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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2012 in all areas

  1. I did not trash anything. You bring the bible and religion into discussion and when someone comments in disagreement on it you act like some terrible deed was committed. I did not bring it up, you did. I doubt you are done with it.
    2 points
  2. Pretty, pretty words, music to the ear. Im all warm and tingly now. I was especially glad to hear that the stuff as gov was all amazingly pro-gun, I had worried about that until he said this.
    2 points
  3. The Police PIO just described the secret code words. Take the hint.
    2 points
  4. In the discussions I have had on here there has been quite a lot of glossing over of Romney's very progressive record as governor of MA. The most common defense given is that "MA is a liberal progressive state and he did the beat he could." This defense begs one question, if Romney was really a conservative, how did he get to be governor of a liberal progressive state in the first place? My guess is that you get there by being a liberal. His record as governor appears to back that up.
    1 point
  5. You know, after my initial OMGWTFBBQ moment and got over my feelings of "how dare they!" I find myself having a hard time working up any anger. You've heard the term "blowback" by now I am sure. Well this is it. We have no business meddling in the internal affairs of other nations. Maybe if we didn't spend so much time bombing folks and overthrowing their governments, our ambassadors might be in a little less danger.
    1 point
  6. Wrong...He should be working to make useful things like license plates in prison.
    1 point
  7. Islam is at war with the West - western liberal values in the traditional sense of that word. it's as simple as that. And it doesn't matter what your faith (or not) and how you feel about Israel in a religious regard. Israel is the sole outpost of Western values in the region and we are foolish to think that we can sacrifice Israel to Islamic Jihad and we will be left alone.
    1 point
  8. That just goes to show that this election cycle y'all Republicans are so hard up you take anything you can get. Just look at your candidate!
    1 point
  9. Now that Egypt is whatever, Saudi Arabia seems to be our only remaining long term significant "ally" in the entire Muslim world, and certainly in the Middle East. Of course that has always been because we grease the palms of an elite few of the already richest men in the world there, and total autocrats to boot. It's laughable to think that "freedom" has ever been on our list of real reasons we mess with that area of the world at all. - OS
    1 point
  10. Their lives are quite well documented. Unlike Jesus and Barack. - OS
    1 point
  11. IMR 4198 in both. 31.5gn to 35gn in 0.5gn increments under cast .458, 405gn bullets for the High Wall (+ 10 rounds with 54gn of Varget under the same bullet) 37.5gn to 41.5gn in 0.5gn increments under 350gn Hornady JSP bullets for the Marlin. I've used CCI large rifle primers & Winchester brass. All loads have been full-length sized & seated with a roll-crimp. COAL is 2.55" I'm hoping that there's at least ONE accurate load in there for each gun! At least I got some measuring/metering practice in!
    1 point
  12. Has nothing to do with my "faith", or I wouldn't be able to vote at all. I don't see mainstream Christianity as any more valid than Mormonism, just somewhat less wacko. - OS
    1 point
  13. Yeah, I know. Just bothers me on an intellectual level -- I have to vote for a purported Christian each time, but Mormonism adds even a higher level of mondo bizarro, right up there near alien abduction and skin-walking. - OS
    1 point
  14. So there's a naked candidate with a chance for election and a clothed one with none. Great. I hope you enjoy another term for your current President. I'm not sure why you think my response to you needed to be responded to with such crudity, but OK. I'm no fan of Romney, but he'd be a world better than President Obama. I guess I live in the world of the possible as opposed to some alternate reality where libertarians are going to sweep into power and return the federal government to its Constitutional bounds. That would be nice but I don't see reversing a century of Progressivism between now and November. You may think that's what your fighting for but it appears to me to be a fool's errand. Romney surely would be the better than the current crew. Better is always better than as it is or worse. Libertarianism is on the rise, but there's no way on God's green Earth it will be electable before 2016.
    1 point
  15. Couth, I ain't got it. The same monotonous refrain of "you are just a democrat and want the commie to win" in every thread detracts from the conversations. So you think I'm childish? Good, maybe you'll stop wasting your time posting the same lame, nonsensical attack in every thread I am involved in. What part of "I think Romney is really a liberal based upon his record" are you failing to grasp? If Romney is too fiscally liberal for me, how can I be a Democrat? If I want to massively cut federal spending and involvement back to its constitutionally enumerated roles, to include ending ALL social service programs, even the ones the Republicans like, how exactly does that make me a Democrat? When you can back up your statements with something resembling a cogent argument based in some realm of logic, then I will take you seriously.
    1 point
  16. I'll agree with you. Before another penny is sent overseas we should ensure that there isn't one mentally ill or homeless veteran walking our streets. That our borders are secure and our roads and bridges are safe for our children to go to fully funded schools. I have no problem with our tax dollars being spent on these items.
    1 point
  17. I'm with you. I'm glad to see that you won't be bullied with all of the nonsense. To me Romney is EVERYTHING that has been said about Obama over the years with the exception of their religions. I'll vote in November, but I'll leave one spot blank. Obama does not deserve a vote and there is no way that I'm voting for the "clean cut Koresh". Besides that, Tennessee is already decided in the presidential election.
    1 point
  18. Perhaps you should heed your own advice. Childlike comments like that only detract from the conversation.
    1 point
  19. Haha, what's funny here is that "what's mine is mine" is a direct quote from Walter Sobchek. I've used it ever since the first time I saw the movie, which, by the way, Walter is my favorite character in any movie ever. He nailed that part so well.
    1 point
  20. i think we are born with a moral compass. I don't know if we happened at random or if something had their finger mixing the primordial soup. But it certainly was not some invisible being. And as you point out If we are a christian based nation just how well is that working.
    1 point
  21. Not true. And, based on your assessment, non-Christian Americans should have no voice in Government, or at least a less legitimate voice. Why not just make it official and make non-Christian votes fractional.... just throwing out a number, but let's say 3/5ths.....
    1 point
  22. Sure, some of the specifics were good. Some were bad. Trying to gloss it over as pro-gun is dishonest. One cannot call an opinion a lie, and this is his opinion of the bill, no incorrect facts were presented here. I had not looked in a while. Here is what the bill he signed DID: -Ban "assault weapons" forever in the state as per the clinton ban nationwide which could expire. -Increased the duration of carry permit and related from 4-6 years, big whoop, renew less often. - Grace period for the same renewal, again, big whoop. - created a review board to go to when permit holders were denied. Not bad. That was the big pro-gun victory, a longer lasting CCW permit before renewal and a small review board to help people that were denied wrongfully, and this is much, much more significant than banning a large number of rifles until the end of time. No, he did not single handedly do the ban. He single-handedly failed to veto it because of all those meaningful pro-gun reforms that grossly outweighed the insignificant ban, as a way to compromise with his voters.
    1 point
  23. I am absolutely astounded by the initial reaction from the Obama administration on this. We have a US Ambassador dead and we're apologizing to the mob that killed him. The irony of the date this took place is not lost on me. I have gone from disliking Obama as a politician to hating him as a man. He has declared open season on Americans by responding in such a weak manner. There will most certainly be more to follow if he is reelected.
    1 point
  24. That walmart is a wee bit scary most of the time. Nothing you can point at, just a vibe from the number of people that just seem to hang out there (not shopping, just milling about).
    1 point
  25. Government policy should never be dictated by religion. We back up Israel for the same reason I would stop one child from bullying another. I would not want to be bullied, which is essentially what Muslim countries try to do to Israel. Whether or not middle eastern countries use religious books to set their foreign policy is immaterial. I don't need a book to tell me what is right and wrong, i doubt you do either. Am I to look to she sky and ask an imaginary being for guidance? Makes no sense to me. As f'd up as this world is, if governments use the bible or koran to set policy maybe they need to rethink how they do things. Because it sure isn't working.
    1 point
  26. Thanks. I went ahead and bought it yesterday. The guy who traded it in happened to be in the shop yesterday when I was there. He said he carried it for about 3 months and then put it in the safe. Gonna try and hit the range today and see how it shoots. New VZ grips are on the way (hate the grips that are on it), need to decide on a holster and get one ordered. Here's a crappy cell pic before I gave it a good cleaning.
    1 point
  27. Update overnight: Routers and the AP are quoting a Libyan government official saying that the US Ambassador and three people were killed in a rocket attack... I try not to say to much, but this one just irritates me so much that I have to throw something out there as I do not have a real reason not to and feel so very strongly. Our diplomatic efforts are failing. We are being treated around the world that we can be treated disrespectfully and get away with it. I cannot imagine ever allowing the national colors to be captured while I was capable of securing them in a US instillation in which I was working / assigned to. Much less allow them to be occupied. That is US sovereign territory and it is an act of war. Much less the assassination of a ambassador in a foreign country. I am absolutely disgusted that we allowed it to happen. Further reports say that the consulate in Benghazi was burned down. What? Really? We are a national superpower and we are calling this a "deplorable act" as the SECSTATE has been quoted as saying yesterday about the occupation. I am NOT saying we should carpet bomb their city, I am saying we should defend US territory and lives. I am questioning why did the Marines and the State Department security folks not have the area denial microwave system or sonic defense systems to knock people off those walls so we could defend our territory without giving the fools on the walls the ability to scream "see they killed us." Why is that not also part of the security plan in these installations? Also, why are we giving over 1.5B to Egypt, some 2+B to Pakistan, 2.5M to Libya? These governments are not friendly to us. It is arrogant to believe that we can buy them off. It has not worked well throughout history. Why not put that money into American lives? This is an atrocity. Where is our ambassador? If he is dead where are the bodies of him and those that died with him? Is video going to surface today of his body being dragged through the streets as in Somalia in '93? Perhaps I am just a dumb hick, but when someone punches my nation in the face I do not believe we should cower and beg them not to take our lunch money. My prayers go out to Chris Stevens' family, and for our nation.
    1 point
  28. I think the real question, Chuck, is are you happy with the current administration? If you are, then great, because anything that distracts from its actions or undermines the Republican nominee guarantees another term for our current President. I suppose the real question, do those who are unsatisified with the Republican candidate, but want the current administration defeated, have an alternative that stands a snowball's chance in Hades of winning? I think the answer is no.i am far more libertarian than Republican and, frankly,voted Libertarian in the last election, but I will do nothing in this one that will assist the current administration? The question isn't is Rominey my ideal candidate. The question is, is he better than the alternative?
    1 point
  29. Reagan had already developed a record of conservative action to back up his conversion prior to running for president. Romney didn't start trying to change his talk until he started looking at a run for the White House. If Romney had a record to back up his talk, I wouldn't be hammering on this point.
    1 point
  30. Is asking why we needs friends there a serious question? Right and wrong is pretty straight forward. Which book of fiction is correct?
    1 point
  31. So far, a presidential contender has no choice but to claim some sort of Christian belief. I just further recoil from the absolutely lunatic overlay Mormonism adds to the mainstream mythology. - OS
    1 point
  32. Best Ed Brown for the money!
    1 point
  33. Incredible that someone who went out of their way to cause a stir and elicit a reaction from law enforcement could be so inconvenienced by LEOs while he is just minding his own business walking around with an AK in a public park like so many other law abiding citizens do every day. What is the world coming to???<br /><br /><br />I feel the same way about this as I do about hippies. Yeah, I believe in their right to protest, but I do get pleasure from watching cops put the boots to them, or industrial amounts of pepper spray.
    1 point
  34. Hornaday 115g Critical Defense is what I have today. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
    1 point
  35. Yeah, I did. That was the first time "hands on" gun, before she ever fired a shot. My daughter was quicker with the camera than I was with instruction. You should have seen her today; I asked her in the car on the way over, "Rule # 1?" "Every gun is always loaded, even if it's a toy." "# 2?" "Point it in a safe direction; the ground." "# 3?" "Don't put my finger on the trigger until I'm pointing at the target." Then, when we got there, she checks safety, proper foot placement, leaned in, proper shoulder... without me even saying anything. She learns quick, and didn't forget one thing.
    1 point
  36. I love the transition from "I don't believe this is happening" to "they are justified and he should be removed from the ballot". Not because he shouldn't be there, but because people might vote for him instead of Romney. You party hacks are just plain funny.
    1 point
  37. I looked at the Seecamp and MPA380P and both require two hands to eject the mag which is not possible for me right now. I decided to go with the Micro Eagle as I found a new one in Nickel for $425. It's smaller than the NAA, LCP, Tomcat, Keltec and P238. Trigger pull is a bit long but since its the only safety feature, I like that for a gun that's going to ride in my front pocket.
    1 point
  38. Always good to hear reports like this that are contrary to so much bad public opinion. If it turns out to be consistent as your first trial just think of what a bargain you got !
    1 point
  39. The trigger spring may be broke. Push the trigger forward when you push the bolt forward and see if it cocks.
    1 point
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