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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/2012 in all areas

  1. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1352157408' post='839603'] Okay...at first blush, I don't see this as some big breech of this marine's rights. Regardless of our "rights" and regardless of whether the state we are in at the moment does or doesn't allow open carry and/or constitutional carry; I don't think it should be difficult to understand that when an officer stops us, whether he was or wasn't justified in doing so, it's not unreasonable that the officer may be concerned about the fact that we are armed and may be overly cautious. I guess what I'm saying is that both this marine and this officer could benefit from some relaxation techniques. In the meantime; I'll listen to this again...maybe I missed something. [/quote] Next time you're handcuffed for nearly an hour by an officer who admits you committed no crime come back and tell me YOUR rights weren't breached.
    5 points
  2. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352130478' post='839360'] It's called modern day slavery, Gordon. The government hands out money or services with very little requirement or qualification to keep people off the employment list. Many takers, quite a few criminals and cheats in there. Money paid out by the government essentially equates to power for those handing it out, wealth redistribution. It's even being paid for with borrowed money with no chance of being repaid. Obama's and other liberals way of "fundamentally transforming our nation" Just one way, though. It started out maybe(I doubt it) with good intentions and morphed into something evil. And that doesn't include free Obamaphones and other political trickery. [/quote] What has happened is that it was given out to some, those who really needed it. And it slowly went from the poor needy people who are actually in need to those who don't need it but just want it and are willing to lie to get it. It is the entitlement generation that believes they are entitled to the prosperity of those who worked hard before them. I have actually heard one of them say that someone else worked really hard so they didn't have to. There are several things that need to be done to weed out the fat. First, require them to take a drug test when they apply and then at least once annually. If you are so poor you need public money then the public has a right to ensure that money is not supporting illegal activities. 1st offense you lose the funds for one month. Next time is six months. A third time would remove you from the rolls indefinitely. Second, they need to require them to perform some sort of public service. I know our highways could use a good cleaning of litter. Paint or clean up buildings or empty lots in their neighborhoods. Or maybe answer the phone of a government office to answer the most common question of all "Are you open". Third, publish a by name list of those who receive public assistance. Nothing more than a name and the town in which they live. People should be embarrased to receive public money in lieu of working. Fourth, get rid of the automatic renewal system. Make the recipients come down to have their cards refilled and maybe take a drug test. And remove the ability to get unhealthy foods when using public funds. I was in a fast food restaurant the other day that accepted EBT cards. Fifth, set a lifetime limit of say 4 years. That is you can only receive 48 months of public assistance during your life. If you choose to use it while you are 18-22 then you can never get it again. Everyone gets to a point in their life in which they could apply for governement assistance. And that is what it is for and not for those who receive it their entire lives and enver work. And finally, require an ID proving citizenship in order to receive anything. If you are not here legally you get NOTHING. Dolomite
    5 points
  3. "I don't like someone with a gun" That says it all right there. And the only one being confrontational was the cop. Period. Why do some LEOs have such an issue with a citizen knowing and exercising his rights? Is it little man syndrome, or is it just that they believe that a citizen should just do whatever they say without questioning it, whether it violates someone's constitutional rights or not?
    4 points
  4. What a screwy poll. One might logically agree with 1 [i]and[/i] 2, or 2 [i]and[/i] 3. - OS
    4 points
  5. I'm not taking the bait tonight. I don't like Romney or Obama. Regardless who wins tomorrow, we lose. They both suck!
    3 points
  6. [img]http://img.tapatalk.com/d/12/11/06/esu9a3un.jpg[/img] Look at the very bottom of picture....still funny though!
    3 points
  7. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1352131845' post='839379'] .......seeing them getting picked off is making it hard for me to keep following the show. [/quote] I have the opposite reaction. Departing from the "good guy always wins" convention makes it more tense, and emphasizes just how dangerous a world like that would be. More "realistic" drama which overrides a good bit of the inherent [i]un[/i]realistic premise in the first place. Since anyone seems to be fair game for croaking, it makes the whole thing a bit more unsettling. - OS
    3 points
  8. If you're caught without some sort of liability insurance, the state should impound your vehicle until you show proof of some kind of liability insurance.
    3 points
  9. [img]https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/533735_405450419526765_223203847_n.jpg[/img]
    2 points
  10. Ghetto trash dress that way an they are all animals. The fact that they relieve themselves like animals comes as no surprise.
    2 points
  11. Does a Police Officer have the right to detain or disarm a person they perceive as a threat? I don’t know if the SCOTUS has ever answered that question or not. That will be the question that will need to be answered in his civil case, if there is one. If I ask a person if they have any weapons and they responded with the kind of BS this guy did; I am in fear for my safety and he would be in cuffs. If he wanted to sue me, or my department wanted to fire me; so be it. The guy was obliviously trying to set the cop up for a lawsuit. The mistake the cop made was trying to reason with the guy when it was obvious he wasn’t interested in hearing it. The cop should have cuffed him, ran his checks, waited on his back-up, wrote him, warned him or whatever he was going to do and then let him go. All that conversation about rights, Officer safety and the Constitution was not necessary. The other mistake the cop made was stopping the guy before he had a violation. He already had PC for a stop (citizens complaint), but I wouldn’t stop him until I had witnessed a violation. And why does “Marine Helo Pilot” have anything to do with it? Would something be different if it was a “Dirt bag on a motorcycle”? From listening to the audio; both descriptions apply.
    2 points
  12. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1352158265' post='839612'] So are you suggesting that so long as a source says what you need it to say, it doesn't matter where it comes from or what their bias might be? It sure didn't seem to work that way for my master's degree....those professors always insisted on "competent sources"; the Huffington Post and Wikipedia were not acceptable! ROTFLMAO [/quote] Folks hear what they wanna hear. I'm worn out on the whole damn thing. If somebody bought the picture the Obama campaign painted of Romney, they're just not gonna see it any other way. The 6 billion dollar election cycle did its magic.
    2 points
  13. I'm preparing for both ends of the spectrum. If Mitt wins, I get to play plinko from my roof top. If Obama wins I have candy and popcorn to eat and plastic to cover my electronics while I watch all of the heads of Obama opponents spontaneously combust.
    2 points
  14. With the impending riots I was surprised that the range wasn't at full capacity today. Everyone must have been at home fortifying their fighting positions.
    2 points
  15. I could be wrong but I'm thinking the vast majority of the people threatening a riot are a bunch of college age libtard pu$&ys who wouldn't even begin to actually try anything remotely resembling a riot. The rest may actually do something but as others have said they won't even leave outside of a three block radius to the nearest check cashing liquor store. I'm not at all concerned, we're ready at our house just in case. I do wish there were some good riots happening actually, a lot of wanna be thug suburban white kids with an "eff the police, anarchy for America, I'm BA" type attitude I'd like to round up and drop off. Love to see how they feel if they make it out.
    2 points
  16. 4 more years of Obama and it won't matter who we elect. Obamacare will be entrenched, destroying quality healthcare in this country, and coincidentally acting as another boat anchor on the remnants of employment. EPA regs now being written will be in force, terminating coal production. Price of electricity will triple, even with the rolling brownouts we will have due to loss of generating capacity. Oil and natural gas production will take serious hits, we will see $7 -$10 gas. There will be wars, and rumors of wars, because this country will no longer be an effective force in foreign affairs. Inflation will ramp up. The nation will drop to, possibly, AA credit rating or worse. A Weimar scenario will be a strong possibility. New gun control regulations (not legislation, as it couldn't get through the house) will just be the opening salvo of his attack on Constitutional freedoms. Look for restrictions on speech, economic activity, right to privacy, right to property.
    2 points
  17. [quote name='kieefer' timestamp='1352144116' post='839465'] .....Watching past elections I believe local elections are where you change the direction, not in national elections. [/quote] The US Constitution agrees. That's why it only stipulated that people voted for their area representative. Not senators or even president. The American Idol method of choosing the president has become an abomination. We'd do well with going back to what the constitution intended, which was to become more involved with politics by holding local reps' feet to the fire about everything in Washington. Including choosing the prez. - OS
    2 points
  18. [quote name='Drewsett' timestamp='1352074109' post='839120']If any of you could name more than two third parties; or more than one third party candidate's name, I'd be surprised.[/quote] I can but it has no impact on how I voted because I won't throw my vote away by voting for a non-viable candidate (plus I have at least as many, and in ssome cases many more, philosophical problems with these third and fourth tier candidates as I do with Romney, although not the same ones). [quote name='Drewsett' timestamp='1352074109' post='839120']...the reason our candidates didn't make the cut is because they weren't Democrat or Republican. Between the fact that the DNC/RNC control the access to the debates through imposition of arbitrary percentages and the fact that the mainstream media are in the business of appealing to the... mainstream, you won't hear anything about these so called "fringe" candidates.[/quote] They didn't make it because none of them have ever appealed to more than a fringe percentage of the population...their message doesn't resonate...supporters of these third party candidates can blame everything from sun spots to unfair treatment in the press but at the end of the day, these candidates have no chance because THEY don't have a message that works. As to the debates, I don't want to see a presidential debate with 10 candidates who, if you took the eight who were not the R or D nominee and combined their votes together, they won't get more than 1-2% of the vote - why the hell would I want to wast time hearing them in a debate. [quote name='Drewsett' timestamp='1352074109' post='839120']...but the simple fact remains: the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. ..[/quote] You mean like RP running for president multiple times without ever gaining any ground?
    2 points
  19. What those on welfare don't realize is they have given up their dreams and aspirations for what amounts to less than minimum wage. I know I would be pissed if I looked back at what my life had been and realized I had become a slave to the governments will. They are given just enough to keep them from trying. Dolomite
    2 points
  20. People have a right to vote for anyone they want but the idea of a "protest vote" is about as ill-conceived as a screen door on a submarine...I guess it just goes to prove that some folks would rather believe in fairy tales than get their hands dirty doing the real work of effecting change. If anyone thinks voting for some meaningless third-party hack or writing in someone who isn't even good enough to be picked up by a third party is going to make a difference to the "two party system" or make "Republicans take notice" they are fooling only themselves (assuming they actually believe it). If Obama wins reelection, either because you voted for him or effectively voted for him then we'll all be getting exactly the kind of country we deserve.
    2 points
  21. [quote name='Caster' timestamp='1352176298' post='839854'] I wanna play! I could be Charlie Sheen; Pre Alcohol/blow/whore phase. [/quote] You would have to be like four years old.
    1 point
  22. Also seems the cop was misinformed on the states carry laws concerning open carry. The ones that enforce laws need to have an understanding of what the laws are.
    1 point
  23. Well.. if ya got'a go.. you got'a go! And the older you get,, if ya got'a go.. ya really got'a go! About three years ago, we spent a week on the OBX in December. Early one morning I got up early, ate breakfast, drank my normal three cups of coffee, and headed out for a day of metal detecting. The weather wasn't bad at all. Had a cool breeze coming down the beach from the north, but the sun was out, was going to be a great day... I thought? The area I was in had your walkers, yappy dogs, and shell hunters. Guess the nice morning brought more out than you would normally see on the beach this time of year? All was going good... until it hit me... I got'a pee! I was a long way to the bathroom, with all the people around, my only choice was to do a little detecting in the water. The water wasn't real cold...but when it got up to willy, he didn't think much of it! After a quick check of the water, the north wind had more of a bite too! Pat met me up the beach, the first thing she said was... "What are you doing wet?". I told her I had to "go" and walked off in the water... with a big laugh she said, "You peed in your pants!!"... I've never smacked her in 43 years of marriage... that morning was [u]almost a first![/u] To solve this problem... I now wear an external catheter at the beach on cold days of metal detecting and have a choice to go in the water, or not. Race car drivers, pilots, and others use them when a bathroom is not an option. Many use a bag to hold the urine. I just run the tubing down my leg next to my foot... and can now pee in plain site. [img]http://photos.imageevent.com/number9/photos/relief.jpg[/img] [img]http://photos.imageevent.com/number9/photos/WayneOBX.jpg[/img]
    1 point
  24. [quote name='TrickyNicky' timestamp='1352168040' post='839752'] I've had to deal with homeless dumping on the back wall of one of my businesses before. It puts you in a weird position, you know you need to catch them in the act if you want to try to do anything about it besides clean it with a hose,but you really I mean really don't want too. [/quote] Just so you know, homeless people hate a water pistol filled with a 90% solution of ammonia. Of this I am absolutely certain.
    1 point
  25. [quote name='QuietDan' timestamp='1352163120' post='839680'] Actually, salvaging your one misbegotten vote is not worth more than 100 posts. Take your biased wiki-facts and check the context. What was the job loss in Massachusetts prior to Romney? What was the job loss after Romney? You don't know. It's pertinent. You didn't check. That makes you ignorant in the original meaning of ignorant. What's more, you are willfully ignorant. You were presented with facts. You ignored them. You know what your own mind is, additional facts to the contrary. It seems that your desire to be right over-rides your desire to understand. Do your homework. Pay attention. Otherwise, stick with your view in spite of being presented with evidence to the contrary by people who lived through the time and were actually there. Stick with your view. Live with it. Choke on it. You have now demonstrated that YOU ARE NOT WORTH correcting. You are a child and will apparently remain a child. Throw your vote away. Stomp your little foot in your rightness. Once upon a time, in a different century, they used to say "Don't trust anyone over thirty." One day soon, you will be over thirty, and you'll actually find out how ignorant and narrow your thinking is, and you won't pay any attention to yourself because you'll be over thirty. I've been in the military for well over three decades, longer than you've been alive apparently, and overseas a significant portion of my life in a combat zone "defending the country." And then, with other folks like me, we come home, and we come across silly little punks that make us think -- WHY DID WE BOTHER? We'd like to continue to "save the country" to the extent that we can, and little know-nothing, smart-ass punks stand up on their hind legs and spout self-righteous nonsense and refuse to be corrected. Fine. Throw your vote away. Vote for Obama for all we care. When we all sink into a Socialist, Marxist, Communist Hell-hole of ignorance, brutality and depravity, deal with it. We who defended your right to be a complete moron will probably be dead, either of old age or at some cross-roads barricade, and you can go through all the sweat and heartbreak and fight your own damn battles and learn the hard way, if you learn at all. [/quote] Thank you for your service.
    1 point
  26. Haven't handled a lot of firearms but when I looked for mine I was particular to how it felt. I was leaning towards a Walther P99 but found a cheaper SW990L that was similar in feel. Fits my hand nicely and doesn't end up punishing me after 200 rounds.
    1 point
  27. Again, seeing how amped up this site gets about state's rights I do not understand why FEMA is the answer to everything.
    1 point
  28. [quote name='mcurrier' timestamp='1352153164' post='839559'] Stopping a ticking time bomb is better off than not, even if the other guy is a complete dud. We know what we will get with the one. At worst, it's just a matter of putting on the brakes for that. Difference is for our side, we don't consider our candidate to be the messiah. The other side does. So at least we are sober and can acknowledge that while everything might not turn to sunshine and lollypops, going the other way is going to mean eating a lot of turd sandwiches. [/quote] This is where I differ from many ... The ticking time bomb NEEDS to go off before anything of substance will happen. Until then (1-5-10 years) -- Everyone will continue to live in a false *utopia*
    1 point
  29. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1352159168' post='839627'] Chill out...you are taking this far too personally. [/quote]Not taking anything personal. I Just seems you want to laugh at the factual statistics that I posed instead of actual providing information to the contrary. Going back to your professors comment. Did you professors accept papers with no sources at all?
    1 point
  30. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1352148363' post='839498'] And just saying stuff is his (Romney's) fault could be labeled as nothing more than rationalization. [/quote] Why is it OK for everyone to blame the economy on O's failures but no one is allowed to blame the Massachusetts economy on Romney's failures? [quote].stats such as "lost 14% of its manufacturing jobs" is meaningless unless one is willing to look at all the relevant information and do actual analysis of data. Would they have lost 28% had Romney not be governor?[/quote] What did the Pope eat last night? [quote]Dose the governor of MA actually have any substantial control or measurable input into how many manufacturing jobs the state has or gains or loses? Were there trends happening nationally that were the driving forces behind that stats quoted?[/quote] He had an average that was double the national average. When romney ran for governor, he called himself a "CEO governor" and made promises that he would turn their economy around. He ran on the basis that he would have a huge impact on their economy and he failed. He's not allowed to say that a governor doesn't have an impact on economies now. [quote]Some of these questions may be unknowable but simply blaming Romney seems to a conclusion based more on convenience than evidence.[/quote] Kinda like blaming O for welfare phones and food stamps? [quote] Further, the other choice is anathema to the ideas of individual freedom and liberty. [/quote] Kinda like Mittens signing one of the largest (if not THE largest) and most sweeping piece of anti-gun legislation into law in history? Or creating Romneycare which is the same thing as 0care? Or the numerous religious opinion based policies and legislations that remove freedoms from everyone that doesn;t believe in the same bible?
    1 point
  31. I saw a polymer AR15 complete lower for $110 at the Nashville Gun Show this weekend. I sat down to fill out the paperwork while the guy was dealing with another customer. I filled out my paperwork and set it on the table along with my drivers license. I picked up the dealers business card and to my surprise I saw Kikrnu Firearms as the dealer name. I waited till the guy was done with his other customer and asked if his name was Leonard. He confirmed he was Leonard, so I took my application and my license and ripped it up as I was walking away. Just wanted to let people know he is at the show.
    1 point
  32. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352151820' post='839534'] You don't know how much I agree with your assessment. It may go that way with either person, but I would rather take my chances with someone is not trying to neuter the military and kill our health care system. I understand how you feel. [/quote]What I want to know is if you'll change you avatar if Oblamo loses? It creeps me out, dude!
    1 point
  33. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352150973' post='839524'] If what you hope for happens, it's likely we will be a banana republic in less than the term. What's this class warfare about? It may be likely that a Romney presidency won't fix things, but I would rather have him over another term of encroaching communism. Or, even worse:sharia rule. With Valerie Jarret doing her thing in Iran, I imagine worse things are on the horizon. [/quote] Don't get me wrong 6.8 AR, I've already voted for Romney. Its just, I'm of the opinion - Nothing will get done either way. I highly doubt we'll encroach communism (or worse - Sharia Law) -- However, with that said -- It brings about the end sooner rather than later ... The media has done an excellent job spinning/covering for OBummer, the last 4 years ... will they be able to continue to do it over the next 4? I doubt it .... Either way, I look at this election as a wash. The USofA will be no better off, whoever is elected, and my generation, and my children's generation, will pay dearly if the bottom doesn't fall out beforehand.
    1 point
  34. Excellent Video .... Ending it with Ronald Reagan gave me chills
    1 point
  35. [quote name='OhShoot' timestamp='1352144576' post='839468'] The US Constitution agrees. That's why it only stipulated that people voted for their area representative. Not senators or even president. The American Idol method of choosing the president has become an abomination. We'd do well with going back to what the constitution intended, which was to become more involved with politics by holding local reps' feet to the fire about everything in Washington. Including choosing the prez. - OS [/quote] That document, and its intent are hard to beat.
    1 point
  36. [quote name='S&WForty' timestamp='1352143012' post='839455'] We could at least count the number of times each phone went to the polls to vote!!! [/quote]I was thinking a better name would be "riot stoppers" because you monitor the info being transmitted and viola, riot stopped.
    1 point
  37. [quote name='OhShoot' timestamp='1352061624' post='839011'] That's MrGrumpy, [i]Sir[/i], to you. Believe me, I'm hoping to eat massive amounts of crow. Raw. - OS [/quote] I hope there's a lot of folks eating crow and I hope Chik-Filet will be serving it.
    1 point
  38. You beat me to it, I just copied the link and was about to paste it. I like seeing that the top brass in the military are supporting Obama's defeat which is more of their motivation than supporting Romney I believe. I don't know how this will sound but i'm saying it for my patriotism of America, the America the way it's supposed to be, the America that follows and believes in the constitution, a democratic free, ANTI-SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST America. If Obama wins re-election it's good to know he doesn't have support of the military, this weakens him somewhat and if the country re-elects a staunch socialist I hope he is weak, I want him to be a weak President that can't get anything he wants in Congress and has to worry about a military that hates him. Even if the country has to suffer a little it's better in the long run if we can save our constitution. The medicine may be rough but it's better than death.
    1 point
  39. The argument can be made that he threatened to shoot me, and I believed him.
    1 point
  40. [quote name='Slpeod' timestamp='1352082363' post='839214'] It's cheaper at this point to give them an EBT card than to incarcerate them. [/quote] Food Stamp Budget / Cost in 2011 for United States - $71.8 Billion Dollars http://demonocracy.info/infographics/usa/food_stamps/food_stamp_nation-SNAP.html http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390443847404577631580385950886.html
    1 point
  41. [quote name='Slpeod' timestamp='1352082363' post='839214'] It's cheaper at this point to give them an EBT card than to incarcerate them. [/quote] Even cheaper to .... no, never mind...
    1 point
  42. Well, I'm not going to berate anyone for who they vote for, at least him / her cared enough to go out and exercise their Constitutional right to elect our government. I won't even talk about politics or our problems with people to lazy to exercise their right to vote. But I will state this undisputed fact, either a Republican or Democrat will win the Presidency and most state seats, period, end of story! A protest vote is a vote that doesn't go to a "lesser of two evils". It's simple math. I would love to vote for a candidate better than Mitt Romney, but the numbers are just not there. I personally don't want to endure another four years of Obama, but what other logical choice is there is you don't want to waste your protest vote? The politicians and news media are always going to "spin" the election results to favor their views, not the protest. At any rate, we're still stuck with the results of the election and have to endure the consequences. Remember... We're not a Democracy, we're a Constitutional Republic, and there's a world of difference. Regardless of your political beliefs, at least go out and vote and be heard while we still can. I would implore you to use logic and math before you submit a protest vote. When there is only two viable candidates to assume power over this nation, is it not best to elect the candidate that will lead us down the path of destruction at a slower rate? Just my logic guys...
    1 point
  43. There were deer all over the place saturday, took home 2 nice does. 1 at 30 yards and the other a left handed shot at 20 yards. The deer at 30 yards was a deer I missed tuesday with my bow, cut a chunk of hair off of her belly with an arrow, but she wasn't so lucky yesterday. I did find something out, they must have started making semiauto muzzle loaders, that or someone in the woods can reload in just under 2 seconds
    1 point
  44. [quote name='The Dude' timestamp='1352044524' post='838858'] Like they did during Katrina? I dont think they were under martial law either, but guns still got taken, and idiots still gave them up, and people still got taken to makeshift camps all while looting continued. There were even reports of police getting in on the action. How did they help again? [/quote] Yes, we all know guns were illegally seized during Katrina. Many states passed laws to make sure that it wouldn’t happen again or at least if it did the people doing it would be in violation of criminal law. Are guns being seized in New Jersey? While everyone else was running away from that storm a group of young men and women ran towards it to help. They tried to help save lives, stop looting, and protect the possessions of those that had to leave. They have my respect, and they should have yours unless they give a reason otherwise. Thank God for people like them and shame on the people that whine about them helping out. [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/TourGlide/Web%20Stuff/patriot.gif[/img]
    1 point
  45. [quote name='K191145' timestamp='1351996012' post='838631'] I searched Bing for a photo-shopped picture I saw a while back of a Gansta Glock with the sights on the side of the slide, I couldn't find it but it was funny as hell. [/quote] [img]http://thefiringline.com/library/gfx/homeboy.jpg[/img] [url="http://thefiringline.com/library/gfx/homeboy.jpg"]http://thefiringline.com/library/gfx/homeboy.jpg[/url] Dolomite
    1 point
  46. We can't give O the chance at appointing any more judges to the Supreme Court. 2A will be doomed!
    1 point
  47. The best protest vote against O would be casting a vote for the only man with the chance to beat O and that is Romney.
    1 point
  48. This won't play well either, but people should have learned by now if you build on the sea shore or below sea level, you will get washed away.
    1 point
  49. I'll be surprised if this show last much longer. I couldn't hack it. First of all, how are they so well dressed and manicured?
    1 point
  50. Save everyone the trouble and just search. This topic has been beat as bad as AR vs AK and 9mm vs 45 Sent from my SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
    1 point
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