "
    1 point
  30. Hopefully the movie theater he was planning to shoot up would have been posted with a "no guns" sign. That woulda stopped him, right?
    1 point
  31. I came across this today. Figured I'd share it with you guys. The build thread here: http://www.snipershi...&Number=3122476
    1 point
  32. IMO ... and again, this is just my opinion. Agreements don't mean sh*t when SHTF. Its sounds good in theory, but outside of close family, I don't want anyone knowing what preps we might have or where we live. Unfortunately - People don't keep their mouth shut.
    1 point
  33. [quote name='Steelharp' timestamp='1353124223' post='847026']We have several lib gunnys here; why is it a surprise?[/quote] There are good liberals, and then there are Hollywood liberals. Did I just say there is such thing as a good liberal? Excuse me while I go stick my head in a bucket of gunpowder and light a match... Hehe.
    1 point
  34. Well... The only pretty gals out there as far as I'm concerned are pale ones, so I see nothing wrong here! Dang, though. That's pretty pale.
    1 point
  35. [quote name='TrickyNicky' timestamp='1353112907' post='846933'] Not sure that's true for all departments... A lot of them do in fact unfortunately turn those turned in guns into scrap metal. [/quote] There should be a law that they cannot buy them back like this with out checking for stolen and trying to return to the rightful owner. In short, it is my belief that if they buy a gun like this that is in fact a stolen gun and do not try to return to the rightful owner they are receiving stolen goods and are aware of it. It is one thing to say no questions ask of the person turning it in, but they should have at least a minimal responsibility to return stolen property when they find it.
    1 point
  36. Robert, I'm about as ProGun as it comes... And the parking lot bill is a BAD bill, and I can't support it. The argument you make is that of a progressive who believe they know what is best for me and my property. The person who knows best what to do with their business is the owner of that business, period. His business isn't there for the 'best interest' of society at large, it is there solely for what is the best interest of the OWNER of said business. There are much simpler methods to deal with anti-gun businesses which choose to post... don't do business with them... just like you won't go do business with a restaurant that said 'whites only', you shouldn't do business with a business that posts. I know, it's a tough economy, you can't go spend an extra $1 on a hamburger, or find a job with a pro-gun company... well that is your problem, not the problem of the property owner. We should be focusing our efforts on the one part of society where we have no choice, [b]government buildings and land[/b], unlike private businesses we're forced by law to interact with these groups, there are no other choices available, we end up paying taxes and can't use parks, and government buildings because the government can use 1359 to ban otherwise lawful carry. That should be our real target... Ask yourself why is the capitol building still posted? All it takes is 2 signatures to remove the postings... The missing signature Beth Harwell. As for your argument that people need a 'good enough for you' reason to want to ban firearms, I disagree, private property even if it's a business should not have to explain to you, me, or anybody else why they want to ban firearms, only that they choose to... and You, I, and anybody else can avoid that business and vote with our pocket books. We have so many really bad firearm laws on the books, which seem to be a lot less likely to run rough shot over other peoples constitutionally protected rights... We should be focusing on those laws first, and let this bad law die. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1353093907' post='846728'] There is a clear distinction, both in law and in practice, between private property used for private purposes and property used for business purposes and that distinction has been recognized for many, many decades. I agree that the rights of the property owner should be protected but no one right exists in a vacuum; they interact with other...sometimes they conflict with one another and when that happens, a fair balance needs to be sought; a balance that does the most good and least harm. I would suggest that the larger issue that should impact whether "parking lot" legislation is or isn't passed into law is what constitutes the best outcome for society at large. We have a large amount of history/data to show that an armed citizenry is a benefit to society; as such, if we (the government) can promote citizens being armed with little or no infringement on the rights of property owners then it's appropriate to make that possible. Other than the cry of "private property rights" (a cry I believe is misguided), I've not read or heard even one argument that has shown me any measurable, negative impact on a business owner simply because an employee or a customer chooses to have a legally owned and transported firearm in their vehicle while it's parked in a parking lot that is open to the public, and not just "open to" but where the public is invited to be. [/quote]
    1 point
  37. Why do they expire anyway? Why don't marriage licenses expire?
    1 point
  38. [quote name='Garufa' timestamp='1353096271' post='846760'] By December 21st, Jerusalem will be surrounded by Muslim armies at which point Israel will be forced to unleash their nukes. It all goes downhill from there. [/quote] Hypothetically speaking of course, The Kaaba in the Courtyard of the Grand Mosque of Mecca is a good first nuke shot. Hopefully a big one, an air burst, right in the middle of the Haj pilgrimmage, turn it into a big sea of green glass with a million or two crispy ants embedded in it. Go on Google Maps and look up the coordinates. It's the one spot on the Earth that they all bow down to during prayers. Destroying it would make the rest of the radical muslims in the world go absolutely berserk, which will make it easier to identify them and pick them off. Islam as an organized "religion" would cease to exist. Of course, the resulting confusion would make Armageddon look like a Sunday picnic and could accidentally trigger the Second Coming, and He wouldn't be pleased. Fun to think about, not so much fun to do.
    1 point
  39. [quote name='Mike.357' timestamp='1353108566' post='846876'] apparently the general has changed his stance on what happened. [/quote] Actually, the General is now free to speak the truth, having outed Himself from the blackmail attempt. He's not stuck parroting the party line of the bastards in the White House. The bits of the testimony we're getting from the closed door session strongly suggests that the "presidential campaign" people modified and dummied-up the Benghazi talking points. That means Axelrod or Jarrett, aka The Scum of The Earth.
    1 point
  40. [quote name='Major Kong' timestamp='1353109673' post='846892'] I've been out of town for the last week. What'd I miss??? [/quote] There ain't no more twinkies, and Obama is still a commie
    1 point
  41. I will take Israel plus the points
    1 point
  42. When Israel gets attacked by Palestine Obama will declare his support for Israel by seeking embargoes against Palestine. This will only be during the war, not before or after. He will not raise a finger against any Muslim country in Israel's defense, including Palestine. Then Israel will make public statements against the US for not honoring their promise of support. Then Obama will declare it will no longer support Israel as a recognized independent state. Obama is looking for a reason to distance itself from Israel and this may be what he needs. Or Obama will just get on televsion three months from now and say he had no clue Israel was being attacked. Dolomite
    1 point
  43. [quote name='Dolomite_supafly' timestamp='1353081363' post='846570'] I actually prefer the taste of wild game over the bland taste of farm raised. Anyone who has had wild turkey will confirm this. Dolomite [/quote] I love Wild Turkey, but after 4-5 shots, I really can't taste much difference in anything.
    1 point
  44. I know nothing about hunting as well. Are there any laws prohibiting from using a converted saiga?
    1 point
  45. Gotta love our pets ! Better watch your shoes don't ask me how I know
    1 point
  46. If I was a betting man, the bill will include public lots and exclude fenced/secured non-public lots. That's the "compromise" I see being pushed. It would give us the bill, but cover their asses with folks like VW and FedEx. Regardless, it looks like Ramsey got the hint that he needs to produce something quickly.
    1 point
  47. If DV is such a serious problem, it should be a felony, not a misdemeanor charge. A misdemeanor conviction should not prevent a person from owning/carrying a firearm period. If the crime is so outrageous it should be a felony. [quote name='Dolomite_supafly' timestamp='1352858000' post='845156'] Yes, but in all my years in LE I have yet to see one person be forced to plead guilty. The judge asks the defendent if he agrees to the plea and when the person says "yes" they become convicted of domestic abuse. If you don't want to plea then go to trial, that way you can explain your side of the story and let the jury make the decision. Heck, in a lot of cases they will let the abuser plea down to a lesser charge if it is their first time. A bruise is all it takes IMHO. If you are manhandling a women enough to leave a bruise then you are a POS and should loose [u]everything[/u]. Not just your gun rights. And most of those who[u] are [/u]abusers tned to be whiny asses and will cry anytime they think they are being abused. If you lay hands on a women during an argument in order to comtrol her or win the argument you are a POS. Dolomite [/quote]
    1 point
  48. The hammer type is good for a few mistakes, but if you ever want to pull a bunch (like 500), get a collet type puller. I pulled over 500 in just a few hours one time.
    1 point
  49. After hours, on a public road, in a licensed vehicle, without an approved hunting device, no hunting license, no hunters saftey card, and she was spotlighting?! Game warden will not like this! :-) All kidding aside, I am very glad she is ok!
    1 point
  50. Just added the PRO. Still need to add the sling, new grip, and the can. Sent from the Titanic. I named my phone "The Titanic" so when I plug it into the computer it says "The Titanic is syncing".
    1 point
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