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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/2012 in all areas

  1. Today I was promoted to Sergeant Major in the Army. My wife was the one to pin/patch me. If it wasn't for her and all the Soldiers that have worked with me current and in the past I would have never made it. I'm sitting in my office with a huge smile on my face. Don't worry I know the Commander will come wipe it off my face in a minute. LOL
    4 points
  2. Christie is looking after his state. That's what the people elected him to do. Anything else is bs.
    3 points
  3. [quote name='TrickyNicky' timestamp='1351902491' post='838043'] WTF was that? I'm confused, are you alright? [/quote] No he's dead. Proves the "inter" part of internet extends very far indeed - OS
    3 points
  4. I am amazed with some of the responses here. I know it is naive to hope that gun owners want to raise the next generation to be responsible, yet I see many responses that state how they prefer to sit and reason with a child that has not sense of reason or logic at that age. I have to ask, do you folks even have children? If you do, are you raising them, or do you drop them off at the baby sitter, grandparents, daycare all day? To the OP, if it were me, I would keep my nose out of it. I would find a way to support myself, and my girlfriend, I would move out of my grandparent's house and then avoid contact with my white trash family. If that sounds harsh to anyone, let me explain a few things... I am the oldest of six. I was beaten on a daily basis until I was 17 and I finally swung back. I have been on my own since that day. I have slept in gutters. I am currently a parent of a well behaved child that scores well on tests, socializes well and is considered a model student. I have cut all ties with my family. I have three sisters. None of them have custody their children. One is a drunk, one is a meth head and the other eats pills like M&Ms. I have two brothers. Neither of them have custody of their children. One is a homeless drug addict and the other one slings a hammer long enough to get money for his next high. I am the only sibling of the six to have a healthy home. I couldn't do that if I spent all my time worrying about how they live their lives. I have a good job. In this economy, it might even be considered a great job. I have a good wife. And as I mentioned I have a great daughter. And believe it or not, when she misbehaves, she gets spanked. Or as we call it in our home, 'Whupped.' I understand that might be a foreign concept to some folks here, but I have a feeling that there are more than a few like minded folks here. After all, this site isn't about growing alfalfa sprouts and driving a Prius, nor is it about how best to get a government check while watching Springer all day.
    3 points
  5. [quote name='personDJ' timestamp='1351876007' post='837827'] I fell sorry for folks that think they are doing good by employing violence. What do you think you are teaching by hitting another human. Never hit children. Never hit anyone unless it's for self defence. [/quote] There is a strong difference between disciplining your child and "employing violence". And yeah yeah... violence has never solved anything. Except slavery, fascism, Nazism, Communism...
    3 points
  6. I think he may have broken something... May want to get that checked out.
    3 points
  7. [quote name='Erik88' timestamp='1351908060' post='838099'] Mav, hate to say it but Americans were stupid enough to elect him once I have no doubts they will do it again.[/quote] We have the Bush administration to thank for that. They could have pulled Hitler from the grave, stamped "Democrat" on his forehead, and he would have beat any Republican candidate. There was no wa in hell this country was going to vote for a Republican after the **** Bush got us into.
    2 points
  8. You're going to hate this post when that buzz wears off.
    2 points
  9. I have zero sympathy for them. Call me cold I guess
    2 points
  10. Someone please remind why I am supposed to give a crap? Let them act that way, and leave them to their own devices.
    2 points
  11. Unless there's more to it than you've posted, I'd suggest you keep quiet and let her be a good parent. Discipline is a part of that.
    2 points
  12. "You don't want to go there," Thompson implored. "This will end badly. I can break a tooth with this .380"
    2 points
  13. In terms of coloration, which whitetails are the rarest of all? Most hunters would claim that distinction belongs to albinos, which lack any pigment in their skin or hair. But as unusual as it is to see a whitetail that’s far too light in color, it’s even less common to see one that’s far too dark. On the continent as a whole, “melanistic” or “melanic” deer – so named because their bodies produce far too much of the hair, skin and retina pigment known as melanin – are definitely the rarest of the rare. While millions of whitetails have been harvested across the continent in modern times, only a token number of cases of melanism have been [u]documented[/u]. In fact, it’s safe to say that most whitetail hunters have never even heard of melanistic deer, much less seen one. For that matter, only a few research biologists ever have observed one in the flesh. Among those who have are Dr. John T. Baccus and John C. Posey of Southwest Texas State University in San Marcos. Their school’s location between San Antonio and Austin gives them handy access to melanistic whitetails for research, for as it turns out, most of the world’s supply of these animals lives within an hour’s drive of the campus. The eastern edge of Texas’ Edwards Plateau region and adjacent areas of the Blackland Prairie region are the epicenter of the world’s population of melanistic whitetails, for reasons not well understood even by the two researchers. In going over the scientific literature, Baccus and Posey have been unable to find any record of melanistic deer being documented anywhere prior to 1929. [img]http://www.realtree.com/img/2/medium/melanistic_Michigan.jpg[/img] Melanism has been shown to occur in a variety of animals, including mammals such as squirrels, many felines and canids, and coral snakes.
    1 point
  14. [quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1351911764' post='838146'] Of course he's dead. That was the whole point of the story. I'm gonna miss him too. I hope he left that 1911 to me [/quote] It's like Bruce Willis in "The Sixth Sense". The wife is inside the house grieving and he's outside jacking around and talking to himself. I like this thread.
    1 point
  15. [quote name='Dennis1209' timestamp='1351901206' post='838029'] [font=MS Reference Sans Serif][size=3][color=#000000]It was a beautiful fall day the beginning of November 2012! It was 2:30 P.M. and the temperature was 64 degrees, with clear blue skies and a light breeze. Not a care in the world, just enjoying the day with my family and life in general this weekend.[/color][/size][/font] [font=MS Reference Sans Serif][size=3][color=#000000]My wife suggests I get the BBQ grill out and do some chicken for dinner while she prepares some potato salad and baked beans. Hey, that sounds great to me I’m getting hungry. But first she asks me to get the mail from the mail box, as she seen the mailman stop at the mail box 200 yards down the gravel driveway a few minutes ago. [/color][/size][/font] [size=4][font=MS Reference Sans Serif][color=#000000]Living in the country is great but, walking 400 yards or so round trip to the mailbox and transporting the garbage to the can on the road for pick up can be a pain, however… Our son is in the Army serving in Afghanistan and we are anxious to see if we received a letter from him. [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=MS Reference Sans Serif][color=#000000]As I finished dumping the charcoal into the grill and stacking it before I lit it, I went inside to wash the coal dust off my hands so I didn’t transfer the black grime onto the mail to complete my marching orders. [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=MS Reference Sans Serif][color=#000000]It’s time now to interject my personal habits. When out and about in public places, I’m always armed, be it my Kimber 1911, .45, a Glock 26 or my Ruger Sp101 .357. In my dwelling I’m prepared to protect my wife and myself. I faithfully use my ADT alarm system and always have a firearm with in close reach. Now that the kids have flown the coop, I need not worry about firearm security, just strategic placement of my weapons. I take my personal protection and that of my families very seriously. [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=MS Reference Sans Serif][color=#000000]With clean hands and the BBQ pit ready to be doused with lighter fluid when I return from getting the mail, off I go on my 400-yard trek. [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=MS Reference Sans Serif][color=#000000]About half way down the gravel driveway just to the left of the driveway I have a ¼ acre pond stocked with bass, bluegill and catfish. I keep a five-gallon pickle bucket filled with catfish food I feed them about every 2-3 days. So, I decided to stop and throw a few handfuls of catfish food into the pond. [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=MS Reference Sans Serif][color=#000000]After feeding the fish I continue on to get my wife’s primary request accomplished and head again toward the mail box another 100 yards or so ahead.[/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=MS Reference Sans Serif][color=#000000]As I get to within about 25 yards of my mailbox on the country road, I hear a loud exhaust that sounds like it’s heading towards me on the road. [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=MS Reference Sans Serif][color=#000000]As I approach the mailbox I finally see the vehicle making all that noise as it is approaching me by the country road mailbox. I’m 200 yards away from my house and the wife is in the kitchen making the side dishes. My closest neighbor is ¼ mile away. [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=MS Reference Sans Serif][color=#000000]This old beat up blue and white car with a cracked windshield and loud muffler comes up and stops near me. I can see there are two occupants in the vehicle, both are disheveled looking and I’m very uneasy.[/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=MS Reference Sans Serif][color=#000000]As their car starts to creep toward me on the road and gets close to the mailbox, and me the driver shouts out something I could not quite make out. [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=MS Reference Sans Serif][color=#000000]At this point in my mind I’m thinking, “with all the guns you have, here you are whistling Dixie”. As an old man with bad knees, rapid flight out of harms way is out of the question should the need arise. [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=MS Reference Sans Serif][color=#000000]The car finally creaks to a stop next to me close to my mailbox. I get a good look at the two occupants. I’m not one to profile but, my heart started to race and I was thinking of my options. I could see the driver’s eyes, they were dark and dead like a sharks. Every fiber of my being was shouting these are two people to avoid at all costs. [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=MS Reference Sans Serif][color=#000000]They finally spoke and said, “ do you know such and such where they live”? I replied, no I don’t. They asked, “do you know how to get to…” No I don’t. I then realized for sure they were phishing for a victim. [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=MS Reference Sans Serif][color=#000000]The passenger was now opening and getting out of the passenger door. The driver was asking me if I could spare any money because they were just about out of gas. [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=MS Reference Sans Serif][color=#000000]With heart pounding out of my chest I’m thinking, I’m in big trouble, what should I do? [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=MS Reference Sans Serif][color=#000000]Just being around my house and not intending to go anywhere that day, I had my wallet on my dresser, not thinking I would ever need it, much less a firearm! [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=MS Reference Sans Serif][color=#000000]Then it happened! The passenger was out of that piece of crap car with gun in hand, the driver exited in a flash with his own gun. I can’t tell you how slow motion is when your life is threatened![/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=MS Reference Sans Serif][color=#000000]The few words I remember is, “give me your F***** Money now A******” And repeated a half dozen times. [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=MS Reference Sans Serif][color=#000000]Me being me and between being scared crapless and now at the point I’ll either need to beg for my life or stand up to them, I chose the later, bad decision. [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=MS Reference Sans Serif][color=#000000]Either one or both could have made pulpwood out of me with just a few punches, but they chose not to. [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=MS Reference Sans Serif][color=#000000]There is a bright light and tunnel vision come to find out as I was feeling a very hot burning sensation in my chest and in my head. I don’t think it was raining, but I was getting very wet and cold. [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=MS Reference Sans Serif][color=#000000]The next thing I recall is floating, yes floating, over me? I’m looking at “me” lying there soaked in blood, just floating about with no control where I “float”? [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=MS Reference Sans Serif][color=#000000]I’m thinking, I’m in no pain and why am I laying down there on the ground covered in red? [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=MS Reference Sans Serif][color=#000000]As I had another brief moment of awareness as they were going through my pockets, why didn’t I at least slip my SP101 in my waistband before I left the house? [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=MS Reference Sans Serif][color=#000000]I own self-protection tools, now my children have to divide them up? [/color][/font][/size] [font=Times New Roman][size=3][color=#000000]Think it can’t happen? Think it can’t happen to you? Think again.[/color][/size][/font] [/quote] [quote name='LINKS2K' timestamp='1351903406' post='838051'] You're going to hate this post when that buzz wears off. [/quote] Quoted for posterior. I mean, posterity. - OS
    1 point
  16. [quote name='CCI' timestamp='1351903335' post='838050'] Why would any one spank or hit a two year old child? Two years old!!! I shocked at the responses I'm reading, that's it's OK to spank a child of that age! That is abuse, cut and dried! [/quote] Haha, half the time they're in a diaper and a swat on the hind end gets their attention pretty quickly and doesn't hurt them. Especially since their verbal skills and reasoning aren't quite there yet. At 2 it's about focus. Instant correction or afirmation is needed at 2, not discussion. BTW - spanking is NOT hitting.
    1 point
  17. [quote name='TripleDigitRide' timestamp='1351903190' post='838049'] That we have better options next time around. [/quote] x2. But God forbid we vote for the 3rd party candidate. We get crucified on TGO.
    1 point
  18. [quote name='TripleDigitRide' timestamp='1351903190' post='838049'] That we have better options next time around. [/quote] I first voted in 1988. The choices have not gotten any better.
    1 point
  19. Philosophically this sounds great. However, in a real SHTF scenario, seems to me your gonna be "living off the land". Your prey will probably be carrying .223/556 and 9mm. It is what it is.
    1 point
  20. [quote name='personDJ' timestamp='1351899900' post='838017']You may come up with several reasons to hit children but the simple fact is children grow to be adults. when you hit children you are teaching an adult it is OK to hit others. Hitting children is against the law in this country as far as I know. If I am wrong then it should be.[/quote] Haha, okay.
    1 point
  21. [quote name='personDJ' timestamp='1351899900' post='838017'] You may come up with several reasons to hit children but the simple fact is children grow to be adults. when you hit children you are teaching an adult it is OK to hit others. Hitting children is against the law in this country as far as I know. If I am wrong then it should be. [/quote] Weird, I was spanked growing up, as was everyone else I knew - none of us hit people as adults. [i]"There'll be blood in the streets!"[/i]
    1 point
  22. .45-70 is like a freight train, the others are not.
    1 point
  23. I go back to my previous statement about firearms being a subjective item. [i]Should I buy a Glock 19[/i]?[i] [/i]has turned into another thread with suggestions for multiple other firearms.
    1 point
  24. [quote name='Jesse' timestamp='1351878794' post='837869']Me and my wife have always believed spanking is the lazy way out of parenting. Its a lot of work to teach a kid from right and wrong without hitting but once you do its drilled into their memory for life. Hitting teaches them its short term punishment. And could make them hit other kids out of anger also. I wouldnt want my child to ever have fear that i would hit them if they messed up. Im all for talking to them and figuring out why they did what they did. And timeouts also work great if you stick to it.[/quote] All kids are different. While I agree that spanking shouldn't be the "go to" it should certainly not be discounted altogether as "lazy". My wife has been against spanking long before we ever had children. She exhausted every means on our oldest until recently adding spanking to her kit bag. She is anything but a lazy parent. She has only spanked him a few times. Timeouts are working again because he knows that it can go to the next level. He will probably only be spanked a few more times in his childhood, but it won't be out of laziness. Making broad generalizations about parenting techniques is lazy philosophy.
    1 point
  25. Except that if you ask the Alabama utility companies, apparently this story is bogus. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-201_162-57544237/ala-utilities-our-crews-not-turned-away-from-n.j/ [i]Alabama power companies are denying a local TV station's report that linemen who had traveled to New Jersey from Alabama (a right to work state) to help restore power to those hit hard by Superstorm Sandy were told they could not work there because they were non-union.[/i] More details at the link.
    1 point
  26. This story is just the beginning. If the truth hurts, bury it under bullsh!t. There will be a dozen conflicting stories and excuses, all designed to obfuscate the facts. There was an AC-130 Spectre and a drone overhead. There were combat air forces an hour out. There was a CIA station in town. There was ample prior warning, and several requests for security from the Benghazi mission. Obama was notified at the beginning of the attack, and he went to bed - needed to be well rested for the Vegas fundraiser the next morning. Doherty and Woods held out for what, 8 hours? More than enough time for an effective response. I'm betting the only confusion was caused by intermediate level commanders ordering rescues and then getting slapped down by NCA.
    1 point
  27. Raising kids and disciplining is not an exact science. I've got four kids and my oldest daughter I can speak to sternly and she falls to pieces. My oldest son I can spank all day (metaphorically) before it gets through to him. Each instance is different and each kid is different. It ain't easy being a parent and discipline won't be perfect. Avoid responding in anger (easy said) and always have a moment of redemption afterwords. As I told my son I'd rather he hurt temporarily by my hands of guidance than permanently by a world who doesn't care. That being said each situation is different. Getting advice here on your situation is not something any of us here can give you clarity on. I can say to be very careful in both directions. DO NOT let the child be abused, however, when DCS gets involved it can often be worse. I've seen it both ways. Wisdom and good judgment are necessary - NOT emotions.
    1 point
  28. [quote name='xRUSTYx' timestamp='1351875626' post='837819'] Spanking it a touchy subject. I'm all for it, FOR THE RIGHT REASONS. The goal of the spanking is to teach discipline. Spanking every day = obviously your approach to discipline is wrong, and misguided. IMO - Spanking is the ultimate discipline and should be used as such. When it pains you as a parent to spank your child, that's discipline. If you start to feel anger/relief/enjoyment from spanking your child = borderline abuse. When a child is spanked in the heat of the moment, many times, it can turn abusive. I was taught to allow a good 45-60 minutes of timeout/stay in room/prepare for spanking, prior to the parent/guarding spanking. This not only allows the child to think about what they did and what is about to happen, it also allows the parent to calm down, talk with their child about what they did wrong, and issue discipline correctly with the correct mindset, instead of abusively and taking their rage/anger/resentment out on their child. [/quote] This. Intervening can get complicated real fast. Other than looking for bruises and such that MAY indicate abuse, I think it's best left to the professionals. Spanking should never be done in anger. The "cooling off" period mentioned above is important. I admit to not following it all the time myself. If you don't have kids, you simply don't understand how fast they can set you off. I don't mean that to sound condescending, that's just how it is.
    1 point
  29. A President will never be impeached for not using the military against civilians of another country. All the people of this country can do is not reelect him on Tuesday.
    1 point
  30. Contrary to liberal belief, spanking is not illegal. Only time its considered abuse is if the child has bruising or the spanking is elsewhere besides the butt. Now, I'm no lawyer but do have some personal experience with this subject. The law will and can be bent to accuse the parent of anything they want. Common sense should prevail. Just because the child is throwing a huge, loud, obnoxious tantrum when getting spanked does not mean the child is being abused. If the spanking results in bruising then it can be called abuse by the system BUT once again some children bruise very easily. I would mind your own business until there is hard, solid evidence of actual abuse. Once you involve the system, they will make it up as they go along and your relationship with your family is done, forever. The system is set up in the child abuse area so that you will fail, and you will be charged and they have NO I repeat NO oversight to determine if they are not being over zealous.
    1 point
  31. Not to mention the non union help would run circles around the union workers. They don't want to be shown up on their home turf... LOL Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
    1 point
  32. TWO Thumbs up on the Glock 19. Don't listen to the whiners. Get the Glock 19. It is a truly great side arm. It will shoot where you aim it and it will never fail you. "Waaaaa! The grip angle isn't right" "Waaaaaa! The trigger is weird!" "Waaaa! The sights are funny" "Waaaa! It's plastic!" "Waahaaahaaaa! It's not made in America!"
    1 point
  33. AR7 type rifle chambered in 7.62x39 that stores one mag in the stock
    1 point
  34. My G19 is my go to gun. I had a SR9C and I liked it. To rack the slide was difficult for others in my family. It had one of the stoutest springs I have ever seen so it had to go.
    1 point
  35. Guns? This is a GUN board? Crap, I thought it was a global warming forum....
    1 point
  36. Thanks Reef! Thanks for sharing that article. I hope your friend is doing well. My dad has had two resections; hopefully there will not be another. Just a little tid bid about surgery for Crohn's, it is a last resort type treatment. To my knowledge, bowel resections are only used to treat Crohn's when the disease causes a bowel obstruction. The surgery does not treat the disease, and in fact, it essentially always causes the spread of the disease to areas of the bowel that were not previously affected. The disease kind of forces your hand, but treating Crohn's with surgery is basically like trying to cut the corners off a square using straight lines. Hopefully, through raising awareness and continued research, there will eventually more definitive treatment options available. Thanks again, and best of luck to your friend.
    1 point
  37. If you are interested in pocket carry, Alabama Holster makes a nice looking one for $25. I saw Hickok 45 using one and think I may order one. http://www.alabamaholster.com/
    1 point
  38. If you are able to count them, you are still all right. Why does anyone know how many guns you have?
    1 point
  39. Easy. If you have to add on to your house, you're hoarding.
    1 point
  40. Initial thoughts on aftermath would be to call the police immediately, provide any assistance, protect the area (guns sometimes come up missing and shell casings can be disturbed), and seek assistance (family / legal). Once the police arrive (your gun is holstered) and after you've identified yourself, the perp and any witnesses, I understand that it's best to state that your life was in danger and that you intend to file charges. Since the investigating police officer will have much influence on the investigation outcome, it's also good to say that you will cooperate within 24 hours in the presence of your attorney. At that point, offer no further details since anything you say can be used against you. You should ask to be taken to a hospital. You could be sick (due to adrenaline rush) and this removes you from the gunfight scene and allows both family / attorney to communicate (and meet) with you prior to any further police interaction. Blood work is also advantageous since it provides a record that you're not impaired. I also understand that your handgun will be confiscated as evidence (although it will be returned after a lengthy period), and it's best to have a back-up primary gun that you can use while any investigation is on-going. This helps if the perp has any friends intent on retaliation. From a court perspective, there's others who can better comment (I'm no lawyer). Legally, it would all depend on the circumstances regarding court time and expenses. I think the best that you could hope for (other than being alive) is that you're not prosecuted criminally and any civil suit is dismissed early on. Bottom line, it's imperative that you act / communicate as a law abiding citizen who has survived a very serious ordeal. Mike
    1 point
  41. He can’t do anything with the military against this country, if he loses the election he couldn’t take over a day care center. But he can issue pardons,Executive orders, and start wars in other countries. When any forward thinking company has a person in leadership give notice they take their keys, give them a pat on the back, thank them for their service, and walk them out the door…. Right then. There’s a reason for that and it should apply to the President. When the election results are certified, the winner should be sworn in. It’s insane to leave a President in Officer for nearly three months, especially one that has been voted out. We have too much going on in the world to leave someone like that in charge.
    1 point
  42. Obama is a lot of things and most of them are worthy of criticism. But I just do not see him trying a military takeover of the country. I can see him pulling a "gore" with the election recounts or whining about a loss, because, like gore, he is the chosen one in his own mind and cannot even imagine losing. Honestly, though, I think obama has more class than gore. I think he will stand down and become another clinton --- always sticking his 2 cents in for the media. He may become a leader of liberals, or possibly the black community like sharpton etc, and keep a pot stirring with such a position. This being obama, I could see him starting a TV show.
    1 point
  43. Guys, I don't want to make this an advertisement, but there are a number of things to consider here. No offense to Mike, but I wouldn't just look to the best known criminal attorneys in town. In a self-defense case, you need an attorney who knows guns, gun training, and the right experts who can testify on your behalf. I know a LOT of really good defense attorneys who I would not use in a self-defense case. There are a number of ways to go about it, but I would suggest starting with one of the attorney advertisers on TGO. there is one in each division of Tennessee. There are also a few on here that are not advertisers, but are good attorneys who could handle a self-defense case. I think an initial call or email would allow you to ask what would be needed to "retain" that attorney. Each will have a different requirement for that. I am contemplating hosting a meeting where attendees could discuss self-defense law, aftermath issues, retaining attorneys, hiring experts, and similar issues. It would be held in Franklin, but would be a free event. I will post that in a different post to avoid hijacking this thread, though.
    1 point
  44. I was actually thinking of this, just didn't post it. Promise! Something like the M6 or the AR-7 would be awesome if it were a bit more functional than the AR-7. If I were buying it as a "survival rifle", I'd want it to be a bit more durable on the outside when it is in is "case". I'm thinking Magpul type polymer or something. Make it so you can run over it with a truck;) Seriously though, a .22 rifle that somehow stores in itself to become waterproof and float, while retaining accuracy and reliability, with the added ability to hold say, 200 .22lr rounds, would be AWESOME.
    1 point
  45. Reinventing the Springfield M6 with me in a ultralight, more useful form factor.
    1 point
  46. Miss Gray.. she is 18 years old...
    1 point
  47. I didn't really read a lot into the comic version of him (just was was on wiki). I am thinking he may have some grudge against the military in general. It was obvious his family (dead I am guessing) has something to do with his attitude. I really don't think they could have found a better actor to play his role either. Unless of course they could have got Liam Neeson haha.
    1 point
  48. Anyone just see the Governor take aim with the flat top AR without a rear sight... can't believe they didn't catch that one.
    1 point
  49. It is getting very rare to find any great liquor that's made by a person who makes it for the pride and not the money. There was a time when men would compete to produce the best in an area, to them having that honor was second to money. The shine wasn't made in aluminum submarines, and you didn't worry about lead salt, or old car radiators, or rats in the mash. They made it for themselves and friends and if they didn't know you, you never saw a Mason jar. I've been known to make a few pieces of copper over the years for some of the old friends in east TN, north GA, and the mountains of western NC. Many of them are gone now, and with them a craft that will never be fully realized. One common thread with all the old makers, their rigs were solid copper from the pot, thumper keg and the condenser. And each one had their ideas as to what worked best. Some wanted double wall condensers, others used worms, but no two would be the same unless it was from the same family. One thing that may surprise you, many of the old rigs were made with only a very minimum of solder which was 95/5 and not 50/50 when used. Just about all the pieces were fabricated using copper rivets and hammered seams and to do this without many leaks is a craft that you'll never see again. After doing metal fabrication for 45 years, I no longer get rough drawing from a friend, who has a friend, who needs a favor. The last copper piece I made was a model left over from scrap copper. So when I hear about good whiskey coming from a fancy bottle and cute name, I can look over at the copper pot... and grin.
    1 point
  50. they are fun pistols, just remembering the thousands of rounds I ate at that age and translating that to 25 Its a great caliber and a lot of fun, he will surely love it.
    1 point
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