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I can't go into details but I recently had a opportunity to do something that would benefit me financially and materially if I told a lie. I decided against the action. The thing that's infuriates me is that everyone that I could discuss the situation with not only encouraged me to do it, but also suggested ways to improve upon the deception. All that I could think about was that I tell my kids to always try and do the right thing no matter how unpopular your actions are. I also believe in karma. My refusal to lie may cost me some money, but I'll sleep well at night. I'M SO DISGUSTED WITH THESE PEOPLE THAT I COULD PUKE!4 points
"The government does not create jobs. The government does not create jobs" Despite all the stuff I've said about Romney being a mediocre candidate, he just earned my vote.2 points
2 points
::: Facepalm ::: Oh! Gas prices are up because the economy is getting better? What was I thinking?2 points
Look at the race riots over something as inconsequential as the Rodney King ruling...and while it's true that most of the rioters ruined their own neighborhoods, they still hurt a lot of innocent people. For something as important as losing the Presidency, I'd expect worse and more widespread rioting. Its such a shame that our first black President had to be Obama. There were a lot of others that would have made a fine President. Thomas Sowell for one, though he didnt run, Alan West, Herman Cain, Alan Keyes, any of these would have been good. I think many people will take the opportunity in a riot to just pillage burn and steal. Nashville may have it's own problems too. On a more positive note for black Nashvillians,. Have y'all listened to Carl Boyd on 99.7 on Sunday afternoons? Quite refreshing to hear a local black conservative, and when he talks about Obama, I am so happy to hear the truth!2 points
The kind of people that would riot over this election are the same people that aren't smart enough to make it out of their own neighborhood to do so.2 points
If you are not watching, you should check out tonight's debate - they finally addressed 2A. He is comming for your ARs.1 point
It's always easy to question the moderator, but she deserves the criticism she's going to get on siding with Obama and curtailing the debate on Benghazi. She may ultimately do the President more harm than good, though as this gives an opening to talk about what really happened. They only allowed Hillary to take ownership of it this morning, and that's after dodging questions for two weeks. Offended? The American people should be offended.1 point
Yup. I spent about an hour with Dr. Lee tonight. ;-) I forgot how much I enjoy my time cranking away on my Lee turret press. I know, it's nothing fancy, but it works for me. I loaded up some simple 38 wadcutters and had a great time out in the garage. What a great way to spend part of my birthday! Wifey got me a S&W M&P 40 over the weekend to celebrate my 30th, too! I haven't had a 40 in over 8 years and I'm about out of components for that caliber, so I'm gunna try to hit up the Reloader's Bench before the end of the week. I love this hobby!!1 point
If there's one thing I care about, it's that. Government at its very core is incapable of creating value. Period. I want a president that understands that.1 point
She's not trying to answer for him, she's trying to get him caught in sound bites against him Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 21 point
1 point
####ing bitch! You don't know the difference in an ak47 and a muzzle loader, stay the hell away from things you don't understand Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 21 point
Yeah that Rosy Perez sounding chica was NOT happy! What would you do with illegal aliens who are productive members of society? They're not productive members of society, just having a job makes you productive, paying taxes makes you productive to society. WTF?!1 point
He gurgitates lib stuff sometimes. Probably needs to get that looked at as soon as Obamacare kicks in1 point
He hit immigration head on! I figured there was no way Romney would touch that one Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 21 point
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So the choices come down to four more years of Obama or riots in the streets. I say bring it on.1 point
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Many years of history have shown that we will never change the evil beliefs and actions of these people.1 point
Absolute atrocity. I hate watching our soldiers go over to the hell hole to die, but seeing these types of stories makes me want to pack my guns and go Taliban hunting. Sickening.1 point
That is funny about your son giggling. On a serious note, it showed he had no fear/concern with you in his presence.1 point
You handled it much better than I would have. I'd have told him that I didn't know him and that whatever I was doing was none of his business and walked away. Had he followed me and continued his tirade I would have told him that if he didn't shut up and stop scaring my children that I would call the police and press charges against him for harassment.1 point
Which, oddly enough, is what I heard from people about Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II. It was a load BS then, still a load of BS.1 point
I am red/green color blind and cannot use an Aimpoint or most any other red dot device. It takes me several seconds to find the dot and I have to intentionally focus on it to keep from losing it. THose seconds and loss of concentration equals death. The Eotech is the only one I can use. I still have the same difficulty with the center dot but the bright circle draws my eye to it and I have no delay in taking aim. For this reason I am I staunch supporter of Eotech. THey are rugged and simple. I like the AA version best even if it is a little bulky compared to the 123 version. The bulkiness is trivial though and you can buy a nice NiCad charger and a couple sets of high quality rechargeable NiCad batteries and you're set. I keep two sets and I have some ENergizer Lithium camera batteries in the battery compartment of my Magpul stock for emergencies. I've messed up my shoulder recently and as a result have become very unstable shooting from an unsupported position yet I have no problems hitting a clay target at 100 yards with my Eotech. I don't care about being any more accurate then that. Minute of zombie brain is as accurate as I will ever need to be.1 point
I was spotted and stopped yesterday. I was was carrying OWB with a shirt over it and was probably printing pretty hard. I don't carry ALL the time but everytime I have to hit the WW on Walbrook in West Knoxville I make sure I am. I had a bad experience there so I make sure I am ready this time. I had to bring my kids this time and that was apparently what the guy had a problem with. Here is what went down: A guy came up to me and asked me if I had a gun on me, I asked if he was security, we both did not answer the questions. After a short awkward pause he started into me about how I was a bad parent for having my kids around guns. He got pretty loud and started to cause a scene. He got loud enough that it scared my daughter who began to cry. At this point someone apparently told security, the arrived just at the right time, I was about to start yelling back. When security came up they promptly escorted the guy out and asked me what happened. One of the security guys laughed as the took the other guy away and said he is getting tired of how ignorant people are about guns. He gave my kids a couple of stickers and told us to have a nice day. They also had a guy waiting at the door to make sure I made it to the car ok. This was the first time I have been spotted that I know of. As much as I dislike WW, I was impressed with the way they handled the situation.1 point
Not too concerned either. If they get to my house they'll be tired from walking up the hills. Plus their unlaced shoes and pants hanging halfway down their asses will slow them down. Stereotype- perhaps. They're stereotypes for a reason. Come to my house intending to do harm and I will show you how equal opportunity I can be1 point
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My 1927 Dobro. I recieved it 2 years after he passed, and I will pass it to my son one day.1 point
Both of these were carried by my Papaw while on the Knoxville City Police Dept. and Knox County Sheriff's Dept. He retired in the late 70's from Knoxville City and retired in the early 80's from Knox County. This was his duty gun for both dept. Bought brand new by my grandmother for a birthday present. Behind the 19-2 you can see the origional holster used by my Papaw. Still in great shape. Garufa, Oh shoot and a few others may remember it from some of our early Norris range outings. S&W 19-2 Next up was my Papaw's BUG. It's a Walther model 5 (I believe) cal 6,35 or .25auto for those who don't understand the 6,35. I'm missing the barell bushing (thanks dad) but it functions perfect. All proof marks match and the s/n is in the early 15000's. My dad forgot to twist the bushing tight and while shooting it lost the bushing and recoil spring. Still trying to track down a barell bushing and have been for years. Both of these are precious to me and no ammount of money could buy them......(unless I was flat out broke)1 point
Not a firearm, but My most prized. 1845 sword, handed down from my Dads side through the years. My Dad is still around, He gave it to me years ago with the promise it stayed in the family. It has a "JH" on the hilt, Family name.1 point
My Grandfather's Ithaca M1911 carried at Guadacanal. Like a lot of the guys that were there, he didn't much talk about it, but my guess is this pistol has seen some stuff.1 point
This is my grandfather's Remington .22. Made about 1934. Still shoots.1 point
This old beauty was my grandmother's. She kept it under her mattress. I actually had it out to the range shot a few last weekend.1 point
This was my brothers ww2 German proofed german occupation Browning Hi-power. He passed away in April, so I'm now the keeper of his gun. It's one of the most important things I own. Not only because of its history, but because my brother loved it so much.1 point
Sniper: A couple of things to think about from an ole shotgun and everything else reloader. RE: Shotgun shell reloading. The "real trick" to shotgun shell reloading was handed to me by an old buddy in the reloading business over 35 years ago. It goes like this: .... "Set up your loader to shoot one kind of load; and only one kind. Dont change components after ya get it set up....". We set up our loader (...a MEC 600 jr....) to load AA trap loads, standard velocity, 1 1/8 ounce shot. We used winchester once fired AA's, winchester wads, and red dot powder. To change shotgun loads in a mec (...or any other shotgun loader...) ya have to change the powder bushings. It's an aggravation; and ya cant afford to make a mistake here. My advice. Pick the reaload data ya want to use, the components ya want to use, and reload for them alone. Changing components causes trouble with shotgun shell reloading. Ya may want to take a look at this website to get some ideas on shotgun reloading: http://www.ballistic...FQWe4AodL0sANA. RE: reloading pistol and rifle stuff. Get a single stage press and do a bunch of reading. Reloading for cartridges is a lot more cost effective and somewhat "easier" than fooling with shotgun reloading. I'm sure others will chime in here. Have fun and be safe. leroy1 point
Suprised it's lasted this long with the market being flooded with CZ-82's that are far cheaper and a little more powerful.1 point
If you can't get food with your guns and ammo, then you need to turn them in1 point
http://www.gunbanobama.com/ http://www.gunbanobama.com/media/9506581/pvf_204_obamafactsheet_insert.pdf it has happened around the world within the last century... In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated... -------------------- In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. -------------------- Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated. -------------------- China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. -------------------- Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. -------------------- Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. -------------------- Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. it can happen here... and while i agree it would be a fight, and a long process, don't think it's not possible and that there are many powerful people in government that want nothing more... and with the technology of today, if you are known owner or suspected/rolled on by those who know you, its simply a matter of freezing your bank account, turning off your utilities, etc. until you can prove you are unarmed.. nobody has to knock on your door.1 point
It’s easy to say on a gun forum that its “already startedâ€, or that “gun control is comingâ€. But the facts show a different trend. More states are making it easier to carry. The worse the economy gets the more violent crime we are going to have. As more and more violent attacks occur, and they will, most states are not going to try to fix the problem by taking guns away from its citizens; they are going to recognize a need to be able to defend themselves. States are going to have the final say on guns; not the Feds. The 2nd amendment fight is over as far as ownership and carry goes; this is now a States Rights issue. Sure, just like the civil war some will give it lip service the rest of their life, but it’s been decided; you have a constitutional right to own a gun, and it is a right of the state to decide when and where you can carry it. Sure, the Feds are going to try to outlaw some guns. Will they get AR’s outlawed to the point of where you have to turn them in? Doubtful. Will they get restrictions like the AWB on them? They will try. Will they get high capacity magazines outlawed? Probably. I’m not giving up any of my guns, and I have no fears that anyone is going to be knocking on (or kicking in ) my door to take them. Good grief…. Those of you that need a fight to fight don’t need to make up stories of things that are not going to happen. Your economy is collapsing around you. Your children and Grand Children are going to think you are idiots for selling out their future. Take on that battle; it’s one you can win, and it’s real. Instead of trying to figure out how you can run off and hide; stand up and fight.1 point
I'd be shocked if any state governments would refuse to help the feds out on this issue. Most states don't the finances, so the fed is their bell cow. I think there'd be 100 million really angry citizens, and I don't know how that would turn out. I hope it never comes to that.1 point
Consider an alternative acceptable solution. Imagine IF several more theater type situations happened, a couple more college campus massacres, and what if someone got a high capacity firearm into a football stadium jam packed, all within a short period of time, i.e. 1-2 years, the public will see past the 2nd amendment, and will want something done now. Then imagine a law being passed stating that the public has 1 year to turn in all weapons to some type of weapons dump, like when they setup to take household chemicals at the local strip mall parking lot, like when they ask for the public to turn in unused medications, like when you drop off your Christmas tree for recycle. Then like I said in the earlier post, the ones that do not turn in guns, you may or may not get caught. But the consequences of being in possession of any firearm will simply be met with severe punishment. Then the hold outs will not be able to fire the guns, will not be able to use in self-defense, and cannot even share with a neighbor/friend they have one. What if the law provides $10,000 for the information of and conviction of any person who may be in possession. Then this will cause brothers, cousins, neighbors, wives, sons, daughters, grandmas, and etc. to rat out the hold outs. Then what will be the point to be hold out! I recall recently shortly after the Colorado theater massacre, I overheard several people on different occasions at work talking about guns in general. Most people I know don't know that I am a gun nut, so I just listened. These are some to the comments: Why is it so easy to buy a gun, why must gun freaks need more than 4-5 shots anyway. Why can't a hunting gun be the only legal gun to own. They should just ban guns period. My conclusion, the general public are ripe for major change in gun purchases/ownership, it will not take much more to push our society over the edge to make changes.1 point
Ever hear of Executive Orders? Look at how many Obama has issued vs. all previous Presidents.1 point
Nothing is impossible, guys. The issue with Katrina is that civil unrest was cited as why the police disarmed civilians. If there were a major disaster, man-made (to include economic) or natural, and food supply chains were interrupted, there would be civil unrest as a result of this economy having made people live from paycheck to paycheck. A lot of people do not have more than a weeks worth of food on their shelves. We all forget how ugly society can be when we are competing for supplies. This scenario could provide a distraction & excuse for them to confiscate/ban weapons as a matter of safety. While many police officers and national guardsmen say they are "OathKeepers", when faced with the sight of their brethren being arrested for not following orders, they may fall into line as well. Of course, this is just my humble opinion, but it is feasible.1 point
When our founding fathers wrote the constitution, they didn't know to give us the rights to post multiple same topic threads. I was a moderator for a few years on a automotive forum and used to get several PM's a week on people pointing out multiple threads with the same topic. I never understood how someone could have such a miserable life that this bothered them so bad.1 point
Of course they endorsed him. They have to endorse someone and he's the only Republican running.1 point
It's amazing the members on here are actually trying to defend Romney on the 2nd Amendment. Most of us agree Obama needs to go but you guys are actually drinking the Romney cool-aid.1 point
If the government announed that EVERYONE in the nation must turn in their firearms or face serious jail time this is how I see things happening. 90% of the gun owners will, without question, show up at collection centers and turn in their firearms. 9% will hide their guns deep in some far away place. 1% will stand up and fight with everything they have. And regardless of which group you are in the reason is the same, fear of the government. Dolomite1 point
6.8...Thanks. I hope so, too. And I know I don't have to do anything. But I usually am asking a question so I like to show some appreciation when someone tries to help me out. I think this is a great feature TGO David. I hope it's around for a while.1 point
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