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3 points
Only a fool thinks he can survive, shooting every zombie he comes into contact with. Not one to be a fool, I took this old crusty roofing hatchet and spent some time with it. I ground off the BS and contoured it a bit. Then I smoothed it out a little and put a razor edge on it. The handle was short and rotten so I set about making me one with a touch more length. The center is teak with purple heart scales down the sides and the pommel scales made from bloodwood. Couple dozen coats of BLO until it wouldn't soak up any more and tada! I'm no wood worker, but it feels decent and is more than capable of severing some undead brain stems.2 points
Whether he actually wins or not, the fact that he's even money at worst flat disproves your hypothesis. Seems to me a president shouldn't even have to actually campaign for a second term if he's done a halfway decent job in the first. - OS2 points
At least that division won't be created by the president. I think Romney is a good candidate, maybe even a great one. Then again, I don't care about vaginas, religion, or any other minutia. I care about the money. I think Romney has that covered much better than most.2 points
I would bet the brady campaign would sell out to him for that much, save him the trouble of making a whole new one. They could call it the Bloomin' Brady Campaign.2 points
Since I don't have a photo on my DL, I successfully used a 45 year old expired passport issued at the US Embassy in Saigon in 1967. My HCP was to be my back-up photo ID but was not required. I am sure the voter Id lady was rendered speechless and misty eyed in looking at the 25 year old stud in the photo.2 points
Just picked up this Colt LE901 today, they were just released last month, I got a low serial # 20xx, shoots 7.62mm (current setup) and 5.56mm with any standard milspec upper and a colt magwell adapter. Calling Larue tomorrow for optics This thing is bad azz...1 point
Ever noticed that her face looks like it's from 2 different people? Borg.1 point
There's probably just so many stunted bream in there that the catfish get all they want, when they want, so your odds are much reduced. And contrary to all the stink bait advocates, channel cats really do seem to prefer live bait. I've caught lots more of them night fishing for crappie and stripe with live minnows than I ever have fishing right on the bottom with dead stuff, which generally get flatheads and blues. - OS1 point
I can understand Hussein getting elected in 08, after all he talked a hell of a game. I cannot believe that Americans are actually dumb enough to elect him again. Yeah, I make the same jokes about how dumb we as a society are, but when it comes right down to it I just cannot believe we are THAT stupid.1 point
While I've always agreed with Mencken about the intelligence of the American public, and given that, I can to a certain extent understand the charismatic win in 08. But even given that the GOP has again found an exceptionally poor candidate, the fact BHO is still even in the ballpark of being reelected suggests that Mencken himself might well be surprised. And I still think Hussein will squeak it out. Whether he does or not, we're still going to have a truly divided country, both on The Hill and in general. - OS1 point
I use a led 3cell mag light. $40 at lowes or anywhere else. I don't live alone so do walk thur house in dark. I just recently purchased my childhood home so I can walk thur it blindfolded and hit all the switches. I have scared the bejesus out of my daughter by flipping on the light when she is trying to come in late undetected. It was fun for me. Where I live is very rural, so dialing 911 and waiting is not an option(45minute response time.) I also have 3 good burglar alarms, they get out of bed go check out noise and come back and lay down. I am sure that a bg would be very unhappy if he got past the pit bull. Sent from iPad in the woods.1 point
I used mine today as ID for voting. It got no reaction, nor should it have. And I wasn't carrying anyway but if someone would have asked I would not have responded.1 point
1 point
I can't see him NOT losing. It is becoming crystal clear to most people what he really is and what a load of b.s. he sold people back in 2008. I am amazed however that so few people did their homework like many of us did back then and didn't see all of this coming. The information was clearly there. But then I suppose a lot of young people who had never paid attention to politics before then bought his bumper-sticker one liners, and a lot of old people did it to prove that they wren't 'racists'. Add to that the media's 8 years of constant 24/7 pounding of how evil George Bush was and minds were subliminally molded to a pre-configured agenda. That's how we got here. Question is, who wants to stay?1 point
Funny, ain't it. Romney satisfied the NRA, record included. That has lots of weight with me. I don't understand how anybody can ignore that fact, and babble on with some dillusional crap.1 point
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D&T Arms in Goodlettesville. Across from Rivergate. Let them know you are a member here on TGO for a discount.1 point
Remington Core Locts, Hornady Interlocs, Speer Hot Cores, and many others will make excellent deer bullets as well. No need to spend the extra $ on premium bullets for deer sized game.1 point
I'm of the mindset to conceal that ID the same as I conceal my pistol. It's nobody's business what I may or may not be carrying.1 point
I think Mayor Bloomingidiot is feeling a bit left out. You see, he knows that Obummer has been the greatest thing for firearm and ammunition sales the industry has ever seen. Knowing he can almost certainly never surpass that, he has decided to become the number recruiter that the NRA, GOA, USCCA and state firearms associations have ever had.1 point
I guess he doesn't realize that for every $15 million he will raise the NRA can raise $50 million. I wish this guy would just give it up.1 point
I would say grab a Ruger 22/45 or the new Lite. Both are pretty light and if you mount an optic are going to be very capable of taking small game out to 50 yards. It is also very easy to hide in a condition that is ready to shoot. I would grab a model with a barrel 4"-5" long. And if you decide to use an optic it is going to be just as accurate whether the barrel is 10" or 2". And if you get a suppressor you can use the gun without alarming others to your whereabouts. For taking small game it is hard to beat a decent slingshot. A slingshot should be part of every kit because they are useful. You can also use them to shoot arrows and have enough velocity to take deer. Dolomite1 point
And if they did shut down they would, in one final act of hate - - - publish all of the names and addresses of every HCP holder in Tennessee!1 point
The Commie Appeal would shut down before endorsing a Republican.1 point
HCP is actually on the state published list of acceptable ID types.1 point
Glock .40's kaboom issues are from reloaders and Glock's not having a fully supported chamber. It's not a problem with other models or guns in general. As far as the MSAR/AUG, this isn't a new platform. It's been around and used in different militaries since 1977. Kabooms are not an issue nor is safety to the shooter.1 point
We had the roadside assistance with State Farm for I think it was $2 or $3/month. A couple of months ago I was driving down the Cumberland Parkway in KY and the gas gauge said 70 miles 'til empty and 1/8 tank left. When the Warning light came on at 50 miles, the car's computer said "fuel computer system error" the gas gauge dropped to empty and about 1/2 mile later it was sputtering out of fuel in the middle of nowhere. Called State Farm, they wouldn't help me find a service to bring gas, they said I was basically on my own and that I could submit the receipt and get refunded up to $50 of the charge. Had no data service on the phone so I had to call 911 just to get a number of someone to call. It was a major hassle and that $80 gallon of gas would've paid for AAA by itself.1 point
1 point
Ann Coulter on Twitter - "Let's destroy Iran by giving them Obamacare"1 point
It would be interesting to know what law he broke by demanding money but not threatening, not announcing a hold up or implying he was armed? I guess the assumption is if you demand money in a bank it's considered bank robbery? The funny thing is... Under the fractional reserve banking system, the banks can create and loan money out of thin air that never existed, and charge interest to boot. So, who's robbing who?1 point
If it does well with the MatchKings, it will likely do equally as well with the equivalent weight GameKings. I shoot a fair number of both out of my 700LTR. Why take the chance? Load for a bullet you know is going to perform.1 point
1 point
Crossbreed Supertuck holding my H&K USP Compact .40 rides at 4:30 everyday. Comfortable for me.1 point
Another vote for the Crossbreed Supertuck. I own two of them and being a bigger guy I find them the most comfortable that I have tried.1 point
I IWB carry a lot. I find it most comfortable with a low-riding soft holster and about 4-O'clock position. I usually carry a smaller gun than your Ruger, though (P238, P3AT or PF9). Sometimes, I'll IWB HK USP compact in a Don Hume. I have to have a holster that sits low for it to be comfy. I like for the grip to ride right along the top of my belt I always wear an undershirt to tuck behind the gun/holster so it doesn't rub my skin off. Then an outer untucked shirt conceals. I don't buy bigger pants. I just loosen my belt one notch.1 point
My crossbreed super tuck with full size sigs is very comfortable. I carry it in the 4 to 5 o'clock position. However I don't carry a rear wallet, but rather a money clip in the front. I am a big ole boy, don't know if the extra stuffing helps too.1 point
Actually, when bicycling, I found that a VERY authoritative "GET BACK" or "GO HOME" would at least give most dogs pause if not sent them scurrying away...at the very least it allowed a couple of extra seconds to grab my spray.1 point
<br /><br />You better plan on shooting your way out from the inside, Jonah and the whale style.1 point
Yes and yes. I'm not familiar with the fine details. I know the 9mm guns are blowback instead of gas, and require different buffers. I thought about sharing lowers when I got the first one. Here's a picture of my success...1 point
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