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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/13/2012 in all areas

  1. So, in order for this article to be true that would mean that there is a secret underground movement in our military that includes officers in all branches of service who have managed to conspire together and keep it off the radar of not only their respective unit S2 shops, but also managed not to raise the ire of CID, AFOSI, NCIS, FBI, NSA and so on, but they were willing to spout off (in great detail) all their plans and motives to unvetted Russian counterparts during a joint training exercise.... am I following so far?..... the same country that can't keep its female spies from posing nude in Playboy.... Yep, makes total sense. Obama better watch out... he's in trouble alright.
    3 points
  2. I found this website through the TEOTWAWKI Blog. It has dozens of military field and training manuals for free download on just about everything you can think of. http://www.stevespages.com/page7c.htm
    2 points
  3. And I will be glad when the election is over so I will no longer have to read the convoluted 'explanations' from Romney supporters trying to convince the rest of us that what Romney says out of the right side of his mouth really does match up with what he says out of the left side of his mouth and that he was just kidding when he supported gun control and government run healthcare.
    2 points
  4. Don't let the fact that you're on the clock keep you from trying an IDPA match somewhere. The scenarios are fun and it's a lot more laid back than you'd think. You'll get to shoot stuff you'll never get a chance to see anywhere else. Don't even let the fact that they're keeping score enter your mind, just shoot and have fun.
    2 points
  5. What you mean "Ya'll people suck!"...waht kinda word is "Ya'll"..... It's all in good fun my friend. Never heard of no "Jango Fett"...I've watched all three of the original Star Wars and never heard of such....ya'll yank'in my rib bones!!! Dave S. Sent from my sending device
    1 point
  6. Don't forget Clinton getting lots of cash from China too. You think those secrets he gave them were by chance?
    1 point
  7. I carry this form to present to any doctor foolish enough to "counsel" on firearms: FIREARMS SAFETY COUNSELING REPRESENTATION: PHYSICIAN QUALIFICATIONS AND LIABILITY Part One: Qualifications I affirm that I am certified to offer (Name of Patient: ), herineafter referred to as "the Patient", qualified advice about firearms safety in the home, having received: Specify Course(s) of Study: _________________________________________________________________________ from: Specify Institution(s) _________________________________________________________________________ on: Specify Course Completion Date(s): _________________________________________________________________________ resulting in: Specify Accreditation(s), Certification(s), License(s) etc.: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Check one, as appropriate: ___ I represent that I have reviewed applicable scientific literature pertaining to defensive gun use and beneficial results of private firearms ownership. I further represent that I have reviewed all other relevant home safety issues with the Patient, including those relating to electricity, drains, disposals, compactors, garage doors, driveway safety, pool safety, pool fence codes and special locks for pool gates, auto safety, gas, broken glass, stored cleaning chemicals, buckets, toilets, sharp objects, garden tools, home tools, power tools, lawnmowers, lawn chemicals, scissors, needles, forks, knives, etc. I also acknowledge, by receiving this document, I have been made aware that, in his inaugural address before the American Medical Association on June 20, 2001, new president Richard Corlin, MD, admitted "What we don't know about violence and guns is literally killing us...researchers do not have the data to tell how kids get guns, if trigger locks work, what the warning signs of violence in schools and at the workplace are and other critical questions due to lack of research funding." (UPI). In spite of this admission, I represent that I have sufficient data and expertise to provide expert and clinically sound advice to patients regarding firearms in the home. OR ___ I am knowingly engaging in Home/Firearms Safety Counseling without certification, license or formal training in Risk Management, and; I have not reviewed applicable scientific literature pertaining to defensive gun use and beneficial results of private firearms ownership. Part Two: Liability I have determined, from a review of my medical malpractice insurance, that if I engage in an activity for which I am not certified, such as Firearms Safety Counseling, the carrier (check one, as appropriate): ___ will ___ will not cover lawsuits resulting from neglect, lack of qualification, etc. Insurance Carrier name, address and policy number insuring me for firearms safety expertise: _________________________________________________________________________ I further warrant that, should the Patient follow my firearm safety counseling and remove from the home and/or disable firearms with trigger locks or other mechanisms, and if the patient or a family member, friend or visitor is subsequently injured or killed as a result of said removal or disabling, that my malpractice insurance and/or personal assets will cover all actual and punitive damages resulting from a lawsuit initiated by the patient, the patient's legal reprerentative, or the patient's survivors. Signature of attesting physician and date: __________________________________________________ Name of attesting physician (please print):__________________________________________________ Signature of patient and date: ____________________________________________________________ Name of patient (please print):____________________________________________________________ Patient: Indicate if physician "REFUSED TO SIGN." Have physician place a copy in your chart/medical record.
    1 point
  8. "And if, after four years, we decide we don't like success, we can always go back to the national nightmare we have now." GREAT line.
    1 point
  9. "I have a gun and the police are on their way." That should be the last thing they hear before they leave or get shot.
    1 point
  10. And this is how they will tie gun control to the Obamacrap Affordable Health. Look there are people in the world that make decisions to do horrific things to other people.It always has been.I mean Cain killed Able with a rock and you dont see the government wanting to ban rocks.
    1 point
  11. Gotta love a happy ending. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
    1 point
  12. I recently purchased a 22 acre parcel in Grainger County that's mostly wooded with a couple of level clear areas. Like much of east Tennessee, much of it is hillside but I have a gated road on the property that gets me from the front to the back and top. Most of it is fenced with barbed wire. I've got a nice pistol range area that I plan to clear to at least a hundred yards in the fall once the leaves are off the trees and I can get a better line of sight. Having the ability to shoot on my own land was the primary consideration during my search. I was able to find that. I've seen deer and turkey there but I haven't hunted in years. That could change. The place has a small pond, a house, and a barn on it but the house was built in the 30s and is in poor condition and needs to go. The previous owner said he had been offered $1000 a year for hunting rights but I've not been approached and I'm not planning to lease it out. I spend a lot of time there on weekends and would prefer to maintain my privacy and solitude. There are mostly hardwoods on it and I have considered hiring a forestry consultant and looking into the possibility of getting a little return out of some selective timber sales. If any members here are in that business, I'd be interested in hearing from you. Putting a home on it is not out of the question but for now I'm pretty happy with the convenience of living in town, keeping daily drives to a minimum, and having a weekend getaway about 20 minutes away. One thing I can say for certain is that I haven't regretted buying this property. Not once, not for a moment. Good luck with your search!
    1 point
  13. This evening I was barbecuing by myself in the gravel driveway. I was constantly going in and outdoors for this and that. One of the times I went out to check on it, I was about 6 feets from the grill checking to see if it needed turned over. Out of the corner of my eye I see something. It is slithering by me about two feet away. It is stopping every six inches or so and looking at me, as to say, "Howdy neighbor"? It was a snake about three feet long. I immediately identified it as a non-poisonous snake, as it's head was not a big triangle and it's eyes were round and not slitted. I have never seen a pattern on the back of a snake like this, it was beautiful. Not being a snake expert, my best guess it is a Rat Snake or Chicken snake? Being new to the country, my wife wants me to kill every single snake around here. She is very afraid of them. Well, I can understand her fear of snakes, as many people fear them and consider them vermin. I have talked to her many times about the benefit of snakes, and they are not of the "Adam & Eve" variety. Snakes play a very important role in our ecology eating mice, rats and lizards. If it were not for the snakes, we might be over run with vermin and disease. If you remember your history, the "Black Plague" was caused by mice and rats harboring fleas with disease that bit humans and caused tens of millions of deaths. I've even ran across a few Water Moccasin's (Cotton Mouths) and Copper Heads the last few years on my property. They seen me and beat feet and were no danger. So... I left them be. However, had they been aggressive and not fled, I'd consider dispatching them as a threat to myself and family. I guess my point to this post is; next time you run across a snake on your property, please reconsider dispatching it. Mice and rats can and will generate disease, will cause you home and vehicle destruction as they will gnaw through anything including electrical wiring, I know about that first hand. Snakes serve a purpose in our environment as God intended. Please don't ever consider the phrase, "a good snake is a dead snake". Just my .02 cents guys and your mileage will vary.
    1 point
  14. Min size - I'd say it depends on the terrain. If it's steep, you could get away with a smaller area for rifle hunting. If it's flat, must be bigger. My folks have 12 acres of dense woods, kinda steep. You've got a lot more options with a bow, but it can be hunted with a rifle from a few specific locations. I've never leased hunting land, but coworkers seem to pay anywhere from $100 - $400 for deer & turkey seasons. The $400 one is a huge area, 300+ acres. If you really intend to live off the land, I'd think creek or spring fed pond would be a must-have.
    1 point
  15. Yep, I'm pretty pleased. With a cool evening in the forecast last night, my wife and i went to our property in the hills for a little picnic and campfire outing. We brought our survival bag along because....well....you just never know. She decided she wanted to try starting the fire with no matches or lighter. After all, she has seen Les Stroud do it on TV. This was her first attempt at survivor style fire starting. She used a Swedish Firesteel and sure enough, within 4 or 5 minutes, we had a fire. Matches? We don't need no stinking matches!
    1 point
  16. Good post. I also have quite the small crusade about not killing snakes myself. If one does indeed start talking to me, though, I dunno. Guess I'll have to at least reconsider the agnostic thang. - OS
    1 point
  17. I've got to the point I wont show a gun to a dealer at a gunshow anymore when they ask to see it. They will ask "hey what you got there", most of the time I just say "nothing for you" and keep walking. In a strange way it gives me a lot of satisfaction.
    1 point
  18. My Phillipino Rock Island Compact has not failed once after close to 600 rounds.
    1 point
  19. Fortunately the TSA hasn't taken over theater security operations... yet. For now, I think I'll Netflix. I'm not going to give someone money so I can be treated like a suspect.
    1 point
  20. Personally I think Pelican is the best case for gun control. Holds them in place so they don't bounce around, nearly indestructible and good warranty. ...ohh wait.
    1 point
  21. Read most of this. Other things could have been done, such as repeated calls to the Sheriff to build up a track record on the address. Quietly collect license-plate numbers of the visiting cars, to build up a track record of the unsavory visitors with their previous convictions and run-ins with the law. Warn other property owners to tighten up their own security and watch out for each others' houses. But finally, Instead of homeowner hiding outside with the shotgun and confronting the trespasser & potential burglar in the front yard, homeowner could have just sat in the living room 'napping' with the lights out and the shotgun across his lap and be 'surprised' when the perp comes in. Once the perp is inside the house, he's not merely a trespasser & potential burglar, he's an actual burglar. Drop him with a blast. Once shot in the house, problem solved. Police paperwork becomes relatively straightforward. Repair and paint the woodwork and steam-clean the carpet. If this sounds cold, it's because it is cold.
    1 point
  22. Members are angry at the NRA? Let's see how that works for them.
    1 point
  23. And there are also those that think their used firearm should resell at the full market price of the brand new item. Before campbellyardsales.com stopped allowing gun sales on their site I made an offer on a nice .308 + scope. The package new would have been in the $1800 range. I offered $1300 because it was used, the scope had some dings in it and he had on it a stock that I didn't even want 'cause it was a peice of junk. I knew once I bought it I was gonna drop another $300-$400 on a quality stock, so the fact that he had some aftermarket Choate garbage on there didn't increase the value of the item for me. His response back was one of complete outrage! It could have just been, "sorry but no." If the price is not negotiable then just say that in your advertisement. I see that all the time here followed by a month's worth of bumps with no responses.
    1 point
  24. unfortunately it's likely true. And the main reason we need either term limits, or preferably repeal of the 17th amendment. Local control of Senators was the way it was designed. Their job was to represent the interests of the individual sovereign states. Seems we have forgotten that little part of the check and balance system our founders included in our representative government model. Details matter. I'm still voting for Zach Poskevitch win or loose.
    1 point
  25. I don’t have the protections I had as a cop, so I’m not getting involved in any situation that doesn’t involve an individual needing my immediate help. But when someone is being killed; I’m steeping in. I would very quickly let the guy know if he didn’t stop I was going to kill him. If he makes a move towards her or me with the knife again; I shoot him. Bother me? Absolutely not, I could shoot him and go eat lunch. There is no “moral dilemma†for me. I would think the moral dilemma would be if you stood by and watched someone stabbed to death and did nothing.
    1 point
  26. Wow, and they've narrowed down the race choices to only 5, when there are only 3 races. What do it mean?
    1 point
  27. The doctor can ask whatever he/she wants. This story mentions, however, that the doctor in Ocala refused treatment of a child because the child's mother refused to answer his question regarding gun ownership. Where does that end? Surely there is recourse within the medical community for a doctor that refuses to treat a child based on not answering personal questions that the patient feels has nothing to do with treatment. Sounds very unethical to me.
    1 point
  28. I think we have The Andy Griffith Show to thank. They taught people that LEO's couldn't be trusted to have enough sense to carry a loaded weapon and should keep their bullets in their pockets until needed.
    1 point
  29. Doubt very seriously that it's a Bass Pro Shop policy. Rather, the delusions in the fevered mind of one sub-par employee. Regardless, I don't show or handle my loaded concealed carry weapon in a store unless it's out and firing at a robber or some such. If I'd gone in planning to look at a holster, I'd test fit the holster on the store's unloaded copy of my weapon; no need for them to see my weapon.
    1 point
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