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  1. There’s a Crack in THE DOME. How’s it Going to End? Posted by checkmate2012 (Diary) Saturday, August 4th at 4:30PM EDT51 Comments Cameras in place, cue the lights, turn up the mics. And action. Into our view is the most elaborate stage ever seen for a political convention with the enormous Greek columns flanking the stage with two huge video screens displaying colossal images of the Democratic nominee, inevitably our new presidential American idol. Indeed a monumental stage built in the image of ancient times for a Greek God overlooking his sacrificial sheep. The plot thickened from that historic and gluttonous night like a Greek tragedy. Hope and Change is the mantra of the great idol. Yes we can is chanted from coast to coast, speeches are heard from the One like no other: â€This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to healâ€. Commentators get thrills up their legs and can’t believe what a great orator Obama is and how he transcends race and time. The smartest man to ever run for office is elected President of the United States and is sworn in on Inauguration Day, Jan. 20, 2009. After that historic day, something unexpected happened to America. Something that many refuse to believe to this day, although many tried to sound the alarm before election day. With soda and popcorn in hand, the American people were ready or were they? Here’s how the movie plays out. The country finally comes down from their high like a climber from Mt. Olympus, only to find out that the radicals from the 1960′s have infiltrated the White House, but peacefully as appointed Czars. What’s a Czar and how did they get their positions without Senate approval? You are not to question those upon high that know what’s best for all. The economy is bleeding jobs by the hundreds of thousands. The markets and banks are failing. TARP to the rescue to save the banks and prevent the greatest financial meltdown since the Great Depression. We must pass the huge Stimulus Bill that was touted as the panacea to job creation with shovel ready jobs in infrastructure, education and training and more police and firemen. The answer to keeping the unemployment rate below 8% with promises of 5% soon. Focused like a laser on jobs and many nights of going to bed at night with the last thought being jobs and the first thought upon waking being jobs, the President and the Democratic lead House and Senate spent the next two years on health care for all. What a noble thought when the only thing the people wanted was a job. Arms were twisted, deals were made behind doors, and religious convictions were compromised like a deal with the devil. Plans and programs were implemented in the name of saving the economy and getting people back to work. Cash for clunkers, EPA regulations galore, man made contingencies, the war on terror is over, terrorists released from Gitmo, government takeover of industries, bankruptcy laws lay in heap of dust, oil and gas leases suspended indefinitely, CIA interrogators to be tried for waterboarding terrorists, rising gas prices, DOJ sues states for voter id laws and attempts at stemming illegal immigration, FBI manuals scrubbed for references to Muslims, skyrocketing gas prices, apologies to our enemies, animosity towards our friends, pipeline refused, DOMA not recognized, gay marriage is ok, war on women, contraceptives for all without regards to religion, amnesty granted, Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell no longer applies, green energy loans to donors, TSA to unionize, the capitol of Israel is not Jerusalem, Muslim Brotherhood invited to White House, Christian businesses are to be boycotted. Yet still no jobs and it’s getting worse. This is the Obama Show. Sound familiar? It should. The American people are the puppets of this administration and have been choreographed with excruciating detail as if we were actors being filmed in, “The Truman Showâ€: This president has put a dome over the American people with a script for transforming this country into something we never wanted. We have been made to be prisoners in our own country with the directors of this film controlling our every move. From the onerous regulations to the omnipresent image of the ruler on high on our TV 24 hours a day. There is no escaping it. This is akin to Woodrow Wilson’s ministry for propaganda called the Committee on Public Information. Today we might call it the thought police. The president even told us as much when he said in an interview with Charlie Rose a couple of weeks ago, “The mistake of my first couple of years was thinking that this job was just about getting the policy right,†he said. “But, you know, the nature of this office is also to tell a story to the American people that gives them a sense of unity and purpose and optimism.†And like Truman in the movie, the people saw the first crack in the dome on July 13th in Roanoke, VA when the idol famously said, “if you have a business, you didn’t build thatâ€. It has taken nearly four years for the majority of true believers to see that maybe something isn’t quite right with this president and his way of governing. The symbolism of the Greek temple backdrop at his Democratic Convention speech should have been a warning to all watching. Greek temples are a symbol of idolatry, for raising one up above all of humanity to be worshipped. But sacrificial offerings must be made to appease the Gods. We are the sacrificial sheep and must submit to those that know best for us unless we choose to stand up now and refuse. Our only hope of escaping this B-rated bad movie known as our fate, is to vote him out of office on Nov 6th in an overwhelming fashion to account for the margin of fraud. There is no other way out of this nightmare we have been cast into without our consent. End The Obama Show this November or we may witness the worst Greek Tragedy ever: America as we know and lo
    3 points
  2. Late getting here. Just checking to see what we are afraid of today.
    3 points
  3. Exactly. If the .gov wants to get in the middle of things let the legal definition be called a "civil domestic partnership" and let any 2 or more adults engage in them for whatever reason regardless of romantic relationship. It would take care of all the legal bits currently attached to marriage, like inheritance or end if life decisions, next of kin status, while leaving the churches to use the word "marriage". Argument over at that point. It would also avoid the next battle that is coming after the gay thing gets sorted, legal recognition of polyamorous relationships.
    2 points
  4. My advice is to let it go and forget about it, and I suggest you take that advice. Leave it alone.
    2 points
  5. Fr. Dwight Longenecker went to a Chick-fil-A yesterday in a cassock, and he saysyesterday was a revolutionary day in protest-theory: Yesterday’s Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day was the sort of ‘revolt’ this country needs, but it was even better than the non violent revolutions and peaceful protests which have changed the world because it was so ordinary. It was just plain, ordinary Americans getting in their cars and doing a plain, ordinary American thing: going out for lunch to a fast food joint. It was just plain, ordinary Americans doing something plain and ordinary, but positive and joyful and good. In buying an ordinary tasty chicken sandwich at their corner fast food emporium ordinary Americans were expressing the wish to be left alone to be ordinary Americans. CFA Appreciation Day – The Triumph of the Ordinary August 2, 2012 By Fr. Dwight Longenecker 40 Comments Welcome Instapundit readers! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day yesterday was historic. It was historic because it marks a new method of mass protest. I even hesitate to use the word ‘protest’ because it wasn’t a protest. There wasn’t any anger. There wasn’t any hate. There wasn’t any bullying. There were no unwashed crowds of unhappy people holding a sit in and causing other people stress, inconvenience and expense. There were no protest signs, no marches, no noise makers and attention grabbers. There were no revolutionary slogans, no clenched fists, no class warfare, no sullen adolescents in a stroppy mood. The classic signs of a protest movement were absent. If they were not actually violent revolutions, the great protest movements in history have often had violent undertones. Subtle threats were made. Bullying tactics, financial and political pressure was exerted. Guns were wielded. Behind the scenes in smoke filled rooms men did deals and crossed swords to determine the future of millions. In the great revolutions hoardes of unhappy people filled the streets, rioting and on the rampage they took what they wanted, killed who they wanted and in misplaced zeal for justice overturned an established order. Even the non-violent protests pioneered by Gandhi and the American civil rights movement had an undercurrent of threat. Nevertheless, they avoided violence and they opened the way to other peaceful revolutions in which ordinary people stood up against injustice and tyranny without resorting to violence themselves. In his great biography of Pope John Paul II, George Weigel shows how the Catholic Church, during John Paul’s papacy, inspired this sort of non violent revolution across the globe. The Solidarity movement in Poland lit the fuse which brought down the Communist Empire with little or no violence. The revolution of Cory Aquino in the Phillipines, and numerous other smaller scale non-violent revolutions in Africa and Central and South America were all inspired by the people and for the people–and most of them were also inspired by people of faith–working from the grass roots upward to change their society for the better. Yesterday’s Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day was the sort of ‘revolt’ this country needs, but it was even better than the non violent revolutions and peaceful protests which have changed the world because it was so ordinary. It was just plain, ordinary Americans getting in their cars and doing a plain, ordinary American thing: going out for lunch to a fast food joint. It was just plain, ordinary Americans doing something plain and ordinary, but positive and joyful and good. In buying an ordinary tasty chicken sandwich at their corner fast food emporium ordinary Americans were expressing the wish to be left alone to be ordinary Americans. There were no protest signs (except from a few glum pro-gays who said we were eating ‘hate’ sandwiches) There were no noisy, angry scenes. Folks in the drive through lines did not honk their horns or proclaim their Christianity with bullhorns. There were no statements against homosexuals or homosexuality. (Indeed, the only statement put out by Chick-Fil-A affirmed their commitment to serve and employ all people equally without notice of race, gender, age or sexual orientation.) The brilliance of the event that it used the network of a nationwide fast food chain as the foundation for a visible, peaceful, creative nationwide statement. There was no bullying, no hateful anti-homosexual loud mouthed preachers. This grace, patience gentleness and community good humor contrasted with the ugly and spiteful comments from the ‘other side’. Nobody wished their enemies to get cancer the way ‘comedian’ Roseanne Barr proclaimed. Nobody was using back room political and financial pressure to bully the majority of Americans the way mayors of Boston, DC and Chicago were doing. For all the talk of the traditional marriage supporters being full of hate, there was not hatred apparent. It was just ordinary suburban Americans sticking up for their way of life by buying a chicken sandwich with their friends and neighbors. These were not scary people like the folks from Westboro Baptist who tote guns and hate homos. They were the folks next door. Yesterday’s demonstration was a truly American form of revolution. Where else could it happen but the USA? Read More.
    2 points
  6. It ain't because of state sanctioned buttsex.
    2 points
  7. I would be very interested to have a conversation with Ms. Harwell in a Public Forum to discuss her statement from the article: "I don't think the NRA will have any more influence then they have in the past. There are some members that are quite frankly very angry with how they conducted themselves". I was personally involved in most of the face to face meetings on the Hill about this issue, and at no time did anyone with the NRA or TFA say or do anything that could be construed as being other than civil. The consortium of 2nd Amendment supporters, consisting of TN NRA members, TFA members and Tea Party groups who decided to combine their efforts to replace a member of Leadership who chose to obfuscate and be less than truthful in her dealings with the Citizens of this State have not gone away, they simply become more dedicated in their efforts to see that the Constitution is upheld instead of allowing Corporate dollars to decide how our children and grand children live.
    2 points
  8. Americans as a whole were alot tougher back in the 30s than they are now, too many are dependent on others doing the dirty work for them. I don't expect to see tanks and APCs rolling down the streets of Kingston Springs or Pegram, my big concern for me is that i'm too close to Nashville, all the little pampered preppies living in cluttered apartments in Nashville will be refugees during an economic collapse. Many will venture out of Nashville believing they are entitled to whatever food you have grown or saved.
    2 points
  9. Son just got home and informed me a couple non english speaking guys followed him home from work. As he was leaving work when a couple punks, setting in the parking lot, rolled down the window and started taunting him. He told me his spanish is rusty but he still knows the bad words. He kept his head down, got in the car and headed home. They pulled in behind him turned on the brights and stayed behind him almost all the way home. No doubt they were looking for trouble. I don't know if they thought he was a delivery kid that was carrying cash or they were drunk looking for a kid to pick on. I asked him why he didn't call the police. I got the typical response "I don't know". That's my boy. I told him to tell the other drivers and manager what happened. Also told him to keep his eyes open for them in the future and call someone if it happens again. Might be good time to remind the family (mine and yours) about the number of bad people out there.
    1 point
  10. Let me start out by stating that I'm not former law enforcement or military. Also, I had never received any formal training before this class. I heard Tiger McKee on the Tom Gresham radio show "Gun Talk" and thought he sounded like a level headed guy so I looked up his school. I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered that it was a mere 3 hours away. I checked the schedule and signed up for the first handgun class in a series of classes, the Defensive Handgun class. The requirements of the class were pretty simple; 800 rounds of ammo minimum, at least 4 magazines, a holster and a magazine pouch. I Needed more magazines, ammo a new holster and a mag pouch. Couple all of that with the 400$ for the class, gas, food, hotels, etc. and it probably cost me about 1200$. I arrived at Scottsboro AL on the 2nd of August and got settled in. I thought about driving to Shootrite to make sure I could find it but decided to stay put. I woke the next morning to 3 separate alarms and a wake up call. I was not going to be late. I got some breakfast and shot down the road to Shootrite. I arrived at Lois Lane, yes, Lois Lane, and turned onto the gravel road to a mass of "no trespassing signs". I wasn't certain I was in the right place but I drove on and spotted an old tan trailer with a steel sign that simply read "Shootrite". I'm not sure why I felt a little some initial dissapointment at the building but I guess I had the mental image of a shiny new huge building. The feeling quickly faded and I pulled my black Ranger next to a white Ranger and shut off the ignition, I was an hour early. The door to the trailer opened up and a very unassuming man stepped out. "How are you?" The man exclaimed. "Tiger McKee", he introduced himself. I instantly recognized the voice and introduced myself as well. He told me there were only going to be 3 people taking the class, including myself. I was pretty happy about that, more attention. He said he was going to get some breakfast and I could stay in the trailer just to lock it up if I left. Pretty trusting I thought as I unloaded my stuff. I told him I'd already eaten and would hang out until he got back. I waited around a while and the two other gentlemen that would be taking the class with me showed up. Both named John but one went by "Chief". The were both former military and from South Carolina. We chatted for a while about, you guessed it, guns, until Tiger showed back up and we went in and started the class. The classroom stuff started out with safety and the mental attitude with fighting. I was furiously taking notes as my intent for this class was to teach my family everything I could learn. I even audio recorded much of the lectures but out of respect for Tiger I will not be posting them. When it was all said and done I would end up with 5 pages of notes. We went over the training we would be receiving over the next couple of days, got some suggestions for books and discussed other topics like the Colorado active shooter incident. I quickly discovered that Tiger McKee is a very efficient man. His big thing was no wasted movements would equal speed. His training and speech were the same way, No excess words, no excess instruction. It made for very easy to understand training. There were almost no times when I didn't understand what he was trying to convey. It's a rare gift that someone has knowledge coupled with experience and the talent to pass on that knowledge to others. Tiger McKee has that gift. After the classroom stuff we headed to the range and began with the basics of stance, grip, drawing, loading, reloading and holstering. They may seem like simple things but there were so many details that I never learned that made so much sense. When Tiger showed us these details, he also explained the reasons behind every one. I'm a huge fan of that method of teaching. You can tell someone how to do something but if you give the reasons for the details in that action it will be retained much easier. One of the very new things that I learned was scanning. After you make a shot, make sure the guy is down and then scan around for more threats. Statistics say if you're attacked it will be by more than one person. You scan after the shot(s) and while you holster. At one point Tiger pulled out a knife and was waving it around behind us. The other 2 guys didn't see him while they were scanning but I saw and was very confused. He explained that we shouldn't be just swinging our heads around but looking at the environment, even at the range. One of his tips was train like your life depended on it because you fight how you train and in a fight your life will depend on it. We worked on shot placement and transitioning between shooting multiple shots to large targets quickly and slowing down to place a more precise shot on a smaller/more distant. The next day we went straight to the range and worked on clearing malfunctions, long distance shots (out to 50 yards), moving and shooting and shooting from a retention position (gun held close to the body, not extended). There were many drills that we did to incorporate all of these things together and once again, out of respect for Tiger's livelihood I won't post those here. At the end of every drill, Tiger was quick to ask each one of us, "What are you learning?" By forcing an answer we all had to recall the drill and how it applied to us. Another great teaching aspect of the class. At the end of the 2nd day we went back to the class and had a debriefing about what we had learned and how to use it when we went back home. Tiger McKee is not larger than life. He was very down to Earth, level headed and efficient. He never got in anyone's face, yelled at anyone, cursed at anyone and always explained what he was trying to teach. If someone had a malfunction or made a mistake he simply said "fix it and keep going". If you're thinking about taking a class, take one at Shootrite. Side Notes: - It's hot in the summer in AL. The only shade is under the shelter during breaks. Take lots and lots of water. - Take sunglasses. The range is mostly rock and gravel that reflects the sunlight. - Make sure your stuff works before you go. One guy was using a Sig 220 with some new magazines. Two of the new magazines would literally blow apart when he slammed them into the magwell. He cleared a lot of malfunctions before switching to a different gun. - Just my opinion, but a gun without a double/single trigger would be preferable. Even at close range, the first shot of the guy with the 220 would be off target by quite a bit. - Just another of my opinions but a safe-action gun seemed to work a lot more smoothly than a gun with an external safety or decocker. I was using my S&W M&P 9mm and not having to remember to put the safety on/off during drills took out an extra step. - A gun with a high cap mag will keep you on the range longer. Or, if you have something like a 1911, make sure you have a lot of mags. I had over 100 rounds in magazines every time I went out. The guy using the single stack mags ran out every single drill while myself and the other guy with high capacity magazines stayed out and finished. You'll get more range time is what I guess I'm trying to say. Do yourself a favor and take a class here. It's well worth the investment and will give you the tools to build upon for future more advanced training. Even the two guys who were former Army were very surprised at the details of pistol handling that they had never been taught. - Tim
    1 point
  11. Yup, me too. I won't vote for Romney any more than I'll vote for Obama. Every election is the same, it's "panic time" because "this is the most important election ever", and everyone lines up to vote down the party line - not because they believe in the candidate, but because the fear-mongering from their own party actually worked. Vote for whoever you want, but realize that continuing to vote for the status quo (and don't kid yourself, Romney is the status quo, just like Obama) is why we're where we are today. But I'm sure many here will utilize pretzel logic to blame everyone but themselves for the situtiation we're in.
    1 point
  12. Always. Though it may seem like a bit of drift, it really is very closely related to the subject at hand. We are talking about what the fundamental definition of a marriage is and the legal recognition thereof. I personally don't like having the .gov sticking its nose in my relationship. Marriage should provide no legal benefits. If the .gov is going to give legal recognition and benefit to a relationship then it must do so in a nondiscriminatory manner that is blind to the type and number of the parties involved. I see this having application for other folks than just the romantically entangled. What about a couple of elderly, widowed siblings who maintain a common house? Wouldn't a civil partnership that has the legal rights of marriage be of benefit to them if one gets sick or dies? It would be easier and less expensive than using a lawyer to draw up the multiple POAs and wills (that could be contested by children) that it would take to achieve the same effect.
    1 point
  13. At least this one got what he deserved. Shot to death where he stood. Kudos to the cop that did it.
    1 point
  14. This is especially sad. Those folks are real peaceful.
    1 point
  15. Do you have a general issue with polyamory, or just tremble at the thought of two wives bitching at you?
    1 point
  16. One of the best places in the world for that kind of wakeup call. Those folks made their bed.
    1 point
  17. They never hit much of anything either. - OS
    1 point
  18. The Mini runs like a top with Ruger mags. I have a bunch of plastic ones that stay in a box somewhere. With that said, go with the AR and don't look back. The M&P sport is a good 'un for a basic rifle. There are several good ones out there. Rock river is great if you can find one.
    1 point
  19. With lots of legal stuff attached. It's all about a word. The use of that word, in legal terms, sure does simplify things. tell me how athiests get married for religious reasons.
    1 point
  20. And they would die. Keep in mind this isn’t the middle east where we have antiquated weapons and AK’s/Mosins/ that are short range weapons. We have the highest quality long range target and hunting rifles with optics that will dispatch kill shots at hundreds of yards. In a residential environment a hit and run sniper with a .308 and two boxes of ammo could take out a lot of people. You would be left with small rogue bands that could cause some damage, but would be quickly taken out. A unit couldn’t maintain cohesiveness while that was going on; even if they were willing to kill Americans. It’s just a tin foil hat scenario put out there by media nutcases that are making money off it. They want you to believe your government is going to declare war on its citizens. Ain’t going to happen and wouldn’t work if they tried. A very real threat would be the bands of roving looters in a large scale natural disaster or the collapse of our economy. That’s what happened during Katrina. The cops went home to help their families and neighbors. .
    1 point
  21. It's none of those things. It's just something republicans do to lose votes . Democrats do the same thing, yucking up stuff that the government shouldn't be envolved in to begin with.
    1 point
  22. It would be next to impossible. There are over 300 million citizens in this country. It would be a colossal undertaking. Not to mention the fact that millions of those citizens will be hungry and eventually desperate. Just keeping things from going completely bonkers will be a big enough challenge. You also can't neglect the fact that our military and law enforcement are American citizens themselves. Getting them to forcefully control the population will be a challenge in itself. You really think our military will overwhelmingly obey orders to oppress the American people? Orders that came from a bunch of rich greedy bureaucrats that started this mess in the first place? I don't think so. I spend 10 years in the military and I know that most of them are good people that will do what's right. There are some mindless drones in the military too, but they're in the minority. I am not worried about the government taking over and sticking us in camps. As long as we have our firearms we will be just fine. I do not intend to use mine to fight anyone in any case, unless I have no choice. Hunting is my primary intention. Keeping food on the table and clean water to drink is number one on my priority list. That is what most folks should worry about.
    1 point
  23. I'm not a fan of most teachers, but the last thing they need is the distraction of cell phones. If there is an emergency, all the teachers will have cell phones, as well as the school's landline. If you think your child will keep it turned off as he's supposed to, you have way more faith in him than I do mine. I'd suggest you take this opportunity to teach him about obeying rules. If it's that big a deal to you, consider homeschooling him.
    1 point
  24. This. Never go home if someone is following you. Go somewhere very public.
    1 point
  25. WTF? What "groups" are you talking about? Christians? I've known married couples from ALL the major religions. The group is heterosexuals, and it's just plain old discrimination.
    1 point
  26. Society has a way of stabalizing itself. There have been lawless times all through history where rougue elements have attacked and pillaged civilized society, but that is more of an exception to the rule. I don't think that folks consciously consider the concept of mutually beneficial relationships. We all are a part of them, but we don't acknowledge them in such a deliberate way as folks did before we had all our modern comforts. If that all went away it would be immediately apparent the importance of mutually beneficial arrangements... probably in less than 24 hours. One of many anecdotes on the subject I'll share... I was in the middle east while Egypt was at the height of its revolution. I had a bartender who was himself an Egyptian of the Christian faith. To set the background on this there had been a lot of Christian-Muslim tension in Egypt that year after a couple terrorist attacks against churches so the two groups weren't exactly getting along. Add onto that the general support the Christian community in Egypt had for Mubarak, it just wasn't terribly popular to be Christian at the time. So I asked the bartender how things in Egypt were going and if his family felt safe there. He launched into a story about how the security had collapsed and there was rampant violence and thievery being committed by gangs of thugs. He said that his parents lived in a Muslim neighborhood (generally Christians and Jews live in communities in Muslim countries) and that they had formed a security group of all the able males in the neighborhood and were patrolling constantly. He said his father was armed with a shovel while on patrol. This is a small example of what folks will do in dire times, but I think if we saw it here communities would be quick to combat armed bands of locusts. Society just won't stand for that kind of stuff. Especially a society that has such a rich history of not putting up with crap and is armed to the teeth. I'd say that most of the country would take care of itself. NYC, Chicago and LA probably won't make it though... bummer.
    1 point
  27. "We the people" spoke with our voting power. And we may not be finished.
    1 point
  28. Strick, critical thinking is a skill. If you practice it, you get better. You've reached an interesting conclusion. Would you enlighten me as to how you did so?
    1 point
  29. No empire has withstood the test of time.
    1 point
  30. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/chick-fil-kiss-164759658.html Apparently gays aren't as outraged as the media would have us believe. There wasn't much of a showing. Based on the article only a few popped up in various places and were treated well by CFA staff. Here is a pic of a manager handing out free refreshments to protesters. Classy. Can't say the same about folks who are making a point to have PDA. I don't think it's appropriate for hetero couples to be making out in public. I don't see why being gay makes it appropriate.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. I noticed last night that the gunbuster sign on the front door of our local theater has been recently removed! Way to go, Lafayette Cinema. Admission is also $5 for adults, and $3 for kids.
    1 point
  33. The only way that any law can be enforced is if the vast overwhelming majority of the people are willing to obey the law thus allowing identification/incarceration/eradication of those few who don't abide. We could destroy the income tax system, property tax system, sales system or any other system in very short order if people simply refused to pay (which is why most taxes are collected automatically before you get what's left).
    1 point
  34. I blame humans. If I had to be more specific, I'd say old white men but I don't wanna get all racial. Career politicians, these old farts who can't be unseated. It'd take a chisel to get their corpse out of the chair the occupy. They're all old white men. Get some young blood with short term limits. I'd say 4 years maximum for ANY political seat. You'd see a lot of corruption fizzle away if you get those old bastards out.
    1 point
  35. Just curious, I am not that familiar to the nth detail when the U.S. came off of the gold standard, could it go back on it, i.e. emergency executive order? I would assume a hail mary play in the playbook by the government, with the collapse of the paper money system, it could go back on the gold standard to sure up the government, so as to pay military and police to enforce martial law. Maybe a new U.S. currency so as to distinguish it from historical U.S. currency. I do believe the U.S. goverment still owns the largest stock pile of gold of any nation. Regardless of currency, this has to be worth something. I know for decades, gold was around $30 an ounce, I know today its around $1,700 an ounce. I would assume basic supply and demand principals for gold really has not changed, only the devalue of the currency is all that has changed. Thus, gold is steady, only the devalue of cash as increased giving a illusion gold is going up in value, in fact, it has not. To provde my theory, I recently compared US dollar vs. gold, and Japanese Yen vs. gold, tremendous differences in the curve. Japan is known to have had a more stable economony over the past 5 years, vs. the U.S.
    1 point
  36. Funny how everyone has forgotten about some slutty college chick with her hand out, but haven't forgot about this company's knee jerk capitulation to the rabid left.
    1 point
  37. Humm...well...I'd at least think about it if he was a capitalist and not a socialist...
    1 point
  38. I understand what you're saying and while I don't give it a lot of thought I can't just set aside my beliefs either. Personally I don't care how someone lives their life as long as they aren't bothering me or mine. I do however have my beliefs about the morality of the lifestyle. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2
    1 point
  39. What an idiot. He makes a youtube video of himself confronting a girl that makes minimum wage and he feels purposeful? If he wanted to feel purposeful he could have taken the money he used to buy his camera and donated it to a worthy cause. Have fun collecting unemployment jackhole.
    1 point
  40. Saw this story earlier and it made me smile. Adam Smith is a douchebag and a bully and I have no tolerance for either.
    1 point
  41. Makes me chuckle that voting for the status quo, which has screwed us over and over for decades, is somehow the 'smart' decision. Y'all can bash me all you wish, I couldn't care less - but until you realize voting for the same crap over and over and expecting something other than crap is fruitless, we're all stuck with Groundhog Day. Not sure why I even posted, none of the panicked party voters here will think about breaking the pattern for half a second...
    1 point
  42. The way I see it is that all you partisan folk are what has ruined our country. The democraps want to regulate it's hated stuff and give money to it's pet people. The republicants want to regulate it's hated stuff and give money to it's pet people. All the while since I've been alive everyone votes for the lessor of evils. Accept responsibility for years of supporting parties that don't have your best interest in mind.
    1 point
  43. This is the PERFECT year to vote one's conscience, since we know an independent candidate has minimal chance, and if it's between Romney and Barry, many of us don't care which one wins, because they're the same. 4 more years of ODumbo or 4 years of Mitt - the results will be the SAME.
    1 point
  44. "one count of leaving the scene of an accident." I don't think it was an accident.
    1 point
  45. If someone from here would run "Pretty much any constitution supporting average joe " I would vote for ya , for everything from county all the way up to governor
    1 point
  46. Any vote that isn't for Romney is a vote for Obama. Regardless of your opinion, what you have to ask is, are you so willing to prove your unhappiness that you would squander your vote and allow Obama to be the president for another four years. I really don't see what is so hard to understand about this, it is simple math. 4 votes. 2 for Obama, 1 for Romney, 1 for Mickey Mouse. You voted Mickey Mouse to show your displeasure of the system, and Obama just won by 25% of the vote.
    1 point
  47. Scar17 loosely translated from ancient Sumerian texts means Ultimate Zombie Death Machine.
    1 point
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