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3 points
Interesting that people believe the marketing that Ford didn't take Gov't money. They all did and do. http://www.forbes.co...out-commercial/ http://www.usatoday....ergy-loan_N.htm http://wot.motortren...-cash-9443.html From Forbes: "But wait a minute. OK, Ford didn’t file bankruptcy or get bailed out by Uncle Sam, but didn’t it receive $5.9 billion in low-cost government loans in 2009 to overhaul its factories and bring out more fuel-efficient technology?" From Motor Trend: "As part of an initiative to elevate its credit rating, Ford has asked for, and received debt assistance from the governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the European Union"2 points
1 point
You know what the problem is? I've actually shot the thing. I never should have done that! Back in the safe she goes. Maybe I'll get rid of something else less fun. Thanks for all the input guys.1 point
A coherent, repeatable, understandable message. Flood the Zone, starting with purchased media, especially ads on television. Fully utilize alternative media, especially Talk Radio, Direct Mail, Billboards, and the New Media, to include e-mail, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and such. Online Forums such as TGO count. Oh, and Word of Mouth, with personal, door-to-door contact and public gatherings. It's not easy or cheap, but it can be done.1 point
1 point
Not likely. Doesn't sound like they have violated any environmental laws. No water quality hazards. You might call the county forester and see if he can talk to them, kind of an intermediary. He won't have the ability to ticket them, but could help afirm their responsibility to fix the road. TDF Contact Grainger, Hancock, Hawkins Richard Van Inwegen, Area Forester P.O. Box 121, Rogersville, TN 37857 (423) 272-71301 point
I'd make sure I've exhausted all avenues of talking with the owner, as you'll have to live with him in years to come. Try to keep the conversation civil, and only pertaining to facts. Do not let emotion into it. If that fails, I expect a call to the Tennessee Department of Conservation would quickly make him want to repair damage and act to prevent any further damage. I will tell you that this call would end any chance of him ever being a good neighbor in the future, and should only be used as a last resort, just like getting a lawyer involved. It is my experience that they are a pain in the keester to deal with if you're on the logger's end of the situation.1 point
Not defending any company since that is all they are is a company. It amazes me how many people get caught up in "Brand Identity" in the country. As if what you drive matters, my point was ALL the auto companies take money from the gov't. Also, one must remember that this bailout was forced on GM in order to save the union since GM (and probably Mopar) original plan was to do Chapter 7 which would have relieved all the obligations to the unions. The gov't was not about to let that happen. Full disclaimer, I drive a chevy truck currently, but have owned, Dodge, Honda, Kawasaki and Jeep. I have no brand loyalty to anyone since they are just objects which we happen to require if we want to get around. I believe if the gov't had let GM and Mopar file chapter 7 there would be quite a few people in here complaining about how could they let that happen.1 point
Well, today was an off day from everything that I'm envolved with. Me and my 16 year old Daughter went Trout Fishing today. AWESOME Time!! We got on the water at about 8:00 am. Overcast sky, very little bite... ya'll know the routine. Well a thunderstorm came in and dampend our day. We hunkered down in from of a cave on a rock bluff overlooking the stream...It seamed OK for a bit...AWESOME! We got to spend time watching trout rise up to take a few "bugs" knocked down by the rain... Plus, we got to watch a Mink eat a live Crawfish...Oh Hell! I just cannot describe our experienses today. We sat the storm out at the mouth of this cave on the creek until the rain let up. Good bonding time between me and my 16 year old daughter. Long story short, storm let up and the Trout "turned on"! We wound up with 7 nice 12 to 14 inch rainbow? Awesome day! No phones, no nothing! Life is good! Dave S.1 point
1 point
Sounds like it's time to get to know your neighbor and shoot up some of his ammo.1 point
I used to work for a logging company and if we damaged anything it had to be returned to it's original state. There were times we had to repair ditches, culverts, roads and reseed the areas where our trucks were loaded. This may have all been worked out in the contract before hand. If I were you I'd go and look for the logging crew foreman and talk to him about it. If that doesn't work it may be time for a lawyer. If that doesn't work it may be time for... well, you know.1 point
1 point
Harwell has nothing of the sort as far as a ranking with the NRA. In the last 6 votes related to firearms issues in the General Assembly, she has voted against the interest of firearms owners every time. She is a shill for Haslam and his ties to "Big Business", and stands with Haslam and Alexander in their anti-gun position.1 point
If I didn't have an iPhone I might would have agreed with you. Sure was funny.1 point
I don't know about that. Does your Android with hippie "Gingerbread" or "Ice Cream Sandwich" help you hide a body? Siri does.1 point
Yeah, besides Apple hippie types don't carry anyway. They just use it to find "safety zones".1 point
No...that's too swift. What he really needs is to be relegated to obscurity...being the self-centered egotists that he is, it would be a far worse punishment than anything else that could be done.1 point
I don't know jack about humidors and cigars but I thought that I would throw this out there anyway, maybe you can use it? How about the sap from a pine or cedar tree? Could that possibly work?1 point
I don't have any problem with a federal law that criminalizes the speech of uninformed morons. Bring on that ban.1 point
^^ winner!! Real men walk outside and piss of the porch/deck/ or outside in general... i rarely ever go inside to pee lol1 point
If you don't feel comfortable with the bill of sale, don't use it. It's not required. Check the buyer's ID and if it's good, your obligations are fulfilled.1 point
You don't think Harwell, as well as Ramsey, had anything to do with Maggart blocking the vote? I think that they had everything to do with it, and Maggart was the sacrificial lamb for her troubles. As far as the parking lot bill I think that it was intentionally positioned/worded the way it was to create an intense debate showing that it was too hot of a potato when it very well could have been simplified into a law prohibiting anyone other than a LEO with probable cause to search a vehicle. Hard to interject an employer's property rights into that one.1 point
Very rarely do I go to the cinema any more. I'd rather watch a film in the comfort of my home. I can pause it, go to the john when I like, and I don't have to tolerate some kid kicking the back of my seat. Winning!1 point
When you buy something that you might use to defend your life with, a hundred bucks isn't that expensive.1 point
It may be, but if it saves your butt just one time won't it be worth it? As said above, good read. Thanks1 point
Spank, I too work retail and have employers rules in place to prevent carrying of a firearm on company property. A LCP in a pocket holster and keeping my mouth shut about it is my preferred solution. If things go south, I can find a new job, my family doesn't find me so easily replaceable.1 point
I carry a surefire backup everyday now. Never thought id use it much but if i had to not have my knife or light id leave the knife. I use it all the time burns through batteries pretty fast as i use it on high most of the time and burns them up even faster if i use any brand other than surefire batteries. I drag it under houses, under cars, out in the woods, you name it. Also use it alot holding it with my mouth when i dont have my headlamp on, works good enough. Had mine for probably 3-4 years still working with all original except batteries. And its been dropped over 10ft on concrete multiple times and never skipped a beat.1 point
I have five Surefires.....the oldest of which is around 9 years old. I have been switching over to the LED lamp assemblies as they become available for my various models. Have dropped a few of them over the years and only had one instance of needing to replace a lamp assembly (is was an incandescent) as a result. I have been "gifted" with and acquired other brands along the way, to include Maglites and Streamlights, but none have lasted as long or worked as well as the Surefires. It probably goes without saying, but the higher lumen output you are using, the more often you will be buying batteries. I have seen several guys get 200+ lumen lights, and use them for tasks that could just have easily been done with 30 and then get pissed that they are replacing batteries every couple hours.....so if you want a multi purpose/tactical light, spend the money on a decent dual-outpul LED model (35/150). Good Luck1 point
I have two Surefire G2x's. The LED is absolutely the most dependable utilitarian light I have ever owned. It was my backup duty light. The LED saves a crap load of $$$ on batteries and the 'throw' of the beam is what makes them so much better than the cheapies. In my own words, lol, Surefire is a true SHTF light. I know for a fact that my Surefires can take a beating. Run em over with a truck... throw em off a multistory-story building... its still absolutely going to work. By the way, you don't NEED to use Surefire batteries for recreational use. I buy Titanium Innovations batteries at $1 a piece from battery junction (vs $2-3/piece for Surefire's). You can also get decent brand Panasonic's or Energizers for pennies more a piece. Just be sure to keep Surefire's in your weaponlights, optics, etc(anything important).1 point
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