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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/2012 in all areas

  1. The Chic-fil-a dude didn't start it. A national gay/lesbian group asked his corporate headquarters for a large donation. Corporate politely replied in the negative. The group immediately started media bashing Chic-fil-a as bigoted, racist, anti-gay, what have you. The owner of the company replied in an interview that homosexuality was against his faith, and therefore his (family owned) company chose not to donate to their political warchest. Does that make him a bigot? A homophobe? Isn't it okay to decline to fund something you believe is wrong? Some folks here have immediately leapt to the defense of Islam (whose practitioners worldwide kill homosexuals), then turned around and attacked Christians who don't discriminate, merely refuse to donate to an organisation they believe is promoting values actively hostile to their faith. This disconnect from rationality is called 'liberalism'. I'm not sure why, as 'liberals' are some of the most intolerant people I've ever seen. Any departure from their party line is met with scorn, hatred, libel, and threats. Apparently individual liberty is incompatible with their worldview.
    6 points
  2. A true conservative wouldn't vote for Romney. This " a vote for anybody but my guy is a vote for evil satan" is truly getting old. You could also say that anyone who doesn't vote for Obama is a vote for Romney. Does that make you feel better?
    2 points
  3. I'm filing suit against McDonald's cause my gut hangs over my belt.
    2 points
  4. When gay soldiers recently violated DODI 1334.01, by participating in a gay parade while in uniform, liberals and the media considered it a Ist Ammendment right. Yet, they are offended when a business chooses not to donate to a national gay group. Why should this insignifiant group of liberals think they should dictate to a corporation, how it chooses to donate it's money?
    2 points
  5. Visit a local range with rentals. Try out a bunch and see what you like.
    2 points
  6. Oh man, the Christian bookstores would be in trouble.
    2 points
  7. If he'd been able to return fire, the thug would either be dead or wounded and probably apprehended at a local hospital.
    2 points
  8. Dude, you stippled your Glock? !! What are you, some kind of dumb tn inbreeding baptist moron or something? !! - OS
    2 points
  9. OMG! Look at this HUGE cache of guns and 5,800 rounds of ammo in a car in San Fran. (Look closely at the photo of the "cache.") http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2012/08/01/homeless-man-found-with-weapons-cache-list-of-names-in-sf-golden-gate-park/ " San Francisco Police displayed an array of high power weapons and ammunition Wednesday that were found in a homeless man’s car last month in Golden Gate Park." I suppose a BB gun is "High Powered" in CA. " When police found a huge cache of guns, knives, a shotgun, 5,800 rounds of ammunition and camouflage gear in Robert Johns’ car on July 21st it was thought they may have diverted some kind of planned attack." Want to bet the ammo is .22?
    1 point
  10. It really doesn't matter. Obama will get his 2nd term. Romney really isn't much better anyways. Cut the supreme court bullsh*t, it makes no difference.
    1 point
  11. Yes I would vote for Mickey Mouse over Obama or Romney because I dont want either.The GOP chose Romney so The GOP lost me period. but luckily I can Vote for Gary Johnson and If that is a Vote for Obama then the way I see it is Obama won because to many people voted for Romney eitherway they are voting for More of the same.
    1 point
  12. Had the vote been tomorrow, Lamar and Bailout Bob would have voted differently.
    1 point
  13. That is incorrect, and I'm about tired, frankly, of reading that over and over. If I don't vote for Obama, he doesn't get my vote. If I vote for Mickey Mouse, Obama DOESN"T get that vote!!!!!!!! At this point, I'd rather see Obama get reelected as to see Romney be elected, but I assure you neither will be elected by me. Me too!
    1 point
  14. Personally i wont give my money to an organization who's views i differ with that significantly. I firmly believe that homosexuality is not a disease or a choice anyone makes, they are born that way period end of story. I can not see the harm to America that could possibly come from allowing homosexual marriage.
    1 point
  15. "Oh Stewardess, I speak Jive." http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/5042c54522/oh-stewardess-i-speak-jive-from-airplanefan
    1 point
  16. Around here chances are they would look kinda like your avatar.
    1 point
  17. Well lets make it class action and I will join you. I seem to have the same issue.
    1 point
  18. You see this all the time on shows like Pawn Stars. Some guy walks in and thinks his handkerchief is worth $5,000 because supposedly Elvis blew his nose in it, but when he isn't offered anything he storms out in a huff and tells the interviewer that he KNOWS Elvis blew snot in it and that somebody will pay his asking price, and how the shop owners are LOSERS because they don't know their butts from holes in the ground. I love that kinda stuff....
    1 point
  19. Which quad rail did you get? Differentrails use different nuts, some use the standard barrel nut like you have.
    1 point
  20. The argument does have merit based on your implied argument that we should only be allowed access to what are rights. You are either craftily arguing a straw man or you keep changing your argument from people committing crimes because they are on drugs to people committing their crimes to get drug money. My original statement was to which you replied:
    1 point
  21. Excellent! I'm not sure it needed to be sped up, they were moving at it was though some benny hill music would definitely add to it. Looking at the shadows, it looked like one or two may not have made into the suv before it took off.
    1 point
  22. My rights come from God (or for those that don't believe in God, from simply being a sentient being). However, not everything I might want to do or chose to do is a "right" just because I or someone claims it to be. There is a significant percentage of people sitting in jails and prisons right now who committed their crimes because they were on narcotics when they committed their crimes or they committed their crimes to obtain money to obtain the narcotics their bodies were driving them to have; not Big Macks...not rims...narcotics. If people want to ignore that information or if people accept the information but chose to believe that the crimes will end with legalization/um-regulation of narcotics use they can but I'm not going to ignore the data nor do I believe that legalization/um-regulating narcotics will make the crime go away.
    1 point
  23. They need to fast forward that footage, put it on a loop, and put the old Benny Hill music in the background from the chase/runaround scenes in his skits.
    1 point
  24. Where do our rights come from? Do you deny the Ninth Amendment of the Bill of Rights? The converse could be said about your contention that no evidence has been presented but only opinion, with regard to decriminalization. Your argument is that drugs cause people to commit crimes, when in fact, they no more cause people to commit crimes than guns cause people to commit crimes. If a person robbed you to buy a big mac or some 24" rims, would you propose to outlaw big macs and 24" rims?
    1 point
  25. Tread carefully...you are dangerously close to presenting so many facts that you are going to make some folks feel uncomfortable.
    1 point
  26. Sounds like a wonderful way to have the military called in to break it up. Also not sure how far it would go to help anything.
    1 point
  27. I graduated in 1989 and had no cell phone. In fact, I didn't even have a phone in my room. You'd probably only have to go back a few generations before there were no phones private residences. You know, come to think of it, I say no one needs 911 for emergencies because there was a time when there was no 911 and people got by. In fact, people survived during a time when there were no telephones, at all. So if there is an emergency then someone should just jump on a horse and ride on over to fetch the Doc. Better yet, just run and grab the witch doctor because there was a time before domesticated horses and scientifically trained medical practitioners, too. My point is, while the human race as a whole may have survived without certain technological advances - like cell phones - automobiles - fire - that is no reason to shun those advances once they exist. In fact, for certain applications, those advances might even make things 'better'.
    1 point
  28. That's a forking shame.
    1 point
  29. Anyone who recreationally uses narcs isn't slowed down by the law. I would guess that people who don't use narcotics don't use them because the negative effects it would have on them personally and professionally. Speaking from experience, having smoked a lot of weed in my day I never considered using anything harder although I was frequently exposed to it. Nearly every social gathering I went to in the college years folks were using ecstasy and it wasn't uncommon for someone to have a little coke, and of course everyone had weed. I never considered the law when using marijuana, just as I never considered the law when choosing not to use the harder stuff. I don't think legalizing any of it would make folks more prone to using it as there are already social stigmas attached so the folks that will use it are the same folks that don't care about breaking the law now. I think usage will still be the same. The only difference will be the lack of crime associated with the trade. Saying that more people will be committing crimes to feed their habit is not a good reason (to me) to have something banned. In that respect we should ban iPhones, flat screens, spinner rims and other examples of capitalist decadence, because people steal plenty in order to facilitate a lifestyle of "stuff owning" just as much as drug use. Let's deal with one problem at a time. It's still illegal to steal stuff last time I checked. Narcs don't have a positive impact on society? Sure, but they have a negative impact and they ain't goin' anywhere, ever. We can choose to what level that negative impact is. The war on drugs has cost us a bunch and it keeps our prisons full of folks that don't know any other lifestyle other than drug dealing. If remove that industry from the underground it will force them to either get real jobs or steal stuff. Either way, it will cut down on drug related violence. Also, to think that legalizing and regulating the industry wouldn't put these gangs out of business think about our prohibition. Moonshining and illegal importing was booming. Not so much after stuff was legalized. The few moonshiners left out there that do it as a hobby aren't getting in gun battles on the streets of Chicago, right? Also, the presumption that folks with jobs will risk being fired over drug use since most industries will still require drug testing is off. Why do responsible people with jobs not consume illegal drugs? Is it because they are worried about spending a night in jail on a charge that will probably be dropped or because they're afraid of losing their job in a drug test when they get in an on the job accident? I'm gonna go with "B". People who use aren't worried about the law. I can tell you that I don't use marijuana because of my job. If I wasn't worried about getting fired or the ability to find another job I'd have no problem smoking marijuana every so often, and I wouldn't be worried about the law. In fact, once I reach retirement age I'll probably keep a healthy stash regardless of the laws. What about that makes me the kind of person that should be jailed?
    1 point
  30. I'd have to say that considering your previous post, you are more correct in this assumption than you may realize. It really upsets some people that others are allowed a differing opinion. Those who believe in the Bible believe that homosexuality is a sin. Those who understand morality know that homosexuality is immoral. They are entitled to this belief. They are entitled to support others who share this belief. Hate Crime legislation is as close as this country comes to thought crime, yet even the SCOTUS has said that people are entitled to express their opinions - even (maybe especially) when the opinion is unpopular. Having Gov't officials threaten his livelihood because of his beliefs - well, guess you're okay with that, then?
    1 point
  31. Although this is partly a free-speech issue, if the subject wasn't gay marriage, almost no one would be showing this kind of support. If the CEO of C-F-A said that he believed Chevy was better than Ford and pissed off the Ford lovers, no one would be waiting in line to show support for his 1A right. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
    1 point
  32. Here is a few things to think about if you do http://www.backwoodshome.com/articles2/wood115.html
    1 point
  33. Ha. Yes, I get that and support it as I stated. Wherever. This topic is one that people will argue till they are blue in the face because they have nothing better to get behind. I'm out on this one.
    1 point
  34. I must take exception to the above statement. I've followed the Chick-fil-a reporting for several days now, and have yet to identify the "bigot who infringes on others rights" in this story. I do celebrate and support Mr. Cathy's exercise of religious freedom, and free expression of same. I condemn the facists in government who seek to deny his business based on his personal beliefs. If that's bigotry - if you have specific evidence of bigotry in this case - or can show where TGO members celebrate and support such - then by all means, bring it up for discussion. Otherwise, check your mirror... BTW, Chick-fil-a's support around the country is overwhelming, to say the least.
    1 point
  35. It translates loosely to "Oh my! Friends, it appears as if the caucasian gentleman we are accosting has a firearm with which to defend himself!"
    1 point
  36. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CG5HozkvAc
    1 point
  37. I am ok with them turned off, even on recess. But I don't believe schools should be able to dictate that they cannot have a cell phone on their person so that they can have them for emergencies.
    1 point
  38. I graduated high school in 1985. No cell phones back then. I am just wondering what we did when we had an emergency. I guess there were no emergencies before cell phones were invented. I also think they should not be allowed at work unless you are using for work related calls. Nothing that I have seen in the last 25 years has led to more unproductivity and lack of respect for the workplace than cell phone usage and texting.
    1 point
  39. Turned off is acceptable to me. But if a teacher sees it in use, the teacher should now own it.
    1 point
  40. I hate it when anti gun people breathe oxygen that the rest of us could be putting to better use.
    1 point
  41. Exactly. California is a pure comparative fault state. What that means in a nutshell is that if a percentage test is performed by a jury to determine fault for an accident then a plaintiff can potenially recover damages even if Mr. Deep Pockets defendant is only, say 20% at fault. Or in this case 1% at fault. Pure comparitve fault can reach some pretty weird results. A few states still have have the contributory negligence doctrine which means that if the plaintiff (injured victim) does anything to contribute to their accident they get nothing. This can have some pretty unfair results too. For example imagine one driver is going 58mph in a 55mph zone when another driver (who is updating his twitter feed while crossing a four-lane highway) crosses into his path causing a serious accident. Contributory negligence doctrine would indicate that because he was speeding the driver with the right-of-way should be barred from recovering any money for his injury. Pretty unfair if you ask me. Tennessee follows a modified comparitive fault doctrine with a 49% rule which means that a plaintiff cannot recover damages if he's more than 49% at fault for the events that lead to injury, and if they are attributed fault less than 49% their judgment is reduced by an equal percentage. Most common example would be Plaintiff driver is following all traffic rules and driving within the speed limit but has one headlight out. Defendant driver is not paying attention and pulls into an intersection causing an accident. Plaintiff has mutiple fractures and kneee surgery, lost wages etc... for damages of $100K. If a judge or jury believes that the accident was 30% caused by the headlight being out and the Plaintiff has $100k in damages he would only get $70k instead of the $100k he'd normally recieve. I may be biased because I'm from Tennessee or because I've been practicing law in Tennessee since 2004 but I think Tennessee's negligence doctrine gets it right. Or it could be that I've got common sense, but probably not....
    1 point
  42. Also, it's not "going Zimmerman" on someone. For goodness sake, we have enough struggles getting reasonable media treatment. The last thing we need to do is call something what it is not. It is up to us as a community to not create controversy with the way we talk and converse among ourselves. It is defense of a third party, not "going Zimmerman".
    1 point
  43. To borrow from clint eastwood.... when I see a guy chasing a woman with a butcher knife and a hard-on, I shoot the bastard. So I guess my vote is to shoot the guy. That is the assumption that he has already stabbed her once, mind you, as the text you gave indicates. Also, in the case of already stabbed, he gets no warnings, no commands to stop. Back of the head, I don't really care. If the woman is unharmed, 911 is your friend.
    1 point
  44. rferizano@gmail.com lilmf2000@hotmail.com There are his email addresses to block.... this dope has been harassing me since last week. I have a Stoeger Cougar up for sale and he is rambling on to me about how I bought a gun made in a Muslim country, and of course, I am a Baptist B*stard Thief. It is quite amusing. He told me "You are charging too much for that Turkish piece of crap you Baptist Thief" and replied back "Funny, I get the same comment from the guys when I am pimping out your mother." That got him riled up.
    1 point
  45. Report him to the mods.
    1 point
  46. Welcome to the Internet.
    1 point
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