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If BHO gets another term, there will never be a more conservative candidate than Romney with a chance to win, at least until The Crash. The Dems will tip the balance for their perpetual on-the-teat voting majority as things slide further and over 50% are beholden to the fed. If Romney gets in, there's a chance for more conservative presidents down the road, even one to defeat Romney himself after four years, or at least to quicken the conservative pace after 8. - OS2 points
I don't let this kind of stuff bother me any more. I don't have any control over what other people do, so it's just not worth getting upset about.2 points
Kind of nice to hear they were just asked to stow their guns. Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 22 points
Watching the Nashville news this morning and evidently a couple of guys walked into a Nashville theater open carrying. Scared people and the cops were called. From what they reported, they had handgun carry permits and the police told the OCers the theater was posted and to take their weapons to their vehicles. They did and the movie resumed. I'm not going to argue the merits of OC vs. CCW but, not to bright to OC in a movie theater right after the Aurora tragedy, and it was posted too boot.1 point
Some thoughts. Some people kill courtesy and respect. Guy on talk radio has caller call him mister. Host says, don't call me mister, my dad is mister so in so. Just killed someone trying to show respect. Also, I've learned to give rude people the benefit of the doubt. No telling what they have been going through that day. Maybe a loss of a loved one. There are tons of inexcusable rude, disrespectful jerks out there, no doubt. On a positive note. I stopped to get gas in my truck one day. A somewhat elderly lady pulled up beside me at the opposite pump. She was dressed very nicely, dress, shoes, all. I asked if she would let me pump her gas seeings how she was so nice and clean, and after all I was in my work clothes. She allowed me to pump her gas. Afterward she humbly thanked me and then informed me she was on the way to her husbands funeral. Now this lady was in no way rude to me, but you just never know what kind of day someone is having. All the more reason to be nice and respectful to everyone, even the rude.1 point
Just don't lose that little butt tool thing to field strip it. You don't need a tool with a 1911. It's not my first personal choice, but the 1911 has a long history of being the "right handgun" for THAT gig. Semper Fi.1 point
Don't forget Mitt was in a very liberal state and surroundings when he made some asinine decisions. This makes it even more critical that we fill the house and senate with real conservatives. Unlike BHO I don't care so much about what MR did in the past, it's what he's going to do in the future. Oh Shoot is correct, Mitt is the best we are going to be able to do during this time in history. I can almost imagine that people were saying the same things about Reagan. Mitt needs his chance, BHO has screwed his up royally.1 point
Please tell me when I have ever said he is "pro gun"? Please cite that post for me would you because if I ever said that I need to edit it. What I have said and do say is that Obama is a Marxist/communist who would confiscate all guns given half a chance and will push for gun control measures in a second term (and in fact already is now pushing for an AWB which you seem to want to totally ignore) and his record shows Obama, among other things, doesn't even believe a person has a right to a firearm in his own home to use for his own protection per his vote on such a measure when he served in Illinois. Vote or don't vote for whoever you wish but this argument that Romney is somehow more dangerous to 2A rights than Obama is simply without merit.1 point
Could have been worse, I mean they could have gotten Kimbers1 point
I have mixed feelings about this. Being a Marine for 10 years in the 70s and 80s. I only wished they could have picked something better than Colt.1 point
Well...you seem to have a bit of a selective memory of Romney's record; but if one is going to assert that Romney is/would somehow be worse for gun owners than Obama I can understand why1 point
1 point
Yeah...facts...you know, like what Obama has actually said and what he as actually voted on and what he actually pushing now...you know...the ones you keep conveniently ignoring.1 point
Screw gun control; I'd rather have to worry about that with Mitt (though not really) than face the distinct possibility of having to actually use the guns under another term of BHO (really). - OS1 point
Facts often don't care what someone's confidence is. If you really think Obama won't push an AWB after re-election (when he already IS pushing one) then good luck with that.1 point
I, and this is my opinion, and I don't profess to speak for others; do not wish to have my ability to sell my own personal property without the approval of the state or federal government removed.1 point
The Gun Busters I have seen in theaters have been around the ticket sales window, not at the door. Sometimes they don't even open the ticket window and have you come inside to concessions to buy the ticket by-passing the gun buster as it is not at the door. (at least in Oak Ridge). Gun Busters if they are the law of the land should be of a certain size/color and be required to be on the door. One should not have to examine the entire building playing hide and seek looking for them. However I think they should just hang up a criminal buster instead as that will certainly keep the crime down in their eyes. Signs don't stop criminals.1 point
:up: Glad to see the classic is still going to be used.1 point
Our economy is in shambles. I truly believe Romney can improve our situation. I also truly believe a second term for Zero would destroy what is left of our country.1 point
1 point
I agree that it isn't just one person but let's not forget that even if true Conservatives took working control of both the House and Senate, one man (Obama) can thwart almost anything a good Congress might try to accomplish AND he has the power of Executive Orders which has already used to circumvent the Constitution and existing laws. The President is only one man but it's one man with an incredible amount of power and Obama has shown no qualms about using it whether it's "Fast and Furious" or suing states like Arizona simply for trying to enforce laws that are a mirror image of Federal statutes or whether it's not pursuing Black Panthers who intimidate voters at the polls with violence. Let us also not forget that the next president will likely appoint two or more Supreme Court Justices - I wonder if some who think we can live with another four years of Obama truly understand how devastating it will be to ALL our Constitutional rights if we get two or three or four new justices like Satomoyer or Kagan...how do you think the court would have ruled in the recent Second Amendment cases if more like those two were on court??? I believe Romney is a decent, moral, man with proven leadership qualities and good business sense who has accomplishments both inside and outside of politics. I certainly don't agree with some of the things he has done/stands on issues he has taken in the past but I've never met a candidate that I could say that about. Romney also wasn't my first choice for the nominee but I think at the end of the day, he'll at least try to do what is right for the country. I believe at the end of the day, Obama will do what is best for him and that he could not care less about the United States...I believe he hates what this country is which is why his primary goal, as he stated, is to fundamentally transform America. Obama's mentor was a card carrying Communist and I believe Obama believes in the Marxist/Communist form or government. Comparing the two viable choices this cycle, I won't have any trouble at all voting for Romney; and God help us and the United States should he lose and we have four more years of Obama.1 point
1 point
You guys and your liquid tire weights . Pistol ammo is so fast, I almost don't count the time. Rifle ammo is a different deal. More time consuming, but I normally get at least Black Hills quality for my efforts. Speaking of... I have 250 pieces of Blackout brass to trim, and here I am playing on the Interwebz1 point
Folks seem to forget that if it wasn't for Republicans blocking every move Obama tried to make, we would be in MUCH deeper yogurt than we are now. The "party" didn't put anybody up. Romney was voted in by regular folks. If you can't see the difference between Romney and Obama, I hope you can at least see the difference between Republicans and Democrats. The Repubs kept it from flying apart in Obama's FIRST term. Don't think for a moment that Romney won't be accountable to them.1 point
Devotees of Lenoard Embody perhaps? But total idiots nonetheless. There is a time and place for open carry. A posted theater...after a highly polarizing shooting... is neither.1 point
Whether it is the internet or Talk Radio you have to be smart enough to figure out if what is being said is true. Some radio and internet shows want a serious discussion of the issues, and some want to present the most outlandish non-sense you have ever heard because the comments will be so entertaining and the quotes posted will get them hits. I mean… we try to have a serious discussion and people will post Alex Jones videos. How can anyone take that seriously? Then we are berated for having our “heads in the sand†or being “sheepleâ€. I’m not so sure anymore that it’s about the right, left, conservative, liberal, republican or democrats as much as it is about intelligence, believability and questioning what we see and hear.1 point
time for change, one person at a time. vote them all out, start with new ones. can not get much worst than it is now. but it will get worst, time for all to get ready. the bigger problem is the dead beats that we made by giving them everything that they have. it will take years to cull out the dead beats.1 point
I didn’t see the story you were linking to, but that’s all I needed to see to know I needed to get out of there.1 point
It's like groundhog day.1 point
Don't worry too much about your practice ammo. Buy what's available and affordable. Like Jonnin, I tend to avoid Tula and other steel case stuff. I usually buy Winchester Supreme Elite PDX1 +P 124gr for carry and home defense. Wal-Mart carries it, and Winchester claims that the FBI is using it as their duty round. Speer Gold Dot is also highly thought of. The critical part in choosing a defensive round is to run a sufficient amount of your chosen ammo through your gun to make sure it functions reliably. I know it's hard to make yourself shoot a bunch of rounds that cost $1 each, but you really need to do it.1 point
1 point
I wouldn't sweat someone wearing armor. People don't like gettin shot at no matter how much protection they have. I'm confident that anyone who is intent on shooting folks ain't gonna react well to getting shot back at. Criminals are cowards, and when they draw a pistol it ain't because they're fighting for their lives, but if I draw mine it's because I am. Different mindset; they will break contact at the first sign of trouble.1 point
Here's a law to pass: 1.) No public or political figure may advocate for any gun control measure whatsoever without first divesting themselves of all bodyguards or security guards, whether armed or unarmed, whether personally hired or publicly provided. 2.) No business owner or operator may advocate for any gun control measure whatsoever without first divesting themselves of all bodyguards or security guards, whether armed or unarmed, whether personally hired or corporately provided. 3.) No residential owner or rental operator may advocate for any gun control measure whatsoever without first divesting themselves of all bodyguards or security guards, whether armed or unarmed, whether personally hired or homeowners association provided. 4.) Penalties for violations will include sanctions as determined by law; as well as by public naming and shaming in all media, to include radio, television, print, new media, milk cartons and sidewalk chalk; as well as by the requirement to wear in public a pointed paper hat no less than two feet tall, and a round red clown nose.1 point
My wife hasn't been this excited about anything in a while. I'm going to buy her one tonight.1 point
1 point
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