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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/2012 in all areas

  1. I know it's not a cat picture, but here are a couple pictures of the best friend our family ever had. He was only 5 weeks old when I got him back in 1993 & I was still in high school. Scrappy was 17 years old & when we lost him last year to kidney failure.
    2 points
  2. Did you tell him that he can move to Afghanistan, and they'll teach him how to get revenge on that goat?
    2 points
  3. Stirring it with his AK. As you know, it will still go bang when he's done . And, it will hit the target if it's big enough.
    2 points
  4. If I had to leave TN, couldn't shoot or hang out at TGO; damned if I wouldn't be reevaluating my situation and the value of the person(s) and thing(s) involved.
    2 points
  5. I would say it is illegal. The original firearm is classified as a pistol and not designed to be shoulder fired. Once it has been modified to be shouler fired it no longer meets the definition of a pistol and does meet the definition for a rifle. And when it meets the definition for a rifle it MUST have a barrel of 16" or be registered as a SBR. Dolomite
    1 point
  6. I'm in Florida and spend more time on TGO than the Florida forum. Stick around, the waters fine.
    1 point
  7. Without a letter from the ATF stating it's okay or a tax stamp, I'd say it's illegal as all get out.
    1 point
  8. The great thing about an AK is that it doesn't require much maintenance. They really don't. Having seen the condition of still functioning AKs in the hands of halfwit cavemen, I don't believe that M-16 series weapons would be good choices in an environment where maintenance might not be an option. If you maintain your AR it will go bang every time. If you don't it will probably fail quicker than weapons with looser tolerances. No biggie if you have the means to take care of your stuff. Based on my experience, if I had to arm some fighters who have limited trainability and would be operating in environments where access to cleaning supplies would be nil, AR series rifles would not be my first choice. I kinda think that is what folks mean when referencing going "bang" each time.
    1 point
  9. I am still trying to figure out how voting for a third party candidate is the same as voting for Obama especially considering how OhShoot (I will give credit where it is due) rightly pointed out months ago that it really isn't going to matter since Romney will take TN regardless. I seriously doubt that Romney is going to win TN by a slim margin. Therefore, what difference does it make that a few individuals on this forum are going to vote their conscience and go third party? None, outside of providing fodder for those who like to be obnoxious.
    1 point
  10. Look at how much money they wasted on Vince Young the headcase. First, he sat on the bench while an elderly Kerry Collins started. Then, to make matters worse, you have a guy with a history of mental health issues, temper tantrums etc.. who is starts cussing out one of the most seasoned coaches in the NFL. What does the ownership do??? They side with Vince the crybaby and fire Fisher who was/is a great coach. I pretty much blame the unconditional support of Vince Young for the poor state the Titans have fallen into...
    1 point
  11. I'm just glad sixteen people weren't hit by ricochets and bullet fragments in the act of shooting one person, this IS the NYPD we're talking about here.
    1 point
  12. With respect to law, it is different. "Strict scrutiny" has legal significance, whereas "a view" does not. While not ideal, this is at least a step in the right direction in LA. Concerning rights: As a gift from my Creator, I have the right to bear arms, an extension of my right to life, and to defend same. This right can neither be granted or restricted by government. It can only be violated. Governments and other thugs may have power to take my life, they cannot take my right.
    1 point
  13. I guess I just don't understand. What's the big deal if someone double posts on a topic. Why does someone always feel it's there responsibility to point it out? No one is making anyone read anything. If someone sees a topic they don't want to read, or reread, why can't they just move along without playing cyber nanny. I know, I could ignore this rebuke as well. But, I would like these questions answer to put my mind at peace and give me some insight.
    1 point
  14. A society like what? One with balls and a spine. An attitude of "I will fight my enemies to the death, I will defend my family and loved ones with my life"? A society that hasn't been neutered by political correctness and not only accept but embrace survival of the fittest. To secure the peace, you must prepare for war. Apathy is death. Raise a family with love and understanding but defend them with a fist of iron and a heart of stone??? I could go on but I won't. It's beautiful to me. Unlike the spineless castrated cowardly pissants being perpetuated [not by us here at TGO] in this once great country.
    1 point
  15. Lol, I made just one rational comment on their Facebook page about how gun control doesn't work and they gave me the ban hammer. I can no longer post comments on their page. I might get drunk this weekend and send them a hateful email. Maybe they'll be able to make better sense of a bunch of misspelled babble since they seem to have trouble understanding common sense.
    1 point
  16. When the rebel sniper went up to the roof, his very first shot should have taken the militia captain out.
    1 point
  17. Lopped sided. Then I got a double mag holder to go on the other side. JTM Sent from my iPhone
    1 point
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