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I carry at church. The pastor may or may not know. I do not plan on having any kind of "talk" with him about it. I am an American, and I want to carry. It's that simple. I don't feel the need to advise others when I am going to speak freely, so there is no reason to advise anyone I am armed.2 points
Hubris/ego and hope/fear are the primary underlying reasons for our bent toward magical thinking also. Should our species actually survive until Sol fries Terra, even should we become "immortal" by dispersing our seed to the stars, it is possible that aspects of our perceivable universe will always be unknowable. And it may well be thus for any other species in the ~100 billion galaxies in the currently observable plane of the universe. But that seems a poor reason to perpetuate magical explanations that at heart have changed little since the first Homo Erectus shaman realized that he could get fed without having to kill the mammoth himself. - OS2 points
The same thing is happening here in the US currently. Libs move from the states they have ruined, then try to enact the same policies that ruined the states they fled.2 points
A few months ago I posted that I came across a bottle of Old Forrester, never opened, and bottled in the year of my birth: 1955. I asked feedback from you about whether this bourbon would be any good today, and I appreciate your responses, especially since I am not primarily a bourbon drinker. My decision was to open the bottle on my birthday - today - I am a proud 57! - and try it out. The votes are now in and many of you wanted to know my response once I opened, and had a sip, of the bottle. It is the SMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTHEST alcoholic beverage I have ever sipped. No birthday cake, but my gift to myself in a few is a nice glass of this old bourbon on the rocks! Thanks to all who responded!1 point
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I would love to have 4 or 5 kids. I would home school them, train them early in survival and para-military techniques including blades, handguns and military style weapons so they will be prepared to defend freedom against the liberal-socialist invasion of America. Just tell them that.1 point
When Obama signed the 2011 Defense Authorization Act, and I found out that McCain also supported it I threw my hands up and decided to hell with it. I will still vote the big R, but I think Merle Haggard was right. We are rolling down hill like a snowball headed for hell.1 point
Caster Predicts Rise of a 3rd Party if we don't get Obama out.1 point
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DO NOT TRY THIS!!! A .50bmg round has as much explosive force as a hand grenade. The .50 cartridge is designed to produce pressures of 54,000psi. The 12ga shotgun is only designed for 15,000psi. Do you see the problem?1 point
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I'd call the simple fact that we have vestigial parts of our bodies as proof that we have evolved. Coccyx , appendix, whatever indicate they are remnants of functions that were once more pronounced and purposeful than now. Other things seemingly have never evolved fast enough. Like the spine, which should structurally be much larger to support our now biped ways. The real question is what happened around a million years ago, and then maybe again ~10,000 years ago for the brain to take such a quantum leap. That's the one thing that progressed disproportionally quickly. I think dem Sumerians wuz the result of some serious tweaking -- we may be some extraterrestrial's high school science project. Btw, the duck billed platypus sure is suspicious, too. - OS1 point
i shoot almost all cast rifle bullets sometime paper patched from 22 hornet to 5771 point
I have posted this many times on this forum so I will make it short. Start at the local level and make the community successful. Success breeds popularity. Move to the state level and make that state successful then move to Congress and start running the government efficiently and then go after the white house. JTM Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk1 point
I'm really not sure they are happy anywhere. Mad about having to wait for the virgins, maybe?1 point
I would assume that any bad guy smart enough to know or care about the microstamping could overcome it simply by replacing the firing pin (since that is what gets "stamped" if I understand the process correctly). I would love one of these idiot gun-haters to try and explain why a crook who almost certainly stole the weapon or bought it illegally after it was stolen by someone else is going to care about microstamping that may lead police back to the original, legal owner.1 point
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oh dear lord, I am Ron Paul fan but Paulies are creating their own issues. When you are a nation this size with the diverse point of views as we have, you are not going to change hearts and minds by force. You will only change hearts and minds with proven success. The Paulies running around attacking the GOP because what drives the RP Libertarians does not DIRECTLY align with your run of the mill GOPer, Paulies then go after them just as hard as they attack the far lefturd. THis is what puts RP on a island. Saw Ron Paul last night talking on Fox about how he is not going to support the Mitt ticket. I understand and appreciate his point, but what he should have said is he will work with a Romney/Ryan administration to achieve what is needed. Instead he would rather piss on a GOP ticket that can help his cause and risk allowing another Obama administration that will fully destroy his cause.1 point
I've learned not to be bothered by anything that I read in these threads. TGO is my go to source for gun information, good gun bargains and entertainment. I get comic relief from reading the political threads. A bunch of old men telling boogeyman stories to one another while waiting on a white knight to come in and save the country from another politician. Wash, rinse and repeat every four years.1 point
As a former Illinois cop I have a message for you Mr. Mayor. The Police can’t protect anyone…. Period. Anyone that thinks they can is a fool. So, if they are going to speak out they will have to protect themselves. However, you have taken away their right to protect themselves by disarming them, while the people you want them to speak out against are very well armed. Get a clue.1 point
I always just stand and stare at people like that as if they have a third eye or something without responding. It makes them very uncomfortable, and rarely does the conversation last very much longer. They certainly don't come back a second time. As you gain a little age and financial security, the same people go from offering unsoliciting advice to prying into your personal business to try and find out why you are more successful and happier than they are. The same response works here as well.1 point
Old Brownings are extremely collectable. Especially the ones in your configuration. I would strongly suggest you not modify it for two reasons. One it kills the value. Two you are changing a piece of history that can't be reclaimed. If you like old Brownings, I would recommend buying this book: Browning Auto-5 Shotguns The Belgian FN Production by H.M. Shirley, Jr & Anthony Vanderlinden This is the go to book for info on a5s. You have a special shotgun. I hope you keep it in its original state.1 point
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