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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2012 in all areas

  1. Theory vs. Reality (an old one, but certainly relevant in any time): A young boy needs help with his grade school paper so he decides to ask his father. "Daddy, I have to do a paper on the difference between theory and reality. Can you help me?" The father responds, "Well son, do you know what those words mean?" "Yes, but I could use an example." The father thinks for a minute then tells his son to run upstairs and ask his sister if she would sleep with a complete stranger for 1 million dollars. The kid goes upstairs and comes running back down, "Daddy, daddy, she said she would!" The father then tells the kid to go into the kitchen and ask his mother if she would sleep with a complete stranger for a million dollars. The kid goes to the kitchen and comes back, "Daddy, daddy, she said she would too!" The father says, "There you go son. Theoretically we are sitting on 2 million bucks but in reality we're living with a couple of whores."
    4 points
  2. I wish I could understand WTF Chibs is saying half the time.
    3 points
  3. Lotto Ticket One day, the wife comes home with a spectacular diamond ring. "Where did you get that ring?" her husband asks. Well, she replies, "My boss and I played the lotto and we won, so I bought it with my share of the winnings." A week later, his wife comes home with a long shiny fur coat. " Where did you get that coat? " her husband asks. She replies, "My boss and I played the lotto and we won again, so I bought it with my share of he winnings." Another week later, his wife comes home driving a flaming red Ferrrari. You guess it: Her share of the winnings...... That night, she asks her husband to run her a nice warm bath while she gets undressed. When she enters the bathroom, she finds that there is barely enough water in the bath to cover the bath drain. "Whats this?" she asks her husband. Well, "he replies, We don't want to get your lotto ticket wet, do we."
    3 points
  4. M1911, Condition One Cocked and Locked. Perhaps the safest way to carry a 1911. Two safeties and a trigger holding back heavy duty personal protection firepower. Three safeties in a thumb-break holster.
    2 points
  5. For the last week my 19 year old Niece has been here visiting from West Virginia, she is a college student at Marshall University. Anyway yesterday while at the Green Hills mall she told me that she would like me to teach her to shoot, I could not remove the smile from my face when she asked that and then I told her if she wanted when she turns 21 I will pay for her to get her CCW and buy her a pistol. I was thinking of a 9MM or possibly smaller. I called a buddy of mine to see if he would come over and let her shoot one of his 9mm, he was busy and all I own are .45 ACP, well I let her shoot my P220 and my Nighthawk Custom and she did awesome! she handled the .45ACP as good as any man I have ever shot with, she is a natural and we had a blast shooting in my back yard I let her shoot the AR and my 12 gauge Shotgun, she absolutely loved it! This did my heart good and I will be buying her a Sig p220 and getting the trigger job and everything that mine has done on her 21st Birthday!
    1 point
  6. http://www.sigsauer.com/CatalogProductDetails/p226-x-five-tactical.aspx I traded into this X-Five Tactical today. I got to shoot his very gun about a year ago or so. At that time I was flabbergasted at how easy this pistol was to shoot well. When it is time they will be prying my cold dead fingers off this one.
    1 point
  7. Its artistic expression, it is not their to subvert the United States. It is not some major crime against humanity, it is a T Shirt. I don't have a problem with it in the same way I don't have a problem with all the satyrical shirts you see making fun of Obama who is the president of the United States. Would you be just as pissed if it was George Washington's face on there, or Ronald Reagan's or is it just because it is the symbol of Obama? Regardless as to whether you agree with it or not someone is supporting the economy by selling them. And those Americans who buy them are doing the same as everyone else, finding something to show their support for their chosen candidate. Love him or hate him he is still the president of the US. I fought for the Flag of the United States and live with the injuries of that fight. If I am not pissed I fail to see how anyone else could be. I fought so someone that I do not know is able to make a statement without fear. And although I may not agree with it I would hate to think that what I go through on a daily basis was for nothing. Dolomite
    1 point
  8. Was his gas pedal broken? Or his window? In a case like this I think I would have choosen to roll the window up and drive away. Now if the attacker would have had a knine on me or something than that would be different. But an unarmed person reaching in thorugh my car window... sorry... a car is much stronger tahn an elderly man. Just drive slowly away.
    1 point
  9. Is there anything in the world more worthless than a bureaucrat?
    1 point
  10. Take that extended slide release out! First it won't help you and will only hinder you with early slide lock on any Glock if you have a "thumbs up" grip" with any Generation of Glock. I know.... Secondly it isn't the proper slide lock lever for a 2 pin Glock. I'll bet if you get a two pin slide lock your problems will be solved. But then that ported barrel still may require a bit more "oomph" than provided by Winchester White Box 115 or similar ammo.
    1 point
  11. Same here except for the thumb break or carrying a striker fire but always one in the chamber. I've had these discussions with the folks that freak out over a cocked 1911 when they see that hammer back.
    1 point
  12. Man I hate to hear that! Prayers sent for a rapid recovery! I am a huge outdoorsman and have had my fair share of tick run ins! The worst experience i ever had with them was on a pine tree farm in Mississippi. I was a kid and my buddy and I were making a lean-to fort. Well when I got home and tried to dust off the dirt on my legs, the dirt did not come off. It was literally thousands of ticks. Thousands of them covered every part of my body from head to toe. All of them burried in my skin and all of theme were those seed ticks that are the size of small freckles. This also happened the same night that my parents were having an important dinner party for out of town guests! My mom and dad rotated with tweezers to pick these guys off of me but there were simply too many! Then my dad comes upstairs, not with tweezers, but with a bottle of dog flea and tick shampoo. I scrubbed my body head to toe, let it sit for 5 minutes and then rinsed off. Now they still had the marathon tick pulling disaster but all the ones they pulled were dead. To this day, if I find 1 tick, I use flea and tick shampoo. Works great!! Now to prevent ticks. The BEST thing you can do is spray your clothing with a permethrin solution. Sawyers makes some premade stuff at Walmart and bass pro but you will save yourself a lot of money by buying a permethrin consentrate from amazon or a tractor supply/co-op store. After you spray your clothes, use DEET on your skin. Dressing for the outdoors helps a lot to. Tucking your pants into your shoes or using duct tape. Tuck your shirt in and wear a hat. With that system, I have never had another tick.
    1 point
  13. Since the original question already eliminated the issue of legality from the matter; where (what state) someone is in doesn't really matter I don't think. Anyway, the question is would you stop a theft with deadly force; for me, "what" is being stolen is not part of the decision matrix (to coin a phrase). That doesn't mean I won't try to stop the theft if I think I can but am I going to use deadly force to do it? No; at least not except for extreme and unusual circumstances as I indicated a couple of pages ago.
    1 point
  14. Yeah I wish I had an Uncle Willis to teach me to shoot, buy me a Sig and my HCP. Are you adopting? I'll pull my weight, I promise lol
    1 point
  15. Yes, and not far back you crowned yourself morally superior to those that would use deadly force to defend what is theirs. You missed the point completely regarding the defense of property and the choice not to be a victim. Insurance is not in the decision matrix. Value of the property is not in the decision matrix. The only thing that is in the decision matrix is the legality of the force used. If that was taken away, some of us would sleep fine killing a thief to protect their property. You may not have it in you to do the same, but spare me the lecture on your moral superiority.
    1 point
  16. Oh, I guess I just keep misreading the OPs question. Apparently he was asking if someone would use deadly force regardless of the law. I must be taking his question literal and not interpreting it to mean something completely different than what he asked. My mistake.
    1 point
  17. I carry chambered, no safety My reasoning is if a threat comes at me very close. From what i have considered/practiced I would attempt to hold them off or push them back with my left arm and draw with my right (or in extreme situation my left although it aint easy.) But one thing is for sure I can't conceive how i'd operate the slide with one hand and the other tied up in a fight. I wonder if i could draw at all. Fighting them off would be #1 and if i could get one step back it'd be ideal but if i could hold them off enough to draw to a weapon retention position just below my armpit close to my body i'd be ok (Oh yeah, it feels dangerous to shoot from here because its so close to your chest but to me it seems like a very realistic scenario in a bad situation, so i practice it. I think in a real fight there's a good chance you may shoot yourself in the left hand or forearm, but hey you're alive if you also neutralize the threat)
    1 point
  18. That would be like getting your lifeguard certification through the state and not actually getting to go in the water. How stupid!
    1 point
  19. "The blind conservative at the rally tried in vain to make his point".
    1 point
  20. From what I have read on this forum, the officer's job and his commission is a defense to carrying a firearm just the same as my having a HCP is. So then, what is to stop me from making a citizen's arrest? Or calling a federal LE to arrest him and have him present his defense in court? Absurd, right? So it is just as absurd that he could do the same to a citizen. This absurdity needs to end. It really wouldn't be that complicated to change. Going through the law striking this, adding that, blah, blah, legalese can be done in one single bill. Or, as JayC said above simply changing the word "defense" to "exception" would work. If one want to really make it complicated, make the new law contingent on and effective as of the date of the repeal of the old law. This happens all the time. Ultimately, the best solution is Constitutional carry. I don't need a Permit to act as a defense to an act which is a RIGHT. And make no mistake, it is a RIGHT, no matter what state, local or federal law says. Bearing arms is a right in New York City, Chicago, and Los Angeles as much as it is in Arizona, Vermont and Alaska. Just because a government infringes on a right makes it no less a right. Will
    1 point
  21. From your .22 cans. What's your favorite and why? That depends....haha. Seriously, if I had to have only one .22, it would be the SS Sparrow. It is super-wicked quiet, easy to break down with no tools, and works equally well on rifles and pistols. It also does not seem to have much effect on point-of-impact. I shoot a lot of target .22 and use 24-36 power scopes. I have found this suppressor to be very consistent. What is the most user serviceable? That would be the SS Sparrow. But, I have found that the Element cleans up very easily because I just throw the baffles in the dip overnight. As for 9mm can's -- I looked in to Liberty, but I'm currently leaning towards the Osprey due to the flat top. FIgured it would be easier to see over with my PPQ since taller sights aren't available yet (and I don't know if they will ever be available) I have the Osprey in .45. I also have multiple pistons for it. That way, I can use it on my 9mm, .45 and on my metric threaded guns and standard threaded guns. The Osprey is not user-servicable so you would not want to shoot .22 through it. The AAC Tirant45 is one you can clean. I have found no noticable difference in shooting the .45 cans on a 9mm vs a dedicated 9mm can. You can use standard ammo in .45, but you will have to use sub-sonic 9mm to have the 9mm guns perform quietly. Can find much info on the AAC Dragonfly? You won't. Mine is one of about 20. It was a demo model that AAC did in the early years.
    1 point
  22. I remember how unnerving the thought of carrying one in the chamber was until I spent one whole day at home carrying that way. That convinced me that my weapon was not going to do anything until I clear leather and pull the trigger. But it didn't matter how many people told me that it wouldn't; I had to convince myself. Now it's the thought of carrying with an empty chamber that unnerves me.
    1 point
  23. No. An officer in Tennessee can stop, and investigate, you for carrying a firearm because you ARE breaking the law when you have a firearm on your person. You do not need to be engaged in any other illegal activity for an officer to investigate. It is in the defense that mandates you cannot be charged for the crime The law in Florida sounds exactly like the law here in Tennessee. Here is the Tennessee Law: And that applies to everyone in Tennessee without regard to their job, HCP status or where they are. Carrying a firearm on your own property as well as in your own home is also against the law. But the defense, below, make it so that you cannot be prosecuted for it. And here are the defenses: And here is the 1315 which relates to the defense of being a duly sworn officers: And 1351 pertaining to the defense of HCP holders: Dolomite
    1 point
  24. The absolutely biggest "OH S**T!!!!" moment I ever had was in Bosnia. We had established a check point and some kids came up begging for stuff. Nothing out of the ordinary until a few days later when they got comfortable. One kid, probably 8-10, came up holding a stack of AP mines. He was struggling to hold them because he had so many. He wanted us to buy them for like 5 Marks each. The "OH S**T!!!" moment came when I asked if they had been disarmed and got a blank stare. Evidentally the kids had went out into a field and dug them up in hopes we would buy them. The kid was struggling to hold them and almost dropped them right in front of me. I thought long and hard about that day and realized that may have been the end had the kid dropped them. We calmly told him we weren't interested but called EOD to come take care of them. Bosnia was a strange world. I met a 12 year old arms dealer, saw AK's and SKS's stacked like cord wood and the biggest sniper rifle I have ever seen. It was either a 20mm or 25mm bolt action. It was about 8 feet long and had to weigh 150 pounds. Tuzla and the surrounding area wasn't that bad. Yeah things were obliterated but not like the ZOS. The ZOS was such a wasteland that any time we entered my pucker factor increased. Something else kind of funny. I collected "bikini babies" stickers that came in local packs of gum. I would trade what was left of my MRE for a pack or two. They were marketed to kids but had scantily clad women on stickers. The inside of my helmet was filled with them until an overzealous LT told me to remove them. As much as deployments suck I actually didn't mind that one too much. Fun times. Dolomite
    1 point
  25. Social Security is a Ponzei Scheme ... The government feels THEY should hold on to YOUR retirement savings .... I'd prefer to keep & invest my own SS benefits, but unfortunately I have no choice
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. ...And I intend to build a monument to myself and have my body interred in a mausoleum, paid for by the working middle class, on the beautiful hill to my left....
    1 point
  28. Of course you do. He also has the ABILITY [not right] to abuse his authority and make your life hell. No, I'm not one to take a lie down and take it attitude, BUT there's a difference in retreating and a tactical withdrawal. It's not cowardice to refuse to fight a battle you know you can't win. Roadside arguments NEVER go well for working men. Go for it. In a respectful and nonthreatening manner, you let him have it. The way i see it though, I'd rather step back and fire from cover if ya know what I mean.
    1 point
  29. What confrontation? I don't have the right to question law enforcement if they are misquoting the law and if I do it in a respectful manner? You can let them intimidate you if you like. Not me.
    1 point
  30. If he could have arrested you for it, he would have. He was LYING. There is no law in Tennessee that prohibits condition 1 carry. I'm sorry, but I would have challenged him on that, and if need be, I would have asked for his supervisor to make an appearance. A cop has NO RIGHT to lie in an attempt to intimidate me, particularly when it comes to exercising my constitutional rights.
    1 point
  31. Mine don't work unless there is a round in the chamber.
    1 point
  32. If one's not chambered the gun's not loaded IMO. I don't train like the Israelis so it's not natural to me to rack the slide in a panic situation. If my pistol is unloaded [empty chamber] it's not in my holster 'cause I ain't carrying it. If a person is so paranoid OR [more to the point] so unsure of his/her ability to maintain control over the weapon then perhaps that person needs to reevaluate their decision to carry in the first place.
    1 point
  33. To which some would reply, "I don't have to answer your questions.... 4th Amendment... blah, blah.... why don't you catch real criminals instead of harrassing me... blah ... whaddaya mean 'press down hard, you're making 5 copies?'"
    1 point
  34. I suggest the ones that have or thinking about having a piece a paper to show a LEO what a Tennessee law is, are likely setting themselves up for an additional headache and does absolutely nothing to difuse the situation, and is more prone to agrevate the situation. Its like pouring gasoline on a fire. The logic is sound, the thought process is good, and it just sounds good rolling off your tongue, but this is one of those instances to keep your paper in the console and to say nothing unless asked a question by LEO, and try to keep it to a yes sir no sir, etc. This is similiar to what I did 25 years ago. In my late teens, I had already had a run in with the law enforecement many times mostly due to traffic offences, sound ordances, tailgating, racing, hotel pool hopping, etc. (no drugs or theivery). I purposely took Criminal Justice in college just to get a leg up on LEOs, so I could be be just as smart, arrogant, and intelligent as they are (or the ones I had been introduced to). Day 1 of the class, the instructor stated the following: When a LEO has you pulled over, he can say, he can do anything he chooses, he is trained to controll the situation, he can break the law as he chooses and you at that very moment are helpless and can do absolutely nothing about it. He can write you citations for actions you are clearly have not violated. Its his word against yours. Even if there are other LEOs present, their bond is very great, so their outstanding stance in the community (thier word) can trump yours. So he recommended to anyone in the class that was there to outsmart LEOs, don't, and to always say yes sir, no sir, and thank him for his service, even has he hands you your citation. I remember I felt like getting up at that very moment and dropping the class, but I kept the course, and afterwards till this day I have a very deep appreciation and respect for LEOs (but I couldn't do their job). Long after the class, it still didn't stop me from being pulled for many traffic violations, but I did drop the smart a$$ attitude I had before I took the class. It wasn't until I hit my 30s that I finally broke the cycle of traffic offences. Its been close to 12 years now without the blue lights on me (except an incident of a boat trailer light, but he let me go).
    1 point
  35. I just sent them an email with this: Dear Management, Thank you for your many years of providing the Memphis community with quality movie theaters and movies. The picture and audio quality, cleanliness of the theaters, and comfort of the seats have all augmented my movie-watching experiences. As much as I love going to the movies and patronizing the Malco establishments, particularly the Cordova theater, it is with much regret that I must voice a concern and withdraw my patronage, as well as recommend others do the same, until this concern is remediated. Recently I began noticing signs banning handguns from the Malco premises. While you are certainly within your right to do so, and I certainly see your reasoning in light of recent atrocities such as, the Aurora, Colorado, incident, restrictions such as these only deter law-abiding citizens, not criminals. As a law-abiding citizen with a TN state issued handgun carry permit, I am bound by the law to disarm myself and temporarily suspend my rights in order to comply with your postings if I were to watch a movie in your establishment. Criminals, on the other hand, will not comply with the law. That is why they are criminals. They have no respect for the law. Banning handguns from those with appropriately acquired state licenses forces law-abiding citizens to choose 1 of 3 options: 1) The law-abiding citizen may disarm before entering your movie theaters, thus leaving themselves defenseless and deprived of their right. 2) The law-abiding citizen may decide to break the law and carry their handgun into the theater anyway, thus committing a criminal offense. 3) The law-abiding citizen may no longer patronize the Malco theaters because they neither wish to suspend their right to carry nor violate the law by carrying into the theater. Law-abiding citizens such as, myself, would only rationally choose option 1 or 3. I personally will choose option 3, and will recommend others, including my friends from law enforcement and the military, to do the same, because criminals and criminally minded individuals will invariably choose option 2, thus defeating the purpose of the ban. Depriving law-abiding citizens of their right and privilege to carry handguns to protect themselves and those around them only gives criminals a license to further commit crimes, because they know that there are now less people to stop them. Unless there is an armed guard at every screen and airport- style security checkpoints, there is little one can do to guarantee that no armed criminal can enter any establishment. However, allowing law-abiding citizens to exercise their right and privilege to carry at least gives them the ability to defend themselves if ever necessary. I humbly ask you to please reconsider your stance on carrying handguns, so that law-abiding citizens such as, myself, may once again enjoy watching movies at your theaters. Thank you.
    1 point
  36. Ill give you a hint... it's ada compliant for the hoveround mpv5 oxygen toting members Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2
    1 point
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