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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2012 in all areas
Recently had the opportunity to return the action that has been bestowed upon me more times than I'm worthy - purchase a gun and promptly give it away to someone much more deserving. The story goes that my brother-in-law, who enlisted with the Navy in 1993, very recently was promoted to the rank of Chief Petty Officer. For those in his immediate family, this was great news for a man who has given the better part of his life to serving his country and a wonderful honor to receive. Upon learning of this my mind promptly went to how we could possibly commemorate this occasion as well as show our, his family, respect and appreciation for his sacrifice. I spoke to my wife who initially wanted to purchase a shadow box for him to display his medals. I quickly countered with the notion knowing he was wanting an AR for some time now. However, I knew he didn't have a 1911 in his modest gun collection and thought that any service man or woman holding such a title should have this staple weapon in their closet. I reached out to 'Retired Navy GMC' who operates D&T that is a sponsor of TGO. Given his handle here on TGO I thought he'd be the best person to make a recommendation or tell me what he had in his stock available for such a gift. And man, did he knock it out of the park. Not only did David produce an amazing Springfield 1911 pistol for me to purchase, he made it personal and threw in some grips that he had out of his personal collection. Today was the first day ever I was able to take a gun that I purchased, that the rest of the family chipped in on as well equally, and give it to someone else. When the new Chief arrived back home he had been kept awake for over 48 straight hours and he feet were demolished from the last two weeks of what I believe they reference as induction. Through his tired eyes he quickly realized what his family had done for him and the added touch of the CPO insignia on the grips pushed it that much further over the top. This will be a piece that will be cherished for a good deal time to come. Not only did I want to share the awesome feeling of being able to give away such a great piece and the pride I carry knowing my brother-in-law made Chief with the Navy, I wanted to point out the extent to which the D&T staff went to make sure that we were able to provide a proper commemorative item for this occasion. Thanks guys! Excuse the dishes in the backgroud - I opened it when I got home and never looked at it again until today for fear I'd just keep it myself.3 points
Brian, please accept my sincerest apology for the thread that I started earlier today. I never dreamed it would go in the direction that it did. I was just devastated to learn that this new, state of the art range would not be available to me because I shoot reloads. I do understand why you have taken the position that you have and I will still be by there to check out this fantastic inventory that you guys are teasing us with! I hope that I haven't caused too much damage. I will not take up your most generous offer though. If I decide to shootb there it will be on my dime. You don't owe me or anyone else here anything. I wish you all the best with this business! God Bless David aka Volzfan2 points
That has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with a consistently leftist government elected in those cities and states. The fact that there are a lot of minorities there means nothing. The same could be said of many other cities with a large population of black Americans: Atlanta, Memphis, Birmingham, Jacksonville and so on. All these cities allow their citizens to carry a firearm if they meet the legal requirements. The fact is, in the areas you speak of the government doesn't want ANY of its citizens to be armed, regardless of skin color. The only part I agree on is that the elitists are the only ones allowed to carry a firearm, or have an armed personal security detail. Sorry, I won't support any cause that continues to support the myth that because I'm white I receive some sort of preferential treatment. I've worked hard to get to where I am, and it was without help from anyone.2 points
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A farmer went to the local bank to borrow money for a new bull. The loan was made and Banker Bill , who lent the money, came by a week later to see how the bull was doing. The farmer complained that the bull just ate grass and wouldn't even look at a cow.The Banker suggested that he have a veterinarian take a look at the bull. Next week,The Banker returned to see if the vet had helped. The farmer looked very pleased. "The bull has serviced all of my cows! He broke through the fence, and bred all my neighbor's cows! He's been breeding just about everything in sight. He's like a machine!" "Wow," said The Banker , "what did the vet do to that bull?" "Just gave him some pills," replied the farmer. "What kind of pills?" asked The Banker "I don't know, but they got a peppermint taste."1 point
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I have no animosity against their decision. That is completely their choice to make. I'm a firm believer in, "Their house, their rules." My point is that my friends and I have spent a lot of money and time building a reloading lab and developing loads for our particular weapons. I'm not going to pay money to join yet another club (I already belong to 2 indoor) that I have to ALSO buy ammunition. Just doesn't make sense TO ME. I will definitely visit their shop and if they have merchandise that I am interested in at a price I'm willing to pay, I'll purchase from them. Just as I have at most shops in the area. I just won't be using their range. Mac1 point
I think what he is saying is that additional insurance is required by the lender for those items and the insurer will not provide that coverage if reloads were allowed. So, it appears to me the options are as follows: 1: Accumulate a few million dollars to avoid having to go through a lender. Sounds easy enough, right? 2: Choose not to worry about the insurance, which would negate the lending contract, which puts you back at option #1. 3: Just say "no reloads" and allow people to bring their own "factory" loaded ammo and shoot away. 4: Choose to open a fabric store as opposed to a gunshop/range because gun owners and shooter will bitch and whine about everything because they feel like they're being picked on and the world is against them.1 point
Kali: very few folks get a permit, black or white in the major population counties. Movie stars, politically connected, big rich, etc. Chicago: You can't carry a gun in the entire state. It's not just Chicago. Only state that issues NO carry permits by law. Cornfield or ghetto all the same. DC: The federal government is more restrictive of gun rights than most every state in the union. We can't carry guns in any federal building in the US; you know, the ones "we" "own". NYC: Same as Kali. White folks are just as restricted as blacks, except for the few than have an "in" of one type or another. It's true that many of the gun laws in the South were originally Jim Crow laws. There are remnants of them left, all archaic and unenforced, just never purged, left over from the 1800's. Aside from historical interest, they have no import. Anyway, point is, race/income/population density are just not valid factors in relation to the handgun carry permit process -- you're tilting at a windmill that doesn't exist. - OS1 point
If Republicans could look inside their ranks and find viable candidates, if they had some, any, a smidgen of Conservative ideology the Tea Party would never have been born. It basically boils down to the fact that the Establishment Republicans are a mirror image of the Democrats, as evidenced by the lack of concern for what our Constitutions require of our Government, both in Washington and in Tennessee. With respect to Tea Party, check with the establishment Republicans in Texas about the Ted Cruz race, and, from one who was intimately involved, the defeat of Debra Maggart. True in the case of Maggart, the NRA put some money up for adds and independent expenditures for billboards and such, but in the end there was a ground swell of activist from various grass roots groups, (of which the Tea Parties were involved) to walk the District, make phone calls and knock on doors, the facts got out and the People voted, that is how this works. The Governor, the speaker of the House and the Lt. Governor all stumped mightily for her to crash and burn in the attempt. The Caucus spent a lot more money than did the consortium of grass roots organizations, and to good effect from my perspective, (it showed that they are not impervious to counter action). At least it proves that we are not relegated to kissing the feet of the Old Guard, they now know that if we co-ordinate our efforts and dollars, there is a boogie man out there.1 point
I was in the middle of mentally agreeing with your statement when I realized that I have never been pulled over in the state of Tennessee or have I received a traffic camera ticket. Been here 10 years and never an issue. Perhaps that is why I don't care about people or cameras enforcing the laws. I'm trying real hard to come up with a reason why traffic cameras violate a person's rights by issuing a ticket based on video evidence, but then again, WalMart presses charges against shoplifters all the time based on video evidence from their cameras, and their stores have hundreds of them.1 point
No it isn't. You're implying that using deadly force is punitive, and done after passing judgement. It isn't. It's about protecting what is yours. If you weren't able to protect your home using violence (as you point out that theft is non-violent) then you should open your doors to me and standby while I take your valuables while you wait on the police. If you are willing to stand there and allow that to happen without intervening you aren't some kind of moral example, you would just be a fool or a coward. I choose to be neither. What is mine belongs to me and my family. I don't care if it's my truck, or my kid's toy truck. It doesn't matter. I won't allow it to happen so long as I have the ability to stop it.1 point
Jerry Clower tells one about a big Brahma bull being delivered to a farm. The 3 existing bulls watch as the trailer backs in. The 1st says, "I've been here the longest and I ain't sharing my herd with him." The 2nd says, "I ain't been here as long and don't have near as many in my herd as you, so I sure ain't fixin to share." The 3rd says, "I just got here a few months ago and I ain't got but 4 ugly old milk cows in my herd. Ain't no way I'm sharin either." As the rancher unloads the bull, they notice how the trailer is a swayin' and a bouncin' and the tires are nearly flat from all the weight. When he kicks at the inside of the trailer they see the dents he's done made in the metal. That beast comes trottin' out and he's forever more huge and mean lookin'. That 1st bull says, "I reckon since I got about 40 cows and can't hardly get around to all of 'em as it is, I'll just give this new feller about half of them." The 2nd says, "Yeah, I got about 25 all to myself, I can spare this feller about 10 or so. I prolly won't even miss 'em." The 3rd starts to pawin' at the ground and commences to bellow and snort and charge the fence. The 1st bull says, "boy you crazy, look at the size of that monster, you better quit if you know what's good for you." The 2nd bull says, "that thing's gonna kill you. What're you thinkin'? Just give him a couple of cows and be done with it." The 3rd bull says, "I don't care about that 4 cows, I just wanna make darn sure that big son of gun don't think I'm a heifer!'1 point
124gr +P Gold Dots They function great in my P01 and I've got enough I can practice with them every few range sessions.1 point
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Some people better acquainted with the law might be able to say for sure, but yes, I do believe you do have to use an FFL. As for good local dealers, I like Rocky Top Armory in Seymour for all my stuff. As for transfers you would probably be fine with Coal Creek.1 point
I have stated many times that I view defense of property as a valid reason for the use of deadly force. When you steal from me you don't just steal a physical item, you have stolen the time of my life I spent earning the money pay for that item. If it takes a bullet to protect my property, so be it.1 point
I think it would stop a lot of theft no doubt if people were being shot on the spot, but how far reaching would it go? Would petty theft of something like a candy bar be within the scope of being shot, or are we strictly speaking personal property and neighbors?1 point
If a Libertarian is against drugs, he doesn't do drugs. If a Republican/Democrat is against drugs, he wants all drugs banned for everyone. If a Libertarian homosexual doesn't support gay marriage, he doesn't marry his/her same sex. If a Republican/Democrat is against gay marriage, he wants same sex marriages banned for everyone. If a Libertarian is against expensive and bankrupt social programs (Obamacare/Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security), there is little he can do. If a Republican/Democrat supports social programs, he forces everyone to participate through taxation and penalties.1 point
Sounds about right. You see, if you give Marines live ammo they will absolutely shoot people that need shooting, which is a bad thing if you are a weak minded liberal incapable of understanding that there are people out there that want to kill Americans and violate our sovereignty.1 point
He could put some of those bullet hole dent cover stickers over the bullet holes.1 point
So there's a naked candidate with a chance for election and a clothed one with none. Great. I hope you enjoy another term for your current President. I'm not sure why you think my response to you needed to be responded to with such crudity, but OK. I'm no fan of Romney, but he'd be a world better than President Obama. I guess I live in the world of the possible as opposed to some alternate reality where libertarians are going to sweep into power and return the federal government to its Constitutional bounds. That would be nice but I don't see reversing a century of Progressivism between now and November. You may think that's what your fighting for but it appears to me to be a fool's errand. Romney surely would be the better than the current crew. Better is always better than as it is or worse. Libertarianism is on the rise, but there's no way on God's green Earth it will be electable before 2016.1 point
Then when the zombie apocalypse starts I'm commandeering me a houseboat for a base camp. After I use the brother in law as zombie bait1 point
I'm not a pants wetting liberal that is scared of guns, but if I see someone walking around with an AK strapped to their chest in a public park I'm calling the cops. That simple.1 point
You belong to an Outlaw Segway Club? Now I'm frightened. Tell us what bar you hang out at so we can all avoid it.1 point
Dude! If your outside, and go inside to pee, you've got bigger problems than a code word can help.1 point
My dogs prevent the problem of knowing if someone belongs in my home, before I see them, usually before they get near a door.1 point
At the urging and assitance of Rightwinger, I have begun to teach my family Klingon as our second language.1 point
I have to say .. well.. .. I know for damn sure my husband would NOT send me outside at night to see what is going on.He protects me at all times.. and I like it that way.. Now if I was alone at night.. yes..I go out and check myself.. but as long as he is around.. he does it.. he makes sure nothing will happen to me.. as a husband should do...( and he shoots better than me )1 point
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