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  1. I think it will just be 4 more years of gridlock. He's not a dictator (yet). There's still a congress. I'm more concerned about the missed opportunity to grow the economy.
    6 points
  2. Honestly, about like four years of Romney. I see both of them as politicians more interested in tuning up their fiddles than actually preventing the fire.
    4 points
  3. I think what is left of America as I have known it will be gone. True socialism, many more businesses taken over by the Gov. no guns, and runaway inflation. I also expect a rise in social unrest. It ain't gonna be pretty.
    4 points
  4. It's disrespectful, but would we expect different? I get just as irritated when I see the same in reverse, as in someone plastering anti-Obama stuff all over an American Flag. Or when someone doesn't take their hat off when the National Anthem is playing, or they yap on their phones during it. Or how 'about the ones that talked a tough game on 9/11 but had no intentions of ever strapping on boots and taking the fight to the enemy? That was very irritating as well. Yes, disrespectful and irritating. But they are Americans, even if they don't know how to be good at it.
    4 points
  5. Its artistic expression, it is not their to subvert the United States. It is not some major crime against humanity, it is a T Shirt. I don't have a problem with it in the same way I don't have a problem with all the satyrical shirts you see making fun of Obama who is the president of the United States. Would you be just as pissed if it was George Washington's face on there, or Ronald Reagan's or is it just because it is the symbol of Obama? Regardless as to whether you agree with it or not someone is supporting the economy by selling them. And those Americans who buy them are doing the same as everyone else, finding something to show their support for their chosen candidate. Love him or hate him he is still the president of the US. I fought for the Flag of the United States and live with the injuries of that fight. If I am not pissed I fail to see how anyone else could be. I fought so someone that I do not know is able to make a statement without fear. And although I may not agree with it I would hate to think that what I go through on a daily basis was for nothing. Dolomite
    4 points
  6. By both his words and his actions, BHO has shown that he truly has no respect for the greatness of America or of its people; that he has total disdain for the Constitution and, for that matter all other laws that would prevent him from doing whatever he wants to do to complete his work of transforming America. He is clueless about what makes our economy works and perhaps even more cluelesabout foreign policy. Therefore, I believe four more years of BHO will result in a complete collapse of our currency and, as a result, a collapse of our economy...as goes the U.S. so will go the world economy and we will enter a period of financial pain that we have nothing to even compare to except, perhaps, 1930's Germany. The right of free speech, free thought, expression of religion will be replaced by censorship and laws forbidding us from saying or doing anything that might offend others, especially if the others are muslims. Our border control, such as it is, will be abandoned as we open the country to anyone who makes it across the border with the promise of amnesty, jobs and public assistance so those who still actually want to work will have trouble finding jobs because there will be dozens of illegals ready to do the same work for pennies...thoughts of our country being a sovereign nation will be discouraged as old fashioned, even dangerous to be replaced by global rules and ideals of "fairness" and "justice". BHO will have to do something about firearms in the hands of civilians as he knows that is the biggest threat to him. I don't know what he'll do or how he'll do it but I've no doubt that he will do all he can to make civilian firearm ownership difficult or impossible. I would think he'll probably get laws passed for the sake of the "children" and based on a campaign that an "assault weapon" and high-capacity magazine has no legitimate "sporting purpose". I see civil unrest and crime becoming out of control as those who lose all hope will look to the government and the "evil rich" to feed, cloth and house them as well as provide medical care and entertainment and they won't get those things because the bankrupt and inept government will not be able to provide those things; they won't be able to "tax the rich" because anyone who truly is rich will likely have moved out of the country or found other ways to protect their lifestyles; just like I would if I had the resources to do so. The only hope of stemming the bleeding will be a Congress with some balls and some common sense but I've seen little reason to expect we'll get that (I hope I'm wrong)...we had a really good crop of conservative legislators elected two years ago and they have failed to actually DO anything to stop the financial bleeding so, if BHO is re-elected; and with a complacent or impotent Congress; we have little reason to hope for anything good in our future. Most of my disrepair is centered with what I believe is, with a second BHO term, the certain collapse of our economy. History is pretty clear; when a democracy goes down the road we are on (printing worthless money and monetizing its debt so that it can keep handing out money it doesn't have) it has never ended well - every time, such a democracy has collapsed it's been followed by civil unrest and chaos and then, to restore order, a dictator. I don't know if having Romney as President instead of BHO will stop the collapse but I am deadly certain that a continuation of BHO's policies will bring the collapse.
    3 points
  7. This thread if full of people who believe in heavily skewed oversampled liberal polls. This is the ONLY way that they can help 0bama at this point, by lying and attempting to depress the opposition. They over-sample Dems by 9-13%, or even more. Not to mention that these "polls" are taken of 'Registered Voters' as opposed to 'Likely Voters' which is much more accurate. Same numbers during Carter/Reagan, up until a week before election. Then the "polls" started reflecting the true numbers and we all know how the election turned out. Similar circumstances now. I predict a win by Romney by 7-10%, possibly more. If any of you were at Chick-Fil-A several weeks ago, THAT is what the election will look like! Mark my words. True Americans will not take this lying down. Stop with all of the doom-and-gloom despair, you sound like the French, and the day of the battle hasn't even arrived yet.
    2 points
  8. I feel the same. The military isn't for everyone, and there are other ways to serve and support your country in a time of war. What has always irritated me are the folks who speak with such conviction that have no intention of backing it up. Granted, amongst most of my associates we have done our part, so generally I'm not socializing with folks that haven't, but on those occasions when I'm around someone I've just been introduced and they want to bring up my service and talk about how we need to kill "all those people over there" I'm secretly bubbling under the surface wanting to ask them, "Well, you're young enough. If you feel so strongly about it why don't you put on some damn boots, grab a rifle and go join those that have a sack." Nothing against folks with opinions on foreign policy who have no desire to serve in the military, but I've just met too many chickenhawks that beat their chest about killing ragheads or whatever that received their education on war from their Xbox.
    2 points
  9. The entire HCP/CCW class structure is corporate welfare for ranges and instructors... it does little to nothing to make us safer and acts as a road block for otherwise law abiding citizens. FACT: Citizens who are involved in a deadly justified shooting are 5 times less likely to kill an innocent person than police officers... Citizens at large 2% of the time, Police Officers 11% of the time. Now why exactly do we need anything more than a $5 written test for an HCP?
    2 points
  10. For the last week my 19 year old Niece has been here visiting from West Virginia, she is a college student at Marshall University. Anyway yesterday while at the Green Hills mall she told me that she would like me to teach her to shoot, I could not remove the smile from my face when she asked that and then I told her if she wanted when she turns 21 I will pay for her to get her CCW and buy her a pistol. I was thinking of a 9MM or possibly smaller. I called a buddy of mine to see if he would come over and let her shoot one of his 9mm, he was busy and all I own are .45 ACP, well I let her shoot my P220 and my Nighthawk Custom and she did awesome! she handled the .45ACP as good as any man I have ever shot with, she is a natural and we had a blast shooting in my back yard I let her shoot the AR and my 12 gauge Shotgun, she absolutely loved it! This did my heart good and I will be buying her a Sig p220 and getting the trigger job and everything that mine has done on her 21st Birthday!
    1 point
  11. I believe you, I'm just tired of everyone on here pretending the republicans are really looking out for our best interest. It's time to start being honest with ourselves.
    1 point
  12. Even so, BHO's new appointees will make Sotomayor and Kagan look like John Birchers. Even they themselves will have to look left with binos to see them. - OS
    1 point
  13. There are cars outside every bar. +1 for personal responsibility!
    1 point
  14. You guys keep saying that, yet you fail to acknowledge just how badly your beloved "conservatives" screwed us on the health care ruling.
    1 point
  15. At least this post won't disappear like the ones on Arfcom do.....and their legion of followers won't jump down your throat. They have serious, systemic problems that they continually deny and shift blame for. They are their own worst enemy.
    1 point
  16. If you make out of metal you will probaly wear out the plastic main housing that it rides in very quickly
    1 point
  17. I guess she should just consider herself lucky that a SWAT truck of thugs didn't show up to take her down in case of non-compliance. I hope by the time her lawsuit is done she's driving the police chief's car and living in the neighbor's house.
    1 point
  18. I think it's a great idea. Maybe natural selection will rid us of a few morons.
    1 point
  19. Agreed. Hell, I don't work off the assumption that "all guns are always loaded." My guns ARE always loaded. Only time they aren't is if they are disassembled during cleaning or if I just fired it and haven't reloaded it yet. Saves on the guessing.
    1 point
  20. In the post I was replying to, I was specifically replying to the statement of "people talking about Romney being just as bad are off base too"; "people" meaning people HERE on TGO who, in thread after thread, have been saying Romney is "as bad" as or no different than BHO (often followed with their claim that they are going to vote for Gary Johnson or Paul or some other third-party candidate or even not vote at all). Such folks are not (or certainly not likely to be) Democrats/BHO supporters - if they are, saying that the opposition candidate is "as bad" as their candidate would be a pretty strange thing to say.
    1 point
  21. I think Robert is talking about our friends and allies on this board that won't place an effective vote against Obama because they don't like Romney. In other words... shooting themselves in the ass with their own Glock.
    1 point
  22. Can we get about a billion of these made up from lead and toxic plastic in china to send to the middle east? (if you missed it, one of the flag burners died from the fumes off the flag in the rioting).
    1 point
  23. It's like I said above, I check a gun handed to me, even though I just saw the person clear it.
    1 point
  24. Glenn, I'm sorry but that's all a pretty big stretch.
    1 point
  25. Heres a little something I have been working on. LOL The background is back in the late 90's I taught SERE (West) with the Navy. At the time we were issued medium ALICE packs. Lets just say they were a little too much for our needs. We really only needed a day pack set up. Well I made my own. Fast forward to this summer i have been taking my 6 y/o son in the woods and teaching him things, ie IDing plants, making and setting traps and snare, firecraft, and basic orientation. So after one walk in the woods he asked me to make him a pack like mine, so I did. He then started asking me to make his friends packs also. I finished pack #7 last week and its for a 9 y/o so its larger. My sons is on the left with the very dulled up aircrew survival knife LOL I have also been making the 223 survival whistles that was addressed in a thread that I cant seem to find right now, but heres a link http://www.instructables.com/id/223-Survival-Whistle/
    1 point
  26. It would work well for the proctologist who loves to eat popcorn while he works. Dolomite
    1 point
  27. I was playing outside in the woods of our 50 acre place when I was 5 or 6. Home by dark or my butt cheeks would suffer dire consequences. Although, mom was MORE than happy to let me stay indoors. There's always something that needs cleaning, so feel welcome to stay as long as you like. By the time I was 9 I knew the property lines, I knew that crossing them involved a leather belt and I had no issues telling my parents on a fall friday afternoon, "My homework is done, I'm going hunting, I'll be back in time for church sunday." Maybe my dad would drive the truck back there to check on me, maybe not. Until i was a teenager I was allowed 5 rounds for my single shot .22 and by God you better not take 6. Never needed more than that because I never liked cleaning more than two or three squirrels anyway. Cooked over a little campfire, that time alone was most therapeutic and kept me from going barking mad from idiots I grew up with. I hope that mother wins her lawsuit and gets enough cash to put that kid through college.
    1 point
  28. $700 may sound excessive and maybe it is to start......BUT....Bet on having thousands in it after a few years. You'll never save a dime reloading....but you can shoot a helluva lot more!
    1 point
  29. Every parent of every kid I knew growing up would have been in jail. We were kicked outside to play.
    1 point
  30. Seems pretty ridiculous. So if I call the police and tell them my neighbor stole my lawn mower and is using it to mow his lawn, would they come arrest him and give me his mower? Since when is playing outside unsupervised child endangerment? The oldest was 9. I understand it's dangerous in today's times, but she should have been given the benefit of doubt. I would have spent the night in jail, but it would be for kicking my neighbors ass
    1 point
  31. I am on the side that isn't a big fan of the Lee equipment (except their dies are ok). I prefer a balance beam scale as I am more confident that once it is set, it will be correct and consistent. I don't have the same confidence it an electronic scale (although I do have one, I just don't use it very often). I don't like seeing numbers go up or down, even if it is just a .10th caused by airlflow. I think for a beginner, I would always recommend a balance beam and then they can choose to move up to an electronic scale when they are confident in their skills. You can buy used of course, but I think that is really hard sometimes for someone who is just getting into it to really know what is good and what isn't. I research everything to death and recommend you do the same. You will also learn some things you probably didn't think of along the way. I really think one of the single stage kits is a good way to start. Yes, you can buy things a little cheaper used, but it's one stop shopping for the base components. Yes, there will be other items you need, but the kits are a good start. I have both the Lyman Crusher II and the Hornady LNL single state presses and they are both good presses. As many others will say, they like the Lee as well. If it was me, I would set a budget and by the best I could afford (that doesn't mean throw money away, but look for obvious quality). I would start by deciding what actual press I wanted. There are plenty of reviews of all of them out there. Then fill in the other items based on your budget. If you only have $200 to spend, I am going to buy very different items that if I have $600 to spend. That's not to say that some things may be the same, but I think there are quality differences among items. I think if I could ask you one thing, it would be, how much reloading do you plan to do? I do it because I enjoy it and I want the extra control for precision target shooting. But I really believe that unless you are going to reload thousands of rounds, it takes a long time to recoup the money spent getting setup. Starting with a cheap setup isn't a bad thing. If you realize later on you aren't reloading as much as you thought you would, you aren't out much. Of course, if you have it a lifetime, the cost becomes less of an issue and you will definitely recoup it over time.
    1 point
  32. Yeah I do.I do because I respect our flag...I've served under our flag...I've had friend's coffins draped by our flag and I don't like it when ANYONE disrespects our flag. Most of the time, stupid people do it because they are stupid. This egotistical, narcissistic, racist bastard is doing it to get re-elected which is far more disrespectful than someone doing it out of stupidity.
    1 point
  33. how is it really any different than this. Does this flag anger anyone? Me thinks people don't like the Obama flag because it is about Obama, http://www.collegeflagsandbanners.com/tennessee_volunteer_nation_flag_8383_prd1.html ( sorry I can't post a pic, the My Media button for whatever reason does not work for me,)
    1 point
  34. So it is ok to have Washington and Reagan, who were also presidents, but not Obama who is also a president. People on an Obama board they would disagree. How it is interpreted is up to those viewing it. Eveyone is just getting upset because it is a symbol for Obama, not because it is a artistic expression of the flag. Dolomite
    1 point
  35. Romney was referring to the fact that his message of lower taxes doesn't connect with people that don't pay tax. That's the 47%. Not that all that 47% are leeches but there are a lot of them.
    1 point
  36. And a tshirt is not going to change the outcome, no matter what it is. Dolomite
    1 point
  37. Hmm... maybe I don't understand the complexities here, but when I was a single Soldier during the Bush administration I absolutely paid taxes, even with the modest paycheck of an E-4 who makes around 1,300 a month in base pay (if I remember correctly). I still paid income tax, getting a return of around $200 from what I paid in, which would have been somewhere in the range of 3K for the year. And then I remember the first time that, not only did I not pay income tax, but I actually got money back from the gov. This was as an E-7 making pretty decent wages. The tax return was due to my being deployed to a tax-free zone for the majority of the year. It was nice, as I put the entire return in our IRAs to make up for the SS that won't be around when I'm older. I did, however, feel pretty guilty for not paying my share. Had the gov required me to pay more in taxes, or had I not qualified for such a return, I would not be upset. I felt, for the first time, like I took something I didn't deserve. Somehow I doubt that many people on the gov teet feel that way. For them it is a sense of entitlement. I don't know numbers, so I don't know who exactly Romney was referring to. I know that our system is broken though. We are not a society that will allow mothers and their children to sleep on the streets, or our elders to suffer in their final years. But we have to acknowledge that the system allows for very lazy people to take advantage of the rest of us. I don't know what the fix is, but I do know that a system that rewards laziness and pits the non-earners against the earners is a doomed system. We have to acknowledge that. We have to make changes. That means that we're going to have to say things that hurt people's feelings. I pay a stupid amount in income tax now. I wouldn't have a single problem with the astronomical amount the gov takes if I thought it was being used properly and I wasn't being taken advantage of. It is, after all, my money.
    1 point
  38. No kidding. Apathetic attitudes in this country......that is the American flag they are subverting. That should make everyone angry. eta: The intent is clear. It doesn't have to be 100% accurate, it's obvious what they're trying to invoke.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Based on the story, I'd say roll up the window and drive away.
    1 point
  41. sounds like that city official knows someone in the cleaning business.
    1 point
  42. Take that extended slide release out! First it won't help you and will only hinder you with early slide lock on any Glock if you have a "thumbs up" grip" with any Generation of Glock. I know.... Secondly it isn't the proper slide lock lever for a 2 pin Glock. I'll bet if you get a two pin slide lock your problems will be solved. But then that ported barrel still may require a bit more "oomph" than provided by Winchester White Box 115 or similar ammo.
    1 point
  43. OR ship it to Glock and they'll rebuild it for FREE! (ok, you'll be out shipping costs).
    1 point
  44. I see what you are saying. But it sounds like in FL an officer can stop you, search you, etc automatically assuming you are engaging in criminal activity simply because you are carrying. In TN doesn't an officer have to have some reasonable suspicion before stopping you and searching you just because you are carrying?
    1 point
  45. Theory vs. Reality (an old one, but certainly relevant in any time): A young boy needs help with his grade school paper so he decides to ask his father. "Daddy, I have to do a paper on the difference between theory and reality. Can you help me?" The father responds, "Well son, do you know what those words mean?" "Yes, but I could use an example." The father thinks for a minute then tells his son to run upstairs and ask his sister if she would sleep with a complete stranger for 1 million dollars. The kid goes upstairs and comes running back down, "Daddy, daddy, she said she would!" The father then tells the kid to go into the kitchen and ask his mother if she would sleep with a complete stranger for a million dollars. The kid goes to the kitchen and comes back, "Daddy, daddy, she said she would too!" The father says, "There you go son. Theoretically we are sitting on 2 million bucks but in reality we're living with a couple of whores."
    1 point
  46. I have the FDE MOE version. She is a lifetime keeper.
    1 point
  47. I used my antique H&R .22. Cylinder has to be removed to reload. Instructor actually asked, "You're not gonna carry that thing are you?" I said, "Sure, just look how fast I can reload it!" I didn't figure I needed to add a wink, but guess I did, he seemed to take it seriously. Plus, it's the tactical high capacity 9 round model and all. - OS
    1 point
  48. 1 point
  49. Raise your weak hand in praise and worship to the God of your understanding; Keep your strong hand tucked close to your hip. No god worth serving passes out freebies to strong capable people. It's my personal belief that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob favors those who ask not for a detailed list of everything they need, but instead ask for the strength, wisdom and ability to do it themselves. I'm lost on the idea of asking God for EVERYTHING. What good is a heaven full of people he has to support? No. Any god worth serving takes pride in a follower who is empowered by the wisdom of the spirit and can take care of simple tasks without getting on his nerves like a spoiled child. Absolutely arm yourselves in your place of worship. There is a time for peace and a time for war. When a person decides to attack you and your loved ons in said place of worship.....it is time for war. The tunnel visioned bible belt Christians are deluded and hung up on passive attitudes. God understands war. God understands the difference in murdering another for personal gain or cold blood and causing a threat to your women and children to rapidly reach room temperature. God is no coward, and he is not weak. Why would you want to be any different? Vengeance is his true, but it's on YOU to stand and deliver when the lives of your loved ones are in peril.
    1 point
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