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I know I don’t need to explain myself and not really sure it matters to some of you why I did what I did but here goes. First off let me start by saying that we are a family oriented site and do our best to maintain that image. And sometimes in order to maintain that image some posts do need to be edited or deleted. It happens regularly and 99% of the time it goes unnoticed by the members here. As far as why I deleted the link it was not emotion driven, at least not when I deleted it. Yes, as the thread dragged on I did get a bit emotional about it just like many other members here. And just because I am a moderator here does not mean I have to or that I even need to turn off my emotions and become a moderating zombie of sorts. Anyone who has come to me with a problem knows I have a true concern for them and their problems. Without any emotion, as some of you have suggested I should be, I would not be able to do that. I truly am concerned for everyone on this board like any family. Remember that care, concern and compassion are emotions just like disgust is an emotion. For me the link was not a gun or 2[sup]nd[/sup] amendment issue even though it morphed into that. Anyone who knows me knows I am pro gun. Again, for me the link was not a gun rights issue but a domestic violence issue. When it was posted and I first saw it I had two options. Leave it or remove it. Trust me when I say I struggled with it for a bit. Then I realized there really isn’t a gray area when it comes to domestic violence or the abusers themselves. If I were to leave it up then by inference anyone who might come and visit this board might see me, as well as the board, as supporting domestic violence and the damage it does. Remember, people are not going to see the petition as a gun rights issue but as a domestic violence issue. They might also view the members here who didn’t speak out against it as supporting domestic violence in some way. And I, for one, do not want to be associated with or be accused of supporting anything related to domestic violence. Now on the other hand if I removed the link this is what would happen. It prevents anyone who might come and visit the site from ever questioning the stance the board has on domestic violence. And by deleting it that would also show it how we, as the TGO family, feel about domestic violence. So for me I felt that by leaving it up nothing good could come of it. Remember this is not a gun issue but a domestic violence issue. Domestic violence is a violent crime that has serious, long term emotional and sometimes physical effects on the victims. It affects their self esteem, self worth, confidence but most importantly it also affects those who are most likely to witness it, the children. Children mimic what they see and will grow up to do the same thing their parents have taught them. This only perpetuates the domestic violence problem. And I would hope we all agree that domestic violence is heinous and uncalled for under any circumstance. And we all should distance ourselves from anything that can be viewed as a pro domestic violence stance. Remember, a person with [u]ONE[/u] post came on here with an agenda. He was either trying to garner support for his own, individual situation that we have no clue about or he was just trolling to create turmoil amongst our TGO family. Either way it seems like a complete stranger has been successful on one or both counts. I do not hold grudges, I do not hate and I try to treat everyone here equally. Besides my memory is so bad that I wouldn’t be able to remember who I have a grudge against and who I don’t so I just don’t hold a grudge. Those that reported me I am not upset or out to get you. I welcome anyone who feels there is a problem with the board to hit the report button so we can address it, not just for you but for everyone. I just needed to get this out there for people to see my reasoning. Please do not turn this into the same discussion as the previous thread, that is not why I posted this. Dolomite8 points
Just got it yesterday. 4.5 week old chocolate lab female. The mother starting rejecting the litter so the people tried to find homes asap. Vet checked it out and she is good to go. [IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y45/civicex2k1/IMG_20121116_102708.jpg[/img]4 points
[quote name='Major Kong' timestamp='1353109673' post='846892'] I've been out of town for the last week. What'd I miss??? [/quote] There ain't no more twinkies, and Obama is still a commie4 points
4 points
No need to explain yourself brother. You were chosen for a reason. Hey people, remember its not a democracy here. Keep up the good work.4 points
Isn't it a shame that Israel can't conscript American Jews to fight for them...you know...such as the ones who voted to keep Obama in power. I am not really afraid for Israel because I believe they can take care of themselves but I feel afraid and concerned for all who will suffer; especially since they wouldn't have to if the United States did the right thing and stood behind Israel (as opposed to doing everything to encourage Israel's enemies).3 points
3 points
With a new Glock 19 Gen 4, electronic muffs, some ammo, Comp-tac holster and mag pouch. Took a lot of looking and deciding. In the end, the Glock fit my hand the best, the trigger is decent, the price was right, and it was available. Off to the range tomorrow to give it a wringing out.2 points
2 points
[quote name='Garufa' timestamp='1353096271' post='846760'] By December 21st, Jerusalem will be surrounded by Muslim armies at which point Israel will be forced to unleash their nukes. It all goes downhill from there. [/quote] Hypothetically speaking of course, The Kaaba in the Courtyard of the Grand Mosque of Mecca is a good first nuke shot. Hopefully a big one, an air burst, right in the middle of the Haj pilgrimmage, turn it into a big sea of green glass with a million or two crispy ants embedded in it. Go on Google Maps and look up the coordinates. It's the one spot on the Earth that they all bow down to during prayers. Destroying it would make the rest of the radical muslims in the world go absolutely berserk, which will make it easier to identify them and pick them off. Islam as an organized "religion" would cease to exist. Of course, the resulting confusion would make Armageddon look like a Sunday picnic and could accidentally trigger the Second Coming, and He wouldn't be pleased. Fun to think about, not so much fun to do.2 points
not listening to anything right now, but whenever I see this thread It puts a smile on my face. Still miss you Shannon. RIP bud2 points
[quote name='laktrash' timestamp='1353097400' post='846769'] Little debbie is alot cheaper [/quote] I always heard that about her.2 points
2 points
2 points
If they keep pushing Israel for a fight they are gonna get exactly what they want. And they are not gonna enjoy it when they do.2 points
[quote name='S&WForty' timestamp='1353092365' post='846718']That sure is a good perspective. It's almost like such a law being enacted sets a precedent. What else can the government tell a private person/company what they can/cannot do/allow on their property?[/quote] There is a clear distinction, both in law and in practice, between private property used for private purposes and property used for business purposes and that distinction has been recognized for many, many decades. I agree that the rights of the property owner should be protected but no one right exists in a vacuum; they interact with other...sometimes they conflict with one another and when that happens, a fair balance needs to be sought; a balance that does the most good and least harm. I would suggest that the larger issue that should impact whether "parking lot" legislation is or isn't passed into law is what constitutes the best outcome for society at large. We have a large amount of history/data to show that an armed citizenry is a benefit to society; as such, if we (the government) can promote citizens being armed with little or no infringement on the rights of property owners then it's appropriate to make that possible. Other than the cry of "private property rights" (a cry I believe is misguided), I've not read or heard even one argument that has shown me any measurable, negative impact on a business owner simply because an employee or a customer chooses to have a legally owned and transported firearm in their vehicle while it's parked in a parking lot that is open to the public, and not just "open to" but where the public is invited to be.2 points
[quote name='Dolomite_supafly' timestamp='1353081363' post='846570'] I actually prefer the taste of wild game over the bland taste of farm raised. Anyone who has had wild turkey will confirm this. Dolomite [/quote] I love Wild Turkey, but after 4-5 shots, I really can't taste much difference in anything.2 points
It's the wrong move... We should be pushing for removing government land and buildings from being posted under 1359. Not trying to overrule the rights of private citizens to control their own land.2 points
[img]http://www.cavemancircus.com/wp-content/uploads/images/2012/november/funny_animal_pictures/funny_animal_pictures_63.jpg[/img]2 points
[quote name='FIST' timestamp='1353076698' post='846492'] Unions at it again. While I'm sure there's 2 sides to this story the common theme in stories like this are the Unions. eta: viscero beat me to it. [/quote] The only part I know about is that Hostess stated they were closing down 3 offices or something like and initiating an 8% paycut across the board to everyone (Not sure if higher ups are involved) and then the union striked. Well you gotta respect the company though stating that you can either work or look for a new job. Personally, my butt wouldn't have striked in the first place. 8% paycut isn't too bad vs getting paid nothing.2 points
Expect to see a lot more of this in the future. Liberals are looking for new sources of money to steal in order to support entitlements that make folks dependent on government. They have doubled the number of Food Stamp recipients, increased the number on welfare, and ObamaCare adds millions more to that dependency. Socialism only works until you run out of other people's money to steal. We are getting very close to that. An interesting observation is that registration inevitably leads to confiscation. First we had to 'register' our retirement accounts (401k, IRAs, etc). And now the socialists are talking about stealing from them. With all of that 'registered' money out there, it will be very difficult to hide it from confiscation. Remember that when anyone talks about firearm registration.2 points
I have mixed feelings about this... Without big money in these things, there will not be the same level of research in it. But I also personally know what it's like to see $600,000.00 worth of medical bills including an $8000 titanium rod, or a $12,000 steel hinge, or $400 screws that look like a 35 cent wood screw you get at Home Depot. Everyone wants cheaper medical coverage, but I can assure you that when you're on the table, you don't care about costs, your only concern is that the technology exists to help you. Some places may be able to perform functions that have been discovered by the hospitals and research centers, but when those places start losing money, there is little motivation to continue investing resources in research. An argument can be made that some medical professionals don't do it for the money and while that is true, it is a very small number.2 points
As stated in the video, this is a growing trend. I'm wondering if there's such a place as this in Middle TN: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=0uPdkhMVdMQ1 point
maybe not this time, but I suspect one morning I will wake up and turn on the news and it will be WW3.1 point
I got a renewal form in the mail about 3 or so months before the date. Calm down people.1 point
[quote name='DaddyO' timestamp='1353102600' post='846826'] I can even see them passing a law that says if you currently have a 401K, then you have to choose... either your 401K or government retirement (including Social Security), but not both. Bastards. [/quote] Just a decade or two ago, someone who actually saved for their own retirement and ran their financial life responsibly would have been held up as an example of how to life. Now, if you have any money at all you are part of the "evil rich" and you deserve to be punished.1 point
Welcome to globalization, maximum profits and how our government is making us equal, equally poor! Personally, I have a mixed attitude on that "great sucking sound of jobs leaving America", as Ross Perot coined it. But anyway you look at it, the Federal government is responsible for it. I'm going to ask a few questions looking at it from a blue collar worker (my view), a business owners point of view, the Union view and maybe the government's attitude. This basically applies to the unskilled work force. First off, are we as Americans and individuals "entitled" to good paying jobs with benefits and a safe working environment? There by reducing the profits of the business owner / company? Does an individual(s) who takes their savings he / she earned and take "risk" in establishing and running a company / business do it to solely provide jobs and benefits for the locals? Of course not, they do it for profit, to realize the American dream. Should I have a reasonable expectation or a guarantee to return home from my job alive, healthy and all my limbs still attached? Does a company / business actually owe their employees anything above and beyond their wages / benefits as the company grows and prospers? Shall we look at this realistically and do a little bargaining? During the industrial age in America, great profits were being made by the industrialists and business owners, at the expense of us, the American people. But they had paying jobs they accepted. Not satisfied with wages, benefits and safety... enter the collective bargaining unions to get a piece of the action. IMHO, unions in their time were needed and necessary to relieve the grip industry had over their employees. But like everything else, it got out of hand and went over board to the point the unions acted like they owned and ran the business / company. The unions just as soon let companies / business's fail rather than look at the "big picture" and future of the company (think coal, cars, etc.). Enter the local, state and federal governments with all their alphabet soup safety agencies (OHSA, NFPA, etc. etc.).As a retired federal employee supervisor, I'm here to tell you we spent at least 35% of our work day not on production / repair / production, but doing stupid training crap like step ladder training, employee refrigerator temperature daily checks and documentation, I could go on and on. All that B.S. non necessary garbage was hours / days taken away from actual "doing something useful". Where is the profit or incentive to start or keep a business going fighting the unions, the despicable government bureaucracy that drains capitol and production, all the rules, regulations and road blocks that hinder our American dream? Least we not forget another alphabet soup letter in the mess, the I.R.S. Has anyone here ever owned a business? How about all the crazy documentation that is required for your taxes? How about paying your taxes a "quarter" ahead before you make a penny on your anticipated earnings? B.S. Tell me Mr. Achiever, why would you not take your business elsewhere? There's still opportunity in America to be had if you're willing to work for it and have a bit of ambition to improve yourself and make you attractive to a prospective employer. Change is certain. I had to roll with the punches, adapt and work hard and improve to make my way in life. This getting hired by a company your grandfather, dad and you got hired by and expect to retire from it, are now going overseas to a cheap labor pool with little or no government regulations / restrictions. To sum it up, China owns us, the third world countries are on our heals, and if you want to read this diatribe in ENGLISH, press two! Como? P.S. I forgot to mention, by WTO agreement, we are required by "law" to purchase many products, produce and food from other foreign countries, not our own producers. We've dug a hole we can't climb out of. I seldom eat Hostess products because I can make a meal out of them. I love those Twinlies, Snow Balls and Cup Cakes!1 point
So Morsi is going to visit and show support for Hamas and 'palestine'. WTF? Egypt has a peace treaty with Israel. So much for that. Not to mention that the U.S. gives Egypt $1.5 Billion each year in 'aid'. I say they can suck it without our $1.5 Billion. Check out this whacko headline - [b] Thousands rally in Egypt against Israel offensive[/b] [url="http://news.yahoo.com/thousands-rally-egypt-against-israel-offensive-131030199.html"]http://news.yahoo.co...-131030199.html[/url] Israel 'offensive' ?!?!?! Last I heard, when someone shoots at you and you shoot back, that's called "defensive".1 point
I can even see them passing a law that says if you currently have a 401K, then you have to choose... either your 401K or government retirement (including Social Security), but not both. Bastards.1 point
These people need to leave Gods chosen people alone [b] [size=4]Ezekiel 38:16[/size][/b] And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes.1 point
If no-one saw this coming... they weren't looking. Any predictions on what's next?1 point
Wow! We just got a big "Thank You" from Iraq. Or was it a "blank You"? I am [u]not[/u] surprised. Spill American blood to save their asses and this is the thanks you get. Anyone want to spew that old talking point that it was "all about oil"? [size=4][b][color=#000000][font=arial, sans-serif][left]Liberated Iraq calls on Arab states to use oil as 'weapon' against U.S.[/left][/font][/color][/b][/size] [color=#000000][font=arial, sans-serif][size=3][left]Read more: [url="http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/11/16/liberated-iraq-calls-on-arab-states-to-use-oil-as-weapon-against-us/#ixzz2CPofRuPZ"]http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/11/16/liberated-iraq-calls-on-arab-states-to-use-oil-as-weapon-against-us/#ixzz2CPofRuPZ[/url][/left][/size][/font][/color]1 point
There's still hope [img]http://sweetiesreviewteam.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/little-debbie-cloud-cakes-review.jpg[/img]1 point
[quote name='Worriedman' timestamp='1353091391' post='846702'] Have not seen the version that he is going to push, but, I do not believe that it will be substantially different from the House version of last year, permit carriers only, complete coverage of the business/property owner from any liability from actions taken with any legal firearm. Pretty much the across the board law that 18 other States have, but not including the Georgia opt out related to fences. He told me up front that he was not in favor of the fenced lot exclusion this round. In States that already have the law, it has not increased crime in any way, nor has it increased insurance premiums for business owners. Personally, I think some in the Republican Party decided it was better to have the activist who worked to get this passed as partners instead of antagonist. Ramsey is still P.O.'d at anyone who had anything to do with the defeat of Debra Maggart, but, realizes that a concentrated effort against any single politician, (except for Harwell, who is protected by her liberal Democratic constituents) could be vulnerable to a similar attack. Taking this off the table might lead to actually working [u]with[/u] the most vocal entity instead of against it. [/quote]It's certainly good news if this is what can get passed (unless I'm misunderstanding something) but I'll believe it when I see it. Oh...and that fact that Ron the RINO is pissed, for some reason, doesn't bother me in the least.1 point
May have been a feral searching for food. While I agree with the humans are a-holes comment, we are not necessarily the perpetrators in this particular instance. I am glad that everything has worked out.1 point
Dang!! That's a serious case of pasty white. I had to look for several seconds to find her.1 point
It's all about how the meat is processed and cared for. I'll take gamey over steroids, antibiotics and God knows what else they put in that meat.1 point
1 point
[quote name='DaveTN' timestamp='1353068931' post='846441'] I refuse to support this until the state of Tennessee recognizes the right to bear arms. To say that the state won’t recognize your right but a business must is just a thug government. The government thinks they have the right to outlaw carrying loaded guns in your car for the safety of the public, but a business can’t come to the same conclusion for the safety of their employees? What a load of crap; this bill stinks and doesn’t deserve the support of gun owners, and won’t get the support of citizens. [/quote]First of all, that ain't 'gona' happen in my lifetime and probably not yours either but no worries; unless you own FedEx or Bridgeseone or Nissan your support or lack of it won't mean a thing to the current leadership in this legislature or governor's office1 point
My sympathies. I always wanted a moutain or at least a hillside home. The view. The privacy and solitude. Looking down on all the little people.1 point
Remember this. It makes no difference what the negotiated benefits are if there aint a business to work at and a job to do. Another case of killin the goose who laid the golden egg and puttin more folks on the dole. Welcome to nobama's workers paradise. leroy1 point
[quote name='Steelharp' timestamp='1353075137' post='846479'] I've never in my life eaten a Twinkie. Not one. [/quote] Communist.1 point
1 point
[quote name='Worriedman' timestamp='1353070581' post='846451'] In a conversation in his office in September, he says the bill will NOT include a "Fed Ex" style fenced lot exclusion. We shall see.[/quote] Yep. Forgive me if I have a lack of faith in this area. I remember Ronnie courting us gun owners quite heavily when he was running for governor he said a lot then and we know how that turned out.1 point
The current 'carbon tax' proposal will slightly more than double my electric bill. As every 'industry' (The grocery store, the gas station, the company that makes my .22 ammo, for heavens' sake) will take a hit with such a tax, what do you suppose the end result will be?1 point
I believe this worthless POS shot the puppy because he was mad at the neighbor. The puppy was not a threat to him or anyone on his property.1 point
[quote name='101' timestamp='1353014625' post='846169'] First thing I noticed is all the evil death wishes and bad karma being hoped upon the gentleman in question. Y'all sound like a bunch of tree hugging liberals. So sad. I understand that some people place pets on a higher stool than most of their family members. That, also sad. .[/quote] No, it isn't "sad" to value the life of a dog over the life of a human that would willfully kill a defenseless animal for no reason other than spite. I feel sadness for this dog, whereas if this man was raped to death by a herd of rhinos tomorrow I would feel nothing but joy. There is a myth that every human life is precious. This myth is perpetuated by people that do not understand evil people.1 point
[quote name='leroy' timestamp='1353002891' post='846116'] 6.8 makes several good points in his post above (...#72..) here. My take on all this is that im a relatively old coot (...66...) and ive never seen as much divisiveness (...other than the vietnam thing...) and grousing about the sorryness of government than ive been hearing and seeing for the last four years. This current crop of idiots has managed to drive the wedge deeper and drag the issues further down the road quicker with their high handed tactics than ive ever seen before. They have re-opened wounds between the government, the people, and the individual states that were inflicted via the bayonet in the post civil war period. They shouldn't have done that. When these issues are re-visited; i predict that there will not be enough carpetbaggers and thugs to enforce much of what they dream of doing. Further, they dont have an army of occupation to enforce this stuff. I predict (...and sincerely hope and pray...) they will loose bad in court. Otherwise, there could be some trouble. When you have otherwise solid citizens talking succession and have third partys like the Tea Party(s) in various states talkin about the things they are talkin about; with bad words dricted toward both political parties and the government; those in those parties and the political operatives need to be concerned. RE: Violence directed toward those in government. The nobama regieme and its operatives dont need to worry about violent harm comming from the "Rs" and the various freedom loving groups. For the most part, those groups are law abiding citizens who work for a living, and are genuinely concerned about the direction the country is being taken in. The politicos need to be worried about their far left socialist bastard brothers and commie philistine harlot sisters who dont think that they are doin enough to bring the beautiful utopian socialist paradise to the good ole usa. Remember, Jared Loughner aint a right wing nut; he is a left wing nut. leroy [/quote] Exactly. I see any civil "unrest" in the likes of what is going on in Greece. It will occur when the economy completely melts down and the takers march out to "take" because they have not provided for themselves and the workers who have been providing for both themselves and for the takers simply can not continue to do it any longer. Virtually all of what I am reading and hearing of working people arming up is in anticipation of defense of themselves and their families pending any meltdown of the economy and impending lawlessness by takers who come out of their rat holes to take what the workers and actual contributors have left. That is all. As in this quote from an article titled - [b] Are Americans Preparing for a Revolution?[/b] "[color=#000000][font=Georgia, Palatino,]So why are so many people buying so many guns? Some say they are buying them now before the government forbids anymore sales. Yet others are saying that they are stocking up on weapons, ammunition and food in preparation of America’s collapse."[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Georgia, Palatino,]"I heard from one person who said they believe that America will fall under Obama and the country will go into complete chaos. Food and supplies will become scarce causing millions to riot and loot and steal from others. He said that he intends on protecting his family, his house and supplies from any and all intruders."[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Georgia, Palatino,]Read more: [url="http://godfatherpolitics.com/8056/are-americans-preparing-for-a-revolution/#ixzz2CKEfFDP3"]http://godfatherpoli.../#ixzz2CKEfFDP3[/url][/font][/color] [color=#000000]That man is NOT planning civil unrest, but planning on protecting himself and his family [i]from[/i] civil unrest (which is the point I've been trying to make on here for several days).[/color]1 point
I wonder.... What if we do have secession...What if the Federal government collapses under the weight of its own idiocy...What if we do have a second American Revolutionary War...What then? The real problem with our country is not really in Washington D.C.; it's in the hearts of the people...you can have revolution after revolution but when the last shot is fired you still have the people and the people, not the "politicians" and not the "unions" and not the "lobbyists"; its' the PEOPLE who are the problem. The first American Revolution worked NOT just because we defeated the British; it worked because we had strong, independent minded people who were capable and WILLING to take care of themselves and men of exceptional principles and morals who were willing to be servant-leaders.1 point
[quote name='TNcitizen22' timestamp='1352779738' post='844672'] Perhaps I am out of touch, or just unwilling to accept the 'truth'. I think anyone who genuinely believes this half-assed attempt at a succession is a good idea is freaking out of their mind. You have no idea the kind of hell that would be brought upon us (read: YOU) in a matter of days. It would not be fun, revolutionary, or whatever idealistic viewpoint you have on it. Anyone who signs this has never set foot into a third world country, and you should if you are foolish enough to want this. If you did, you wouldn't dream of such a stupid idea. [/quote] This country needs a revolution. And I guess I'm the idiot thats been in a third world country and in a combat zone and still signed. And as someone who has served for this country, and sees that it is coming to a crossroad. I'd rather die for a state I believed in than live in a country I am quickly beginning to not believe in. Don't take this the wrong way, I know how blessed this country has been, but I am disgusted with where we are headed and we are headed there quickly.1 point
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