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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/2012 in all areas

  1. The homophobia in this thread is extremely obvious.
    4 points
  2. Sheltered? What part of "due to family history" do you not understand. Let me be a little more specific, due to personal and family history. Think on that for a minute before you formulate tour next response Pedophilia has zero to do the victim's gender and all about the sickness of predator. I never said that there weren't gay pedophiles, they do exist. What I can say is that when looking at the files of convicted child molesters, less than 1% self identify as gay or lesbian, regardless of the gender of the child victim. By the numbers, the youth leader at your church or a scout leader is more likely to diddle your kid than a gay teacher.
    3 points
  3. I'm just curious if you'd be quite so supportive if his name was Mohammed Sharif and he was talking about cutting off the heads of infidels at the local mall? I suspect a few of the people who are crying big brother would be singing a different tune.
    3 points
  4. The amount of care over what two people, who have nothing to do with you, do in their own life astounds me.
    3 points
  5. One thing is for sure, many religious folks and them homosexuals have at least one thing in common; they love cramming stuff down someone's throat.
    2 points
  6. This country was founded under a premise of "You are free to do what ever you like until what you are doing infringes upon the freedoms of someone else." Provided they are not doing it on a park bench in public, how does two queers wanting to be together affect anyone else?
    2 points
  7. I would think it is very natural for a gay man to have sex with another man. not natural for a hetero man to have gay sex. I don't think it is something a person wakes up one day and just decides. You are either gay or straight or even a little of both. It's how God made you. (assuming you believe in God)
    2 points
  8. I have strong religious beliefs against homosexuality and gay marriage. I also believe that lying, stealing, murder, and many other things are wrong, too. The fact that some of these things are illegal and others are not makes no difference. I'm not against murder because it's illegal. I'm against it because it's wrong based on my Christian upbringing. That doesn't mean everything I believe is wrong should be illegal and it doesn't mean everything I believe is right should hold the power of law either. If it did, blasphemy would be illegal and being truly repentant would get you out of jail. So, I believe that gays should be allowed every privilege under the law that I have and that the government should not honor Church marriages. We should all have to get civil unions to appease the government in order to get all the benefits they dole out to get our votes. Likewise, I'll get married in a church, if want all the benefits God doles out.
    2 points
  9. No, some people are afraid of plenty of things right here in the good ole U.S. of A. I put my life on the life for this country and lost a bit of hearing in the process. I think that I'll stick around and watch the chickens come home to roost. If just one of the things that you guys are afraid of comes to fruition it will be worth it just to watch some of you freak out.
    1 point
  10. It gave me a good laugh, but sadly, he is serious. I would rather live in a world full of everything that scares these guys than walk around living under the "American Taliban" as someone called them earlier.
    1 point
  11. How about we get rid of the unconstitutional TICS and special ammo taxes we have to pay?
    1 point
  12. You are pretty much spot on. Getting government totally out of people's personal relationships is the best way to go. Unfortunately, it will never happen. The only other alternative I can see is get out of the "marriage" business. Keep "marriage" in the church and community and allow civil unions for everyone, both gay and straight. The government should no longer recognize "marriage," only the civil union. If a community or church won't marry a gay couple then that is really tough s**t for that couple. They can move to somewhere that will if it bothers them that much. However, the state should not be able to deny the same couple a civil union. If the civil union is the only thing the government recognizes, what difference does it make? None.
    1 point
  13. Clarify. It's certainly NOT nonsense that they are teaching children at an elementary level that "It's okay to be gay". It might be okay to be gay but it's NEVER okay for children that young to be faced with a decision of a sexual nature.
    1 point
  14. 4 or 5 year olds?!? That has NOTHING to do with homosexuality and everything to do with plain ole Sexuality. Matters NOT what team you play for, ANYTHING sexual is inexcusable as a elementary school subject.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Yeah, really. I respect their freedom to do as they please and be happy. They should respect my freedom speak my mind and feelings. They are queers. Homo's, flamers, and a long list of of vulgar words I prefer not to use. Much like I am right wing, almost to the point of extremism. I'm poorly educated, bible[KJV] believing, gun loving, redneck who is only lightly tolerant of change and absolutely INTOLERANT of foolish idiocy. Political Correctness is social castration and mental masturbation. I don't have an education, therefore I have to get greasy to make a living. SO: I'm a dumb laborer, they're queers. Why is that shameful? I'm not ashamed. Call a spade a spade and stop this PC blather.
    1 point
  17. Making generalized threats in the manner he did is why he was committed and not charged. If you say, "I'm gonna head down to the mall and shoot a bunch of folks", you won't be charged with assault, but you will probably be taken into custody and evaluated. That isn't about free speech, that is about being a clear and present danger to others. I get that it could be subjective, but I'm not going to sweat it until folks other than raving lunatics start getting rolled up. For now, it appears to be limited to those who are nuts.
    1 point
  18. Okay, so if someone says they are going to kill you then the police should wait until the person does it before intervening? He wasn't arrested, by the way. He was committed for being a loon.
    1 point
  19. Have you not gone to get cured yet?
    1 point
  20. He was talking about cutting off heads and starting an armed revolution. At what point do we expect law enforcement to identify a threat before intervening? I don't feel bad for him. I don't think this is "big brother" either.
    1 point
  21. ~10% of the population is left-handed - who would have thought that was a genetic disorder?
    1 point
  22. Christians like to claim that, but it's fallacious. All cultures, regardless of their predominant religion, have had prohibitions against murder, theft, assault, etc. All have acknowledged personal property rights of various degrees, marriage sanctions, etc. Much more commonality between cultures than dissimilarity. These concepts developed long before there was widespread religion of any flavor. They were present in the first cuneiform records we have of civilization in Sumer and it's safe to suppose they were present much earlier, and were in place as soon as people banded together in groups larger than nuclear families for protection. Why? Because it's the logical best way, actually the only way, for people to cohere in groups -- anarchy does not foment civilization. The American experiment is quite unique but its basic laws regarding individual behavior are not. Christianity espouses much the same virtues as all major world religions, and most of these were in place before there were "world religions" at all. If we had laws against the Seven Deadly Sins, you'd have a case. - OS
    1 point
  23. seriously you equate being gay with tendencies to commit violent crimes or be an alcoholic? why should their be consequences for being gay? They aren't hurting anyone. All I have known ( quite a few actually) are normal people.
    1 point
  24. That's the point. You, I and roughly 90 odd percent of men find her hot. The ones that don't did not wake up one day and decide she does not do it for them, she never did, no woman did. They like men and I am fine with it. They should be able to pursue happiness and for many that would include getting married.
    1 point
  25. Did they find the gay gene while I was asleep last night?
    1 point
  26. Intimidation is the answer, IMO. They DON'T want him in court, testifying as to what he knows as a result of his investigation. They don't want that info as part of the record. What we need is Sheriff Joe in front of a grand jury, with a prosecutor like Thomas Dewey (if there is one).
    1 point
  27. It is really this simple. The complicated part would be getting the folks on the far side of each issue to compromise to this. Instead it will be a game of tug-a-war that will continue on for the foreseeable future with both sides being unreasonable and over the top. In the end, gay marriage will be recognized by the gov and the country will continue on, or we'll all die in a fiery brimstone hailstorm, just like when women got the right to vote.
    1 point
  28. Hey, I'm proud to be an American Heathen. Seriously, I find the suggestion that this country should legislate based on anyone's interpretation of "god's will" to be quite repugnant. Perhaps we should harken back to the days of our heritage when the King of England was also the head of the Church, and the Pope was his veep. - OS
    1 point
  29. Won't happen. That's not the real issue they are after. As has been said everything they claim they want they can have thought various paths. What they can't have is recognition from churches. That is the real heart of the matter. All the rest is a red herring. IMO As to all the flipant biblical references, it doesn't take a scholar to note that just because the Bible references or accounts for wrong actions is it implied or stated as being condoned. The fact scripture accounts for the imperfections in humanity works towards its credit, not against it. Scripture, properly understood, teaches us to work from imperfection to perfection. It does not assume utopia is attainable or possible in this present life.
    1 point
  30. I have stayed out of this thread long enough. Leviticus 18: 22Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Enough said! If you want to disagree, converse with the Author. He is available 24/7 + eternity.
    1 point
  31. Because marriage is: A RELIGIOUS UNION BETWEEN ONE WOMAN and ONE MAN!!!!! You can't marry a chicken, a tractor, 4 cub scouts, or a can of nightcrawlers. A man also cannot marry a man, nor a woman a woman.Why is this so hard to comprehend?
    1 point
  32. They only realized they made an error when their phone lines were inundated by angry voters who were upset by the concealed carry ban. Amazing! You'd think that they would have realized an error was in progress when they began to trounce on their citizen's Second Amendment rights! God save us from idotic politicians!
    1 point
  33. Erick made the emotional attempt to negate anything religiously associated as "sin" as a nonsensical factor in legislature. I pointed out that almost everything Biblically viewed as a sin is illegal and considered morally unacceptable in our Constitution and legal codes. Come on guys. Get off the emotion train and read in context. Then it has been the current cultural context of humanity since the beggining of time. If that is the argument the you are implying that homosexuality is indeed and abnormality and abstract to all known human history. Which by definition does not make it "cultural" but a condition of humanity.
    1 point
  34. Gay relationships are entirely about sexualization. Otherwise what is there? You do realize the whole "homosexual" identity is about who they have sex with right? I don't think I ever heard of a heterosexual movement.
    1 point
  35. you also have folks like me who are not gay but who firmly think that the gay community should have equal rights. Mostly, that means I would see any and all laws/tax codes / etc that are for married couples removed entirely so the government can get 100% out of the issue: if there are no bonuses for marriage, then everyone is equal. The other direction (making laws to say who can marry who and when and where and so on) is too much government involvement at too deep a level. Getting 100% out of the issue and away from it is the only way that I can see it actually working out. Then, after that, if the gay community wants special treatment, we can stamp that "denied" and move on.
    1 point
  36. My video is ready. Some good shooting, some bad.
    1 point
  37. I can think of a better substance than sand. It might be more realistic but stinky. JTM Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  38. You mean delegates that were duly elected by the citizens and IAW the rules of the RNC and their individual states? Manufactured unity for the sake of appearances is no unity at all. By disenfranchising the Paul delegates, and by proxy the libertarian wing of the Republican party along with a sizable contingent of folks like myself who are not, and never were Republicans, the RNC has opened itself up to be bit in the ass by us. I don't presume to speak for others, but I can tell you how I view the events surrounding the convention controversy. I see no substantive difference between the Republican and the Democratic Parties. They both want an overly large and intrusive federal government. The R s want to achieve it on a balanced budget while the D is willing to deficit spend to get there. That's the only real difference and to someone like me who is concerned with freedom and personal liberty, it is the difference between deciding whether you want corn or peanuts in your sandwich. There were only 2 reasons I was considering voting R. The USSC was the first and Roberts did a good job of letting me know that battle was already lost. The second reason is that for a minute, it appeared the the R party was vulnerable to being reformed from the inside. What happened with the RP delegation firmly closed the door to that idea. So, I am walking away. We tried it, it didn't work out I'm not going to drive myself crazy trying to force my ideals on a party that doesn't want me, or people like me. To those that would appeal to the libertarian minded folks to vote Romney for the reason of "anybody but Obama" aka "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Sorry, barking up the wrong tree there, bucko. I view both the R and the D parties as unmitigated enemies of individual freedom and personal liberty. It doesn't matter which party is in power the Republic is dead and it is all over but the shooting.
    1 point
  39. Funny how he overlooks that fact, isn't it. Rather than eliminate the electoral college, I would much rather see the 17th Amendment repealed. Our founding fathers were genius in how they set things up. Most of our mistakes have come in how we have tried to "fix" their system.
    1 point
  40. Wouldn't that be considered a super power?
    1 point
  41. All you really have to be is Classified in the sport and have the legal equipment. Everyone is broken down into their skill level, Marksman, Sharpshooter, Expert and Master so you only compete against people of relative skill. I shot my first major after just a few times at the local matches. I had a blast and it really inspired me to shoot more and improve. I encourage everyone to go to a major match for the experience and the Music City Cup is one of the best.
    1 point
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