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[quote name='personDJ' timestamp='1351999551' post='838691'] I can't believe how many think discpline is hitting or spanking. My god I can teach a dog how to behave without hitting and children are much smarter. If your child tears pages from a book then that child is not ready for a book, just take it away until you can teach the child how to handle a book. When a child acts up find out why and change that. Don't change the child by hitting. When it gets to the point that you must hit a child to make them act as you want then maybe it is the spanker that needs some learning [/quote]I think it has become obvious as this point that you don't have children. I am going to politely request that you STFU. Maybe when you can pull your head out of you rectum, you will realize that the world operates on different frequencies for many different reasons. I am sorry that you feel the need to attempt to belittle or insinuate that we are all poor parents because you don't understand where we come from. Maybe you can find it in yourself to go and volunteer at some shelters for children without parents, or for those who have been taken away from their parents. Maybe then you will be able to understand the difference between discipline and abuse. Maybe go to a prison and perform a study and see how many there were raised without rules, with parents who weren't there, or those that were and they tried to 'reason' with their child as they grew. But frankly, until you live a week in a parent shoes, I want you to keep your ignorant tree hugging liberal opinions to yourself. Or at the very least not use me as an example when you get on your flawed and jaded soapbox.5 points
[quote name='gun sane' timestamp='1352006037' post='838732'] I firmly believe that God loves righteousness and hates evil, therefore I pray that He will reward the man with the character most like His to be given the office for the next four years. [/quote] So, the office will be empty for the forseeable future?4 points
[quote name='Jesse' timestamp='1352068556' post='839071']I still stick with spanking is just being lazy [i][b]no matter what anyone says[/b][/i]. [/quote] OK, we won't confuse you with any facts.3 points
[quote name='zort' timestamp='1351985598' post='838524'] sorry to disagree with u all but i really dont think just anyone should carry. convicted felons, minors and people that dont know anything about guns shouldnt carry. id prefer to pass the parking lot bill and let permit holders have more rights to protect themselves and others. i like the stand your ground laws but just would feel uncomfortable with just anyone walking around with guns.[/quote] I understand your sentiments but I have to disagree. I started hunting with a firearm when I was about 9 or 10...started shooting before that...I didn't carry a weapon on me 24/7 nor do I think I should have - I agree that a minor shouldn't be carrying arms unless they have adult supervision (just like minors can't and shouldn't do a whole lot of things like enter into a contract, or vote, etc.) until they are no longer minors. As to people who "don't know anything about guns"....no one knows anything about guns until they decide to learn about them and that includes the most highly respected, most widely know "experts" alive today. As a practical matter, how are you going to decide who qualifies? A test? And if so, shouldn't we also require a minimum score on an IQ test for voting or proof of common sense before allowing people to breathe the air? Maybe everyone should be required to have a psychological evaluation before buying a gun or being allowed to have sex or being allowed to travel from state to state??? Frankly, I think criminals who have committed a violent crime should never be out of jail. Thus, their ability to go armed is moot. Other "felons" who's crimes were not violent and who have served their sentence should, I think, have all their rights restored, including the right to vote and to own arms. In other words, the problem with felons owning guns is not that felons own guns...the problem is a weak and ineffective system of punishment that allows career criminals back onto the street time after time after time who steel the guns of law-abiding people and/or buy them on the black market and then go out and commit more crimes (starting the revolving-door cycle all over again). Just a seat of the pants guess but I suspect that most crime would cease almost immediately if we kept the criminally minded locked up for most or all of their lives. I see no common sense in having restriction on some God given rights while having none on others. more importantly, the rights we talk about and claim are ours don't come from some government or government bureaucrat...they are the rights of all free men; given to us by our creator (or if a person doesn't believe in a creator, simply because they are men). Therefore, these rights should NEVER be infringed except under rare circumstances and only then after due process - the government, in the form of the judicial system and with the consent of the governed can take away any right, even the right to life but it should never be done lightly or unfairly. Bottom line is, and what has taken me a LONG time to learn, is that there is a price to be paid to have true freedom and individual freedom and we either know that and accept it or we don't. If we don't know it or know it but chose to not accept it then we inevitably move toward tyranny and oppression and the suppression of the individual for the sake of the collective. If we truly want to be free and have the greatest amount of personal liberty then we must accept the truth that stupid and/or unintelligent and uneducated people will vote, mentally deranged people will procreate, inept/uncoordinated/mentally handicapped people will drive a vehicle and cause accidents or even kill innocent people and some people who "shouldn't have a gun or who know nothing about guns" will buy one or steel one and do something terrible with it. We have to trust that MOST people will do the RIGHT thing if we want to live in a free society. If we cannot trust people to do that then the ONLY sensible alternative is a totalitarian government that controls everything we do and think and say.3 points
[quote name='jcj' timestamp='1352076228' post='839144'] Hey Greg, you gonna be making those for other firearms? I might want one for a 1911. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2 [/quote] Yup! Right now they are buy one, get one free.2 points
Of course I’m going to watch it; those guys are heroes. I’ve had it set on the DVR of a few days now. If it’s a plug for Obama then I’ll be back to gripe and moan with everyone else. But I need to make that determination myself. There isn’t anything they could on TV that is going to change how I vote Tuesday. Come on guys…It’s a show about Seal Team Six…. Who would want to miss that? NatGeo… Politics?? No way...This is history.2 points
[quote name='strickj' timestamp='1352049817' post='838915'] This guy isn't voting. I refuse to vote for a gun grabbing, pussy legislating ex-governor that left his state in economic ruins. And I see no reason to waste my time voting for O (or 3rd party) in this state with this winner take all EC system. [/quote] You are certainly entitled to your own opinions regarding voting, but you are not entitled to your own facts. I was in Massachusetts while Governor Romney was the sitting Governor of Massachusetts. He lowered the unemployment rate and he balanced the state budget, all the while working with a leftist Massachusetts Legislature that was 85% democrat. It's amazing that he got anything done at all. Regarding the gun legislation, Massachusetts got what Massachusetts wanted. I suppose he could have vetoed it, but the legislature always had the power to over-ride his veto. It's absolutely fine that you are not voting for President Romney . . . because you dislike his looks, or that he wears a tie, or he's been successful enough to be wealthy, or because you think he has too many kids and grandkids. But it's not accurate to call him a bad or failed governor. He was a very successful Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in spite of all the odds.2 points
[quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1352047377' post='838891'] At least we won't have to do much killin', since others are even more prepared. I'm worried about Link though. Being in Memphis, he could easily be killed and eaten before he can reach for his Glock .[/quote] From what the Internet said about Memphis, you won't be able to tell that things have descended into anarchy.2 points
[img]http://legalinsurrection.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Bumper-Stickers-Gainesville-OMG.jpg[/img] [img]http://legalinsurrection.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Bumper-Sticker-Step-Away.jpg[/img]2 points
This has been a nail-biter of an election. Since I have already voted, it doesn't matter much what I think of one candidate or the other. I have now left the ultimate decision before God Almighty, Who gives authority and takes it away. I ask Him to weigh both candidates in the balance and judge their hearts. I firmly believe that God loves righteousness and hates evil, therefore I pray that He will reward the man with the character most like His to be given the office for the next four years. It's the best "not my will, but thine be done" kind of prayer I can muster. It also relieves me of a lot of anxiety, as I also believe that God will not forsake them that are His.2 points
It's funny how the people that complain about spanking seem to have the worst behaving children. Short term pain and discomfort is the learning tool of life. Experiencing discomfort teaches humans to not do that again. Experience leads to wisdom. My parents tried grounding me from things I liked. I just learned to do without and moved onto something else. When I was spanked I learned quickly not to do that again (or at least not get caught). Every human is different. We all respond differently to different things. Some kids need a stern look and some need a stern swat on the rear. To try and make this one size fits all crap and "OMG you're ruining your kids chi" because you spank him is horsecrap. To this day, I learn a good portion of lives' lessons from pain. Children are no exception.2 points
This story is just the beginning. If the truth hurts, bury it under bullsh!t. There will be a dozen conflicting stories and excuses, all designed to obfuscate the facts. There was an AC-130 Spectre and a drone overhead. There were combat air forces an hour out. There was a CIA station in town. There was ample prior warning, and several requests for security from the Benghazi mission. Obama was notified at the beginning of the attack, and he went to bed - needed to be well rested for the Vegas fundraiser the next morning. Doherty and Woods held out for what, 8 hours? More than enough time for an effective response. I'm betting the only confusion was caused by intermediate level commanders ordering rescues and then getting slapped down by NCA.2 points
I like to keep mine stored in very small amounts inside small brass cylinders of various diameters.1 point
Go T-Dog! That was a classy move from the guy. Really wish we had seen him do more in the show.1 point
[quote name='Slpeod' timestamp='1352082363' post='839214'] It's cheaper at this point to give them an EBT card than to incarcerate them. [/quote] Even cheaper to .... no, never mind...1 point
[quote name='Jesse' timestamp='1352068556' post='839071']Once you start off spanking youll prob stick with it much like people who smoke. You cant spank then do timeouts and expect them to work. I still stick with spanking is just being lazy no matter what anyone says. [/quote] To the first part, that isn't true. Want proof? I'm here. My son has only been spanked a few times. A LOT of criteria must be met before it gets to that level. Timeouts work great still. There are so many things we do to not only discipline him, but get him to make the choice to do right on his own by preemptively addressing issues that may come up, so that when they do he will do the right thing. This isn't done with spankings or threats of spankings. So presumptuous and close minded of you to adopt a belief structure without considering the possibility that intelligent people have thought this through. To the second part, I'll just stick to the belief that you're just a lazy thinker, and incredibly ignorant.1 point
[quote name='personDJ' timestamp='1352073686' post='839116'] You know so little. I can say what I want you also can. there is no need for the nasty reply. I have children grown with their own children and they don't spank or hit their kids as I did not. I fell hitting or spanking a child is done by some because they haven't learned to get their way in any other manner. I know you won't like this but maybe I have a more inlighten brain. For you to berate me because I taught my children without hitting or spanking is really sad. I am just saying maybe you believe in spanking because you don't see another way.This is for anyone. To spank just because you were spanked doesn't mean it is just. By the way I never said anyone was a bad parent. I know plenty of folks that spank their children and I don't hold it against them so let's not hold it against me because I used other means. [/quote] We have an issue with you implying that those who spank their children are wrong while you are right. We are all different and how we raise our children is also different. Seems kind of self righteous to think that you are the only one doing the right thing. You are not right and you are not wrong. What you are is somehwere in the middle, just as the rest of us. [color=#0000FF]Spanking is not abuse, abuse is abuse[/color]. (I promise I did not copy this from you Fist. I had it typed out before you posted). I will not negotiate with a 3 year old to get them to do what I want them to. I will not bribe them nor will I succumb to their wishes in order to make them happy. That only sets them up to feel like they are going to get what they want if they make enough noise or be bad enough. My job is to prepare my child for the real world and if you are not preparing your child for the same then you are failing your child. Dolomite1 point
Well, I'm not going to berate anyone for who they vote for, at least him / her cared enough to go out and exercise their Constitutional right to elect our government. I won't even talk about politics or our problems with people to lazy to exercise their right to vote. But I will state this undisputed fact, either a Republican or Democrat will win the Presidency and most state seats, period, end of story! A protest vote is a vote that doesn't go to a "lesser of two evils". It's simple math. I would love to vote for a candidate better than Mitt Romney, but the numbers are just not there. I personally don't want to endure another four years of Obama, but what other logical choice is there is you don't want to waste your protest vote? The politicians and news media are always going to "spin" the election results to favor their views, not the protest. At any rate, we're still stuck with the results of the election and have to endure the consequences. Remember... We're not a Democracy, we're a Constitutional Republic, and there's a world of difference. Regardless of your political beliefs, at least go out and vote and be heard while we still can. I would implore you to use logic and math before you submit a protest vote. When there is only two viable candidates to assume power over this nation, is it not best to elect the candidate that will lead us down the path of destruction at a slower rate? Just my logic guys...1 point
Dolomite, I am not smart enought to comment on most of your post except to agree that the smaller the standard deviation of a sample, all other factors being equal, the more accurate that load will be. when casting bullets, I weigh a random sample and compute the standard deviation of the sample. I then separate the bullets into groups by the amount of standard deviation. some folks use a one grain weight separation, but I have found that segregating the bullets into SD intervals insures uniformity and gives better accuracy in the rifles that most of us shoot, at the ranges that most of us shoot. By way of example, a couple of months ago, I cast several hundred bullets in a 200 gr. mold. The samples weighted from 194 grs to 204 grs in the sample. The standard deviation of the sample was 2.48 grs(rounded to 2.5). I then segregated the bullets into groups of 194 to 196.5 grs, 196.6 grs to 199 grs. and so on. This insured better accuracy that shooting the lightest bullet, 194 in the same shot group as the 204. Assuming that a little knowledge is dangerous, I do not pretend to be an actuary, but this method has imporved my accuracy in cast bullets.1 point
Once you start off spanking youll prob stick with it much like people who smoke. You cant spank then do timeouts and expect them to work. I still stick with spanking is just being lazy no matter what anyone says. We started timeouts and taking away toys with our kid since she was 6 months old. She is 6 now and is very resonable and kind, she knows right from wrong. She is pretty politicaly correct for her age. She is a calm kid compared to hyper 6 year olds like I was. We havent gotten on to her in weeks. She beside me now playing Angry Birds. You dont have to spank, but if its something the parents fill they must bring out of their bag of parenting skills, then so be it. Just remember kids do as they see and hear.1 point
1 point
I haven't had much luck with traps. I spread insecticide on my lawn to kill the grubs. You probably don't want to do this since you have a dog. What I've also done is watch the mole runs (morning and noon) with a shovel in hand and dig them up when I see them on the move, actually had the best luck doing this than using traps. Sometimes I will poke a stick in the tunnel and waited to see it move when the mole hits it. Or you can get your .22 out and pop them rather than conking with the shovel.1 point
[quote name='DaveS' timestamp='1351996800' post='838639'] I don't much give free passes (spotted deer excluded) until meat is in the freezer! Dave S [/quote] Dave I usually don't. Went out this morning seen several deer, does and a few of my smaller bucks. Had 2 coyotes come in and everything left but this small 7 pointer stayed to long. I dropped him trotting off at around 100 yards. I decided I needed some meat in the freezer. I have 2 buck tags left so I will patiently wait for those big bucks I have on my trail cams. This 7 pointer was on my trail cam guess I can cross him off now. [IMG]http://i525.photobucket.com/albums/cc340/bean962/photobucket-1049-1352060915218.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i525.photobucket.com/albums/cc340/bean962/photobucket-20294-1352060782549.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i525.photobucket.com/albums/cc340/bean962/photobucket-9668-1352060824142.jpg[/IMG]1 point
I think Romney/Ryan are going to win and win big. I don't believe the polls. People are sick of this clown with his hype and blame. People are sick of this economy and too many are unemployed, hungry and disgusted. They took that frustration out against him during the 2010 election and it will happen again. BHO has made too many mistakes and has too many broken promises that real Americans with even a slight clue of what's going on will vote to keep him from continuing them. The constant lying, the excessive waste, his forcing obamacare down our throats, home values have lost 30-50% of their former values, the scandals (green energy bankruptcies, the massive debt., F&S and above all Libya). Everything this president does is against traditional american principles and values, same goes with most of his administration. He does not see the USA as a land of opportunity and wants to transform it into a socialist country. People are not blind to this. Plus, his VP is an idiot. Something we are also not seeing is the massive crowds BHO turned out in 2008, instead Romney is bringing in those crowds. We've even seen some of the MSM turn against him and several newspapers are not endorsing him this time. We also don't see the hope and unity BHO displayed (lied about) in 2008 during this campaign, just blame and slander. The HOPE is gone. I'm very optimistic and before MrGrumpy dissects my rant let me just say that I will ignore it, I'm remaining positive.1 point
Well, we all talk about sitting back on a rooftop wasting zombies to a preselected soundtrack. If they are good to their word, we'll get our wish. My only complaints will be all the cleaning I'll have to do on my rifle and all that brass I'll have to pick up, tumble, process and reload. Dangit! I just got caught up on my reloading!!!1 point
[quote name='DaveTN' timestamp='1352037941' post='838800'] I don’t think anyone here is saying that “spanking†is necessarily abuse. That’s a call for the cops to make when they arrive. [/quote] Read closer, Person DJ and Jesse are both claiming with a blanket statement that anyone that spanks a child is hitting them. No differentiation between discipline and abuse. If you hit, you hit, and you are a bad bad person.1 point
[quote name='QuietDan' timestamp='1352045126' post='838868'] You forgot your "sarcasm" flag for the slow among us. [/quote] 'cause it was totally out of character for TMF1 point
[quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1352042309' post='838837']The National Guards ALWAYS shows up. It's common for them to lock down areas like barrier islands because that's where most of the real destruction happens. They locked down Perdido Key after Ivan. It's a GOOD thing.[/quote] No, clearly this is a case of the government attempting to strip rights away from people. That's what they do... wring their hands in dark smokey rooms, waiting for a natural disaster to happen so they can swoop in and do evil deeds.1 point
I don’t think anyone here is saying that “spanking†is necessarily abuse. That’s a call for the cops to make when they arrive. I was one of the cops that had to make that call. I never arrested anyone for spanking their child. But I did arrest a few for domestic violence when I saw bruises or welts from a belt on a child’s back or butt. Hit your kid with something other than an open hand if you want to, but know that if another family member or a school teacher calls the cops; the chances are pretty good you are going to jail. All of those I arrested were appalled at the idea that anyone would call them a bad parent. I generally told then to get over it and start making arrangements for bail; you don’t want to go into jail as a child abuser. I am a parent and a Grandparent. Two kids, because I was beat as a child I never laid a hand on either of them; they turned out great. They don’t beat their kids either.1 point
There is a difference between spanking and abuse, a BIG difference. The idea of trying to reason with a young child is idiotic. Try reasoning with a two, three or four year old. Most don't have the language skills at that age to understand what you are even trying to say, much less understand your reasoning as an adult. They have ZERO attention span so by the time you finish one sentence they have forgetten the previous one. And because of that short attention span they need something just as short to deal with their negative actions. A quick swat on the butt, that likely won't even hurt but will startle them, along with a stern voice is what it takes to break their attention span. Some kids only need a spanking or two to correlate the tone of your voice to something bad. Heck some kids only need a quick "bark" at them to startle them into correction. Then after that all the child needs is the same tone of voice to stop them from doing what they are doing. Children need to be disciplined, some more than others. If you don't then you are making sure your child will likely fail miserably in life. It is our job as parents to ensure our children are ready for the brutal world we live in. And that takes discipline as well as letting your child fail as often as needed to motivate them. If you try to make it seem like life is all flowers and rainbows then they are more than likely going to be a failure. I get sick of hearing "there are no losers and we are all winners" because the reality is there are losers and there are winners. If you raise a child to believe he is always a winner he will be a failure some day and when that day happens reality will crush him or her. There is nothing wrong with spanking as long as it is applied with love. It is when the parents do not care for the child or become so upset that they loose the love for their child that it will become abuse. Dolomite1 point
im just astounded that with all tge excellent choices out there THAT is the one you chose Sent from my SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 21 point
[quote name='S&WForty' timestamp='1351990176' post='838566'] Crap. Does this mean I need to go to the range and practice shooting my pistols horizontally like a gangster? What color bandana am I supposed to wear? [/quote] Yellow/Gold with a Snake. Tie it on your left upper arm and it's a uniform under the Geneva Conventions.1 point
I don't know why it's illegal...hell, you can plant a food plot with "deer goodies from hell" and be legal. Drop one handful of corn on the ground..it's jail time! makes no sense to me!!! Dave S1 point
I'm not particularly worried about a bunch of twitterers rioting in East TN. That would be a short-lived and painful endeavor for any angst filled wanna-be gangsters.1 point
[quote name='S&WForty' timestamp='1351990176' post='838566'] Crap. Does this mean I need to go to the range and practice shooting my pistols horizontally like a gangster? What color bandana am I supposed to wear? [/quote] It all depends if you want to join the crips or bloods, I think crips wear blue bandana,s and bloods wear red bandana's. Wear a confederate flag bandana and you can shoot both crips and bloods.1 point
[quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1351960265' post='838366'] It's not true except to the extent that it could change a very tight race into a decisive victory for Obama in that state, which in turn would give the electoral votes for a wrong choice. I have no problem with protest votes, but would you want Obama in this case? [/quote] I heard on the news last night that Johnson could give Romney trouble in New Hampshire. That's 4 electoral votes that will go to Prez Zero if Romney doesn't overcome the gap.1 point
[quote name='CCI' timestamp='1351967516' post='838431']Probably needs special counseling or therapy![/quote] True. There will be a meeting behind the wood shed.1 point
[quote name='Jesse' timestamp='1351952145' post='838317'] Im curious to what you guys spank your kids for. Give some examples if you dont mind. Not trying to be mean. Just waana know what warrants your spankings. [/quote] Willful disobedience Intentionally destructive behavior Meanness/cruelty towards others Behavior that could get them seriously injured or killed1 point
[quote name='Jesse' timestamp='1351952145' post='838317'] Im curious to what you guys spank your kids for. Give some examples if you dont mind. Not trying to be mean. Just waana know what warrants your spankings. [/quote] My son was 6. He grabbed his penis in class and gestured to the teacher to blow him and told her to shove it. Not sure where he learned that from or who got him to do it, but the a** whooping was swift and effective. From that day forward, the reports we get from other people about is behavior is that he is the most polite, well mannered child they have met. Yes sir, no ma'ams all the time. Remember, NEVER judge your childs behavior with your own eyes. Always judge it with what others say about your child when you're not around. Most children act entirely different when they are not around their parents.1 point
[quote name='personDJ' timestamp='1351921541' post='838210']spanking is hiting. And most of you believe in it because you were hit or spanked. You are hitting someone who has a brain that is not yet developed fully and it doesn't until about age 20 or so.[/quote] You are purposefully ignorant and way off base.1 point
Shot ammo will NOT cycle semi auto's, regardless of caliber. If you must have multiple shots you need to use a revolver. Dolomite1 point
[quote name='Garufa' timestamp='1351905002' post='838073'] Why?[/quote] When someone has no experience in a certain thing, their advice/opinions usually arent listened to. Im sure as heck not gonna take parenting advice from somebody that doesnt have kids. Thatd be kinda silly right. Just my .02 on the matter1 point
[quote name='CCI' timestamp='1351903335' post='838050'] Why would any one spank or hit a two year old child? Two years old!!! I shocked at the responses I'm reading, that's it's OK to spank a child of that age! That is abuse, cut and dried! [/quote] Haha, half the time they're in a diaper and a swat on the hind end gets their attention pretty quickly and doesn't hurt them. Especially since their verbal skills and reasoning aren't quite there yet. At 2 it's about focus. Instant correction or afirmation is needed at 2, not discussion. BTW - spanking is NOT hitting.1 point
If you dont have kids then i dont think your opinion is valid in this thread. I was spanked as a kid, my parents never beat me, but id get my backporch painted red if i did something bad enough that called for it. I love both my parents and would do absolutely anything i could for them if they ever needed me to. I dont hold an ounce of hate or despise for either of them for spanking me. It sure did make me think twice about doing the same thing again. Some people are sounding awfully liberal in this thread lol.1 point
I think Ron Paul will squeak out a win with a last minute write in campaign.1 point
[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRWqwnx0xuU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRWqwnx0xuU[/url] Don't forget the Christopher Stevens didn't die at some unknown point during the attack. He died of smoke inhalation on the way to the hospital after he was pulled out of the rubble by Libyans. Any competent response could have made a difference. The people in this video aren't people "protesting" and celebrating his death. These are friends...Libyans, who are rejoicing when they find him alive. Their comments, roughly - "Allahu akbar he's alive" "He's alive!" "Move out of the way!" "Make way for him!" "He's alive, take him to my car." The biggest problem is that this detracts from what the administration wants us to believe, namely that the "War on Terror" is over. That this president ended this wars. That the Ft. Hood massacre was an act of "workplace violence" not terrorism. I get it that we have a population that wants to be done with this. None of us want to be at war. But, hopes and dreams don't bring change by themselves. Hard work does. There is one side that is clearly still committed to this fight. Refusing to recognize that will only come back to haunt us later. And, it fails to respect the 2,977 Americans who gave their lives on September 11, the 6,600+ American soldiers who have given their lives thus far, and the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan citizens on whom this has had a major impact.1 point
I guess I do have a problem.....but I like it! I consider it being a custodian of history for future generations.1 point
Far as I'm concerned, you can never, ever have too many guns! Ahahaha! I'd rather have a thousand guns than a thousand ounces of gold. ...No, maybe not, I could buy ten-thousand guns with a thousand ounces of gold... with room for ammo! Hmmmm. Really, though... as long as you have time to use them and care for them, you can have as many guns as you want. If I walked into a guy's house and he had fifty rifles and shotguns in beautiful wood gun racks, I wouldn't scoff, I'd probably drop to my knees, which would be soon joined by my jaw.1 point
Easy. If you have to add on to your house, you're hoarding.1 point
My take, an accident waiting to happen. Looks great on paper, in the pants...whole different ballgame.1 point
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