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I'm not voting to feel good, I'm voting for the future of our Country.3 points
I know some of you do not support Israel as vehemently as I do. A few here may just be downright anti semitic about it. I don't wanna debate that. Just think about some of the things they do over there. Their logic is undeniable. They have stores of outdated but perfectly serviceable weapons. Instead of disposing or selling them, what do they do? Put them to use by God! Looks like a teacher on a field trip or something sporting a M1 Carbine. Hmph, and you wonder why you've never heard of school shooting [like ours] in Israel. I would LOVE to know I had a child in school where the teacher has served, been trained and qualified with a rifle he/she carries everywhere they go. It's beautiful.2 points
Home office for the trucking company I contracted to in the 70's was on Woodward Ave -- Detroit was Very Rough And Dangerous then, and GM was booming. It must be really quite the jungle now -- sounds like a cheap safari trip for the more adventurous among us. - OS2 points
It can’t happen, and if your friends listens to Alex Jones and is not intelligent enough to see that this guy is only lining his pockets by exploiting the fears of the weak and uneducated; he won’t understand what you are saying.2 points
1 point
Well, it took 26 days for my permit to arrive but it finally showed up in the mail shortly after lunch today. So, this afternoon, I put on my Shepard IWB holster, loaded up the G26 and headed out the door to run some afternoon errands. My wife and I went shopping at Krogers, took a walk thru Big Lots and finished up the afternoon with dinner at Red Lobster. I only had one brief moment at Red Lobster where I felt I needed to adjust my shirt to be assured things weren't showing. Other than that, it felt just about like any other afternoon out....only with a little better feeling of security.1 point
1 point
I'm sorry but I thought the TSA had the market cornered on unemployed pizza delivery men being given badges and guns1 point
1 point
But of course. Bible. Nazi. There, maybe that will shortcut it. - OS1 point
That's a good point, speaking as an alcoholic and lesbian. - OS1 point
I'm wondering two things... 1. Will they send French guys? 2. If so, do they squeal when you shoot 'em?1 point
Umm who would take a job where they can be sued personally? Virtually everybody who doesn't work for the government! We all can be sued for our mistakes in day to day life, unless you have some form of immunity as a government employee. If I'm an insurance agent, and you come in and sign up for a policy and pay your bill, and I forget to file the correct paperwork, and the insurance company refuses your claim because of my mistake? I'm for sure on the hook for your damages. But, if a clerk in a court house forgets to file some paperwork, and their mistake costs you a lot of time and money, it's oh well too bad, you're out of luck... People make mistakes.... but, most of us have to deal with those mistakes, unless you are employed by the government, then who cares you won't loose you house, you job, or your freedom like the rest of us. So yes, we should remove immunity from the court system, and the rest of the government.1 point
This is impossible because POTUS single handedly saved the auto industry while juggling chainsaws and helping old women across the street with their groceries.1 point
1 point
American Thinker by Pamela Geller October 5, 2012 Much is being made of the devastating blow that Mitt Romney administered to President Obama in the first presidential debate Wednesday night. Romney was masterful; Obama was incomprehensible. Romney was presidential; Obama was incoherent. Romney schooled Obama; Obama responded by doing the hand motions to "The Wheels On the Bus Go Round and Round." Republicans and conservatives alike were cheering. Even Romney skeptics like me happily conceded that Romney was the right guy all along. There will be an October surprise from the Obama camp, but they got one themselves Wednesday night. Obama was rambling, fumbling, stuttering. He was terrible. This was a great night for freedom-lovers. If sixty million Americans were watching, freedom has a shot at resuscitation. Even Obama's own camp was crestfallen. Bill Maher tweeted: "Obama made a lot of great points tonight. Unfortunately, most of them were for Romney." And: "I can't believe I'm saying this, but Obama looks like he DOES need a teleprompter." Maher is noticing only now? Andrew Sullivan tweeted in dismay: "This is a rolling calamity for Obama." But is Obama worried? Not for a second. He doesn't care. Because that's not his job. Obama is merely the pretty face for the über-left monster. Let's face it: Obama is merely a figurehead. A happy face for the anti-American, anti-individual, anti-capitalist revolution. He's a movie star, nothing more. He's an impressive façade with nothing behind it, like a Hollywood set. But the American people should be concerned about his puppet masters: Reverend Wright, George Soros, Bill Ayers, and a cabal of Islamic supremacist Muslim Brotherhood operatives. That's who's running the country. Obama is implementing and instituting everything on the radical, socialist, and Islamic supremacist wish list, without compromise. As far as Obama is concerned, it's up to them to deliver him. It's up to the culture, it's up to the media, it's up to J-Lo and the other soulless airheads in Hollywood. Obama is merely the face that the monster is wearing. So is he worried? Not on your life. His contempt for the American intellect has been demonstrated. He doesn't think his constituency is even watching. They get their talking points from the mothership -- whether it's Media Matters, the Center for American Progress, or MSNBC. Goebbels-style talking points devoid of logic, accuracy, and fact. Obama goes on The View, Letterman, and Jimmy Kimmel, and he would even go on Romper Room if it were still on the air, exuding cool, hip, and groovy vibrations. And all is right with the world, even as U.S. embassies are attacked, our ambassadors are killed, jihadi revolutions overthrow our secular allies, and the economic machine that empowers this magnificent nation is routed, and the Saturday Night Live band plays on. What, me worry? As soon as the bell rang on the close of the debate, the leftist/Islamic machine went into huddle and started hammering on an imaginary inconsistency in Romney's flawless performance. And they've been jackhammering ever since. Obama knows this going in: he's counting on America watching Real Housewives of...pick a city. But sixty million people watched. Can they be talked out of what they saw? Chris Matthews and the rest of Obama's media and civilian army are counting on it. Obama doesn't have to worry because the media will provide for all his deficiencies. As far as the left is concerned, the debate doesn't start until after it's over. The media is like the man with the shovel following behind Obama the circus elephant. Ever since the debate ended, they've been in fifth gear, spinning a completely new narrative. America, don't believe your eyes; believe the leftist lies. They are busy answering points Romney made and impugning the accuracy of Romney's assertions. And if miraculously Romney pulls it out, Obama will not accept any of the blame. Instead, the blame will lie squarely on the shoulders of the enormous leftist machine. Is it true that it doesn't matter? That as brilliant and in command and presidential as Romney was, it's a fait accompli? That remains to be seen. There's no question about it: the first presidential debate was a game-changer. The question is: is the game already over? That question will ultimately be answered by the American people. Is Obama right, and we are beneath contempt? Unworthy of respect? And this great constitutional republic that millions before us fought and died for is also unworthy of respect and beyond redemption? Or will the wheels on Obama's bus come off before the finish line? That's the question. Link1 point
Last time I was in Detroit was before the recession. It looked like a post-apocalyptic movie set back then. I can't imagine what it looks like now.... Don't really care. They deserve everything they have coming to them. They continue to elect criminals and allow gangs and unions to strong arm them around. Detroit is a hole because the citizens there have allowed it to happen. Eff 'em.1 point
Zero loss to society. Hopefully the other one dies and neither had the chance to pollute the gene pool.1 point
I'm not criticizing TWRA with my following comments, as to maintain a hunt-able population of wild game we need someone to establish bag limits and regulate the sport, but... Every state I've lived in, you have to take at least an hour prior to hunting / fishing, especially if you're hunting a new area, to read all the hunting / fishing regulations and follow all the asterisks and pound signs around from page to page, not to be in violation of anything. Many of the regulations make no sense to me and I'm of the opinion politics are influencing regulation more than necessary. In addition, make a minor small error and get caught by a Game Warden, such as for example a few inches less of blaze orange on when required in the field, and you're going to get a ticket. It seems all Game Wardens follow the law to the "T" and seldom cut a break for a minor honest to goodness silly mistake. If I were King of Tennessee fish, game and wildlife regulations, here's what I would do... I'd appoint a non political panel of maybe five or so hunters and or fishermen because they would have a horse in the race. The panel would be rotated and replaced every 3-5 years as not to get stale or too comfortable in the position so that they look out for the best interests of our sportsman and bring fresh view points to the table. No new rules or regulations would be implemented or changed without the approval of say... 3/4 of the board. The regulations would be simplified down to specific intent. And speaking of intent... If not immediately obvious to a lay person upon reading the rule / regulation, a simple explanation of why the rule / regulation was implemented would accompany the change. My logic? The vast majority of wildlife habitat is privately owned. We pay property taxes on the use and management of that land. Game and wildlife are considered the property of the people (State). The game and wildlife are on the welfare food stamp program getting a free lunch on my garden and crops Hunters, fisherman and property owners should have more input and influence on sport regulations, not just writing in your comments for consideration.1 point
All is not lost. One could use Detroit as a training ground for certain survival skills.1 point
Iv'e read this thread with great interest. Some things to think about: Do any of you believe that Nobama is a greater friend to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights than any candidate that is running against him? Do you believe that Nobama will appoint Constitutionalist justices to any court; especially the Supreme Court? For you mizers; have ya taken a look at how much more or less your dollar will buy today vs a few years ago (....that's if ya have any dollars....). For ya lookin for work in most any industry that pays pretty well (....mining, heavy manufacturing, transportation, etc....); how is the business doin that ya work for? ... better, worse?.... . For ya that are lookin for a job; hows the job market?? Lots to choose from???.... The fact is that ya have two choices on the ballot in november; Nobama and Romney. Ya need to make up your mind who ya are gonna vote for. I already have. All this baloney and grousing about the canditate positions is simply "....pickin the fly s***t out of the pepper...". If ya like keeping the freedoms ya have; you know what to do. If ya like authoritarianism and bein poor(er); ya know what to do. Choose wisely. leroy1 point
Thoughts and Prays are all I can offier, Do yall belong to a church?1 point
Congrats! As Dolomite said, most people wouldn't notice if you were on fire, much less that you're carrying.1 point
Sorry to hear about this...I'll keep you guys in my prayers. The only true comfort I have found in tough times is to pray to God and know that He is listening - He wants you to bring this to Him - and mean everything you say to Him from the bottom of your heart. Pray specifically for her doctors also. Then turn it over to Him. Again, I will be praying for you and your girlfriend. Best Wishes, B1 point
People are generally pretty oblivious to their surroundings so unless the gun is full out no one will notice and even then I don't think I lot will even care. I carry all the time and I wear T-shirts that definitely print and some even are high enough that 1/2 my holster is showing. I have yet to have anyone say or do anything to indicate they know I have a gun. I am glad it is getting colder so I can OC with a jacket covering it., I just like it better. And with a Glock most people won't care if you do because they will just assume you are LE. Dolomite1 point
1 point
Yep. Threaten folks with a gun, and you might get shot center mass. I have no sympathy for armed thugs. I don't care how old they are.1 point
The only understanding needed was the one the good samaritan accurately responded to. He isn't responsible for evaluating the armed robbers entire life before he responds. They forced the issue. They took the risk. They made their decision. It was their responsibility. They got what they asked for.1 point
I have some issues with these two quotes from the article. Why was quote #1 even in the piece and why are teenagers any more special than anyone else as implied in quote #2. The punks got what they deserved. Hopefully the "good samaritan" will not be charged but this is California after all.1 point
Stay armed.. If I get tripped someone will get pulled down with me... ...1 point
Somebody is drinking koolaid, that's for sure. The NRA just endorsed him. Do they have some hidden anti-gun agenda too?1 point
Well, somewhat of a semantic difficulty there. No way to know about innate characteristics (or if innate characteristics beyond suckling level actually even exist - the eternal nature/nurture debate), but one's nature is also what it becomes over time, and I feel BHO has now set a new standard of subterfuge, Side Step (when you can view video), and outright bold face lying, even among politicians. - OS1 point
Because it's the only logical conclusion if one has has open eyes and mind over just the last 4 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=YLqKVnNpQ4s - OS1 point
Our system of government would have to collapse first. If that happends, knocking on my front door will be a dangerous thing to do.1 point
while I disagree with reprogramming therapy in general there should not be laws preventing it. Let people decide for themselves what they want to do. We need less govt in our lives, not more.1 point
Colorado shooting... Romney: "We don't need any more gun laws." Obama: "Nobody needs an AK47" Tin foil hats: "They're the same".1 point
It would be nice if 6.8 AR and others didn't have to go around explaining common sense as done in the post above. As he said, the current president wants to trash everything. He must be voted out.1 point
Red's got it right. I don't have to outrun the zombies, I just have to outrun YOU.1 point
Most reporting these days are not the days of old, where who, what, where, when & why were the reporting standards with fair and balanced mixed in. These days not even reading between the lines in major media will give you the facts, but only opinions, speculation and the now popular liberal spin. Our news media has been taken over by the Vietnam war protesting, draft card burning, draft dodging, old money, pot smoking but doesn't inhale, socialists for a pacifist society. All major media outlets these days don't differentiate between fact and fiction, just liberal spin to suit their own agendas. Rant / OFF1 point
I'm sorry, but the in three years I spent working at Walt Disney World, one of the things that they did not tolerate was being rude to guests. You didn't have to take any abuse, but you certainly were not allowed to be rude or give the impression that you had an attitude. If you did you were gone. Didn't matter what you had going on in your personal life. And, yes, I had to interact with more stupid people on a daily basis than you can imagine, answering the same stupid question about 200 times a day if not more. It didn't matter. That's what I expect from whomever I am dealing with as a customer. My personal problems don't give me immunity from being polite.1 point
Decide which one's more important, the gun or visiting D.C. You can't legally do both. Go and enjoy the place. Leave the gun at home. The park police do a great job of keeping the tourist areas patrolled. Treat it like any other city and don't be stupid. The murders and things you hear about in DC are not normally in the parts of town a normal tourist would find themselves in. Be smart. Don't ride the subway at 2am and things like that.1 point
life is not all about the gun. Leave it at home and take your trip.1 point
It's not the first time and she is getting a new floor and bedroom set. That what bail was set out. And just so those who may want to criticize know, we have been married 31 years and other than Jesus she is the best thing to ever happen to me. She knows how I feel about her. We dance this dance about every three years.1 point
Alot of people like crossbreed holsters. I have one and its a good holster. Lately, I've been looking in to R Grizzle holsters They do some custom exotics which look very intriguing1 point
Been hanging out there for years, no probs. Whether it came from there or not, you need to upgrade whatever you're using. Nothing but router, AVG Free, and modicum of caution has kept all well at this location since 1998. - OS1 point
1 point
I buy some hogs, and see if the smell can quelch the noise. Its hard to detail cars and shoot autos, with a couple of wallering stinking hogs close by. This actually happened in my family. Have a family member who had a large piece of property in East Tennessee. A subdivison was built next to his property. A well to do New Jersey family moved in ($300K+ type house). Not soon after, they started complaining about everything on his property. Fence row had honey suckels and brush growing up, they wanted it cleared. He only bush hogged once a year, they wanted it kepted like a manicured lawn, I use to ride motorcycle on his property (Yamaha YZ 125), they complained about that, and so on and so on. The complaints were constant and many. Finally, my family member wasn't much of a hog farmer, but was when he was younger, and did acquire some hogs. On this 100 acre property he placed the pen right next to those people's house on his property, the actual pen shared the same fence row that seperated his property from their property. The complainers filed a suit and asked the city to get involved. They actually lived in the city limits, whereas his property was in the county. Nothing could be done, no county ordiance against a 100 acre property for farming purposes, the city had no say so either. No law, no statue, about farming. Eventually the complaints stopped about everything, and eventually (2-3 years) later he removed the hoggs. Thats been some 20+ years ago, I do not believe they have complained about anything since, yes they still live there. The fence row is like it always has been, full of growed up honeysuckels and brush, and the field gets bush hogged 1x a year. What a journey.1 point
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