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3 points
I think Romney will win in a landslide ALA Reagan vs Carter. The polls are lying (...for the most part...), but ya notice they are slowly comming around to the "real forecast". Neither the pollsters (...who actually get paid for asking the right questions the right way....) and the newspaper pundits (....who love nobama, but have to keep some smidgen of truth in their reporting....) can afford to shill for nobama anymore. RE: voter fraud. There will be voter fraud wherever it works (...think the deep blue inner cities here....). I dont think it will mean anything this round; because i believe the turnout for this election will be big. Ya cant steal an election unless the vote is lose. I firmly believe this election is Romney's to loose. Heres hopin. leroy2 points
Personally, I reject the whole notion of a "hate crime" since, in my opinion, it's 100% politically motivated and, at least for the most part, has been applied only when a caucasian commits a crime against a negro or some other minority. This crime was mostly just a thug being a thug and this teacher being an easy target. But, if "hate crime" laws was administered fairly, it would probably qualify as a hate crime.2 points
Well, it took 26 days for my permit to arrive but it finally showed up in the mail shortly after lunch today. So, this afternoon, I put on my Shepard IWB holster, loaded up the G26 and headed out the door to run some afternoon errands. My wife and I went shopping at Krogers, took a walk thru Big Lots and finished up the afternoon with dinner at Red Lobster. I only had one brief moment at Red Lobster where I felt I needed to adjust my shirt to be assured things weren't showing. Other than that, it felt just about like any other afternoon out....only with a little better feeling of security.1 point
I was reading recoil magazine and it has an article about shooting gun porn. All the pictures in the article were shot with either camera phones or point and shoots. It talks about lighting and scenery etc. So our ceiling fan has little reflector lights that you can aim instead of globe lights. I figured I would try it. The first picture is just with settings on the camera like color balance and exposure, second picture has lighting effects and the third has a filter. As for my prop its a cheap army surplus bag that hooks on the back of an Alice style backpack. More to come cause I like it.1 point
1 point
I'm thinking it's gonna be close, but at this point I see Obama taking it. Romney debated well and has presented a better argument for the job, but I think this election is going to be decided by negative ads and ignorance. The media has really run away with BS sound bytes regarding the 47% thing and Big Bird, whereas I'm not seeing a whole lot about Obama bumbling through his debate. There are enough voters that will simply cast their vote based on how many times they hear their favorite celebrity bash the other guy; it looks like Obama supporters have that market cornered.1 point
Well I have one more that aint on any list, My OLs cooking at our house!!!1 point
That's where I would put my money... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=MNKfbO_PvkI1 point
Yeah, everything I see seems to indicate that Obama is doubling down and is going to come across as a condescending narcissist in the next debate as well. I do enjoy how the left is suddenly rallying behind Joe Biden. Seems a bit of a stretch to pin your debate hopes on him. I think Ryan is going to eat him alive.1 point
You are welcome to come to our pistol classes and use a pocket gun. We have one coming up in Knoxville Nov 17......http://www.suarezinternationalstore.com/nov17-2012-combat-pistol-marksmanship-knoxville-tn.aspx While it is easier to fight with a full size pistol, we also realize that often due to wardrobe and Non Permissive Environments, you cannot always get away with a full size or even a midsize pistol. We simply make some concessions to where we have to access the pistol from and run the pistol how we need to to make it work. On a personal note I have carried a pistol daily in public for 20 years and most of that time has been using less than full size pistols from pocket carry. So I do know what the advantages and pitfalls are of carrying that way. So if you decide you want to attend a class with us we can certainly accommodate you on your pocket pistol.1 point
Its not that bad. I think it boils down to 3 simple rules: 1) gun has to have been purchased or brought into the state on or before june 18th of 1875. 2) you must bolt a boat oar to the pistol grip. 3) the magazine must be replaced with a "bolt action style" that holds 10 rounds or less and loads by shoving the rounds into the chamber one by one. !!!1 point
So now we know that the "October Surprise" is.1 point
Not sure where you would get training specific to this. The 2 big differences are obvious, though. First is how you draw the gun. If you are left handed, some of these guns and the p238 specifically are not left hand friendly, so that may mean weak hand shooting skills need to be honed. If you are right handed, not a big deal. Pocket draw takes a lot of practice and I am just not sure that you can draw the weapon as fast this way, fast but not AS fast. So on top of needing more time, or because of it, you might look into some martial arts to kick, push, and punch to buy the time needed to draw your weapon and to get the space you need as well. This is true for any gun, IMHO, just a little more handy for pocket carry. Second issue of course is the lower ammo capacity and reduced caliber (even my 938 is weaker than a real 9mm, barrel is shorter and that reduces the power a bit). So you want to focus on actually hitting with each round, rather than spray & pray of a 20 round full size. You want to practice reloading drills and carry of a spare mag. Again, you do that full sized too, but its critical for a 5-6 shot pistol! One way to "train" some cheaply is to visit your local IDPA when they do a "backup gun" match. I would also guess that, apart from the way you draw the gun, a regular training class would cover much of what you need to know. There is some liability with pocket draw: it is not allowed in most competition sports, and not allowed at many ranges, and is in general considered to be unsafe when practiced by unknown shooters of unknow skill, and a possible danger to everyone in a 1 mile radius. I don't get it, people shoot theyselves all the time with regular holsters, but there is a stigma on pocket draw that may make finding a session and instructor more difficult. You might find someone willing to one on one teach you. You might find someone willing to let you in a regular class with the understanding that your platform is a little different. Can't hurt to ask, and who is going to turn down $500 bucks of your money? If you are willing to pay with the understanding that your platform will not 100% mesh with the class content, someone will be glad to go there I bet.1 point
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How about the second installment? Did I miss that one too? If so then D'oh! in advance. The RG III bit on this one cracked me up. http://profootballmock.com/?p=50201 point
Well I think there is probably a lot more to it than that, but who knows. I have a feeling it's more like a ripple effect from the debate (maybe). Then again a lot of these companies put money on both sides to secure their bet. So maybe they have just decided Obama won't be re-elected and they're going with Romney in hopes of it paying off. Dunno.1 point
I have nothing but contempt for beggars. I support 4 people; I can't respect a grown man that can't/won't so much support himself. I'll be darned if I'll share any of my money with him. My run-ins with beggars are always very confrontational and are never cordial on my part. Especially considering that every sorry bum that has the nerve to solicit a handout from me is far fatter than I am. I'll start giving them donations when the start agreeing to hold my target stands up when I zero my rifles.1 point
From the foundation of our United States Constitution until present, there has been wild accusations between candidates and political parties in congressional and presidential elections. Some historical political allegations have been so outrageous, it defies logic why the accused did not file slander or libel suites? In the early years of our political system, they would have a dual of honor to settle the matter. Fast forward to today's political races. Smear and personal attacks are the norm. A candidate for office can be investigated back to the 3rd grade when a witness comes forth and accuses you of using the "N" word in third grade. I guess my question is... When an allegation is factually made against an opposing political candidate so outrageous is can be easily rebuked and proven, why is there no follow up with a law suit for libel or slander?1 point
I was up in SE KY this weekend on a camping trip when we stopped for gas. A fella shambled up to me from the station and said he was a veteran, and hungry and broke (he didn't look too hungry as he was bigger than I am) and asked if I could help. I reached into the truck and got him an old MRE that I was taking as backup food. When I handed it to him, he asked what it was (he was about 40 years old). I told him it was food and to enjoy. He looked disappointed.1 point
1 point
Smith is a nicer gun "outta the box" but they don't have near as much potential. Smith doesn't get their own page of reloading data like "Ruger & Contender only". Ruger is like a 4 bolt main block with a 2 barrel carburetor. They require a couple of mods and then they usually blow the competition outta the water.1 point
I can't find anything to dislike about the caliber. I may even shoot mine one day1 point
desperation. A burglar robs you because he needs your money, not because he hates you. There is no such thing as a hate crime (it is not illegal to hate anyone, or even a group of people). A crime should stand on its own merits --- violence to another, for example --- without any BS.1 point
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It’s easy to say on a gun forum that its “already startedâ€, or that “gun control is comingâ€. But the facts show a different trend. More states are making it easier to carry. The worse the economy gets the more violent crime we are going to have. As more and more violent attacks occur, and they will, most states are not going to try to fix the problem by taking guns away from its citizens; they are going to recognize a need to be able to defend themselves. States are going to have the final say on guns; not the Feds. The 2nd amendment fight is over as far as ownership and carry goes; this is now a States Rights issue. Sure, just like the civil war some will give it lip service the rest of their life, but it’s been decided; you have a constitutional right to own a gun, and it is a right of the state to decide when and where you can carry it. Sure, the Feds are going to try to outlaw some guns. Will they get AR’s outlawed to the point of where you have to turn them in? Doubtful. Will they get restrictions like the AWB on them? They will try. Will they get high capacity magazines outlawed? Probably. I’m not giving up any of my guns, and I have no fears that anyone is going to be knocking on (or kicking in ) my door to take them. Good grief…. Those of you that need a fight to fight don’t need to make up stories of things that are not going to happen. Your economy is collapsing around you. Your children and Grand Children are going to think you are idiots for selling out their future. Take on that battle; it’s one you can win, and it’s real. Instead of trying to figure out how you can run off and hide; stand up and fight.1 point
It would start by sheep turning the guns/ammo in first. Then simply if you are caught with a gun/ammo, or word gets out that you might have guns/ammo, then simple government flexing of its muscle will occur. Knock at the door, take down, arrest, and no more guns/ammo. $10,000 fine per gun later, and 2 years in prison per gun later, you will will return to what you have left. After a few occuraces like this, the non-sheep, but intellectuals left will make risk/award type decisions, then there you have your answer.1 point
Nothing is impossible, guys. The issue with Katrina is that civil unrest was cited as why the police disarmed civilians. If there were a major disaster, man-made (to include economic) or natural, and food supply chains were interrupted, there would be civil unrest as a result of this economy having made people live from paycheck to paycheck. A lot of people do not have more than a weeks worth of food on their shelves. We all forget how ugly society can be when we are competing for supplies. This scenario could provide a distraction & excuse for them to confiscate/ban weapons as a matter of safety. While many police officers and national guardsmen say they are "OathKeepers", when faced with the sight of their brethren being arrested for not following orders, they may fall into line as well. Of course, this is just my humble opinion, but it is feasible.1 point
I'm sorry but I thought the TSA had the market cornered on unemployed pizza delivery men being given badges and guns1 point
Just thinking about all the ammo buying and O's promise for a civilian army as big as the military.1 point
1 point
Here is a comparison to consider, is there a difference between Detroit and Mogadishu other than latitude and longitude?1 point
It should be obvious what's going to happen when things get really bad and the free food / free rent comes to a halt. As stated above, a decaying city has to raise taxes on the remaining citizens to provide services to the point the remaining citizens can't afford to support themselves anymore and if they have the means, they move. It's an almost unstoppable cycle that can only be temporally delayed by an influx of federal tax payer money. The low life element doesn't need much of an excuse to justify their criminal behavior if not pacified. After intently studying my crystal ball, Tara cards and my collection of chicken bones... They all concur we will have a marshmallow and hot dog roast in a number of major cities when President O concedes the election to Romney next month.1 point
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Just added the PRO. Still need to add the sling, new grip, and the can. Sent from the Titanic. I named my phone "The Titanic" so when I plug it into the computer it says "The Titanic is syncing".1 point
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