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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2012 in all areas

  1. Look, no matter what they report to us publicly, there is a larger underlying reason for most of these laws. It's "ease of enforcement" and "ability to effectively prosecute". The reason you can't hunt coyotes with a .223 during archery is because it's easier to make a case against a poacher if all centerfires are illegal during that time frame. Most of these laws are written to give the game wardens a chance at making their case stick when they are basing a bust on prima facie evidence. There is little regard given to what should make sense in the woods. There is no mistaking a coyote hunter with a deer poacher. He either has a dead deer or he doesn't. Possession of ANY weapon during ANY season should not be illegal. It's illegal to kill an animal out of season. Any law added beyond that is for "ease of enforcement". I know that lots of sorry butts are busted on little more than these flimsy prima facie cases, but I don't like having to worry about what new laws have popped up each year to make a game warden's job easier. If I ain't killing deer out of season, then I shouldn't have to worry about what I am hunting coyotes with.
    2 points
  2. I don't think this child is a stranger to physical punishment. In fact, I think that's the problem here. This kid doesn't need a spanking, he needs discipline and a role model. I'm assuming he has neither. I can't expect a kid at the age of 9, that has most likely been raised no better than one raises livestock, to behave properly. One day he will be an adult and will just be doing this kind of stuff on a larger, more dangerous scale. Of course at somepoint one assumes responsibility for their own actions, but right now I blame the child's parents (or lack thereof). The person/people that would be getting slapped here would be the ones running this daycare. At no time should a baby (that is what an 11 month old is) be left unsupervised with older children. Not just because one my be abusive, but because kids simply don't understand how fragile babies are. Hopefully there was no permanent damage suffered by the victims here, but I can see where it easily could have happened. I'm glad to see that one of the daycare workers has been fired and charged with a crime, but I don't know if I could contain my rage if that was my baby being left to be tortured by a future sociopath. Adults should know better; especially adults responsible for child care.
    2 points
  3. Better to ask forgiveness than permission.
    2 points
  4. If only they made it illegal to shoot 70 unarmed people in a movie theater this could have all been prevented.
    2 points
  5. Don't sweat it. They have short memories about this stuff. Mine still feels bad about some guns that I had to sell a few years ago. She wants me to replace them one day. That day has come and gone. They have multiplied like rabbits in my safe.
    2 points
  6. I'll up you one. I believe TGO is a bunch of closet Democrats who are happy with the direction and that's why they support Romney. Cause he is a mirror image.
    2 points
  7. Will you settle for rules from agencies under his thumb? Chinese firearms and ammunition ban was extended. Korean stocks of US Garands and carbines banned from brokering to US Multiple long gun purchases reporting instituted in border states. Of course Fast and Furious is so blatantly obvious as to intent, it doesn't even need proof. - OS
    1 point
  8. Just a heads up, TGO's CoC does not require you to slog through any given post. - OS
    1 point
  9. Things that pop into my mind. Your upper body is hunched or leaning forward, making you lift your head up to level. Or, just not riding enough.
    1 point
  10. Funny, I use the words Congressman == Criminal interchangeably.
    1 point
  11. Because you are part of the 60% of elegible voters who don't vote and thus stick us with the likes of Carter, Clinton, and Obama, and then complain about it.
    1 point
  12. That's why it doesn't matter that Obama is a Muslim, right? I don't want to argue with you guys. Our differences are that some of you still have expectations from politicians and government while I have none. Both choices are crap and should be treated as such. Maybe we need a little pain to set us straight.
    1 point
  13. Wife wanted, wife bought. It's her money, I just sit back and enjoy. She even lets me hold the remote control. She understands that it's necessary for the good of my manly nature
    1 point
  14. I only had to invest in a theater ticket, not a new home entertainment system. - OS
    1 point
  15. Just as good at home. Better actually, the 3d is just as good and I can drink, fart, cuss, and wear sloppy clothes.
    1 point
  16. My guess is he knows more about them than he does the American soldier.
    1 point
  17. If AK-47's should only be in the hands of soldiers, why did O and Holder sell so many of 'em to the cartels?
    1 point
  18. Romney = Obama Obama = Romney There's not a dime's worth of difference. Now I just have to decide if I'm voting third party or staying home in November.
    1 point
  19. The Federal Reserve is very likely unconstitutional and what the Federal Reserve is doing to our money supply is unconscionable. The IRS is the U.S's Gestapo with unfettered powers to ruin our lives and not just trample on but shred our Constitutional rights. What else is new??? I don't see that ever changing; no matter who is elected...no matter how many decades down the road you want to look...in other words, I think America lost that war a very long time ago and in fact, I'm not sure many Americans even turned out to fight. Sorry...guess I'm just not feeling very hopeful today.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. By most accounts, Holmes seemed reasonably normal up until the shooting. So, lets say Bill's law was in place, and Holmes bought a "Heavy" gun, and the ATF went and investigated. Holmes seems normal enough and has the right paperwork, so the ATF moves on to the next guy. A month later Holmes loses it and goes nuts. Where's the ATF at that point? Long gone. You can't follow every person with a gun every day, it's just not possible. And about ammo, where do you set the limit? Where ever it is, everyone will know what that is and just buy under the limit, wait a month and buy another shipment. And where is that number placed? 60,000, 10,000, 1,000? eventually it will get down to 10 or 1. Then the ATF will be so overloaded they can never keep track of it all. At least without taxing the heck out of the ammo just to pay for administration. Maybe that's the goal anyway. Besides, if Holmes only shot 200 rounds, how hard is that really to collect?
    1 point
  22. While I agree that a seed bank is a good idea, I think planting and growing heirloom seed fruits and vegetables now, while our lives don't depend on the results, may be a better option. This allows us to work through the learning curve, (and there definitely is one), find the plants that grow and produce the best in our location, and save the seeds from the best of our production. I have used Baker and Victory in the past and have been pleased with the results. While I haven't joined Seed Savers (but probably should), I have done some "horse trading" and sharing with like minded friends as regards seeds. I'd also like to recommend a book, Gardening When it Counts: Growing Food in Hard Times by Steve Solomon. It's less than $15.00 on Amazon and is one of the best investments I've made. Baker Creek Victory Seeds Seed Savers
    1 point
  23. The big thing is that gay marriage is not about anything but money. I like Chick-fil-a. The whole gay marriage debate is about having to pay benefits to people. Big business doesn't want it because of insurance benefits. I seriously doubt that Chick-fil-a cares who is gay or straight or married or not as long as they eat chicken. What someone does behind closed doors is their business. I think the people of Boston who like chicken should crucify the mayor at the next election. JTM Sent from my iPhone
    1 point
  24. I'm fixated on it because when I've seen him asked the question about running independently/third-party, etc. he's done everything but stand on his head to avoid answering the question and when a politician avoids answering a direct question it's usually because they know (or at least think) that the answer won't be very popular. Moreover, I've long had the suspicion that Ron Paul's designs on the Presidency has a lot less to do with doing what's right for the country and a lot more about doing what makes RP important...I think his own ego is what is driving him to run...I think that's why, even though he is truly a Libertarian in his politics, he's chosen to run for the Republican nomination because, unlike some of his supporters, RP knows he'll never win the Presidency if is isn't the R nominee...frankly, it bothers me and seems just a bit dishonest that he would use the Republican party that way. Now...I know all the above is just my opinion but my opinion is the only thing I can really claim expertise in. that said, I think my opinion is based on observation and experience. Whether it's right or wrong; I don't know. Aside from all that, it's beyond whether Romney can or can't win without the Paul faithful...accepting defeat graciously and doing nothing to impede the Republican candidate and at least giving verbal support to the person who beat you is simply the right thing to do...it's the honest thing to do...anyone who won't do that is someone who I don't think deserves to be President. Again; just my opinion.
    1 point
  25. You know what, everyone that is unemployed in Boston should take that as a view of the Mayor and job creating. I don't know if Chick Fil A was wanting in Boston or not but if they where and the Mayor is opposed to it, he just cost the city X number of jobs due to his views.
    1 point
  26. Obviously Bill doesn’t know the law. He doesn’t know much about guns either if he is worried that an AK is a “Heavy Weaponâ€. 60,000 round of ammo? Who had 60,000 rounds of ammo? I thought the Denver shooter fired about 200 rounds, and obviously that was enough to do the job. That’s 4 boxes of ammo at Wal-Mart Bill.
    1 point
  27. Just my : Contextually we already have gun control. And compared to the days of my youth...pretty severe gun control... I am 58 and can well remember looking in a Sears & Roebuck catalog prior to 1968 and marveling at all of the incredible guns you could simply order through the mail. As a kid I frequently walked through my suburban neighborhood with my 16g single shot and a box of shells on my way to the local gravel pit. The neighbors would simply wave, or say “Nice day for some shooting†or something to that effect. While I wasn't around in the beginning of the 20th century (some may argue differently), the National Firearms Act of 1934 really accelerated our Nation's slide down that slippery slope. It's a sometimes blatant, sometimes insidious, slide and it is moving constantly towards the erosion of, even elimination of, our God Given, Constitutionally Protected Rights. While we may delude ourselves into thinking we are regaining some of our Rights through "Shall issue" Permits and decisions like Heller, we remain on that downward slide. Unfortunately we, through apathy, are mostly, if not entirely, to blame. By “weâ€, I mean our populace as a whole, as we continually re-elect the same self serving, malignantly narcissistic career politicians. Shame on us! My primary regret is that my son and grand children won’t enjoy the same freedoms I had. If you not had the opportunity to read Unintended Consequences by John Ross, you need to, imho. The first section “Seeds†is an eye opener. I’m reading it again and it’s uncanny to see how far we’ve actually gone since my first reading in 1996.
    1 point
  28. He didnt build that
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. No. That would be bad form in my opinion. I have followed people out of a store and offered money but never when they are dealing with the shop.
    1 point
  31. Sorry, I just can't seem to bring myself to give a rat's hiney what a bunch of stupid limeys think.
    1 point
  32. Yes we do get stuck with what we get stuck with. I'd put off watching this video and finally did. Having watched it now, I'd point out that yes the primaries are over, but the nomination has yet to happen. It appears to me to be the R's who keep trying to drag the supporters of Dr. Paul in to support Romney, as is the case here on TGO. While I understand the R's wanting their guy to win, it will not be the fault of Paul's Supporters if Romney does not. It will be the fault of the R's who wanted Romney. When Rand endorsed Romney he was identified as a turncoat by the Paul supporters so, I don't see his being added as VP having much sway. If Dr. Paul were to endorse Romney, it is my belief that he would not sway too many of his supporters, as he would be identified as a sellout. We supported Paul based on his unwaivering stances throughout his tenure. We may not like all of his policies, but at least we feel we know what he would do based on his history. If we (folks who support Paul) use the previous actions, stances and policies of Romney and Paul, while elected, to determine which candidate to support during the election, most Paul supporters would line up with Johnson, based on his actions, stances and policies which were proven during his time as Governor of NM. You can only ask a man to fall in line then kick him in the nuts so many times before he says no thanks. I'd rather die with my boots on.
    1 point
  33. By this logic just because I know I'm not happy eating a sh$@ sandwich, I know I don't want a sh@$ sandwich with mustard but because I order the soup I really wanted the sh$& sandwich? I think I'm about done talking about the election here, but I will say I'd rather vote for Donald Duck than Obama or Rommney.
    1 point
  34. A City government should not be allowed to DICTATE what legal business is allowed to Buy or Rent property and setup a legal business. That is on the edge of a dictatorship. If a business is not asking for a hand out from the local government and they rent/buy the property the city should have no choice but to give them a business license.
    1 point
  35. Romney does not represent entrepreneurship, he represents corporate raiding and outsourcing, the very things that have destroyed the American small business world. The true entrepreneur is behind the eight ball with both political parties. Republicans and Democrats are both Progressives. The Democrats are Populist Progressives and the Republicans are Corporate and Elitist Progressives. We need to quit drinking the Kool-Aid and bring both parties to task for how they have ruined this country.
    1 point
  36. Now, now, DaddyO, don't you realize that a person's past actions are absolutely no indicator of their future behavior? Remember, just vote for Obama Vanilla (Romney) and everything will be okay.
    1 point
  37. No. But if you do that, there will be consequences. From a business standpoint, in terms of what is best for his company, it was a risky move -- no gain, but something to lose. If he has the convictions to do it anyway, good for him, but he now has to deal with the consequences.
    1 point
  38. Intent is a slippery slope. Romney has good intentions to ban ARs too, or so he says. The words have to stand alone after being put out there. Looking to be offended? He all but blames all bad things that happen in the country on gays via "god's wrath". If I see a lightning storm over san-francisco that somehow manages to hit every gay man and turn them into a pillar of salt, we might have something here. The comment was over the top. Keeping them out of the city over it is also over the top, by the way. 5% with an awful lot of sympathy. Count the votes, not the gays --- something this small could well give him an edge, or ruin him, next election. And that is what it is really all about. Probably, he does not personally give a rats rear about the issue, but is just using this for free publicity and votes --- politics as usual.
    1 point
  39. I said the same days and days ago. He is the exact same as obama in every way that counts: anti gun, big government, high tax liberal who's campain slogan may as well be "slightly better than the alternative".
    1 point
  40. It's been many years since I attended an indoor motion picture. I stopped going when they stopped the news reels and cartoons before the motion picture, but... At my local motion picture / general dry goods store, it was policy to check any bags and purses for any candy, snacks and popcorn brought into the premises. That was a big no, no and would get you kicked out faster than yelling "fire"! And no 25 cent refund on your admittance ticket. The ticket tearer it in half taker / security guy was usually about 5' - 1" tall wearing a "Call for Phillip Morris" starched uniform. That was the same dude that walked down the center isle with his whale oil lantern making sure there was no hankie panky going on, and you were eating the theaters melted chocolate candy and drinking their warm soda pop. Was a great place to go on a hot July / August afternoon, as they had a fan blowing across ice. The band providing the music in the subterranean alcove wasn't very good either. They never could get the lions roar in the opening segment of the movie to mimic the lion with a violin. Back in the day, a Winchester .30 - .30 repeater was the assault weapon of choice for a man, and a cast iron skillet for the other gender. Ah... The good ole days
    1 point
  41. I know a lot of gun owners who are adamantly opposed to anything even close to military in purpose. I have met many that say if it's not a hunting shotgun or rifle, we shouldn't be allowed to own it. AND that no rifle need hold more than three or four shells. Shotguns maybe 5 or 6. These people, in my eyes, are worse than the outright gun haters. WHO ARE YOU to tell me what kind of gun I can own??? Furthermore, a well trained and motivated psychopath can lay waste to a group of people with grandpa's 12g double barrel and an antique pump .22. Remember the DC sniper? A well practiced hand could have done the same with a Trapdoor Springfield.
    1 point
  42. Wouldn't that be considered a super power?
    1 point
  43. No moral dilemma for me either. If he is about to kill her and has the means to do so, ill drop him, no question. And not feel bad about it. It might be the wrong thing to do depending on circumstances and their history with each other but I wouldnt be able to live with myself watching someone kill someone else and having the ability to prevent it. That WOULD be rough on a mans mind.
    1 point
  44. I don’t have the protections I had as a cop, so I’m not getting involved in any situation that doesn’t involve an individual needing my immediate help. But when someone is being killed; I’m steeping in. I would very quickly let the guy know if he didn’t stop I was going to kill him. If he makes a move towards her or me with the knife again; I shoot him. Bother me? Absolutely not, I could shoot him and go eat lunch. There is no “moral dilemma†for me. I would think the moral dilemma would be if you stood by and watched someone stabbed to death and did nothing.
    1 point
  45. To borrow from clint eastwood.... when I see a guy chasing a woman with a butcher knife and a hard-on, I shoot the bastard. So I guess my vote is to shoot the guy. That is the assumption that he has already stabbed her once, mind you, as the text you gave indicates. Also, in the case of already stabbed, he gets no warnings, no commands to stop. Back of the head, I don't really care. If the woman is unharmed, 911 is your friend.
    1 point
  46. The words don't mean anything to him and shouldn't to us either. He's windy enough to blow up an onion bag.
    1 point
  47. You're not alone on that one.
    1 point
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