Here is why I took such issue with your position of irrelevancy for the parties. If the parties are irrelevant, then not only what they do is irrelevant, but HOW they do it as well. The RNC changed and or ignored its own rules in an attempt to present unity behind Romney. As an example, the Socialist Party USA (no, I'm not referring to the DNC) is irrelevant on the national stage. Nobody knows or cares who their candidate is, or how they were chosen because they don't have a chance in hell of getting elected. Right now to get elected you have to come from one of two major parties. If how the Republican party chooses its nominee is irrelevant then the subject of the entire debate we were having becomes a moot point, thereby allowing you to sidestep having to deal with whether or not the actions taken by the RNC to silence dissent within the party were ethical. That has been what stuck in my craw this whole time. The RNC was underhanded and wholly unethical in the manner in which it handled the RP "problem". I was willing to go along with the Rs and vote for Romney to hopefully get rid of Obama. This whole debacle only reinforced for me (and others that I know) that at the end of the day, the Republican party is no better or even different than the Democratic Party. The current and future well being of the nation are not their priority. All either party is concerned with is accumulating and maintaining power, money and influence. They are equally corrupt, diseased and rotten in their cores.