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If he was indeed a practicing catholic (instead of playing one on TV) -- His position would be that of the church's position. Instead, he uses MY tax dollars, to pay for abortions.... I'm Pro Life, don't feel my tax dollars should be used to pay for someone else's abortions/mistakes, and feel that abortion is murder. Thankfully, I'm happy to know my Heavenly Father, loves all his little children, and they get to spend eternity with Him. My favorite analogy to date ... Bacteria On Mars = Life Heart Beat = Tissue4 points
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My wife is having some health issues with her heart. I may joke about wives and stuff, but we have been together since 1978 and i can't imagine being without her. If you pray please pray for her. Thanks.2 points
Im old enough to remember this right here: http://www.political...sm-scandal.html ... Biden was not thought to be a serious political candidate in 1988. He removed himself from the demorat presidential primary race as the result of the plagiarism thing. He graduated 76 th in a class of 85 --- hardly a stellar performer... . A clown named Dukakis won the demorat nomination in 1988 and lost in the general election to none other than George H W Bush. By the way, Bush won in an electorial landslide. http://uselectionatlas.org/RESULTS/national.php?year=1988 Joe Biden is a bufoon who has never held a real job. He is the ultimate political insider; and symbolizes all that is wrong with the demorat party and political machine politics in america in general. He is a fitting pick as VP for the first "affirmative action" president. Neither one of them has any notion of anything other than they are the "best and brightest". Folks like us delightful rustics (...read that folks who really have to work and provide for their families without a "quid pro quo" insider deal...) are simply too naive to make the big decisions; and we should leave the "great questions of the day" to them. This, my friends, is the "real" joe biden: .A real political operative. The "best and brightest". Remember, there is election in november; choose wisely. leroy2 points
I carry my 1911 locked and cocked everyday and my only safety concern is being pulled over, having a cop disarm me and have a ND with my pistol because he is nervous or not familiar with that weapons system. There is no reason why an officer in the state of Tennessee should be disarming a HCP holder unless there is a good reason. It says it right there in the TCA.2 points
I know the Sport doesn't have a forward assist in what people speak of today but technically it still has the original form of forward assist with the thumb cutout in the bolt.1 point
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In my HCP class we were told to inform the police officer at a traffic stop that you have a permit. No its not law, but it is a good thing to do. It is required that you show a HCP if requested. As far as disarming a HCP holder, yes it is written in the TCA that an officer can disarm a HCP individual if he believes it is necessary for the protection of the permit holder, officer, or other individuals. In my scenario it would be for my protection.. I normally only disarm if it is on the person's hip. If its in the glove box or center console I leave it where it is and ask the person to step out so its out of "play". Unfortunately some HCP holders have done stupid things which require officers to be more careful and take guns out of play on traffic stops. The court system will back the officer on this 100%. And yes, you can't lie to an officer, but similarly when it comes to TCA you can educate the officer or his supervisor (why not call and complain later). Hopefully his/her supervisor has daily briefings to cover laws that his squad needs to be educated on.1 point
I watched as much of it live as I could stand...I could only watch a few minutes each time before I had to turn it off. Biden showed himself to be exactly what he is, a rude, condescending, angry, out-of-touch, "my s**t don't stink, aging, empty husk of a liberal politician who epitomizes everything that is wrong with Washington politics. I look at politicians like him and wonder just how incredibly stupid the people are who have been voting for him all these decades. Ryan didn't mop the floor with him last night but anyone who bothered to watch and who are truly on the fence about who to vote for in November got a pretty good picture of who they have to chose from and the differences are pretty stark.1 point
While wading a trout stream on Fort campbell over the past couple of months I often came across this object buried in the fine gravel and rock of the stream bed. Only the top edge of could be seen. Always reminded me of an old car rim about 14 inches in diameter. So one day while fly fishing that section of stream, I decided to get that piece of junk out of the gin clear waters of the stream. After a considerable amount of effort I got it unstuck from the substrate and emptied it out and rinsed it in the stream. What I had was a well rusted Dutch Oven totally intact! I walked over to a big flat rock, sat down and while staring at that oven I said...I wish you could tell me "your story"...where did you come from? How did you get here? Why were you left here? And on and on.... Remembering that Fort Campbell was built in 1940 and many farmsteads were taken over by the government and people sent away and their farms destroyed. I stared at the woods a moment and thought I saw a spot that very well could be an old home location. That old Dutch Oven has most likely been there for at least 72 years. No other way it could have gotten there. That section of stream has a spring flowing into it from a rocky out cropping and most likely where water was drawn for cooking and such. I put her back in the spot I found her, just like I found her... Rest In Peace old pot! Dave S1 point
Biden was selected for his current post, solely as life insurance. And as for the debate: who is everybody talking about today? Mission accomplished!1 point
My 7 and 8 year old boys are on Fall Break this week. I took off as well. Just one of those stay at home type vacations. Anyway my 71 year old Dad, my two boys + my 3 year old boy and I went squirrel hunting yesterday on my uncle's large farm. I usually try to rotate guns, and decided to take my Remington 522 Viper 22 semi-auto in perfect condition and one Daisy lever action BB gun that has seen its better day. Anyway about an hour into our adventure we only saw one Squirrel. I don't know if this year's crop was low, or that 8 year old, 7 year old and 3 year old are not that quiet in the woods. Anyhow, there was this beautiful Walnut Tree infested with Walnuts. Shot at a couple, and nothing. The old man said the iron sights were off, after we zeroed the sights in using paper towels and electrical tape (didn't bring any paper targets, that is all I had in the truck), and one pocket leatherman to use as screwdrivers, we then got down to business. I guess we emptied some 300 rounds and dropped as many if not more walnuts. Many were in clusters, and if you hit the limb right above, you will get 2 or 3 walnuts for the price of one. Many walnuts will explode if you hit them just right. What fun! Even the old daisy managed to take one down. BTW my boys were quite smart, I tried to get them to collect the walnuts while I shot them off the tree. They both said the walnuts would hurt if they fell on their head (lol). You sure can make it rain walnuts with a semi auto when its lined up. I don't know if there is a bag limit, don't know if it was out of season, but we sure did have a blast. Using a semi-auto is sure cheap country boy fun! Making memories with my boys.1 point
But you you never know what kind of criminals are going to pay $200+ and voluntarily give the state his fingerprints just to shoot someone.1 point
HCP 101 is following TN law, which does not require informing that one has an HCP, or is armed. The traffic stop scenario shown in the newest state video is quite lame and also does not properly represent TN law. But as a LEO, you surely know all that, eh? Like, take out a couple of rounds? Or check the online user manual? Do you check all other items in sight that may have serial numbers also? Computers, smart phones, watches, chain saws? Or only further inconvenience HCP holders by checking firearms? Gawd help the poor sap that may have been to the range with a bunch of guns. I'd opine that your overall safety would be better enhanced by not having a firearm handled at all, by driver or yourself. - OS1 point
There was a "third debater" http://www.cnn.com/2012/10/12/politics/debate-raddatz/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 Top Ten Worst Lies by Joe Biden in VP Debate Read more: http://conservativebyte.com/2012/10/top-ten-worst-lies-by-joe-biden-in-vp-debate/#ixzz296JucPD71 point
What the justification for running the numbers on guns at a traffic stop? Are all guns considered stolen or party to a crime unless proven otherwise?1 point
The MEC 600jr is a great reloader... I shot skeet yeeeeears ago. On the direction of my buddies Father we were ONLY to pick up low brass Winchester AA hulls. He had 50gal drums full... Every Winter my buddy and I would sit and load those with #9 shot and shoot them up in the Summer. Awww memories. I can't help you much except the "low brass Win AA. But learn how, You'll will enjoy it1 point
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Would make an interesting back up to a like chambered bottomfeeder. You could feed rounds out of a magazine for it into the Charter. Not as fast as a speedloader but if you're down to reloading your backup gun anyway then it's not your best day.1 point
Sounds like dumbass awards for the guys involved. While on the surface this may have all the makings of a terrorist cell, it is most likely a military terp that was booted for being a s***bag and went back to dry cleaning shirts for a living. I wouldn't be surprised if the falsified military documents were related to fraudulent disability claims or something along those lines.1 point
In my opinion, the best line of the night came from Biden: "I refuse to impose my church's position on others."1 point
Maybe a few. The dems have been painting Ryan as the devil. Anybody with a brain could see that he isn't. May not bump the polls, but it didn't hurt anything1 point
For a light hearted break in all the craziness of the ongoing political issues:1 point
No it does not. It implies no such thing. People make mistakes? Yeah, stupid people make the mistake of drinking and driving. There's no mystery to alcohol. It's no surprise what happens when you consume it. There's no ignorance of its effect amongst human beings. If you're stupid enough to and reckless enough to endanger other peoples lives by driving drunk, personally Id like to see them be charged with attempted murder and any fatality from a crash should carry charges of premeditated murder. Thinking its "just another mistake" that people make is what's wrong with people in this country. No one wants to take responsibility for their actions. It's pathetic. I drink like a fish.....AND I STAY HOME WHEN I DO. Period. No exceptions.1 point
This would definatly be the way to go and Spots is a great guy considering he's volunteering to pay for the service to get the correct job done. (I'm sure you'll be required to pay it back) Kinney is awsome and they do superb work. Awsome thing to do Spots for a fellow member. Kudo's for being one of the good guys..... :up:1 point
Ryan's bringing his A game. Biden just called him a liar. No less than 5 minutes in. There was a time when that wouldn't have been tolerated, but at least we know what their strategy is going to be.1 point
O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servant the help of your power, that her sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.1 point
I don't know but it SHOULD be that you can't have any period. A DUI is a sign of extremely poor judgment. Do you really want someone like that toting a gun around? I sure as heck don't.1 point
2013 Ford C-Max Hybrid 47mpg http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2012/10/10/quick-spin-2013-ford-c-max-hybrid/?intcmp=features Get one of these. I will be sh00ting at people driving Prius' sissy cars.1 point
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Carrying with neither a round in the chamber or a holster is not wise.1 point
It can’t happen, and if your friends listens to Alex Jones and is not intelligent enough to see that this guy is only lining his pockets by exploiting the fears of the weak and uneducated; he won’t understand what you are saying.1 point
He’s taken into custody for that. My guess (and it’s just a WAG) is that this is a traffic accident that led to something more. And with fake military documents, firearms and a general discharge; he now has the attention of Homeland Security (His profile fits exactly the type thing they look for). I’m sure we will find out more later…..1 point
Is anyone but me confused about how this guy's pickup truck had a wreck bad enough for the air bags to deploy yet he just walks away leaving fake documents and weapons in the vehicle AND apparently unaware that there might be an investigation going on??? Maybe I'm just missing something but none of this actually adds up to me.1 point
I used my antique H&R .22. Cylinder has to be removed to reload. Instructor actually asked, "You're not gonna carry that thing are you?" I said, "Sure, just look how fast I can reload it!" I didn't figure I needed to add a wink, but guess I did, he seemed to take it seriously. Plus, it's the tactical high capacity 9 round model and all. - OS1 point
Well there's a simple solution to the whole thing but it'll set faithful church goers pants on fire when I say it. Stop going. I can feel the presence of the Lord flow strongly, alone out in the woods, maybe out by the lake/river. Anywhere where the filth of man has not saturated everything as far as the eye can see. I know it's a kick in the teeth to the pew warmers but a righteous man can use a stump for an alter and get better results than the vast majority of collective prayers from an establishment built by man. Hate me for saying it, that's okay, but I'm not sorry; It's just the truth.1 point
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