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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/2012 in all areas

  1. When the "Cumberland Pravda" endorses a republican... time to watch the eastern sky, folks...
    2 points
  2. They are illegal......without a tax stamp More omission of facts, than a lie. Definitely a political ploy. But of that were me, I would have done the same thing. That's not the place to explain the NFA. plus if libs think they are illegal, they won't try to further ban them, or worse inflate the tax stamp to a level that it would be prohibitively expensive.
    2 points
  3. THe great thing about 45 auto is, if you have a decent pistol to start with, you can swing a dead cat and hit a good load. You just about [not always] pick any load from a published book and do well. Especially if it's 230g. 45 is one of the best cartridges for new guys to load because it's a real confidence booster to see easy results. Good luck, I like a 230g round nose plain base over 5.0g of Bullseye
    2 points
  4. A redhead with a whip. Trust me; that's an animal.
    1 point
  5. That's not a secret. When I was on the PD in a suburb of Kansas City, Missouri my Chief of Police got me listening to a radio program on the college station out of Lawrence, Kansas, (I believe). It was called, Nighthawks, and it was a radical black group who openly called for revolution by 1995 and killing of all cops and whites. It's where I learned what "HOTEP" means. The chief wanted me to know my enemy.Hate Only The European Peoples, for those who don't know. I actually saw a black teenager who's name was Hotep.
    1 point
  6. ^ True. We weren't there so maybe my opinion is an overaction (I have an religious objection to WalMart anyway so that may have played a part in my reaction as well ) Maybe this WalMart was entirely right; it's just that my gut tells me that this was some employee either being overly macho in telling a mere woman that she couldn't handle the gun or an employee being very overzealous in protecting the store from facilitating a straw purchase.
    1 point
  7. The Tennessean is backing a liberal from Massachussetts. Why does that surprise all of you?
    1 point
  8. I stopped subscribing to The Tennessean cause my dog refused to poop on it any longer.
    1 point
  9. He has done allot of other garbage by executive order. SCOTUS screwed us when they rolled over with FDR and it has just gotten worse.
    1 point
  10. You mean like 0bama and Crowley did at the "debate"?
    1 point
  11. Most people have their head in the sand (or have their hand out) and do not realize what freedom really is. They sure don't appreciate it. There are plenty of smart, common sense people out there of varying beliefs that take our freedom for granted. So, they do not see what we see in certain actions by the government or political groups as slowly stripping us of our freedoms. Since in was in my early teens, I've absolutely loved muscle cars. At a relatively early age, I knew someday they would try to take away my gas-guzzling beauties in the name of saving the environment from us "gross polluters." It's very analogous to stripping gun rights/freedoms and "doing it for the children/etc." Sometimes I really wish we could separate the Red states from the Blue states and watch the Blue states turn into a 3rd world country. Thanks to my love of old cars, I hated liberals before I knew what liberals were. DON'T TREAD ON ME.
    1 point
  12. Romney was just trying to point out Obama's misleading statement. Obama said that he wanted to keep criminals from getting automatic weapons (or something like that). Romney rebuttled with we don't need any new laws because automatic weapons are already illegal to own [by criminals or without a stamp].
    1 point
  13. Freedom of speach is one of the Rights that built this Country that we all love and they have a right to their's. That being said. THEY NEED TO GO AWAY, VERY FAR AWAY!!! HELL IS WAY TO CLOSE.
    1 point
  14. Im talkin about a real car lol Sent from my HTC Inspire using Tapatalk 2
    1 point
  15. I thought the first episode was great. It's been getting more ridiculous every episode since. I'm going back to watching the Big Bang Theory.
    1 point
  16. All this talk about Hillary in 2016. Everyone knows that looks are important in the Presidential race, and Hillary is a sure looser there!
    1 point
  17. I clicked on this thread thinking someone had cloned my wife 9 times.
    1 point
  18. Clairfield....you just about can't get there from here. Did an investigation there ONCE. All 10 people in town knew I was there before I did.
    1 point
  19. They should focus their energy on practicing propper trigger pulling technique with shotguns in their own mouths. A "respectful proximity" to the ceremony would be them, burning in hell.
    1 point
  20. AWBII, confiscation, legislation, on and on. I get so worked up over it when I dwell on it too long, but it's come to me recently. I've decided I don't care anymore. I'm tired of exacerbating an ulcer on this. They will do what they want. I will do what I want. I would NEVER condone or promote illegal activities....normally. I've decided I will be part of the crowd who will be labeled as "Failure to comply" God has graciously blessed me with the good fortune to have enough to cover me for what's left of this life. I don't WANT to see violence over the matter, but Mehh, let them come. This world is getting old and boring anyway.
    1 point
  21. What powder do you have? If you don't have any I like Power Pistol. I have also used Longshot, HS-6, Clays and a few Vihtavouri powders. Clays is a very miserly powder and Power Pistol is a very robust powder at normal charge weights. For a new shooter I always recommend a powder that has a large margin between minimum and maximum. I also recommend that the powder is a bulky powder as well so you can visually see a double charge. Some powders sill such a small amount of the case that a double charge might go unnoticed. Dolomite
    1 point
  22. They can not charge you sales tax because you are not buying anything from them.
    1 point
  23. I recommend daily glass of Metamuscil. - OS
    1 point
  24. Anybody want some venison shish-ke-bob?
    1 point
  25. I saw it earlier today, pretty effective at getting your attention. I'm not a big fan of the GOP but i'm not any fan of the socialist democratic party. That's why i'm about to head down to the Pegram City Hall and vote early for R.R. While I wish I had a better candidate to vote for the main mission is to get the current Communist in Chief out of the White House.
    1 point
  26. What I meant by slip is I do not think he planned to be so bold on the subject right before the election. I think he wanted to attack Mitt so much that the opportunity to point out this flip flop got the better of his common sense and usual desire to duck the subject.... this will throw stir the pot, but I am really not sure what the effect will be .... anti gunners happy, sure, but we know who they were voting for. Pro gunners, sure, but they knew the score too. The guy with 1 pistol bought after 911 and not so sure even at this late date.... hard to say how such folks will feel. Going after handguns... is a bold move.... AR aside.
    1 point
  27. Our "job", and national security concerns were done in Afghanistan 8 or 9 years ago. Since then we've been trying to do nation building, which we suck at... A good President would have a simple foreign policy, mess with us and we'll place your country back in the stone age, no power, water, or bridges left standing... then you're on your own to fix the mess. If we had followed that policy, less than 200 troops would have been killed, and it would have saved us almost a trillion dollars of our grandchildren's money.
    1 point
  28. I also use "Wildgame". I've been using them for about 3 years now, and not had a single problem with them. Dave S
    1 point
  29. I can't go into details but I recently had a opportunity to do something that would benefit me financially and materially if I told a lie. I decided against the action. The thing that's infuriates me is that everyone that I could discuss the situation with not only encouraged me to do it, but also suggested ways to improve upon the deception. All that I could think about was that I tell my kids to always try and do the right thing no matter how unpopular your actions are. I also believe in karma. My refusal to lie may cost me some money, but I'll sleep well at night. I'M SO DISGUSTED WITH THESE PEOPLE THAT I COULD PUKE!
    1 point
  30. If you thought there was a run on ammo in 2008, it will be nothing like the run on "assault weapons" of 2012
    1 point
  31. Onlooker: "What's that bulge on your ankle???" Me: (extremely irritated) "D*mmit. I have BEGGED my parole officer for a new and slimmer GPS ankle bracelet. This is just so embarrassing. I promise you. I was only in for a nonviolent crime."
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Consider an alternative acceptable solution. Imagine IF several more theater type situations happened, a couple more college campus massacres, and what if someone got a high capacity firearm into a football stadium jam packed, all within a short period of time, i.e. 1-2 years, the public will see past the 2nd amendment, and will want something done now. Then imagine a law being passed stating that the public has 1 year to turn in all weapons to some type of weapons dump, like when they setup to take household chemicals at the local strip mall parking lot, like when they ask for the public to turn in unused medications, like when you drop off your Christmas tree for recycle. Then like I said in the earlier post, the ones that do not turn in guns, you may or may not get caught. But the consequences of being in possession of any firearm will simply be met with severe punishment. Then the hold outs will not be able to fire the guns, will not be able to use in self-defense, and cannot even share with a neighbor/friend they have one. What if the law provides $10,000 for the information of and conviction of any person who may be in possession. Then this will cause brothers, cousins, neighbors, wives, sons, daughters, grandmas, and etc. to rat out the hold outs. Then what will be the point to be hold out! I recall recently shortly after the Colorado theater massacre, I overheard several people on different occasions at work talking about guns in general. Most people I know don't know that I am a gun nut, so I just listened. These are some to the comments: Why is it so easy to buy a gun, why must gun freaks need more than 4-5 shots anyway. Why can't a hunting gun be the only legal gun to own. They should just ban guns period. My conclusion, the general public are ripe for major change in gun purchases/ownership, it will not take much more to push our society over the edge to make changes.
    1 point
  34. Our system of government would have to collapse first. If that happends, knocking on my front door will be a dangerous thing to do.
    1 point
  35. Any criminal investigators that do more than work out of an office should carry, hell in eastern KY I think census workers should carry after that stuff they pulled a couple of years ago in Red Bird.
    1 point
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