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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/2012 in all areas

  1. [size=4][font=Times New Roman][color=#000099]Over five thousand years ago, Moses said to the children of Israel , "Pick up your shovels, mount your asses and camels, and I will lead you to the Promised Land". [/color][/font] [font=Times New Roman][color=#000099]Nearly 75 years ago, (when Welfare was introduced) Roosevelt said, "Lay down your shovels, sit on your asses, and light up a Camel, this is the Promised Land."[/color][/font] [color=#000099][font=Times New Roman]Today, Congress has stolen your shovel, taxed your asses, raised the price of Camels and mortgaged the Promised Land! I was so depressed last night thinking about Health Care Plans, the economy, the wars, lost jobs, savings, Social Security, retirement funds, etc .... I called a Suicide Hotline. I had to press 1 for English. I was connected to a call center in Pakistan. I told them I was suicidal. [/font] [b][font=Times New Roman]They got excited and asked if I could drive a truck......[/font][/b][/color] [font=Times New Roman][color=#000000][b][font=Times New Roman]Folks, we're screwed[/font][/b][/color][/font][/size]
    5 points
  2. Yep. Stupidest thing I've read today was comments from the left that these small business owners were firing people (getting below the 50 employee limit imposed by Obamacare) because they were racist, or just showing their displeasure over the results of the election. One genius stated they should be sued by the ACLU. Sorry, kids, you blew the fuse on the ice cream machine. Whining isn't gonna help.
    3 points
  3. Romney lost because the demographics and opinion on issues of those demographics are changing. BHO got big majority vote of women, blacks, Hispanics, and gays. The only major demographic Mitt won was white men, but only 48% of all white voters. Hispanics will be at least one third of US population by 2050. The majority are Christian (mostly Catholic to boot), family oriented, and hard workers. That sounds like a Republican base -- so when the GOP can't win that demographic, the party needs to do some real soul searching as to what it is really all about. - OS
    3 points
  4. [quote name='Gen. Patton' timestamp='1352472218' post='842425'] I used to carry in a IWB tuckable holster but I figured that in the event that I need the weapon it probably woun't be in the middle of church and if it's in a tuckable holster with my shirt tucked in it would take more time to reveal and draw so I just stopped and started leaving it in my car. [/quote] Well, here's what I would do. Lets try a little test. Wear your gun IWB tuckable holster and time your draw. Then... Put your gun in your car trunk and time your retrieval. Whichever one is the fastest is what I'd go with.
    3 points
  5. At least two members here have mentioned they've been laid off this week. HvyMtl, you need to let all these companies know how well the economy is doing, and maybe mention what a great deal Obamacare will be - that being the impetus for these closings. Show 'em some cherry picked graphs, that'll do it. The second order effects, companies shutting down or downsizing due to losing corporate customers and the hit the economy is going to take just before the new taxes cut in are really going to be dramatic.
    3 points
  6. [quote name='mav' timestamp='1352397397' post='841881'] Ever since I was first able to vote (1992), I have voted straight line Republican. Over the last year or so, I came to realize that there are only a few differences between the parties. [/quote] "The Soviet Union had a single, entrenched, systemically corrupt political party, which held a monopoly on power. The U.S. has two entrenched, systemically corrupt political parties, whose positions are often indistinguishable, and which together hold a monopoly on power. In either case, there is, or was, a single governing elite, but in the United States it organized itself into opposing teams to make its stranglehold on power seem more sportsmanlike." Dmitry Orlov Post-Soviet Lessons for a Post-American Century - OS
    3 points
  7. [quote name='kesava' timestamp='1352318733' post='841253'] You're a very sad example of an individual to assume that I can't articulate myself or support my stance because my response wasn't within the time frame your expected. I would challenge you in a game of wit, but clearly you're unarmed.[/quote] Never mind my above comment. Clearly you're trolling. Piss off.
    3 points
  8. [quote name='maroonandwhite' timestamp='1352498618' post='842708'] I'm sure if they try to subpoena him it will be shot down somehow. [/quote]i just hope he doesn't go the way of Ron Brown. As an intelligence operative, having an affair is a very touchy thing, as the threat of blackmail is very real. Funny thing is, that regardless of how long the administration knew or if this was a political card that was played, now that it's out, it's done. You can't hold it over his head anymore. I hope he gets his chance to tell his side of the story.
    2 points
  9. We need to go start our own buy back program just infront of the police like they did in Austin Texas. http://deadlinelive.info/2011/02/26/first-ever-austinites-outbid-police-in-gun-buyback-counter-program/ video included.
    2 points
  10. Good luck on your interviews - sometimes you gotta go where the work is though.
    2 points
  11. I don't believe a word about General Petraeus' resignation. I'm thinking he's being pressured & blackmailed by the White House over Benghazi. I'm thinking we are now living in very dangerous times. If I was a conspiracy theorist, I'd think that he was kept silent with an old extramarital affair held over his head. For him to out Himself on an extramarital affair would free him of the blackmail for silence. I'm going to wait and see him and his wife embrace. I'm thinking they're gonna kiss like a pair of lovestruck teenagers.
    2 points
  12. Robert:____________ My 23 year old bludgoned me into not callin myself a Republican anymore about a year ago. As he is fond of sayin: "...I'm an equal opportunity political hater. I hate both political parties....". I think he is right. Ive finally realized that im a radical isolationist libertarian. I think we need to call all the troops home, quit sendin money to our enemies in other countries, and stop the dole... period. As John Smith said"...." No work, no eat....". I realize all that aint gonna happen; but that's the criteria that im usin for evaluating polititicos. Oh, by the way, im an Elitist too. As one of my ole buddies used to say: "....The older i get, the more elitist i become....". I know exactly what he wuz sayin. I find myself bein the same way. leroy
    2 points
  13. [quote name='stick1' timestamp='1352392719' post='841820'] Lets hope that civil war can evolve from this election, Greece ,France ,Ireland many European nations have had violent unrest over similar things. Let hope we can do it right. [/quote]I'm not sure how I missed this, but I sincerely hope that no one here truly believes garbage like this. For those who might be so inclined, you need to get out from behind your computer and see the real world as it really is. I'd offer to buy you a ticket to any of several countries in the world that are being ravaged by civil violence right now so that you can experience that for yourself. Then, after you've spent time with someone whose wife and children were killed because they believe something different, come back here and tell us that you think "revolution" is the answer. We're bigger than that. We've proven that. That's all I'm going to say here. To the above poster, I hope you've enjoyed your time here. You're done.
    2 points
  14. Don't discount the very rough GOP primary. BHO didn't have to campaign against Romney that much. The other GOP hopefuls (and in some case Mitt himself) did that for him before the convention.
    2 points
  15. [quote name='stick1' timestamp='1352467796' post='842380'] This countrys freedoms was brought about by patriots who stood up revolted and warred among themselves. If everyone would have just got out of the country who didnt want to live as slaves or bow down to what they knew was wrong, only those like you would remain. Folks like Robert Nashville, LINKS2K, HvyMtl and the like could all be servants to the power that be , in my ancestors and family we have done just that, and sacrificed life for the freedoms of this nation, so you probably wouldnt understand. Dont try to imitate patriotism by standing behind the ones who enslave you. [/quote] OK, fine, pick up your rifle and start the revolution, mr patriot. Oh, before you go do something stupid, can you outline precisely what it is you're so upset about you think war is the answer? And yah, go ahead and keep postulating about things you have NO idea about. Enjoy fantasy camp.
    2 points
  16. [quote name='QuietDan' timestamp='1352478976' post='842500'] All of this for a Coyote hunt, a varmint hunt, in compliance with state and local laws?? Written threats against family members of the gun store staff. Waaaaaaay uncool and actionable. Police and FBI involved. Good. The airhead CNN reporter goes out of her way to mention the date and time of the protest. Way uncool and complicit. The report says two police will be present at the protest to ensure things don't get out of control. It'll probably be more like SIX law enforcement officers, four of them undercover. Expect video to be recorded to identify the cast of characters and potential perps. Here's another name for the protesters in this context: Coyotes. [/quote]What do you expect, Dan...the Mensa-types that would make these kind of threats are are the same types of people who go to Occupy demonstrations and hold up signs that say things like "Who Needs Oil...I Ride The Bus".
    2 points
  17. [quote name='QuietDan' timestamp='1352478976' post='842500'] All of this for a Coyote hunt, a varmint hunt, in compliance with state and local laws?? Written threats against family members of the gun store staff. Waaaaaaay uncool and actionable. Police and FBI involved. Good. The airhead CNN reporter goes out of her way to mention the date and time of the protest. Way uncool and complicit. The report says two police will be present at the protest to ensure things don't get out of control. It'll probably be more like SIX law enforcement officers, four of them undercover. Expect video to be recorded to identify the cast of characters and potential perps. Here's another name for the protesters in this context: Coyotes. [/quote] Yep. They should probably identify them before the attack. It will be easier than after
    2 points
  18. My only concern is the lack of a grandfather clause... sound this get passed it would cause a revolt.
    2 points
  19. [quote name='Batman' timestamp='1352463662' post='842356'] I wish the conservative members of the house and senate would counteract this nonsense by starting to introduce their own far-right legislation. Keep the liberals on the defensive instead of offense. let's start with term limits. When that gets debated and eventually shot down, have something else to introduce... maybe introduce the fair tax. None of this stuff would actually pass, but it would promote gridlock (the best we can hope for at this point). We need to keep the liberals busy for the next 4 years by actually introducing worth while bills. Edit to add: on second thought, a worth-while bill may be just what they need to attach an AWB to. I'm just not sure how our problem gets fixed from here. [/quote] That would be awesome. Won't happen, but it would be great. Why do we need to be the ones always on defensive? Put THEM on defensive. Unfortunately too many Republican [u]politicians[/u] are just watered-down versions of democrats. Not all, but too many. In addition to what you mentioned, remove suppressors from the NFA, then short barreled rifles, then shotguns. Fair Tax (I'd wet my pants if that passed). Start removing fees from one thing or another. Keep a constant barrage of riders attached to bills that the left wants. Battles cannot be won by being constantly on the defensive side.
    2 points
  20. Good luck most of the repubs are rino's
    2 points
  21. The Republicans will never win until they get rid of the "Blue Noses" at the top who are polititians first, northeast elites second, and Demorat lite third. The sad truth is the OhShoot's post above RE: the Russian evaluation of our system is uncomfortably true. For a lot of years ive made my political guesses on the theory that the country wuz divided politically as follows: 1/3 demorat, 1/3 republican, 1/3 asleep; and that for the most part, folks wanted to work. Those who were asleep woke up every four or so years and voted for someone. It appears now that the split is 1/2 takers, 1/2 producers. The producers got slightly out voted. It showed up bigger than it really is with the electorial college thing. This does not bode well for this country or the producers living in "non producing" states. I think it does bode well for the individual states that contain a majority of producers. Producers livin in "non producing states" who want more than the gubmt cheese and nobama i-phones will move to states friendly to business so they can have more stuff. The takers will sit down and wait for the cheese and i-phone wagon to ride up to their door; if the druggies dont kill 'em first. My guess is that in the long run; the blue states will get bluer and the red states will get redder. The split between the federal givernment (...yeah, i meant to spell it that way....) and the state governments will get sharper, and at some point there will be a showdown. There is a fight looming out on the horizon over the regulation of business by the federal government. My guess is that some smart governor and state attorney general will continue to slap the various federal organs of givernment over the next four years, limiting the power of the alphabet organs (...NLRB, OSHA, and IRS (...hopefully...)) to meddle in state affairs (...think public unions here, right to work states, state enviornmental rules, etc...). The big winners in this election may well be the lawyers. They will stay busy doin all this stuff. I also believe there is a day comming when the handling of federal tax revenue generated within the various states will have to be returned to that individual state in the exact dollar for dollar collected vs returned system (...think entitlements here; medicare, medicade, welfare....) in "block grants" to be used for the various entitlement purposes (...if there are any...) by that individual state in accordance with individual state laws. The states will set the criterion for elgibility, not the federal government operatives. The specter of John C. Calhoun and states rights vs federal oppression is rising again. leroy
    2 points
  22. [quote name='leroy' timestamp='1352462270' post='842349'] Ask that genius Albert Gore Jr. what happens when a 6 term Tennessee Senator votes for a gun prohibition (...think the Gun control act of 1968...) initiative. leroy [/quote] If another AWB is passed, I don't think getting voted out of office should be their concern. This may very well be the straw that breaks the camels back.
    2 points
  23. That old blister proposes an AWB every time the wind blows. I hope she gets hit by a bus.
    2 points
  24. She's going to be ok!
    2 points
  25. (long pause) . . . Most women are not going to want to see your gun on a first date. Get to know her better before you show it to her. Gradually, especially if you're gentle with her, she may be willing to touch it, and, even later, make it shoot. If you're previously divorced, you probably know that after a certain amount of time, some women might want to take your gun away from you and lock it in a little box, or only let you use it when she's in the mood, or after you do some sort of favor for her. Hopefully, you'll find out early enough whether or not she's actually just jealous and wants one of her own, for the sense of power it gives her, or whether she's willing to share yours, which seems to make most couples happy. Of course, if you share it with her, you'll probably be the one who ends up cleaning it. I hope I'm being clear enough here. I am thinking that if you treat all kinds of guns with an appreciation for their power, that you introduce her to them with patience, that you use them respectfully and with finesse, and are willing to share them when she's interested, that shooting guns together will make both of you very happy. . . . Very, Very Happy.
    2 points
  26. Progressives, ie Liberals, are for free stuff. I'm for free people.
    2 points
  27. [quote name='KOM2' timestamp='1352397125' post='841877'] Maybe we could make a deal and drop a state at the same time to keep the flags correct? What does everyone think? CA, IL? I'm open. [/quote] I would want TX to drop off, so I can move to the new republic of TX
    2 points
  28. Ever since I was first able to vote (1992), I have voted straight line Republican. Over the last year or so, I came to realize that there are only a few differences between the parties. Other than those few differences, the parties are pretty much the same; they are for big government. For example, all we heard from Republicans during this election cycle was repeal Obamacare, repeal Obamacare, repeal Obamacare. From Mitt, it was [u]repeal and replace[/u]. If Republicans hated it has much as the vast majority of the citizens of this country, then why the heck didn't they defund the damn thing. The House controls the purse strings, and Republicans control the House, so what is the problem? The answer is they didn't want to do it. Republicans wanted to use it as a political tool to get reelected. Therefore, when people complain about Obamacare, they should point the finger at both parties. Those that screwed us by passing it, and those that screwed us by failing to defund it when they had the opportunity. I have become so disillusioned with our federal government. Both parties are out for the same and only thing, power. That is why I could not vote for either party in this election. In many cases we are forced to choose between a s**t sandwich, and a s**t sandwich with various condiments to make it appear more appealing. I have listened to several of the establishment talking heads over the last couple of days, which includes some of the news radio talk show mafia, and I don't think they understand why they lost. All I hear is that we should have ran this guy, next time we need to run this guy, we should have done this, or next time we will do this to pander to this group or that group. Really? Is the answer really to become more and more like the Democratic party? If they do that, which I believe they will, the Republicans will never get back into the White House, nor will they regain my vote.
    2 points
  29. Third party voters didn't beat Romney. We had the choice of two liberals. Romney beat himself. You do realize he got his butt kicked in his home state as well as Ryan's home state, right? If we're going to have a lib president, I don't know why anyone would prefer a lib Republican over a lib Democrat. At least the Dem isn't trying to pretend he is something he isn't.
    2 points
  30. I don't think it is all that uncommon for people to quit after they work for one term. Not saying that is whats up here, but it is not too out of the ordinary.
    1 point
  31. Dang that's a lot of primers! I think next time Mr David's in town I'm going to stock up on components even though I don't reload yet. Seeing all that stock on hand is getting my gears turning...
    1 point
  32. The most apparent will happen by the end of the year. The worst? Well, that will take a year or more to shake out. Greater unemployment, obviously... but second order economic effects will be both less obvious and have a greater impact. That 'free' health care is gonna cost a lot of people everything.
    1 point
  33. [quote name='BryanP' timestamp='1352468970' post='842384'] That's when you try to put your gun in a holster it wasn't designed for.[/quote] Had a good one for this, but thought it would be taking it too far.
    1 point
  34. [quote name='OhShoot' timestamp='1352482808' post='842545'] Romney lost because the demographics and opinion on issues of those demographics are changing. BHO got big majority vote of women, blacks, Hispanics, and gays. The only major demographic Mitt won was white men, but only 48% of all white voters. Hispanics will be at least one third of US population by 2050. The majority are Christian (mostly Catholic to boot), family oriented, and hard workers. That sounds like a Republican base -- so when the GOP can't win that demographic, the party needs to do some real soul searching as to what it is really all about. - OS [/quote] You left out blacks. If you leave out the part of the black community that simply doesn't care about anything, the majority of blacks are very conservative in their thinking. As was said on Rush's show yesterday the problem with the republican party is that most blacks view it as a party of racist. On any given day, that segment of the community can come on here and at least one idiot will verify that opinion. It's a matter of being guilty by association. It's not right, but it occurs. It's the same way that some here can't bring their mind to believe that there are honest, hard working, patriotic blacks. As someone said earlier, it's about perception.
    1 point
  35. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1352448521' post='842332'] And I buy my guns and ammo from businesses that exist to support the firearms community and which are generally, albeit not always, owned and staffed by firearm enthusiasts like myself because I care a more that those business continue to exist a lot more than I care if WalMart exists. [/quote] I would opine that any retailer who carries guns is supporting the firearms community about 100% more than those who don't sell guns. And if there's any truth to the idea that people become more enured and receptive to firearms by seeing more of them in daily life, you can't beat your average citizen seeing those scary assault weapons at Wally's while shopping for their normal mundane items. - OS
    1 point
  36. [quote name='LINKS2K' timestamp='1352480616' post='842516']...Secondly, I stand by what I said. YOU NEED A MENTAL EVALUATION! [/quote]What evidence do you have to suggest that there is anything there to examine? ROTFLMAO
    1 point
  37. [quote name='stick1' timestamp='1352467796' post='842380'] This countrys freedoms was brought about by patriots who stood up revolted and warred among themselves. If everyone would have just got out of the country who didnt want to live as slaves or bow down to what they knew was wrong, only those like you would remain. Folks like Robert Nashville, LINKS2K, HvyMtl and the like could all be servants to the power that be , in my ancestors and family we have done just that, and sacrificed life for the freedoms of this nation, so you probably wouldnt understand. Dont try to imitate patriotism by standing behind the ones who enslave you. [/quote] Considering that most of the people that you are talking about are combat veterans, I want to tell you that you don't know what the f*ck you are talking about when you limit sacrifices for this country to whatever inbreed gene pool that created you. Secondly, I stand by what I said. YOU NEED A MENTAL EVALUATION!
    1 point
  38. JayC, you may count yourself in that number, (as a fence sitter), but having walked the halls of Congress, (where I can remember seeing less than 10 Tennesseans in favor of any firearms issue) and spent my money to fund good candidates and then go and walk the districts to talk with the voters, I will not wear that moniker. Another of Sam's famous quote you can see at the bottom of every post I make, and I believe it with all my heart. I do not like the way things are going in my country, but I lay down at night and sleep, because I have done everything I could to succor a future of as much Liberty as possible for my grand children.
    1 point
  39. Sam would be getting the Tar and Feathers ready.
    1 point
  40. [quote name='QuietDan' timestamp='1352470211' post='842395'] Blister. Hmmmmm. Haven't heard that used before. Blisters need to get lanced or popped to heal. [/quote] I had to reach into the archives. She earned it.
    1 point
  41. Give thanks unto The Lord, our God and King, His love endures forever.
    1 point
  42. That's wonderful news! Proof that God does listen to us. Maybe we don't always get what we want, but we do get what we need.
    1 point
  43. [quote name='Metalhead' timestamp='1352427517' post='842199'] Anyone else find it strange she had a recording of it? [/quote] [quote name='TripleDigitRide' timestamp='1352428469' post='842207'] Yeah, that stuck out to me, too. [/quote] It was a setup ... Maybe she was planning to him that "she" was really a "he" and had an operation to make "he" a "she" ... (S)he knew it would piss him off, and wanted to record the confrontation.
    1 point
  44. I would carry. She may have a crazy jealous ex that may not be too far away. You never know...
    1 point
  45. tough day at the office this morning [IMG]http://i680.photobucket.com/albums/vv166/owensnj/CAE40722-DCA9-4689-9D10-91F79FAD0D5B-69033-00002E475A82AD3B.jpg[/IMG]
    1 point
  46. Who is surprised by this? Things are going to start moving very fast under this regime. 0bama has Valerie Jarrett over in Iran cutting a deal and he himself is cutting a deal with Putin in secret. This is what people voted for. They are about to receive it.
    1 point
  47. First, I never said we were founded on a specific religion. Judeo-Christian values is a very broad concept that includes all if the founding fathers root ideology even encompassing much of Islam. Deist included. Secondly, I guess all the scriptures chiseled into all if our federal buildings and monuments, the ten commandments watching over most of the highest federal court, the fact that every president, senator, judge, and congressman is sworn in on the Bible, and"In God We Trust" marked all over our currency (just to name a few) are definite marks of a secular humanist society.
    1 point
  48. I'm only 24, most of you have been [u]voting[/u] longer than I've been [u]alive[/u] and I respect that. I'm a registered republican but as times goes on I find my views align more with the libertarian party. I disliked Romney from the beginning but I said all along I would vote for him just so we could beat Obama. I saw the importance of my vote here in Florida though it appears it didn't matter in the end. I was genuinely excited yesterday waiting on the results but now that it's over I'm left with a bad taste in my mouth. If Romney is the BEST the GOP can come up with then they really have a lot to learn and should blame no one but themselves. In 4 years if the GOP can't produce a better candidate I will not support them. I'm done with voting for someone just because they have a R next to their name. It's clearly not working.
    1 point
  49. So what you are saying is that want an enforced duopoly with only the approved parties allowed on the ballot? Hrmm, ok.
    1 point
  50. [quote name='kesava' timestamp='1352318733' post='841253'] You're a very sad example of an individual to assume that I can't articulate myself or support my stance because my response wasn't within the time frame your expected. I would challenge you in a game of wit, but clearly you're unarmed. [/quote] After reading your posts I am reminded of and old proverb. " sometimes it is best to keep quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt".
    1 point
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