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4 points
...and a bunch of dumbasses playing with a book of matches.4 points
I have always said dropping pigs would have a greater affect than bombs in most cases. They are willing to become a martyr and go be with their virgins. Having animal blood mixed in with their blood prevents this. So they would fear a "blood bomb" more so than a conventional bomb because it would prevent them from making it to paradise. Problem is people do not want to offend those we are trying to kill. Seems to me we would do anything and everything to prevent the death of our service members and citizens abroad. I know we intentionally kept animals close to our gates and checkpoints. This was a recommendation by one of our terps. Realistically what I would do is make an announcement. If more than 50 people gather within 100 yards of any consulate or sovereign US property outside of the continental US they will be killed, then their bodies sprayed with fluids of a pig. Hell, make an announcement that all bullets used by our military were dipped in pig blood. We are loosing this fight, not because of our military members but because we are to PC to kill them in the most brutal and grotesque manner possible. Dolomite4 points
If he could have arrested you for it, he would have. He was LYING. There is no law in Tennessee that prohibits condition 1 carry. I'm sorry, but I would have challenged him on that, and if need be, I would have asked for his supervisor to make an appearance. A cop has NO RIGHT to lie in an attempt to intimidate me, particularly when it comes to exercising my constitutional rights.3 points
The thing with that quote: What Mitt is saying is that the 47% are going vote for Obama because, well, free lunch and all. Turns out that that is bull. If you're on social security you are in the 47%. You paid for that and Mitt is calling you a dependent? You make less than 60,000 a year? Yep, you're in that 47%. You drive a liquor truck or something, eff you, you are on the dole. What people really don't want is someone who just sits around and does drusg all day to live off the government. Thankfully that isn't a real issue, unless the it is blood pressure medicine,2 points
I agree too many are yes, but no, I don't agree with the exact quoted statement that he doofusly made. - OS2 points
"My wife bought this for me. She thought I said get a deer target. I told here to get me some beer at Target. " But sir, you shot it with your bow. "Yeah, but I was aiming at her!"2 points
I agree 99% I will say, I would have complied too. BECAUSE, there's no threat and it's the fastest way to get away from the guy. During the process I would have noted the name tag and car number then immediately made a complaint to his department. Confrontation on the spot is never advantageous so why do it? I would certainly like to but WON'T. I'd bottle it up and ream his supervisor in a setting where there's no possible way I could see the back seat of a car.2 points
Dude, why do you want to cause problems? He could have just been making small talk...2 points
Unless I carry my sp101 and then I have 5 in the chamber!2 points
How about this. If you don't want to pay your taxes that is fine. But when you do not pay taxes you lose the right to vote, US citizen or not. After all why should those who don't pay have a say in how the money of those that do gets spent. If you are not a US citizen yet work and pay to support our nation you should have a say. There are too many people who are voting themselves more money, nothing more. Problem is that money is earned on the backs of others. I also believe you should never get a refund on your taxes because of credits. If your credits outweigh your liability then you should receive ZERO, not a windfall. If you overpaid, without the credits, then that is what you are entitled to at the most. Not the $5K+ some of these welfare recipients receive every year. Dolomite2 points
Supposedly that's what we pay taxes and elect leaders to do. It's also what funds the check you asked to get when you signed up voluntarily for the job. So yes, when folks say "we" they mean "we" in the sense that it was properly inteded to mean. The military is the armed extension of the American people whose job it is to do what the American people ask of it. It is not an us and them. It is a "we the people."2 points
I'll inform. Has nothing to do with laws or any of that. Just a matter of professional courtesy. I got no problem jaw jacking with the cop neither; might as well be nice and answer the questions, since I probably broke the law in the first place in order to get pulled over. Cops are people too. They are subject to the same prejudices as the rest of us. There ain't no law that says you have to be courteous to the folks at Mc D's, but if you're not they might spit in your burger. I guess if you wanna be stand-offish with the popo you'll probably get that ticket for breaking whatever law you broke. I'd prefer not to get the ticket, and have been pretty successful at it in my younger years when I got pulled over a lot. But if you don't want to tell him you don't got to. Just 'cause the rest of do doesn't make us fools.2 points
Yeah, don't be a dick. Act like one and expect to be treated like one. What's he big deal anyway? These guys face danger everyday and the job itself is a stressful one. He has no idea who you are until he runs a background. You just might be the only sane person he's seen today. Good grief, chill out.2 points
Some of that could just easily be small talk while the cop is waiting on dispatch to come back with the check on your DL, outstanding warrants, etc. Not sure why folks get their shorts in a knot about a cop asking them where they're heading or where they've been. It's also a way for them to gauge if you're up to some ####, based on body language, so just relax and have a conversation. Unless the guy starts asking you things that infringe upon your Miranda rights, don't be a dick and they likely won't be either.2 points
That has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with a consistently leftist government elected in those cities and states. The fact that there are a lot of minorities there means nothing. The same could be said of many other cities with a large population of black Americans: Atlanta, Memphis, Birmingham, Jacksonville and so on. All these cities allow their citizens to carry a firearm if they meet the legal requirements. The fact is, in the areas you speak of the government doesn't want ANY of its citizens to be armed, regardless of skin color. The only part I agree on is that the elitists are the only ones allowed to carry a firearm, or have an armed personal security detail. Sorry, I won't support any cause that continues to support the myth that because I'm white I receive some sort of preferential treatment. I've worked hard to get to where I am, and it was without help from anyone.2 points
1 point
Now now. Debt and Spending are this country's enemies. That is what is going to destroy us, yet our politicians are drunk with power and denial. They control the checkbook and no one can stop them it seems. We are slave to the debt and debtor. The debtor is our master and someday may become our landlord. Spend your way out of that with feel good programs and welfare. Hey, but I'm an optimist. Normally.1 point
Yes, unfortunately it's common anywhere ticks live. Glad your doctor thought to check. It can be very unpleasant, but not as bad as Lyme Disease. Anytime you have been outside, even in the yard, you should check for ticks. Ticks left on the body longer than 24hrs greatly increases the risk of contracting a disease. Hope you get to feeling better.1 point
You cannot beat the Sport from S&W in 5.56. I will just give you a quick run down of the Sport and why it is such a great gun. 1. The barrel is a 5R rifled barrel. 5R barrels are known for their accuracy regardless of caliber. For whatever reason they just shoot and shoot well. It also increases the velocity by virtue of how the rifling is laid out. 2. The barrel is Melonite treated. Melonite treatments are far better than any chrome lining as far as hardness and durability. It also offers an exception amount of corrosion resistance. It is more than just a surface coating like chrome, it actually treats the metal and goes subsurface. 3. The bolt is properly heat treated. This is very important for the long term durability of the firearm. It ensures the headspace will remain in spec longer than those bolts that are not heat treated properly. Poorly heat treated bolts will either wear prematurely or break from being too brittle. 4. It has a barrel twist rate of 8 This twist rate allows you to fire the heaviest bullets that can be fed from a magazine, up to 80 grains. And because it isn't a 7 twist (like most others out there) you can also fire the lightweight varmint style bullets without fear of the jackets seperating. 5. It comes ready to fire. It comes with a Magpul rear sight while most competitors, even those 100's of dollars more expensive, do not. The sights have been proven for several years now both by those in harms way as well as the weekend shooter. It also includes a Magpul magazine which has also been proven for seveal years now. 6. It is built to the same specs as all other AR's This means you can upgrade and swap parts to build a gun that suits your wants or needs. And because it is an AR most of the work can be done by the owner and if it is a milspec part it WILL fit. 7. The price In reality if any other maker were to offer the same features as the Sport has they would be asking 100's of dollars more. The 5R barrel and Melonite treatment were once only offered on high end guns. And included in the price is a warranty that is among the best in the industry. And if I were in the market for one I would buy a Sport. Colt holds their resale value, that is about it. They are no longer the beacon of quality they once were. There are plenty of other brands that are just as good for cheaper or much better for the same price. Daniel Defense, Bravo Company and Smith & Wesson are much better than Colt for the same amount of money. Dolomite1 point
I'm going to go against the grain here, only because I'm talking about ME! I don't carry my 1911 cocked and locked because my blood brother is Murphy. If it can happen, it will happen to me. For instance... Walking along in the front yard with only one 12" stick in all the yard, and it gets badly entangled in my shoe laces. Constantly get my pants entangled in my tractor controls almost every time dismounting the thing. My seat belt gets snagged on my 1911 many times while getting out of the vehicle. On and on... It only takes me a fraction of a second to rack the slide and I don't have to disengage the safety. Not saying that's the best way to carry for most people but, I'm not chancing a ND with my clumsy luck. As I like to say, "the world is a safer place when Dennis1209 doesn't carry cocked and locked"1 point
http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2012/09/18/the-data-behind-romneys-47-comments/1 point
Always chambered because I don't want to scratch my gun by having to throw it at the bad guy.1 point
What confrontation? I don't have the right to question law enforcement if they are misquoting the law and if I do it in a respectful manner? You can let them intimidate you if you like. Not me.1 point
Okay gang.... I think pretty much everyone who's gonna vote has ... asking for this to be closed, but left up. I'll do another at 30 days out, may be quite interesting to compare, especially since there may be huge swings in events to affect public perception. Hopefully they won't all be Mitt shooting himself in the head like the perceived alienation of "the 47%" that broke overnight. - OS1 point
Compassion comes to those that ask. You need my shirt ask I'll give it to you. If your hungry ask I'll feed you. If you try to take either, it will get ugly. Joe W.1 point
1 point
After putting myself through college by working loss prevention and staying in the field for a couple of years afterwards I just don't place a lot of value on the lives of thieves. I've worked hard for everything that I have and paid cash, I haven't financed anything a thing and I'll be damned if I'm going to sit and watch while some thug hauls it off. I don't really care about the thieve's family either, not my problem. If I were able to legally protect my property against theft by using deadly force I would. I generally don't leave valuables lying around outside to keep them from being stolen. But if I caught someone trying to steal my car I would do what was necessary to prevent that from happening. It just seems like the majority of the people here value life a lot more than I do. Nothing wrong with that. I just don't have a lot of hope for a thief rehabilitating themselves. Thieves are most useful as fertilizer. Not saying I would shoot a man for stealing a candybar but if I had the choice of saving a thieves life or getting a free value meal at McDonalds I would be eating a Big Mac, and I don't even like McDonalds.1 point
Another vote for Magpul M2/M3 series slings, quick & easy adjustments, no binding, very comfortable, QD mounts, a bit on the expensive side but worth every penny IMHO.1 point
Below 2 pounds is probably dangerous in a carry gun for most people. For me, I can live with up to 5 pounds or so if the travel is about 1/8 inch. Its the heavy + long combination that makes a gun useless to me, and I dislike long travel in general even if I can manage it, like a glock.1 point
He must've been watching those world is ending, dollar is collapsing buy precious metals videos from ArmyVet on here Looks like it worked out pretty well for him because someone else gets to spend his money now1 point
To which some would reply, "I don't have to answer your questions.... 4th Amendment... blah, blah.... why don't you catch real criminals instead of harrassing me... blah ... whaddaya mean 'press down hard, you're making 5 copies?'"1 point
For a carry gun, if you go with the M&P, I would put in the Apex Duty Kit. I would advise against any lighter trigger pull. That's what I use in my Pro for IDPA. Just have the standard trigger set up in the other.......if you do wind up using your gun for SD, less explaining to do.1 point
If I had stopped you and the gun was in the glove box my only question would be why isn't isnt closer than that?1 point
It does look like you guys are building a first-class operation. The possibilities of having a great indoor handgun and rifle range within 10 minutes of downtown Nashville is fantastic. I plan to buy a membership for me and my wife if the final product is as promised.1 point
I agree, but people around here have a tendency to post something and get bent out of shape when everyone does not agree with what they are saying. I am simply stating a opposing view. If they only want to hear from people who agree with them they should only send pm's.1 point
Take it as what you want, I wasn't trying to pat myself on the back. All I am saying is I believe everyone, including the elderly and poor should pay something.1 point
Wow, are you guilt tripping our something? I was not talking specifically about you. I simply wanted to point out that I understand why the elderly and working poor pay little or no taxes and that they are included in those numbers. I do quite well also, but I'm not going to break my arm patting myself on the back.1 point
The first post made me think of a joke I read on another forum... In the days of the horse and buggy, a fellah notices an odd procession going down the road in front of his house. At the front of the procession is a funeral buggy. Behind that is another, identical funeral buggy. Behind the second buggy a man is walking a dog. Behind the man with the dog there are fifty more men walking, single file and every once in a while there is a bit of pushing, shoving and what appears to be jostling for position among those men. Well, the strangeness of the procession is more than the observer can stand so he walks up to the man with the dog and asks about the deceased. Man with dog: "Well, that first buggy is carrying the body of my wife to her final resting place." Stranger: "Oh, I am sorry to hear that. You appear to be a fairly young man. I hope I am not being too intrusive in asking what happened to her." Man: "She threatened to hit me with a rolling pin and my good, old faithful dog here killed her thinking he was protecting me." Stranger: "Really? And what about the second buggy?" Man: "That's my mother in law. She kicked the dog and tried to stop it from killing my wife. The dog killed her, too." Stranger: "Wow. Say, can I borrow that dog?" Man, indicating the line of men walking behind him: "Sure, but you'll have to get in line."1 point
If they want to come to TN, I'm sure we can come up with a welcoming party. If they want to play in their yard...then the Marines are paid to send them to meet their prophet. Personally I'd rather the Marines get let off their political chains to do what they're trained to do and finish the dang job(s) and come home1 point
1 point
Good luck to you all. When are y'all leaving? Should be a good fight. TGO members versus terrorist. I hope that its available on pay per view. When you all say "we" I'm assuming that you mean our troops?1 point
The Ten Commandments Of Owning A Pet September 14, 2012 | No Comments » | Topics: Animals, Life 1. My life is likely to last ten to fifteen years. Any separation from you will be painful for me. Remember that before you acquire me. 2. Give me time to understand what you want from me. 3. Place your trust in me. Remember that before you acquire me. 4. Don’t be angry with me for long and don’t lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends, and your entertainment. I only have you. 5. Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don’t understand your words, I understand your voice when it is speaking to me. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget. 6. Remember before you hit me that I have teeth that can easily crush the bones in your hand, but I choose not to bite you. 7. Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate, or lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I don’t understand what you ask of me or perhaps I am not feeling well, not getting the right food, been out in the sun too long, or my heart is getting old and weak. 8. Take care of me when I get old, you too will grow old. 9. Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say " I can’t bear to watch," or "let it happen in my absence." Everything is easier if you are there. 10. Remember, no matter what, that I love you. Unconditionally. Â1 point
It's also a way to determine if a person has been drinking. No reason to get upset....unless you have something to hide! Dave S1 point
Off the top of my head I disagree with the SS part of your statement. I pay into that. I have no problem with welfare or food stamps for those that are truly in need through no fault of their own. I am good with disability payments. I am alright with student grants. What pisses me off is people able to work but don't, generations of welfare recipients who know no better than to suck on my tit, people who make bad decisions over and over again but expect me to cover their nut, and paying for taking care of convicted felons. I am sure if I thought harder I could come up with some others. Basically those of us who work are screwed for those who want a free ride. And don't kid yourself, there are plenty of wealthy Americans who work the system for some added cake.1 point
1 point
would you guys trust a jury to find you doing the right thing after shooting and killing a person for stealing your lawmower out of your yard? I wouldnt want to take that chance. I rather call the police and buy a new lawmower if i had to. I just dont think it's worth the legal trouble unless you and your family is in danger of harm.1 point
The embasy wuz sold out by the Lybian "Guards". That's why every "real" soverign nation (...except us...) uses their own military to protect their foreign embassy grounds. All that being said; our current crop of politicos are too "smart" and too "reasonable" to do what other nations do regularly. The blame for this killin lies squarely on the hands of Hillary and her buddies in the State Department. They evidently made the decision to use the Lybian "Guards". When the US Embassy in Iran was taken over by the Kohmeni-ites in the 70's; the urban legend is that the original demonstrators marched and intended to take over the Russian Embassy as well as the American Embassy. The Russian Soldiers evidently racked their AK's and told the demonstrators to "...Get off the Motherland...". They did. The crowd evidently believed the Russian embassy guards. The demonstrators then went down to the US Embassy. The rest is the Carter 444 day thing ended by Reagan. RE: The "selling out" by home country guards. This is goin on everywhere with disastrous consequences for our servicemen and servicewomen. Look at what's happening in Afganistan and Iraq. The most dangerous group of "intellectuals" in the middle east is the current crop of politicos and career diplomats running our middle east policy. That is exactly why we should bring everyone home and let these ancient world idiots finish eachother off. We will never make any headway with the ancient world radical muslum zealots until we kill them until they want peace more than they want to fight us. We need to make them bleed on a massive scale. We simply refuse shed that kind of blood. Anyone who believes that we can "democratize" the ancient world zealots who have no notion of democracy nor any disposition toward it is either unbelievably arrogant, Providentially blinded, or simply intellectually dishonest. leroy1 point
Texas apparently has a law involving the use of deadly force against "Theft in the Night." Also, apparently, the law is based at least in part on scripture: “If a thief is caught breaking in and is struck so that he dies, the defender is not guilty of bloodshed; but if it happens after sunrise, he is guilty of bloodshed. A thief must certainly make restitution, but if he has nothing, he must be sold to pay for his theft†: Exodus 22:2-3.1 point
My favorite whiskey comes from a place I can't name, but I'll be sure to have a few jars on hand if we ever have a get together at my place.1 point
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