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  1. And who would get sued, if haviung stopped him, not determined its legality, releasing him and he shoots up a McDonalds. Cops have to live in the real world.
    3 points
  2. Again, the Court found most of the delay in his detention was caused by his DEMAND to see a supervisor. By the way, is a law enforcement officer required to recognize every single possible firearm on sight? My guess is they'd NEVER seen one before. Unless you are in to weird firearms, I'm not really sure why you would have. It might take more than a stick to determine whether the Draco is a pistol, a SBR or a submachine gun, particularly if you'd never seen one. He did this so he'd have a reason to sue the taxpayers to try to get money, so bad mouthing the police here, who appear to me to have been fully professional, is more than a bit misguided. He was in the woods in camo scaring people for the sole purpose of getting the attention he did. I have no sympathy whatever for him nor any complaints about his treatment.
    3 points
  3. The generally accepted standard in a debate/discussion is that it is incumbent upon the maker of a contested claim to back said claim up. Otherwise I could make the claim that you are functionally retarded and then demand that you provide certified IQ scores to disprove my assertion.
    3 points
  4. I'm not a pants wetting liberal that is scared of guns, but if I see someone walking around with an AK strapped to their chest in a public park I'm calling the cops. That simple.
    2 points
  5. Disparity in firearms pricing from store to store hasn’t changed much in the many years I’ve been buying and shooting guns. Some of this is due to distributor price variations some due to distributors requiring participating gun sellers to purchase and sell some guns that customers refuse to buy. The on line gun sales outfits and auctions look great a face value but once you’ve paid shipping, transfer fees and such the “saving’s†aren’t all that great. Good gun shops who have customer oriented owners promote customer satisfaction and gain new customers in return. Others have highs and lows based upon the whims of a very fickle public. I don’t do business with price gougers and refer everyone who inquires to gun stores that adhere to good business ethics.
    2 points
  6. Don't get me wrong, she's a beauty but any gun too pretty to shoot is a gun not worth owning. Take her out and shoot the tar out of it! Clean, oil and put it in a nice padded case. I hate guns you can't shoot. They're worthless to me. Very nice!!!
    2 points
  7. I dunno, I just don't see it affecting their margins enough to care.... at least not enough to stick their necks out about it and risk the potential fall out related to being on the wrong side of the issue (according to liberal media). Besides, there are plenty of religious groups keeping up that fight. Unless, of course, folks are right about society indoctrinating our children to be gay, then the entire next generation will be gay and will make up the majority of couples wanting benefits. That presupposes that folks would have to choose to ignore primal instincts which tell them that Robin Meade is hot and voluntarily take a penis up their rectum, but I guess it's possible in bizarro world. I honestly didn't know what "gay" was when I was 11, but that was the age that I saw my first Playboy and I knew exactly what I wanted to do. Can't say I would have had those same thoughts if it was a grown man's ass.
    2 points
  8. The ACLU has taken on many cases on which you would agree, including gun rights. They've also taken on the Patriot Act in various ways, which I have agreed with in just about every instance. It is a polarizing organization, depending on the current issue they're involved in; their federal lawsuits haven't seemed to care which party was in power at the time throughout the decades. In short, I support maybe half their windmill tilts as they arise, and don't see them as any way "in league" with the Democratic Party. And of course, they don't get a dime of public money. - OS
    2 points
  9. "a sickness that is dangerous and contagious" .... If you try gay, you can't stay away. LOL. - OS
    1 point
  10. A lot more than that, but they don't mention "birth state" per se. "TICS accesses the following databases: Tennessee Criminal History Repository File maintained by the TBI and supported by arrest fingerprint cards. Persons who are convicted felons cannot legally possess a firearm. State of Tennessee Orders of Protection Data entered, maintained and deleted by Tennessee law enforcement agencies (generally Sheriff’s departments) on persons against whom a restraining order has been issued by a judge. Active protection orders, which meet state or federal laws, will disqualify an individual from obtaining a firearm. National Crime Information Center Database maintaining files on wanted persons, protection orders, deported felons, U.S. Secret Service Protective (persons who may pose a threat to the President and/or others afforded protection by the U.S. Secret Service), foreign fugitives, SENTRY File (persons currently under supervision of the Federal Bureau of Prisons), Convicted Person on Supervised Release File and the Convicted Sexual Offender Registry. Interstate Identification Index The national repository for criminal history record information. National Instant Check System (NICS) The federal instant background check system maintained by the FBI. It houses databases on Denied Persons, Illegal/Unlawful Aliens, Controlled Substance Abusers, Dishonorable Dischargees, Citizenship renunciants and Mental Defectives/Commitments." - OS
    1 point
  11. They run thought the FBI's system and you're birth state. Not always but some states like Illinois and California can sometimes take longer. I have a feeling some states don't rush themselves to return the info. Especially if you have a common name. If they are waiting for another agency it usually means you name flagged and they are checking with you're home state our the agency that listed the original issue. Usually gets cleared up fairly quickly and if not usually in appeal. In most cases I've they get it cleared they will make a note on you're name so it doesn't keep flagging the next times. Probably what is happening since you just relocated.
    1 point
  12. Does that mean that they've been cured of heterosexuality? It doesn't make a difference one way or the other, both sides are pretty set in their opinions. I doubt any of us have changed anyone else's opinions in this thread.
    1 point
  13. It is the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Instant Check System, after all. - OS
    1 point
  14. I waited about an hour and a half once because as my background check was going through the entire TICS went down on a saturday at about 900. Needless to say they were flooded and it took them forever to get it back up. It was so busy they wouldnt even accept the info over the phone to run the check. Dont worry about it.
    1 point
  15. They'll probably call you tomorrow, approved. A hassle, but wouldn't worry. - OS
    1 point
  16. Too many reasons to list, but probably just what they said, some system down. Almost certainly not due to your relocation. TICS accesses 5 databases. The main NICS database itself accesses a bunch of additional databases also. http://www.tbi.tn.go...ack_check.shtml That's a lot to go wrong at any time, especially since you're dealing with government. Amazing to me it "works" as well as it does. So you just went home, approval still pending, or still at the store? - OS
    1 point
  17. The "why people are gay" is amazingly the first off topic part of this whole discussion. They exist, therefore they want the option of the marriage contract. - OS
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. As Richard Pryor once said, "I don't care if you want to have sex with a goat, just don't do it on my front porch".
    1 point
  20. I am not trying to convince you of anything. I have met guys before that seemed like they would be gay that turned out not to be, girly as you said. I have also met manly men that turned out to be gay so making that determination by the way one acts does not seem to be a good way to determine things.
    1 point
  21. As I said, what makes consenting adults horny doesn't matter to me, not part of the argument one way or the other. The issue is same sex "marriage". Since marriage is not only a contract between two people but also a contract between those two people and The State, any two people should be able to enter into it. The contract with the state is actually much stronger, as the couple can negate it, but The State can't. - OS
    1 point
  22. The electoral college saves us from government by majority (in other words, a true democracy)...I think we all agree that the founders were especially wise that they gave us a republic rather than a democracy. I don't know if the EC as it's currently structured is the best we can do but I for one am glad it exists.
    1 point
  23. You are trying to convince me that my cousin who most of the family suspected was and would be gay made a lifestyle choice about his gender identity before he knew his unit was for any purpose other than taking a whizz? I don't buy it, the boy was girly from the age of 3 or 4 on. It may not be genetics (that makes no sense, the gene would self destruct via lack of reproduction) but something was wired for gay in him from the time he was born. His homeschooling and upbringing, he probably did not even know what gay was until he was 10 or more, and probably never thought about it as his own identity until older still. There was no choice made. I have seen this happen a couple of times. I have seen the other way too, where someone did make a decision or was convinced or seduced. One girl I knew in HS was seduced by a lesbian, and ended up deciding that was what she wanted to do or be, but I am pretty sure she at least thought she was straight before that, pretty sure she dated a couple of guys before. Again, its not something one can find a "root cause" for as each person gets there (their own gender ID) in their own time, in their own way, with many factors from environment to genetics to psychobabble. But I am 100% convinced that at least some % of the homosexual community had no choice, they were indeed born that way (whatever the cause, again, genetics dont make sense).
    1 point
  24. Not for me to say. Doesn't matter to me whether it's nature or nurture, choice or compulsion, or combined impetus. I've always liked Neal Boortz's quote, that when faced with complicated issues, "I always default to freedom". - OS
    1 point
  25. Not long ago (actually, still quasi in practice when I was of age) teachers would (beat, belittle, harrass, etc) left handed kids until they finally learned to write with their wrong hand. Did those kids stop being left handed? No, but you can force yourself or be forced by others into doing something that is not in your makeup. I cannot say what happens in whatever case. Some men give up women (or men?) altogether (monks, etc) --- by putting their faith over their desires. Some teenagers that are faithful also abstain until married, not many, but some do manage it. I would say the answer is all three: some folks wake up one day and decide they are gay (changed?) and realize they maybe always have been. Some wake up and decide they are really straight. Some live the lie (in the closet) to fit in because of all the pressure and stigma that comes with being gay. Some live the lie because they lie to themself, convinced that being gay is bad (faith, upbringing, social stigma, etc) and then finally give up on trying to please others instead of living their own life. Some people just like sex and do not care who or what they put it in, to be blunt. We used to call them trysexuals, they will try anything.... the answer to this one is going to be on a case by case basis.
    1 point
  26. Then it would appear to be more of a lifstyle choice than the way they they were born.
    1 point
  27. How many terrorists has the TSA caught since they were created? How many times should someone be checked? When is it enough?
    1 point
  28. splitting the EC vote in every state... is just a layer of confusion to a direct popular vote approach. There would be no point in the EC if they did this. you may be OK with that, but I personally do not care for a pure popular vote or similar system. I do not want to be governed by CA+NY, places that have zero understanding of rual america.
    1 point
  29. last time i was in vegas the tsa person was a very nice looking young lady i told her it was ok to pat me down she just let me go
    1 point
  30. Of course there is no real way to know for sure how he really feels but I doubt he is all that disappointed with the Republican ticket. Despite their differences there are enough issues they likely can agree on than disagree on and other issues where the differences aren't that large.
    1 point
  31. WTF is wrong with people ? I just read someone killed a woman and her 3 kids in MO.. a 1,10 and 11 year old.. Then some guy is in a coma because he tried to tow a car and he got beaten half to death by the owner.. I think I am not goingto look at or watch the news anymore.. sick and so so sad...
    1 point
  32. ^^^^ What they said especially JAB!!
    1 point
  33. yes blc2 a ball powder is next on the burn rate charts the surplus equivilent is 846 90.00 per 8 pound jug 0r 400.00 per 40 pound caddy
    1 point
  34. I think if asked to test my drink my response would be to chug it, hand them the empty container, then tell them to throw it in the trash when they are done. I
    1 point
  35. Bet that guy won't be doing that anymore!
    1 point
  36. I relayed your information today. He was very upset about it, which is certainly understandable. However, there is a positive side to the story. The guy who sold him the gun was unaware of the problems I mentioned in the OP and will give him his money back. He was very lucky. Anyway, thanks for the info guys. I appreciate it.
    1 point
  37. It isn't illegal to tape a bunch of road flares to your chest as a fashion statement and walk into a crowded mall, but doing so is going to get you rolled up by the cops, as it should. This is in the same realm. If he keeps up stunts like this he will end up getting smoked by police or a HCPer.
    1 point
  38. You guys know this Radnor Lake Rambo? I have been to Radnor Lake many times. It's a nice little city park. I think he was trolling for attention. Maybe he wasn't hugged enough as a kid.
    1 point
  39. With respect, Jonnin, these "pistols" were designed and marketed to take advantage of the ATF definition of pistol. Any rational person would see these as short barreled rifles. They fire rifle cartridges. They use the upper and lower receiver of a rifle. It's a quirk that the ATF defines them as pistols and allows the Plaintiff to make an *ss of himself and by extension, all of us who believe in responsible gun ownership. In this case, neither the rangers nor Metro police did anything wrong and the Plaintiff's attempt to make Tennessee taxpayers pay because he was an *ss offends me.
    1 point
  40. It WAS OK for him. They detained him, determined that he'd broken no laws and he was released. This case arose because the Plaintiff was seeking damages because his "rights" were violated. I'm sorry but if you do everything you can to look like a criminal or a nutcase, you're hardly in a position to complain about it. I'm as Second Amendment as anyone but this is simply stupid. Courts should not reward people for being stupid, particularly when they act stupidly intentionally.
    1 point
  41. Hmmmm. Anyone who has had the honor of meeting Leonard can attest that he's, well, intentionally confrontational. Anyone who looks at the Draco and can readily determine that it is, in fact, a pistol is a better man than I. It looks like a short barreled rifle to me. When the statutory definition says designed to be fired with one hand, the Draco hardly jumps to mind.
    1 point
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