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5 points
So am I. I hear over and over, in every election, that if you don't vote for X then you are voting for Y, even if you vote for Z. That is total bull. It could just as easily be said that any vote that isn't for Obama is a vote for Romney so that should make these guys happy, right? In fact, I have heard that same line of bull crap in every election since I've been old enough to vote. C'mon, guys, get some new material, already. The old, 'use scare tactics to convince people to vote for our guy even against their own consciences' nonsense is worn out, tired and needs to be tossed on the scrap heap. Honestly, this 'either/or' crap is just another attempt to keep us firmly entrenched in a two party system. Will a third party candidate win this election? Chances are slim to none and slim just left town - but as long as people fear to vote their conscience rather than doggedly voting for a Repocrat they don't really even like just so that darned Dempublican doesn't win then we are never going to get anything but what we deserve - the same, old crap from the DempoRepublicrat party. See, what the Republicans and Dems have finally done is that they each have a candidate that I view as equally bad. In the past, I have generally held my nose and voted for the one of the two, big party candidates that I believed was the least bad (sometimes that was a Republican and sometimes that has been a Democrat.) I have voted for an alternate candidate in a few state or local elections but in the presidential elections I have, thus far, forced myself to choose the least bad candidate from the Republican or Democrat side. There is no least bad this time - or at least not enough difference to convince me it really matters. I won't say that I'd rather see Obama re-elected than see Romney win (although that would give the R's a chance to get it right in 2016 rather than trying to re-elect Romney) but I honestly feel strongly enough against both of them that I don't feel much differently about Romney winning than I do about Obama being re-elected.3 points
Tell me how the "conservative " supreme court justices are helping at the moment? Scalia just came out and said new gun laws could be constitutional and what's his name screwed us on the health care ruling. I don't think the world will end when obummer gets his second term but continuing to vote the the Republican nominee just because he has an R next to his name isn't the answer.3 points
I am none of those things Sir, and I take your accusations as a personal attack. I'm actually very open minded. So open minded that I see this debate from both sides and determined there is really no debate to be had. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. It doesn't mean you have to accept it, but to be truly open minded you should "tolerate" it. I am tolerant of all opinions, even the opinion of the owner which I happen to disagree with. What I am intolerant of is folks like you that level accusations and cast stones because you simply don't agree. I have a feeling you wouldn't do that in person to anyone, because you'd be going through life getting punched in the face regularly. Since you're here spouting off at the mouth I can only assume that you haven't had the humility-inducing event of getting a good punch in the mouth. That tells me something very clearly: you are a coward. If you wouldn't be willing to say to my face what you just said here then you are, indeed, a pants wetting coward.3 points
A true conservative wouldn't vote for Romney. This " a vote for anybody but my guy is a vote for evil satan" is truly getting old. You could also say that anyone who doesn't vote for Obama is a vote for Romney. Does that make you feel better?3 points
Voting for "the lesser of two evils" is the cowards way out, in my humble opinion. Just like I refuse to reward negative behavior of my child's, no matter how inconvenienced I may be, I refuse to reward either of these lying scum with my vote for the presidency. I am prepared for this downward spiral which our country is in to come to a crashing and burning end. I am convinced the only way we will once again become a great nation is to start over from scratch. I am prepared and unafraid. I refuse to set aside my convictions for fear of evil, the lesser or otherwise. We, as spoiled Americans, have allowed our once great nation to be overtaken by the devil of many disguises. Now it is our duty to bring her back. You'll not convince me that continuing down the same roads will accomplish that goal. We cannot continue to treat our elections as a 'may the best liar win', contest. And that is exactly what a majority of you are doing. You look just as stupid as the asshats you are voting for. As I think I've said in the past, at this point in time, I am certain many of you would vote for a convicted child molester, if you thought it would be best way to keep Obama from getting re-elected.2 points
If Hussein stays in power after the election, this issue will surely come to life again.2 points
The term used is really of the least amount of importance. Civil union, legal union, or marriage. Call it what ever you want but people in committed long term intimate relationships are being denied equal treatment under the law. Most of the gay people i know really wouldn't care less what you titled it. And a lot of it really is the simple things, like being considered immediate family when visiting a partner in the hospital or sharing of health benefits. The military presents a unique issue in regards to housing and relocation. I would really like one good argument to be presented against gay marriage that isn't rooted in religious beliefs. I'm not saying that to insult someones beliefs, but the reality is we are not a faith based nation. Like many social problems our nation is facing there has got to be some room in here for a compromise. Unfortunately it will not happen until people from both extremes get off their high horse and meet somewhere in the middle. As far as chick-fil-a is concerned their opinion should still be a non issue, Although i don't agree with them i do not see it as bigotry. choosing to support or not support them harms no one either way. The general hate and idiocy spread by both sides hurts us all2 points
I know my vote doesnt mean Much , But its one less vote that wouldve been virtually guaranteed to the GOP a few years back who knows maybe this will wake them up and force them to make better decisions I doubt it seeing as choosing Mcain last time didnt change their ways I guess they will just keep picking loosers that we dont want and the majority of us will side with them anyway but I for one Will not blindly give my vote to the publicans again2 points
That notice has been up for months I believe, could be wrong. Either way whatever excuse they used it's not right just to put you off like that. I had a problem a month or so ago where a guy came in and bought a Palmetto AR from us. He got home and realized that the rifle he bought should have come with a flip-up rear sight that it did not have with it. Come to find out later the model he bought was supposed to be a flattop and not with sights, but we threw in the sight anyway. Why? Cause it's worth more than a flip up rear sight to us to have a happy customer, than a mad one. Word of mouth is far stronger than most people give it credit.2 points
Yeah, I figured out how it works back in a couple of previous lessor of two evils threads when all my posts had the little red negative number below. I was just inferring that perhaps you were, based on a quick analysis of the number of posts you "voted" on. If I was incorrect, then my apologies and thanks for trying to come to the rescue of us folks who get -1s all the time. I obviously live or die by how other's view my crazy ideas/views and that's why I temper them so much.2 points
I used to feel the same way till they put a Proven gun grabber up for their nomination ,Things have changed its no longer dem vs rep it destroyer vs destroyer period sorry but nothing Ive seen can convince me that both party's aren't out to destroy this country of course to there way of thinking they are out to control this country what we need is someone to spend time probably an entire term trying to reverse some of The Crap that has been done in the past but we will never have that its all a control game and who do you want to control us more I personally am sick of being controlled and will try to vote for someone who can Lead us in the right direction Not Force us to follow theirs . Im not saying GJ will win all Im saying is if he doesnt we will be stuck in this vicious loop till the entire thing falls apart no matter which Party is in control.2 points
Absolutely! I will not support the Republican party until they present a decent candidate, and not "some guy who isn't Obama".2 points
NOT capable of success. Like trying to take down Coca Cola with a lemonade stand. It could be damn good lemonade too. Doesn't matter.2 points
You're gonna survive. You may be living on turnip greens and single shot rifles, but you'll survive.2 points
To me, yes it is. And on top of that, I'm pretty tired of folks trying to "guilt" others into voting for someone just to keep someone else out of office.2 points
Wow, what a broad brushstroke. Look no further regarding ignorance, intolerance and bigotry than your own mirror.2 points
Many times the root cause is drugs, either needing money for a fix or being so high they claimed that they didn’t know what they were doing. I understand you aren’t going to buy that under any circumstances, that’s fine; it’s just a discussion. Yes, alcohol is a dangerous drug; it has been the root cause for the death of many innocent people. In my observations as a Police Officer I would say it is a worse drug than pot. I’m sure there are people on this forum that have lost loved ones due to alcohol. But I couldn’t care less about pot; I’m talking about narcotics. These are my firsthand observations as having been a Police Officer and responding to the aftermath of criminals that needed a fix, or were out of control. I have seen firsthand the effects it has on people, I have had to take to them jail after they have committed their acts, and had to notify the families of the dead. I’ve also seen the arrested crying in jail about how it was the drugs after being told what they did. So yes, the drugs are the root cause in many cases and if you don’t maintain drug enforcement you will be sending a message to a whole new generations that drugs are okay. I agree with you that alcohol is bad, but I fail to see the connection between prohibition and allowing illegal drugs. Many people use alcohol as a recreational drug and don’t have problem. Many people are addicted to alcohol and it destroys their lives, and sometimes the lives of innocent bystanders. Are those the reasons you are using to justify allowing the use of crack, methamphetamine, or heroin? So we are in agreement…. Alcohol is bad. The fact it is legal doesn’t justify making those other drugs legal.2 points
Guy jumps off the Empire State Building. As he dropped by each floor, folks heard him saying, "So far, so good!"2 points
At least they're in a state where they probably can't hurt anything. BTW... guess y'all notced that Maggart got her ass whipped2 points
Any vote that isn't for Romney is a vote for Obama. Regardless of your opinion, what you have to ask is, are you so willing to prove your unhappiness that you would squander your vote and allow Obama to be the president for another four years. I really don't see what is so hard to understand about this, it is simple math. 4 votes. 2 for Obama, 1 for Romney, 1 for Mickey Mouse. You voted Mickey Mouse to show your displeasure of the system, and Obama just won by 25% of the vote.2 points
1 point
1 point
There is a huge difference. At this point, whether any admin can save America from reaching The Big Pain, or even set a course for future admins to do so, is unknown. But the difference in philosophy is stark, and the clearest in my lifetime. Depending on the final makeup of Congress to set the speed, even that most imperfect captain Mitt Romney has a shot at avoiding the iceberg. BHO and his minions have none. This time around, the American electorate may not get all it deserves from a Romney admin, but it will deserve absolutely all it gets from Obama's. - OS1 point
Debra Maggart's maneuverings this past session would have made Jimmy Naifeh proud...the head of the scheduling committee keeping sending a bill to "summer study" to keep it from being voted on because they don't want it to pass is exactly the kind of stuff the Republicans complained about for years. Democrats were eventually replaced for that kind of garbage and there is no reason why Republicans should be immune. This is what truly frightens the Republican leadership at all levels; more and more people are voting based on what incumbents have done rather than what they've say they want to do...if you want to tell me you are a staunch Constitutional Conservative then don't go sell your vote to the highest bidder; at least be honest that you are for sale.1 point
In the USA, at one point the difference was the constitution. A liberal thinks it is flexible, a conservative would have it set in stone and ammended if a change is needed. Neither side fits THAT anymore. There is also a world-wide liberal vs conservative usage, and also a world-wide social (liberal, conservative) usage, and an economic version, and a couple more. these days both sides go against their own platform to cater to voters which makes it even muddier. For example liberals champion the individual and his rights --- until the individual wants to own a gun or be a christian or speak out against illegal aliens. The conservatives champion freedom and small governement, until the government wants to enforce "christianesque" morality, that is ok for some reason. Trying to make sense of it today is pointless. There are a few major talking points but people have become so polarized into one camp or the other that at times it seems like whichever side has any idea or stance, the other side takes the opposite stance out of spite.1 point
Doesn't the receiver opening have to be elongated to eject the longer shell? Seems like I've seen 16g A5's where bubba would grind the receiver open to clear it. They weren't pretty. No way I'd do it. Shot shells are just too darn easy to load. I'd buy a loader, set it up 2 1/2" 16g and make my own.1 point
Hah, whoever wrote that one has some nerd rage going over it too. Glad she is gone --- its one thing to vote something down, its another to block a vote entirely. Topic could have been anything, what she did was wrong.1 point
You've obviously had more direct experience with substance abusers than I have. As I just mentioned in a post just a moment ago, my opinion that narcotics should no be legal is based on what I believe is the usual and predictable outcome of the use of narcotics (which are often different and much more severe than use and even abuse of such substances as alcohol, marjuina , etc.From NIDA: "It is an all-too-common scenario: A person experiments with an addictive drug like cocaine. Perhaps he intends to try it just once, for "the experience" of it. It turns out, though, that he enjoys the drug's euphoric effect so much that in ensuing weeks and months he uses it again -- and again. But in due time, he decides he really should quit. He knows that despite the incomparable short-term high he gets from using cocaine, the long-term consequences of its use are perilous. So he vows to stop using it. His brain, however, has a different agenda. It now demands cocaine. While his rational mind knows full well that he shouldn't use it again, his brain overrides such warnings. Unbeknown to him, repeated use of cocaine has brought about dramatic changes in both the structure and function of his brain. In fact, if he'd known the danger signs for which to be on the lookout, he would have realized that the euphoric effect derived from cocaine use is itself a sure sign that the drug is inducing a change in the brain -- just as he would have known that as time passes, and the drug is used with increasing regularity, this change becomes more pronounced, and indelible, until finally his brain has become addicted to the drug. And so, despite his heartfelt vow never again to use cocaine, he continues using it. Again and again. His drug use is now beyond his control. It is compulsive. He is addicted. While this turn of events is a shock to the drug user, it is no surprise at all to researchers who study the effects of addictive drugs. To them, it is a predictable outcome." So the questions then seem to be "how predictable" and "how often does the use lead to abuse"? I don't know the answer to either but as I think is usually the best course of action with many issues; if I'm wrong I'd rather be wrong on the side of caution. For those who want all substances "legal"; perhaps the answer is exceptionally long, long (i.e. decades) sentences to either prison or a secure facility where these people are separated from society so their chosen activity can no longer harm anyone else.1 point
The only thing that's sad is the stupidity of this country. We did it to ourselves. We deserve what we get.1 point
The difference, my friend, is what those various things do to those who use them, to those immediately around them and to society itself.It's been both my observation and the conclusion based on looking at the issue that there is a much larger "cost" to narcotics use and abuse than can be measured in dollars alone. They are often not easy to quantify but that doesn't negate that they exist. Leaving any "moral" considerations out of it for the moment, in a sealed environment where absolutely no one else can be negatively impacted, I don't give a flying you-know-what about what anybody does to themselves. However, narcotics use very often (I believe usually) doesn't just impact only that one individual and since it does not, society has the right and I would submit, the duty and obligation to act.1 point
I appreciate the "series reviews," but I'd like to focus on this segment ONLY, please.1 point
1 point
1 point
Our next president right there! That's the spine we need, that's reasoning we need, THAT is what it will take to fix this country. These other goons are only prolonging the inevitable....our fall.1 point
Cant believe I havent heard this before but then again I dont listen to radio that much1 point
Is it illegal to store guns in your car in San Francisco? Considering he was homeless, where else would he put it? This just looks like the Popo stealing his property.1 point
I bet that was what the Jews said right before they were put into death camps!1 point
I'll be at work supporting my wife and kids. I don't think that makes me apathetic about gun rights by default.1 point
Explain how less than 1% of the vote going to GJ is going to change anything? At all? - OS1 point
Well, Reagan lost to the Guy who Lost to Carter. Turned out a good bit better next time around. - OS1 point
1 point
Found easy link in the comments. Both Lamar and Bob voted nay. I'm half surprised: http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=112&session=2&vote=00187 - OS1 point
Actually, more voted FOR it than didn't, so I don't feel like the future is gonna be all roses regarding all this just because it fell 8 votes short of the needed proportion. Just like the 5/4 Heller and McDonald decisions, it's not like all this is a lock for the future, and won't be revisited. - OS1 point
1 point
The right to keep and bear arms is a right recognized by and plainly stated in the Constitution that specifically says it shall not be infringed; I don't see anything like that with regard to narcotics. On a perhaps more practical/societal level; one can own and/or use firearms without ever harming himself or anyone else around him and in fact, they can and often are used for very positive purposes (protection, hunting, sport/enjoyment, etc). I suspect that you would be very hard pressed to cite many examples where long-term use of narcotics had anything close to a positive impact on the user. However, if that was as far as it went (i.e. only impacting the user) I'd probably be okay with people destroying their minds with whatever drug they wanted....the problem is, it doesn't stop there. Show me a long-term user and you'll almost always find that the person didn't just destroy his own life but severely negatively impacted those around him as well as society as the addict victimizes others to support his addiction. People should be free to do pretty much anything they want to do but when their freedoms starts impacting/infringing on the freedoms of others, it is reasonable for the state to inject itself into the issue...some might even say the state has a duty to do so.1 point
You'd probably be like me, If I didn't have her, I wouldn't know wether to scratch my watch or wind my butt. I open jars, earn the bread and squash spiders. She sees I'm fed, medicated and the bills are payed. Despite some peoples delusions, love is not the nucleus of a good marriage. It's trust and need. A symbiotic relationship where the two parts contribute even portions to a functioning whole. I do love her though1 point
This isn’t about legalizing pot. It’s about cocaine, heroin and pot. It isn’t about telling people they can’t have drugs, it’s about protecting ourselves and our families from those that would do anything to get their next fix. If some think that a person killing themselves is natural selection at work, I doubt they will feel that way when the next generation of crack heads kills their wife or kid in a robbery to support their drug habit. You can legalize all the drugs you want, but employers will still do drug screening and fire those that test positive. They aren’t going to accept drugs in the workplace. It would just be another blow to our manufacturing base. I hope all those that have a job are ready for their taxes to skyrocket to pay for all the new prisons we will need for all our new entries into the drug culture. Its time to repeal Posse Comitias and use our military to secure our borders. Either that or we are going to have to pay a bunch more money for more cops and Border Patrol.1 point
1 point
My son is 12 and a half. My wife and I have decided that he is going to grow up like us. No cell phone until he gets a job and pays for the entire bill himself (and car insurance too). If his behavior goes south, regardless of him paying for it, he will lose that privilege. So, no job, no phone. We are pretty old fashioned in my household. Cell phone is a no no but guns and slingshots are ok.1 point
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